13x09 - Paradise Lost/The Pride of Lakewood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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13x09 - Paradise Lost/The Pride of Lakewood

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Take smaller
spoonfuls, D.W.

And sit up straighter, please.


And try not to slurp.

It's not fair!

Kate doesn't have to do any
of that stuff.

She's a baby.

You're growing up,

and as you get older you have
more responsibilities.

I hate growing up.

(ice cream truck music chimes)

The ice cream truck!

Dad, can I go get something
down at the park?

Oh, can I go to?

Without a grown-up?

I'll be extra careful.


And I finished all my soup.

All right, you're big enough.

Just hold Arthur's hand
when you cross the street.


I love growing up!



This time, you be Goldilocks
and I'll be the Dinosaur.

A capital idea.

Incidentally, I wanted
to mention that...


...a probable scenario?

What did you just say?

I couldn't understand anything.

Oh, bother.

Kate, I said... (barks)

...quite to the contrary.

Pal, did something
happen to you?

It was like you were speaking
another language.


I'm fit as a fiddle.

Now, let's pick up with
Goldilocks again, shall we?



Did she just...

I think so!

Maybe we're
hearing things.


That one was for real.

What's the big deal?

She just wants to go
in her chair.

Baby Kate is
learning to speak.

Learning to speak gobbledy-gook.


Big girl goes uppy!


All done?

David, she said,
"All done!"

What a big girl!


Congratulations, Kate!

That was very exciting.

Did you see how
happy they were?


What, by the way,
did you actually do?

I don't know.

Well, whatever it is,
you should do it again.

You know, I always say...

...the best advice
I can give.

Pal, it happened again.

I couldn't understand

Something's going on.

We need to figure
this out.

Yes, and so you hear him

and then suddenly it's noise,
like a barking sound.


I assure you,

there's nothing at all the
matter with our friend Pal here.

Didn't I tell you?

The problem, I'm afraid,
is with you, Kate.

What? What do you mean?

This happens to all
human children.

I remember when this
happened to Vicita.

At first, there are
occasional fuzz-outs.

Dog speech sounds to you like
it's just crude barking.


Right, exactly.

Then it gets more frequent.

It becomes harder and harder
to communicate.



Soon both of you will
only understand

a few words here or there.

Eventually, you understand


So you mean Pal will only make
that horrible barking sound?

And Kate will only speak
in blah-blah-blahs,

like all the others?




Sweet Tipperary!

Now, that's a bone!

Pal, what is it?


Blah-bloo-blee-blo... pet store?


I just knew you had your eye
on that coat.


Kate, wake up.
Wake up!

What is it, Pal?

I know what we can do.

I just remembered someone
telling me

about a very wise animal,
a camel... no, I think a llama.

She lives far away,
at a children's zoo.

But we can't get
to the zoo by ourselves.

Not by ourselves, no.


♪ ♪

(D.W. gasps)

Mary Moo Cow bubble bath!

Hey, I was looking at tha...


The zoo!

And the petting zoo has
goats and cows and sheep

and I think maybe
even a unicorn.

Please, please, please?

This is boring.

Can we go get some Mary Moo Cow
bubble bath instead?

It's not at all
what I expected.

There are no unicorns or zebras
or any of the good stuff.

Excuse me, ma'am,

we've heard there's
a llama here.

Moo... yes, right this way.


This petting zoo is a lot bigger

than it looks like
from the advertisement.

The llama resides
at the peak.

There you will find

her cave.

Up... there?

Be glad you're not visiting
the deep-sea monkfish.

Now that's hard to get to.


Llama, we have sought you
from afar.

Dolly... Dolly, my name is.

Dolly, we have a problem.

Sometimes Kate can't understand
what I say.

Changing one reality
for another she is.

As the river of time flows,

the self that you are now
you will lose.

What do you mean?

How will I lose myself?

With your own species
your mind will dwell,

but less with the animal world
will it visit.

Oh, okay.

Pal, what's she talking about?

I haven't
the foggiest.

Look, kid, you're growing up

and there's nothing anyone can
do about it, all right?

Kate, look how neatly
you're eating.

Oh, she's really
growing up.

Oh yeah, she's really
growing up, Mom.



Look on the bright side--

at least she's learning
to throw.



Oh, come on, Kate.

I know you can say it.


(phone ringing)

I'll be right back.

I want you to think "Da-da"
while I'm gone.

Not in the mood to humor
the old fellow, are you?

A little Da-da would have
made his day, you know.

I have a plan, Pal.

I sometimes can't understand you
because I'm growing up, right?

That is what the llama said.

So, if I stop doing everything
that makes me grow up...

