14x06 - Follow the Bouncing Ball/Buster Baxter & the Letter from the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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14x06 - Follow the Bouncing Ball/Buster Baxter & the Letter from the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)


Wouldn't it be cool if you could
travel way, way back in time

and see actual dinosaurs?

Come on!

You're missing the apatosaurus.

The apatosaurus was among
the largest land animals

that ever lived during
the Jurassic period.

They had the smallest brains
of any dinosaur,

and they were herbivores,
meaning they only ate plants.


When's lunch?

Not for another
million years...

and ten minutes.

Yoo-hoo! Smile for the website.

Remember, no flash photography
and absolutely no littering.

If anything falls
off the time path,

it could alter the future.

Now, over here we have a very
interesting pteranodon nest.

Where are those raisins?


Come on, Buster.

Stick with the group.

Uh... coming!

That was amazing.

Next time we should go to...


Th... there's something
wrong with you.

You too!

Ugh! I'm all scaly!

Where's my moisturizer?

One of us must have upset
the space-time continuum.

It wasn't my fault.

That box of raisins
jumped out of my pocket.

Come inside, you five.

You're late
for fly catching class.


Who knew that one small action
could change so much?

Mmm, tasty.


Almost... there!

That's dominoes.

So, George Lundgren, before
you break the Elwood City record

for most falling
dominoes in a row,

do you have any
final thoughts?


I would like to thank my dad,
who bought me the dominoes,

my mom, my dummy...

Heads up!



Coming through!

You should get these
off the path.

Someone could slip on them.

Hey! You ruined history
in the making!

We're on our way
to the soccer field.

When Francine gets a new ball,

she has to get a goal
right away for good luck.




Here, for your pain
and suffering.

% off wiper fluid
at Crosswire Motors.

(camera beeps)

And the camera battery
just ran out.

I guess we'll just have
to make history some other day.

Okay, if I get it right between
Muffy's legs...

Would you just sh**t already?

(Muffy screams)

What happened?

You never make a save!

That's why I always do this
with you.

I blocked it?

I could have sworn
it rolled here.

It sure got dirty quickly.

Okay, that was just
the warm-up kick.

This'll be the real one.

Found it!

Here it comes, Papa!

... ... .


I think I've only ever
gotten up to six.

How'd you get
so good at soccer?

I've been playing
since I was four.

But it's not just me.

El Boomerang gives me good luck.

Why do you call your ball
El Boomerang?

Because it's signed by
Juan Carlos Salamanca,

the greatest Ecuadorian
player ever.

He was known as
El Boomerang because...

Where's the signature?

It should be right here.

Maybe it rubbed off.


My ball has been through
everything-- rain, snow, Vicita!

This is not it.

I must have left
mine at the park.

Francine, your ball is lost.

Just accept it and move on.

It was brand new.

That one has writing
all over it.

Well, it's grody,
and I'm tired of holding it.

So? Put it down
and help me look.

The sooner I find it, the sooner
we can get out of here.

Ha! The things I do for her.



Who's poking me?

Can't you see I'm in this bush?


Have you seen
my brother's football?


Are you lying?

You smell like
you're lying.


I am not lying!

And that smell, by the way,
is very expensive perfume.

You should get
your money back.

Well, have you seen a soccer
ball, Little Miss Know-It-All?

Francine lost it
in this area.

What is "soccer"?

You've never heard of soccer?

And I thought I knew nothing
about sports.

It's a game where you kick
a ball into a net.

That is football.


Football you play
with your hands.

Then why don't they
call it handball? Huh?

Because handball
already is a game.

It's like squash.

Ha! Squash is a vegetable!

My papa is a cook, so I know.

You are a liar.

And maybe a thief as well.

Alberto, come quick!
I have la bandita!

Get away from me!

This park is filled
with rude people.

I'm leaving.
Are you coming?

I guess it isn't here.

Maybe whoever owns
this ball has mine.

Huh, call me a liar,
will you?

I'm telling you,
Muffy has El Boomerang.

She tried to trick me

into believing a football
was a vegetable.

Muffy doesn't even
like sports.

You're imagining
things, Vicita.

I am not.

Treenie was there;
she saw the whole thing.

Didn't you?

She said yes.

I rest my case.

Come on,
let's go home.

El Boomerang isn't here.

That downward slant in the last
letter indicates

a very assertive personality.

And judging from the angle
of the letters,

I'd say whoever signed this
was a lefty.

Great, I know which
hand they use.

Now what's the name?

Beats me.

There she is,
Francine the Destroyer.

Careful with your dominoes
around this one.

What are you talking about?

in the park

you wrecked George's
domino setup.

And you didn't even say sorry.

They were in the middle
of the path.

Anyway, George didn't seem
that upset.

Oh, yes, he was.

And I have proof.

My dad, who bought me the
dominoes, my mom, my dummy...

Heads up!

Now, in slow motion...


See? The shaking fists,
the pained expression.

This clearly indicates
that George was upset.

Now, let's watch it
in reverse.

All right, already!

