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15x08 - Buster's Garden of Grief/Through the Looking Glasses

Posted: 07/01/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Several viewers
have expressed interest

in what it's like to be
Miss Muffy's personal butler.

I quite enjoy my job.

It affords me many

to shop in the finest stores.

And to celebrate
the great outdoors.

Of course,
Miss Muffy does expect

the highest standards
of service.

Oh, dear.

Bailey, I dropped
my charm bracelet!

Right away, Miss Muffy.

Occasionally, she can be
a bit... demanding.

And a few times
I have found myself in,

shall we say,
compromising situations.

Isn't this fun?

Ooh! Fro-yo!

Working for Miss Muffy
is by no means an easy job.

Bailey, I can't find
my purple tights.

And this cucumber sandwich
still has the crust on it.

But one thing I'll say for it:
it's never dull.

Coming, Miss Muffy!

"The Pretty Pioneers

This one is
called Abigail.

Isn't she beautiful?

Indeed, Miss Muffy.

And she bears a striking
resemblance to Bernadette,

Camille and Mathilda.

Perhaps they're all sisters.

It says here
that they're characters

from The Pretty Pioneer
series of books.

"Collect the dolls,
collect the books

and start your very
own book club."

What's a book club?

A gathering of friends that
reads different books each week

and then discusses them.

Ooh, what fun!

We'll begin with the first book
in the series.

Let's see-- one for Francine,

one for Arthur,

one for Brain
and one for you.

Abigail & the Apple Aspic.

I can hardly wait.

"Dear Book Club Members,

Our first meeting will be this
Saturday at : ."

"Enclosed is your copy of
Abigail & the Apple Aspic.

"Please read the whole book
and be ready to discuss it.

"I'm sure we'll love it, too!

"I know you're
as excited as I am

"to dive into the Pretty
Pioneer Prairie!

Yours truly, Muffy Crosswire,


I thought we'd use
the living room

since there's lots of space.

Pardon, Miss Muffy,
but might I suggest

we use the Crosswire library?

It seems a more appropriate
setting for a book club.

We have a library?


This place is amazing.

I've never seen
so many books.

It's Copernicus's

De Revolutionibus Orbium


I'm afraid these books
aren't real, Mr. Powers.

The "real book" section
is over there,

where Mr. Read is.

Squeezing The Lemon:

The Insider's Guide
to Selling Used Cars.

Daddy says
that's a classic.

Oh look, a fireplace.

Mmm, cozy!

Okay, everyone, get comfortable
and we'll get started.

I'll just get us
some refreshments.

Well, I don't know
about you guys,

but I loved
Abigail & the Apple Aspic.

Do I have an eye for
great literature, or what?

It was one of the funniest books
I've ever read.


I don't think it was
meant to be funny.

But it was so ridiculous!

It was a heart-breaking

When Abigail sells
her record player

to raise money for
the puppy orphanage?

I was so moved.

Well, I was "moved" to write
the author a letter.

The book takes place in ,

but Edison didn't invent
the record player until .


I made a list of all the other
historical inaccuracies

and examples
of poor grammar.

What about you,

Did you hate
the book, too?

(clears throat)

Aspic anyone?

Well, I hope you all like

Bernadette and the Butter Churn

because that's what
we're reading next.

The whole point of a book club
is that

we get to take turns
choosing what to read.

No, it isn't...
is it?

The book clubs in which
I have participated

have generally observed
a democratic process.

How about The Quark Knight?

It's about a scientist

who gets turned into
a subatomic particle.

Sounds exciting!

Cool cover.

Fine, we'll read about
your silly quack knight.

He's a quark knight.


Meeting adjourned.

Number : Mathilda
& the Missing Moccasin.

Only more to go.

Don't you like the way
your book looks

in the official Pretty Pioneer
bookcase, Mathilda?

Wait, I think you're Hester.

Emma has one more freckle.

(knock on door)

Come in.

I noticed you had not yet
acquired The Quark Knight,

so I took the liberty
of purchasing you a copy.

What? It doesn't even
come with a doll?

Oh, well.

Thanks anyway.

You do recall, Miss Muffy,

that our next book club meeting
is tomorrow?

How could I forget?

Actually, Miss Muffy,
it's a surprisingly good read.

I particularly liked...

You don't have to pretend
to like it.

It's just us here.

Well, I guess I better start
my "assignment."

Ned's plight reminded me how
insignificant our lives are.

I was deeply affected.

I didn't get the ending.

Did Ned die?