...then you'll still
understand me.





She threw all the toys
out of the crib again.

Well, Valette says that some
regression is normal,

but Greenwald says we're not
setting enough limits.

She's been such an
easy baby until now.

It's almost like she
doesn't want to grow up.

Oh, don't be silly.

I think the plan is working.

Me, too!

I've understood everything
you've said all day.


I wouldn't be surprised if...

It happened again, didn't it?

Delicious quiche, Thora.

It's a secret recipe
I call the frozen section

at Biff's Wholesale.


Okay, then go find the ball.

That's her whimper when
she wants to play fetch.

You know what
she's saying?

If you live with
a dog long enough,

you understand
what she wants.

Hey, k*ller...


Does Grandma understand you
when you talk to her?

Ah, are you two starting
to have some trouble talking?

Afraid so.

You've got a long time before
you really lose it.

And besides, it's not so bad
when you do.


I can't think of anything worse

than not being able
to talk to Pal.

Thora doesn't hear
exactly what I say,

but most of the time
she knows what I mean.

But you can't have

No, but we share lots
of other things:

curling up with a warm blanket,
long walks,

jumping around the house
when the mail comes.

Gloo blee blah ball, k*ller.

Blee blah blue ball.

And then there's our
absolute favorite thing:


(k*ller barks)

Kate! You're using
your spoon so well again.

I knew she was just going
through a grumpy phase.


Ball! Ball!

You hear that?

She said "ball."

Another word!

You're talking, Kate.

You're really talking.


She's learning to throw, too.

And she's got
Grandma's arm.

Ball! Ball!

And now:

Kate and Pal talk
to each other,

but we can talk to a dog, too.

Good morning, Lucy.

Good morning, Lucy.

Our teacher is Mrs. Howitz
and her dog is named Lucy.

And this is the gingerbread

We put the cookie
on the nose.

Go, Lucy.

Take a bow.

Good girl, yes.

Lucy is a read dog

and you read to Lucy.

"That night Arthur spent
a lot of time

in front of the bathroom

She listens to stories.

She likes to hear kids read.

"The next day, Arthur read
his new story to Buster."

Today we're reading Arthur books
to Lucy.

This is Arthur's New Puppy,
the book.

"'He's a very active puppy,'
said Arthur."

She is well-trained.

She doesn't bark.

"But when Pal saw his leash,
he ran and hid."

When I make a mistake
when I'm reading,

Lucy doesn't laugh.

"'I lost puh... pearkey."



I think Lucy understands me.

"Then Arthur's dad arrived
to take him home."

She looks at the pictures...

And she imagines the story.

It kind of makes us comfortable
when we read to Lucy.

"It's bedtime.

'I'm ready for bed,'
said D.W. sweetly."

We're kind of relaxed with Lucy
next to us when we're reading,

so you feel like you really want
to read more.

"Later, the class saw a movie
called Nasty Mister Tooth Decay.

'You have a temperature,'
said the nurse."

The more you read,

the better your reading gets.

And now:

Each one is cents,

but you can have them
all for a dollar.

"I Like Pike."

I got that for free with
an order of fish-and-chips.

"Get Your Laws off My Paws."

That's from a protest
my mom and I went to.

They wanted to ban pets
from our building.

Is that you?

Huh, I thought
I'd thrown all those out.

Oh well, it's yours
for ten cents.

"If you're proud like me,

join the LPC!"

What's the "LPC"?

Ah, now that's
a long story.

No, it isn't.

I could tell it to you
in ten minutes.

It all started...

Hey, it's my button,
let me tell it.

Once, there was a race between
two mighty teams...

(starting p*stol fires)


Two, four, six, eight!

Mighty Mountain is so great!

Woooo! Go MM!

How did we lose
that track meet?

We're much faster
than they are.

It was these uniforms.

Look, this elastic is broken,
there are holes in my shirt...

But every time we've
asked for new ones,

Principal Haney says
we can't afford them.

Well, I need to talk to him.

You go, girl!

And ask for something
in coral or soft pink!

What'd he say?

He said...


We're getting new uniforms!

No way!

How did you
convince him?

I just said we felt
embarrassed in our old ones

and I wanted to take more
pride in this school.

Ooh, that's good!

You played the guilt card.

No, I didn't.

I meant it.

Lakewood Elementary
is a great school.

We should take more pride in it.

You're right.

We don't even have
a school song.

Or a pep squad.

I'd be such a good captain!

We should have both
of those things.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I hereby declare this

the first meeting
of the Lakewood Pride Committee.


Show a little school spirit;

sign up for the
Lakewood Pride Committee.

Join the LPC.

It's fun and it's free.