I'm sorry, okay?

It's not me
you should apologize to.

It's George.

It took him hours
to set that up.

Wait! Look at the top
of the frame.

Who's that?

It looks like
Alberto and his dad.

I bet it's him!

He's got my ball!

Hey! You forgot this!

Throw it to me.

That was a terrible throw.

The pressure was too great.

It's headed for Elm Street.

Stop that ball!

Got you now.



Hey! Look where
you're going!

Can't you see
I'm sniffing here?

So you think just because
I'm small I can't take you?

Come on, Two-Tone!
Let's rumble!



Here you go.

I'm really sorry
about your ball.

Me too.

It was special.


It was .

Ecuador was playing Uruguay.

They were tied.

With ten seconds left in the
game, Juan Carlos Salamanca,

the greatest player in
the history of Ecuador,

got the ball.

He later perfected that move
and became known as...

El Boomerang!

That ball was signed
by El Boomerang.

My grandfather gave it to me.

Wow. Now I really feel bad.

It wasn't your fault.

It was just an accident.

Do you want this ball?

It's new.

And I think
it's bad luck for me.

No, thanks.

I've got tons
of soccer balls.

Give it to someone else.



I just wanted to say

I'm sorry I ruined your domino
setup the other day.

Here, this is for you.


Um, thanks.

Don't mention it.


You know what's
really weird?

If I had stopped
to apologize,

none of this
might have happened.

I probably would have found my
ball before Alberto lost his.

Maybe it will come back someday.

Maybe, but I don't think so.

And now...

This is how

we need to start our design--
with your name.

And you could do a signature
kind of like

Alberto's soccer ball
that had "El Boomerang."


The first thing you're
going to do

is you're going to fold your
square one, two, three times.

We're starting with writing
our names in pencil.

Some of us are using signatures.

Some of us are using
block letters.

I did a signature,
and my name's Frasier.

My name is Maggie.

So once you have a name,

then you get to trace
over the name.

We're tracing it around
the piece of paper.

Here's the thing we're going
to really work on today.

Radial symmetry.

Well, radial symmetry is where
you have the point in the middle

and kind of everything
comes out from that point.

So it makes a circle
of our names.

My name's Ahmet.

Sometimes names can, like,
make a different shape

and pattern.

It won't even look
like our names.

It will kind of look
like a design.

My signature is turned
into a design.

This is the kind of art
that we're transforming--

turning something
into another thing.

When you have all the names
together, it kind of creates

something abstract.

It's not necessarily
a picture of anything.

We all didn't know that it
would turn out like this.

And when you unfold it,
you can sort of see, like,

this is sort of like a flower.

This is the "S," but look at
the design it has turned into.

I cannot see the name "Juliet."

It looks like the plan
of a building

that an architect would make.

You can't really see
his name right away.

It's kind of a way of creating

something unexpected
and surprising.

And that's art, too.

And now...



(boat horn blows)


Hey! Over here!

Don't leave! Oh!

"Wednesday, March th, .

"I am a sailor
with the S.S. Icebuster.

"I've been separated
from my ship.

"If you receive this,
please send help.

Ernest J. Cherney."

(dolphin squeals)


I found it!

I found the buried treasure!


What's so treasure-y
about that?

This bottle could be a million
years old, D.W.

Look, Arthur.


There's something
in that bottle.

It's a letter.




Let me see that.

You can barely read it.

Something, something.

"Please help."

Then something else.


Who am I supposed to help?

And how?

Maybe there was a
sick genie in there.

A lot more is
written here.

I only read the words
I could make out.

Yeah, but it definitely
says "Buster."

Someone out there
is in danger.

Or maybe it's
someone up there.

Buster, this isn't
from a spaceship.

It's just a regular
old Earth bottle, see?

There's a "G" and a "C"
and then some smaller writing:

"Bottled in...

Isn't that an ancient
lost civilization?

Well, yes.

But I think that says,


It says "Atlantis."

Maybe the civilization
isn't lost.

But what do they want from me?


the chances that someone
from Atlantis

is trying to contact you
is about as good

as it pouring rain
right now.


Oh, yeah?


And this be an exact replica
of the Black Otter,

the only whaling vessel
to survive

that dreaded sea menace,
Toby Rick!

Was Toby Rick
a giant whale?

No, no, he was just
a terrible captain.

Couldn't steer a boat if you
tied his hands to the wheel.

Do you have any books
on Atlantis?

Ye mean...
the lost civilization,

where sea horses roamed
and nobody ate fish?

Yes, yes, that one!


But I do have a book on
Myths, Monsters and Aliens.

Ye might find some Atlantis
malarkey in there.

You're not going
to let that bottle

take over our vacation,
are you?

I'm just doing
a little research.

Now, it ain't exactly
Shakespeare, but...

I'll take it.

Hey, a cute little turtle!

Are there turtles here?

Hundreds of them.

They bury their eggs
under the sand,

and then after they hatch,
the wee ones crawl to the sea.

It's a sight to behold.

I want to see that!

Can we get tickets?

Tickets? For what?