He was sucked into a hole
in the space-time continuum,

so, actually, the story
never even happened.

Whoa, deep.

What about you, Muffy?


Did you like the book?

Oh, it was okay.

"Okay"? That's it?


I liked Nate.



But it was a little--
how do I put this-- predictable.

You mean like the part were Ned
defeats the Electro Dragon?



That never happened!

Arthur just made it up
to test you.

Okay, okay, I didn't read it.

I tried to,
but it was too boring.

How can you know

it was boring
if you didn't read it?

I can tell by the cover.

The hero is a blue blob.

At least Abigail
had a pretty face.

Muffy, we agreed to take turns
deciding what to read.

Well, it's my book club,

so I get to make the rules.

Here's a new one:

we read what I want
or you're all fired.

Fine, we'll just start
our own book club.

You guys want to read
The Sable Stallion

for next week?

It was one of my
dad's favorites.



We'll see who has
the better book club!

C'mon, Bailey.

I'll buy all the books,
and there'll be hot chocolate

with little marshmallows.

You just have to like
whatever I like.

Well, fine, go volunteer
at the hospital instead!

See if I care!

Well, Sue Ellen's
off the list.

Anyway, there's plenty
of people left to ask.

Well, I found

Bernadette & the Butter Churn
to be, um,

almost entirely free
of typographical errors.

What about you, Daddy?

I still can't get over the fact
that we have a library.

I'm sorry, Muffin,
what did you ask me?

Did you like the book?

Oh, well, to tell you the truth,

I thought it was boring
and poorly written.

But I love this little butter
churn that came with it.

Daddy, how can you...?

Oh, I give up.

Why should I defend it?

It was terrible.

Maybe Camille & the Crusty
Crumpet will be better.

I sincerely doubt it,
Miss Muffy.

Bailey's right.

They're just written
to help sell dolls.

But if you want us to keep
reading them...

Thank you both.

But I think this was
the last chapter

of the Crosswire Book Club.

Say goodbye to your books.

They're moving to the library
with all the other fake books.

The Sable Stallion?

That's that boring book
Francine wanted to read.

"This book belongs
to Eddie Edsel Crosswire,

fourth grade."



Just one more...




What am I wearing?!

It's so two centuries ago!


Hello, Muffy.

We're so glad you decided
to stay with us.

Would you like to try my aspic?

Stay with you?

I haven't decided to...


How 'bout some butter?

It tastes just like
the aspic.

In fact, everything here
is the same.

That way, there are
no surprises.

You will be happy with us,

getting the same thing
every time...


Get away from me!

Wait! Take me with you!


I'm late for book club
at Francine's.


Okay, before
you say anything,

I'm really sorry I acted
like such a bossy boots

and I know you've probably
finished discussing

The Sable Stallion,
but could I please join you?

We're just sitting down
to discuss it now.

But what I really
thought was amazing

was the way the horse
seemed to know

what the little girl
was thinking.

I know! I mean,
I haven't it finished yet,

but, so far, it's like
she and the horse are twins!

And what about
that horse trainer?

Is he evil or what?

No, he isn't.

He's simply the product
of a repressive era

and a father who
cannot display affection.

Don't give it away.

I'm not there yet.

Do you ever feel
that you and your friends

like totally
different things?

Like, I hate
to climb fences.

But I love climbing fences.

And I hate
eating pickles.

But I love them.


I hate it when people
put mustard on me.

I love being covered
with mustard.

I hate it when sandwiches
talk during a TV show.


But they're still best friends.


Arthur, do you have
the flower vase?

It's right here, Mom.

Why are you so stressed out?

I'm not, I just want everything
to be nice for the new client.

Where on earth is that vase?

On the
coffee table.

Where I put it
one second ago.

The Merkles have
a little girl my age,

and we're going to play
unicorns, and trolls,

and the Over The Rainbow
Treasure Hunt board game!

(doorbell ringing)

They're here!
They're here!

Hi! Welcome to the Read house.

I'm your host.

Well, hello.

I'm Herman.

This is Ursa,
and this is W.D.


W.D.? No way!

My name is D.W.

Actually, it's
Dora Winifred.

Your initials are D.W.

W.D. stands for
Wilhelmina Dagmar.

Thanks for embarrassing me

in front of the whole universe,

Come on in.

D.W., why don't you go upstairs
and show W.D. your toys?

You're going to love
this game.

It's called Over the Rainbow
Treasure Hunt.

You're supposed to be six or
over, but if you're like me,

I think you
can handle it.

Um, do you have any other games?

