13x10 - Looking for Bonnie/The Secret Origin of Supernova

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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13x10 - Looking for Bonnie/The Secret Origin of Supernova

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

(engine roaring)

Don't worry, Bonnie.

I'm taking you to the best
doctor I know.

We should be there by nightfall.

Hey, sonny, is your father

Neal Lundgren?


You must be George.

You got the same antlers.

Could you tell him
Dean Lomax is here?


Someone named Dean Lomax
is here to see you.



It's been years!

How are you?

Never better.

Wish I could say
the same for Bonnie.

She's ailin', Doc.

Bring her inside.

I tried everything,

even rubbing her neck with that
lemon oil you said she likes.

But she still
sounds terrible.

All right.

Let's take a look
at the patient.

He kept talking to it,
like it was a person.

It was pretty weird.

Any weirder than talking
to a wooden giraffe?

That's different.

Wally's a dummy.

You're supposed to talk to him.

This was a guitar.

He had a really
cool name, too--

Lean Domax.

Something like that.

Dean Lomax?!

Yeah, that was it.

Do you know him?

Are you kidding?

He's a rock star!

He used to be really big.

Now he's just kind of big.

My mom has
all his albums.

My grandma loves him, too.

She's always singing that song,
"Looking for Bonnie."


That was what he
called his guitar.

Bonnie is at your house?

George, that guitar
is magic.

A long time ago...

Dean was walking
along a country road

when he stopped to rest
under a tree.

He was writing the words
to "Looking for Bonnie,"

but he was stuck
on the first line.

"I was...

looking for... love?"

Nah. That's been done.

Suddenly, a storm broke out.


Bring it on!

"And who are thou?

said I to the soft-falling

Dean was dancing in the rain--

he liked to do
that sort of thing--

when a bolt of lightning hit
the tree he'd been under.

Dean fell back as he saw
the most amazing thing.

The lightning left nothing
of the tree but a guitar.



And with that guitar,
Dean finished his song

and had his first hit.

The rest is history.

Wow. I had no idea!

And just think,

that guitar is in
your house right now.

I wish I were you, George.

Or your dad.

Or Dean Lomax,
or some other rock star.

Or even just a guitarist.


(doorbell rings)

Hi, George.

I'm here for my sleep-over.


See you tomorrow, Mom!

What sleep-over?

It's Friday night.

We had a plan to...

Oh, wait.

Maybe I was supposed
to go to Arthur's.


Whoo, it's cold!

Well, since you're
already here...

You asleep?


Me neither.

Let's go see Bonnie.

Buster, I told you.

Dad doesn't like me
going into the woodshop

without him being there.

But it's a magic guitar.

This might be the only chance
in our whole lives to see one.

Well... okay.

But I'll need some backup.

And if we get caught, you're
taking the rap, Longears.

What did it look like?

I had to go before
they opened the case.

Haven't you seen photos?

No. It's too precious
to be photographed.

This place is scary at night.

Look at that sawdust!

I wonder if it was
anyone I knew.

Wally, keep it down.

We have to be really qui...


That's her!

I know it is.

Whoa... a guitar
made from lightning.

Legend has it that one touch
can give you magic powers.

(low tone plays)


Easy, Bonnie.

What is it?

A little tree, trying to survive
on its own out here.

I wish I could help you.

You want me to play a song
for it, Bonnie?

All right, then.


♪ If I could, I'd play
this tree to grow ♪

♪ I'd play for all I'm worth ♪

♪ To give it some good earth ♪

♪ Yeah, if I could,
I'd play this tree to grow... ♪

Hey, Arthur.

What you doing?

Just pushing around
this compost.

Mind if we give
a little of it to him?

He could sure use it.

♪ If I could,
I'd play this tree to grow ♪

♪ I'd play until it rained ♪

♪ All over this dusty plain ♪

♪ Yeah, if I could
I'd play this tree to grow... ♪

Hey, Prunella,

are you here
to make it rain?

Um, no.

I'm just a fortune-teller,
not a rainmaker.


But I do have some water,
if you're thirsty.

Sure is dry out here.

Give it to him.

He needs it more than we do.


♪ If I could, I'd play
this tree to grow ♪

♪ I'd give it company ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what it needs
to be a tree ♪

♪ Yeah, if I could,
I'd play this tree to grow ♪

♪ And it might
take years to do ♪

♪ But I know it will come true ♪

♪ Yeah, together we will make
this tree grow... ♪

ALL (in harmony):
♪ Yeah, together we will
make this tree grow. ♪

George, are you okay?

I was in this
really dusty place

and Bonnie made this little
plant grow into a huge tree.

See? I told you
she was magic!

Okay, my turn.

(low tone plays)

This is a terrible place
for a concert.

No one's here.

Not yet, but once
we start playing,

this place is going
to be packed!

Right, Bonnie?

Okay, everyone,
from the top!

(tapping out the beat)

One, two... a-one,
two, three!

♪ People all over the world,
come and hear our song ♪

♪ Yeah, people all over the
world, come and sing along ♪

♪ Oh, people all over,
people all over ♪

♪ People all over... ♪

(spaceship humming)

What's that?