The beach is free!

That's why it boils me blood
when folks don't keep it clean.


Have some of
my "Clean Beach" buttons.

If ye want to see the eggs
hatch, just show up at the beach

when the moon is full.

Should be in five days.

Did you hear that?

We're going to watch
sea turtles being born!


Oh, yeah.

Turtles. Great.

It says here that Atlantis
might have been a continent

that sunk after
a volcano erupted.

Do you think the Atlanteans
want me to tell the world

that they've been living
underwater all this time?


I think they want you to stop
reading and go to sleep

so we can
have fun tomorrow.


Did Buster receive the letter?

We don't know, Your Majesty.

The Chosen One has yet
to make contact.

Well, who do we have
for backup?

The friend of The Chosen One:
Arthur Read.

Oh, he'll never do!

He doesn't even believe
in our existence.

No, it has to be Buster.

I'll write him another letter.

"Yours truly, King Mackerel II,
Ruler of Atlantis."


And I spelled out everything
he has to do, too.

Now we can only hope.

The fate of the entire sea world
rests on Buster's shoulders.

Wake up! Wake up!

They're here!

Did my letter arrive?

See? Turtle tracks.

They're on the move.

Sorry, D.W., but I think
those belong to him.

Arthur, look!

Ew! Get that away from me.

But see that mark
on the wood?

It looks just
like an "F"!

Are they trying to tell me
that I've failed already?

What does it mean?



"Dear King of Atlantis,

"What do you want me to do?

"Please be specific.

Your loyal servant, Buster."

"One more thing.

"There are a few questions
about Atlantis

"I'd like to ask you.

"Have the people learned
to breathe water?

"Do you sleep
in giant clamshells?

"Are your street lamps
powered by electric eels?

"Do octopuses really
have gardens and, if so,

"do they weed the seaweed?

"I've heard that fish
swim in schools.

"Do they also learn math
in them?

"Is the cereal always soggy?

"Do the seahorses eat sea hay?

Do hermit crabs live alone?"

D.W. :
What if the moon
isn't bright enough?

The baby turtles could get lost.

We better bring them
some flashlights.

I think they can manage
just fine on their own.

Anyway, the hatching
isn't for another day.

Parasites! Troglodytes!

Ahoy, Captain!

Can we interest you
in some fresh corn?

Thank ye, but I had me supper.

Ye caught me in a stormy mood.

Someone's been dumping plastic
bottles into the sea.

He puts notes in them, too-- a
terrible form of communication

unless ye be
in a genuine pickle.

Hey, I bet that's the same
person who put the note

in the bottle you found.

Is he a sick genie?

Nay, he's some buffoon
named Mustard.

At least I think
that's his name.

I couldn't quite
make it out.


The worst part is

this thoughtless littering
could keep the baby turtles

from reaching the sea.

Oh, no!

What do we do?

Clean up after yourselves,
like the button says,

and keep your eyes peeled
for that Beast of the Beach:

The litterer!


You don't know anything

about this "Beast
of the Beach," do you?

Who, me? Of course not!

But I'll check in the book.

Mmm, that was delicious.

Can't eat another bite.

Okay, good night!

Well? Did he get the message?

Apparently not,
Your Majesty.

We found this floating
in the water.

Sweet Sturgeon,
what does it take

to get through to that boy?!

Very well, I have no choice
but to tell him myself.

Saddle up Big Nessie.

Giddy up, Nessie.

Clean up the beach,
you daft bunny!

Our survival depends on it!



How'd you...


What are you doing?

Following orders.

Orders? Whose orders?

King Mackerel...
or maybe it's Captain Jack.

They get all confused
in my dreams.

All I know is that I have
to clean up the beach.

The whole beach?

That would take you forever!


I deserve a life sentence.

I have a confession to make.

(takes a deep breath)

I'm... Mustard.

I thought you might be.

What are you doing?

Helping you.

At least we'll be doing
something together.


Ah! Ye startled me!

I almost broke the mizzen mast!

I just came to bring
you something.

Well, I found this bottle
and I think it's really old.

I'll say it's old.

It's years, three months
and seven days old!


You sure know your antiques.

How could I ever forget
this bottle?

I be the one that tossed it
into the sea.


You're from Atlantis?

No, no, I'm from New Jersey.

But when I was a lad,

I joined an expedition
to the South Pole.

I got stranded on an ice floe.

The ship left
without me.

Desperate, I wrote a note, put
it in a bottle of grape cola

and hoped for the best.

Fortunately, some Irish
scientists found me

and brought me to Dublin, where
I lived until me retirement.

So what does it say?

"Wednesday, March , .

"I am a sailor with
the S.S. Icebuster.

"I've been separated
from my ship.

"If you receive this,
please send help.

Ernest J. Cherney."

Never could stand
the name "Ernest."

Here, you keep it.

Consider it a thank you from the
sea, for tidying up her beach.

Bye, little turtles.

Eat your seaweed and
grow up big and strong.


And when you get to Atlantis,

send me a postcard.

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
of the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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