Like, with race cars?

Uh... no.

Hey, you want to see my
princess fairy collection?

Why would anyone collect
princess fairies?

My book club is reading
the most fascinating novel--

The Fishmonger's Student.

What a coincidence.

I just finished that
last week.

Isn't it wonderful?

What?! Take that back!

Oh, dear.

Don't worry,

I'll see what's going on.

But why should
I take it back?

It's true.

It is not!

All I did was say
that unicorns aren't real.

That's kind of a touchy
subject for D.W.

There's nothing
touchy about it!

They're real!

End of story!

Why don't you two
come downstairs?

almost ready.


It's okay.

You're just lucky there were
no unicorns in the room

to hear you.

When you're
fishing for trout,

using the right fly
is everything.

I've never been
fly fishing,

but I've always
wanted to try it.

Hey, can I have
your broccoli?

W.D., why don't
you show D.W.

the special toy you brought
for you both to play with?

Yeah, good idea.


If you time it just right,
it jumps the gap in the track.

Want to try?

You know, W.D.,
you seem like a nice kid.

But car racing
really isn't my thing.

I know.

Just like unicorns
aren't mine.

Why do parents think

that just because
we're the same age

that we're going
to have lots in common?

What a fun evening.

We'll have to do this again.

You know, we have
a little house up north.

Would your family like
to join us next weekend?


The fishing is amazing.

Well, Arthur's spending
the weekend at Buster's,

but the rest of us are free.


It's a date.

I'm doomed.


You're going to have the most
exciting weekend of your life!

Hop in!

But... but I don't even know
how to...

Oh, it's easy.

You just press this button.

(car engine revving)

(tires squealing)


Make it stop!


(car horn honking)

Hey, they're here!

Hi, W.D.!

I bet you can't wait
to meet Glitter.

But unicorns aren't real.


Well, then, maybe a ride
will convince you.


(unicorn neighs)


What are you doing
in my nightmare?

Hey, that's my unicorn!

And that's my race car!



Nadine, what am I
going to do?

I can't spend a whole
weekend with W.D.

We don't like any
of the same things.

Don't worry,
I have a plan for you.

(inaudible whispering)

They can't expect me

to play unicorns all weekend.

I'll go crazy.

I know exactly how
to get them to leave early.

(inaudible whispering)

That's a great idea.


W.D., they're here.


I'll show you around.

It's a small place,

so the girls are going
to have to share a bedroom.

I'm sure they
won't mind a bit.


Why would we mind?

That's a
stink horn fungus.

It only grows in
certain conditions.

W.D., it's nothing personal,
but a whole weekend together?

It just isn't going to work.

I know, I know.

But I have a plan.

Actually, Maxine came up
with it.

She's my imaginary friend.

Weird, my imaginary friend
Nadine had a plan, too.

You go first.

No, you.

Okay, here's the idea.

As soon as we get back
to the house...

(inaudible whispering)

Look at those two.

They've picked up
just where they left off.

I hope a weekend is
enough time for them.

Give it back!

No, it's mine!

Should I dump
the box out, too?

The bigger the mess,
the better.

It's probably nothing.

(loud crash)

Girls, what's wrong?

She dumped out
all my toys!


She dumped them herself
so she could blame me!

Why don't you two go out on
the porch and paint together?

They just need
a creative project.

They're playing cards.

I think this is a good time
for phase two.

Cool boat.

Can I add
something to it?

Is it a race car?

A seagull. I like it.

Oh, well.

Back to work.




(girls screaming)

She started it!

Let's try
a change of scenery.

Yeah, they just need
some fresh air.

Hey! How come W.D. gets to sit
in the front of the boat?

Because it's my boat,
that's why!

W.D., that's not very nice.

You're a terrible host!


Well, you're
a terrible guest!


Quit pushing me!

Girls! Girls! Stop it!

You're going to cause us
to capsize...


I think we might have to take
a rain check on this weekend.

We're so sorry.

We understand.

Just because our kids
are the same age,

it's no guarantee
they'll get along.

You know, pretending
to have a fight with you

was the most fun
I've ever had.

Me, too.

I'm... I'm sort of sorry
that it's over.

Come on, D.W.,
time to go.

Wait! Stop the car!

I forgot my... my troll doll.

My favorite princess fairy doll.

We have to go back.


I'm also a little hungry.

Do you think we could stay
for dinner?

And then it'll be late
after that,

so we better spend the night.

But what about W.D.?

Oh, she's not so bad.

I'm sure we'll find
something we have in common.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