It's headed right for us!

♪ Aliens from outer space,
land, but not me ♪

♪ Yeah, aliens
from outer space... ♪

(Francine and Arthur scream)



(plucks a note)

(plucks a note)

(plucks twice)

(plucks twice)

(plucks four times)

(Buster strumming)

(both playing together)




Snik blakkoo!

(whining in alien language)


Let me guess:

That's your mom,
and you're late for dinner?




That Yertzel played
a mean thingamajig.

(yawns deeply)

It's almost morning.

We should get back
to my room.

Hey, what about me?

Don't I get to take a spin
on the magic guitar?

(doorknob rattling)


I forgot!

This door locks
from the other side!

What do we do?

She's as good as new, Dean.

I had to realign the
fret board and put some...

What are you two
doing in here?



I can explain everything.

All we wanted to do is
see Bonnie, and...

You're Dean Lomax!

So they tell me.

If you two wanted

to meet my old lady, you were
lookin' in the wrong place.


That guitar doesn't look

like it was made
by lightning.

Don't believe everything
you hear, son.

That's just a legend.

I bought it in Chicago
in for bucks.

But... she is
magic, right?


Bonnie's just wood,
metal and nylon.

But music...
now, that's a different story!

(plays chord)

It can inspire you to do
almost anything.

Like get to know
a completely different culture.

(Yertzel singing
and playing alien guitar)

Or make this planet
a better place to live.

♪ Yeah, together we will
make this tree grow ♪

♪ Yeah, together we will
make this tree grow! ♪

So, I guess you could say
that music is a type of magic.

♪ I found magic in the music ♪

♪ Dug deep down to the core ♪

♪ There I found my Bonnie ♪

♪ We'll be together evermore. ♪

See you, Lundy.

We're much obliged.

Bye, Dean!

Come again!

Why didn't you introduce me
to Bonnie?

She and I have a lot in common.

Like what?

We're both in the
entertainment business.

She's strings and wood,
I'm strings and wood.

We were made for each other!

(bicycle bell dings)

And now...

Dean Lomax played
a guitar named Bonnie,

but I don't play the guitar,
I play a mandolin.


It is an instrument
like a guitar,

except it has double strings.

♪ My home's across
the Blue Ridge Mountains ♪

♪ My home's across the
Blue Ridge Mountains. ♪

Sometimes I play with my dad.

♪ My home's across
the Blue Ridge Mountains ♪

♪ And I never expect
to see you anymore. ♪

(strumming final chords)


This is Vick.

He's my mandolin teacher.

Play me one of the songs
that you've been working on.

(playing cheerful tune)

Whatever kind of music you like,
learn how to play an instrument,

and then when you get really
good, you can play the songs

that you've always
wanted to play.

You got that
rolling right along.

(country string band playing)

We're going to have a bluegrass
jam with some of my friends.

We have Julia on the cello,
Katherine on the fiddle,

Marjo on the Dobro
and James on the guitar.

(finishing song)

That was good, yeah.

What shall we play?

(all talking at once)

"Shady Grove"--
does that sound good?

One, two, ready, go.

♪ Shady Grove,
my little love ♪

♪ Shady Grove, my darlin' ♪

♪ Shady Grove, my little love ♪

♪ I'm goin' back to Harlan. ♪

Well, music can make you happy,
it can make you sad,

it can sound pretty.

It just sounds good.

♪ I'm goin' back to Harlan. ♪

(all cheering)

And now...

The place, Futuropolis.

The year, .

Arthur Read works as a clerk
for Federated Mutual Insurance.

(computer voice speaks
over desktop machine)

Yes, Mr. Bronson.

The insurance claims
will be ready

in just a few more minutes.

The Signal!

Trouble is afoot
in Futuropolis!

But when Futuropolis
is threatened

by danger, darkness or disaster,

he becomes...

he becomes...

(narrator clears
his throat loudly)

He becomes... Supernova!

(heroic theme music plays)

And don't forget

his trusty sidekick,

Starchild, leave me alone.

I'm doing this by myself.

But Supernova, I'm helping.

That's Sirius, the superdog.


Ever wonder how Supernova
came into existence?

Well, stay tuned

for "The Secret Origin
of Supernova"!

(crowd cheers)

Thank you, Dark Bunny.

You've saved our city
once again.

How can we ever thank you?

Dark Bunny?

Dark Bunny?

Where did he go?

Hey, kids,

the All-Star Comic Convention
is coming to your town.

Go to our Web site
for more information.

Let's check it out.

Ouch! (growling)

Defeating bad guys sure
gives me a workout!

That's why I get an energy boost

from New DB Mitamax
Energy Drink!



Guaranteed to restore all the
energy you lose leaping across

the skyscrapers
of Rabbitopolis.


Arthur, you haven't
done your chores!


(heroic music playing)


(takes a deep breath)

(exhales strongly)


How can we ever thank you

for your heroic service
to the family?



(Pal barks)

The Comics Convention

is coming to Elwood City
next week.

Come on!

We need to get costumes.

One of us should be Dark Bunny

and the other should be
Bionic Bunny.

I'll be Dark Bunny.