How many names
do we have so far?

Including our own?


I don't get it.

Why aren't people joining?

Hmm, maybe we need
to work on our image.

President, huh?

What do I have to do?


First, wipe your chin.

You're drooling sauce.

All you have to do

is tell kids why you love
Lakewood Elementary.

We need
more members.

Our school is great,
but could be even better.

That's true.

It doesn't even have
a water slide.


Why me?

Because you're average.


In a good way.

Everyone likes you.

You'd be a
great president.


I hereby decree "Baxter Day"
to be an official holiday.

Now, about this
oval office--

can we make it triangular?

I would be a great president.

Can I have my own plane?

No, but you can
wear this hat.

I'll do it!

The room's full.

It's time.

Wha... what do I say?

Just be yourself.

But better.

Hi, everyone!

I'm Buster Baxter and
I'm president of the LPC.

"What is the LPC?"
you might be wondering.

The "Loser Patrol Crowd"?


No. It stands for the
Lakewood Pride Committee.

But you're right, Binky.

I have lost something:
school pride.

And I want to get it back

because I love
Lakewood Elementary.

I love this potato.

It's the most potato-y potato
I've ever tasted.

And I love this chair.

In fact, I love this whole room
and everyone in it.

Does anyone else think this is
the best school in Elwood City?

(murmuring in agreement)

Then don't be afraid
to say it out loud.

I love Lakewood!

I love Lakewood.


I love Lakewood!

I love Lakewood!

I love Lakewood!

I love Lakewood!

♪ This school's a great school ♪

♪ This school's a cool school ♪

♪ From our gymnasium ♪

♪ To the library footstools ♪

♪ From our beautiful art room ♪

♪ To the Lakewood parking lot ♪

(bicycle bell chimes)

♪ This school is great
for you and me ♪

♪ Three cheers for your school ♪

♪ Three cheers for my school ♪

♪ From our gymnasium ♪

♪ To the library footstools ♪

♪ From our beautiful art room ♪

♪ To the Lakewood parking lot ♪

♪ This school is great
for you and me. ♪

That was great!

Give yourselves
a pat on the back.

Now, LPC member Arthur Read
has an announcement.

There's a new salute.

Just make an 'L' with your thumb
and forefinger and say, "I.L.L."

That stands for
"I love Lakewood."

Let's try it.







Excuse me.

Can I get by,

I'm trying to get to class.

Hey, you're not wearing
your button.

That's because
I don't have one.

I'm not a member.

Whew, at least
there's one other kid

who's not wearing one
of those things.

It's just a meaningless fad.

I'm sure it'll be over soon.

Hi, guys!

Want a free watch?

It's yours if you sign up
for a lifetime membership

with the LPC.

Yeah, they tell
perfect time.

Oh, look at that.

Mine's saying it's time
for you two to join up.

You know what,
I'm not hungry anymore.

Me neither.


"Doesn't Love Lakewood"?

I got one, too.
So did George.

I thought he was a member.

He is.

But I heard he didn't cheer
loudly enough at the pep rally.

That's it!

We have to put
a stop to...

Shh! Get down!

This has gotten
way out of hand.

What are we going to do?

There's only one person who can
stop this: the president.

"And tomorrow

we will crush
the opposition"?

I don't want
to read this.

It sounds mean.

Buster, it's our rematch race
against Mighty Mountain.

We want to make sure
the crowd's pumped-up.

(phone rings)

The president
is busy right now.

And if this is
a reporter, no comment.

I hope that wasn't my mom.

No dice.

I can't get past
Buster's press secretary.

And Binky's been guarding
him round the clock.

We'll have
to resort to Plan B.

You have the letter?

Rabbit is moving.

Repeat, the rabbit is moving.

Hey, what's thi...

I'll protect you, sir!


Would you get off me?

It's just a piece of paper.

Is it a threat?

No, it's...
just a fan letter.

Who are we?

The LPC!

And what do we want?


All right!

And now, a few words
from our president.

I added in a bit about how
you grew up in a small town

and your dad was a shoemaker.

Just a little color.


No one has the right to tell us
we're not proud of our school

just because we don't join
the right group.

That was written by Sue Ellen
and Brain.

And I agree with them.

You can be president.

Those are my friends, whether
they wear a button or not.

What do we do now?

(whistle blows)

Just then, we were all
called to the race.

And guess what?

We won that race!

The LPC broke up after that.

Francine, Muffy and I decided we
had plenty of team spirit

without it.

So, want to buy
the button?

I think I'll take
the fish instead.

♪ This school is great
for you and me. ♪

To watch more Arthur
and play games

with all of the Elwood City

visit pbskidsgo.org.

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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