(heroic music playing)

In case I need
a little energy boost.

So I'm going as Bionic Bunny,

and Arthur's going
to be Dark Bunny.

I even got a new DB Mitamax
Energy Drink.

I'm saving it for later, in case
I need a boost of energy.

You know, this so-called energy
drink is just junk food.


Look at the ingredients.

It's just water, sugar
and food coloring.

But Dark Bunny drinks it.

He wouldn't say something's
good for you if it's not.

Arthur, he's a character
on a TV show.

The people who created him
just want to sell you things.

I know, but he lives by
a self-imposed code of honor.

Sorry, Arthur.

The facts don't lie.

I don't even want this anymore.

Selling junk food!

What kind of self-imposed
code of honor is that?

Commence, gentlemen.

Ever since we introduced
our new line

of so-called "healthy"
food-related products,

profits have skyrocketed.

So has production.

So has our stock price.


More money for me.

That's the Dark Bunny

Don't you need to go?

In the middle
of a board meeting?

I'm subcontracting

all crime-fighting
operations overseas,

so I'll be free
to make more money.

more money for us.

That sounds good!

Brilliant, D.B.

I should have known, Pal.

I should have known.

(whistle blows)

No New DB Mitamax Energy
Drink today, Arthur?

I'm done with Dark Bunny.

But what about
the convention?

We were going to go
together, in costume.

I'm still going.

There's got to be some other
superhero to dress up as.

What about the ones
I invented?

Like Captain Pomodoro
or Cat Saver?

Thanks, but I think I'd like
to find one of my own.

I know just the place to look.

Hey there, Buster.

Hey, Freddie K.

Can my friend Arthur and I
look through the big book?

You sure
you can handle it?

Oh, yeah.

He's a really big
comic book fan.

"Bradwell's Giant Encyclopedia
of Superheroes, Sidekicks,

Rogues and Villains."

How about The Putty Person?

Too stretchy.

Dr. Night?

Too creepy.

Queen Sapphirella?

I can't dress up as a girl!

That's sort of narrow-minded,
don't you think?

Hey, how about Manacle?

I don't understand why it's so
hard to find a simple thing

like almond extract
in this place.

Manacle cereal!

Arthur, this stuff
is loaded with sugar.

It's like candy.

Hey, Doodle Dog!

I used to love
those old cartoons.

What ever happened to them?

(theme music playing)

Allow me, ma'am.

Remember, boys and girls,
respect your elders,

and never cross the street
except in the crosswalk.

Doodle Dog would never try
to sell kids stuff.



Is that a Doodle Dog
water bottle?

Yeah. What's wrong?

Come with me.

These are kindergarteners, okay?

Excuse me, what do you think
about Doodle Dog?

Doodle Dog?


That's for little kids.


There goes the last
of my allowance.


No... no...

Buster, I'm never going
to find a superhero.

Hey, Freddy K.

Do you have
a favorite hero?

Well, if I had to pick just one,
Jack Kirby.

Who's that?

He created a bunch
of great characters

in the s, ' s and ' s.

But he's not
a superhero, right?

I mean, Jack Kirby
doesn't have special powers.

Being able to think up
all these characters

is kind of like
a special power.

I can't dress up as Jack Kirby
for the convention.

Thanks, Freddy K.,

but it's hopeless.

So, who are you going
to dress up as?

I don't think
I'm going to go.

Sorry, Buster, you'll
just have to go without me.

(people screaming)

After I destroy Futuropolis,

the entire city will be MINE!

Halt right there, Escargota!

Now clean up
that mess you've made.

Hah! Make me!

I will.

I just need a gulp of my
New DB Mitamax Energy Drink.

This is just sugared water
with some food coloring.

You don't scare me.

Maybe not.

But I will!

I'm Supernova!

And I'm his sidekick,

and this is his
superdog, Sirius!


Starchild, I told you
I don't need your help.

You never let me help.

I won't get in the
way... I promise.

Hey, leave her alone!

Aah! I can't see!

You'll never escape

from my super power blankie!

Thank you, Supernova.

You've saved Futuropolis.

Remember, always check
the ingredients on beverages.

They may not be as healthy
as advertised.

Where... where did he go?

I'll make my own hero,
like Jack Kirby.

Who am I kidding?

This is just plain...


Wow! What a great costume!

Can I be your sidekick?

You really think it's cool?


Of course, you're going
to need some face paint.

And that logo needs
a little work.

We've got to get
to that convention.

D.W., I wonder if this was
a bad idea.

What are you supposed
to be, Toilet Tamer?


I'm a hero called Supernova.

I've made him up.

You made up your own hero?

Hey, Muffy! Francine!

Arthur made up his own hero!

No, I...

It's amazing!


Great character!

Guys, you got to come see

the vintage Dark Bunny comics
I just got in.

I kind of swore off
Dark Bunny

after his energy drink turned
out to be full of sugar.

But I still like the comics,

and I guess I don't have
to buy everything

with a Dark Bunny logo.

And that's the origin
of Supernova

and his sidekick, Starchild!

ch more Arthur
and play games

with all of the Elwood City

visit pbskidsgo.org.

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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