13x07 - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble/The Secret Guardians

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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13x07 - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble/The Secret Guardians

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

That, of course, is a Waldor,
and over there is the Grigor,

but the piece I thought you
might want to buy

is in this room.

Amazing, isn't it?

I'll say!

I've never seen
anything like it.

Who did you say
the artist was?

Actually, there's two of them,

and they have a very unique
method of working.

That was my cheese!

I didn't see
any name on it.

Well, you should have looked,
'cause I wrote it on the rind.

There's only one way
to settle this.

Cheese thief!

Hors d'oeuvre hog!





It's the best toy ever!

It's the only toy
I've ever wanted.

The Krummy Kritters
Kreepy Kastle!

Can we have it,


It's educational.

(eerie music plays)

How is that educational, Timmy?

It teaches counting.

See? It comes with one, two,
four, six, five Krummy Kritters.

And three Slug Puppies.

Sorry, boys, it's too expensive.

Come along.

We never get
what we want!

Yeah, even
when we're good!

And we were really
good this week.

We didn't get into
a single fight.

Not even when Timmy
ate my cupcake.

That was MY cupcake!

You had yours earlier.

Did not!

Did too!

(both growling)

Cake robber!

Cake robber!
Snack stealer!

Snack stealer!

Boys, boys!

Cake robber!

Cake robber!
Snack stealer!

Snack stealer!

I'll tell you what: if you
really want it, we can get it,

but you have to help pay for it.


Found another one.

How much do we have so far?

Seven little coins, four medium
coins and two big coins.

That's including
our allowance.

Grandma said we
needed ten dollars

to help pay for
the Kreepy Kastle.

I don't think
that's enough.

Hi, guys.

Want to buy a painting
of a rabbit?

Pff! You call
that a rabbit?

That's just a rat
with a lumpy head.


Besides, we're
saving up our money

for something
really important.


Just thought I'd ask.

It's only a quarter,

and I'm going to give
the money to charity.

Good luck!


A painting?!

Who would ever waste
their money on that?

Timmy, look!

Let's get some paint.

What is it?

A spider.

I don't see it.

How about now?




Let's try putting
more colors on it.

Now it looks like a spider
that's been squashed.



What is it now?

I don't know.

But I like it.

Let's call it
"Stars in Mud."

It's very unique.

Primitive, but one can see
hints of genuine pathos.

You can have it
for a dollar.

Normally it's two, but
you're our first customer.

Sorry, boys, but I just
don't need any artwork

at the moment.


He hates it, Timmy.


He thinks we're
terrible artists.

And he's a teacher,
so he must be right.

Um, now,
I didn't say that.

Let's just quit now.

We'll never make
anything good.

(both pretending to cry)


Come to think of it,
I might have a little room

on my refrigerator.




, , ...

Nine dollars and cents!

I'm very impressed
with you boys.

So do we get the Krummy Kritters
Kreepy Kastle now?

Well, you're still cents
short of ten dollars,

and that was
the deal, Timmy.

What are we
going to do?

We're all out
of glitter.

We still have
a little paint left.

I don't know.

"Raisins in Mud"
just isn't as good.

What do you think
it needs, Timmy?


Hey, now, that's good!

You think so?


It looks just like a boat.

We'll use it.

Let's see... Emily's nanny
already bought one.

So did James's Mom.

Ah! Perfect.

Hi, D.W.'s Grandma.

Would you like to buy
our painting?

It's very nice.

But no, thank you.

Oh! Timmy!

Did you hear that?

She thinks we're terrible.


We'll never be artists!



I could use
a little help here.

Why not?

You didn't even hear how
much we wanted for it.

I'm sorry, it's just
not my cup of tea.

It's not a cup of tea.

It's a boat.

And it's only cents.

I know it's a boat, dear.

What I mean is,
if I buy a piece of art,

I want to really like it.

And that...

Well, like I said,
it's not my cup of tea.

Wait! You can also have
"Raisins in Mud,"

and those are
real raisins.

Tommy, were you lying
when you said you liked this?


But just because I like it
doesn't mean

someone's going to buy it.

Maybe we should
sell lemonade.

Timmy, we need
more lemons.


Hey, I'm not going to do
all the work, you know.

You have to help, too.

I am helping.

I'm making the sign, see?

Yeah, well, you left out
the most important part--

how much it costs.

You've ruined it!

It was perfect!

It doesn't need
to be perfect.

It's just a sign.

Let go!



Lazy bones!

Stop it!

Take that!

Take that!
Let go!

Let go!

Tommy! Look!

(toy remains silent)

Are you sure that was
the right switch?

There was only one.

They sold us a broken
Krummy Kritters Kreepy Kastle.


No, it's not broken.

It just doesn't come
with batteries.

Eight -volt double-EE's?

I've never even heard of those.

Can we get them now?

It's a little late, Tommy.

That's okay.

We can go tomorrow.

And we'll buy them
ourselves, too.

We will?

How responsible of you!

You two are such angels.

(Grandma walks away)


Why'd you say that?

We don't have any money.


We can make some
more paintings.

It'll be fun.

Make them with what?

You used up all our paint
on the lemonade sign.

Let me get this straight.

You'll give me that
whole tin of popcorn

if you can just borrow
some paint?


And there's even a lot
of cheesy ones left.

Don't do it.

It's a trap.

They'll probably wind up
painting us.


Mmm, not bad.

Okay, there's my art stuff.

But there's one condition.

You have to use them here.

Otherwise, I'm sure I'd never
see my paints again.

Can I help, too?


Why don't you work
on the sky.

I think it's finished.


Just one more touch.

It's beautiful!


(door closes)

Anybody home?

Grandma's here!

Timmy, here's our chance.

Just let me do all
the talking this time.


It's not even dry yet.

Just look how hard we worked.

This paint will probably
never come off.

Oh, why, Timmy?

Why didn't we wear mittens?


You can cut the act, Tommy.

I think this painting

is very special.

You do?


It's very you.

I worked on it, too.

Well, then it's
very both of you.

Are you sure you want
to sell it?

Of course.

Don't we?

(toy playing music,
making monster noises)

And it comes with
five Krummy Kritters,

three Slug Puppies
and batteries.

Wow! This is going to buy
lots of art supplies.

I think our next painting
should be a train.

No, I think it should be
a tractor.




(boys grunting,
tussling and arguing)

♪ You're in them,
you make them, you sh**t them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

And now, a video from you.

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made
by Priti, Vani and Nida

with Save the Children
in Indonesia.

(singing in Indonesian)

(singing another song)

(singing another song)

Our next postcard comes
from Sahale in Thailand.

My name is Sahale,
and I'm seven years old.

This is a Free Burma Rangers
training camp.

My name means
"white monkey"-- Tha-U-Wa.


My sister, Susanne, is five,

and my brother, Peter,
is two years old.

What part is Kenya...

We go to school with my mom.

The Ser...engeti.


Uncle Doug taught us music.

My daddy helped start the Free
Burma Rangers ten years ago.

They bring help, hope and love

to people who have lost
their homes and family.

We are also getting ready

for our own relief mission
to children.

After school, we like
to ride our horses.

We also had a baby pangolin
that a villager gave us.

To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

Arthur Read! Wake up!


You are about to go on a great
journey to a mysterious land.

I am?

Okay, let me just pack a bag.

There's no time!

Here is where your great
journey begins.

A great journey?

To where?

Elwood City!

Elwood City?

What's so mysterious about that?

It's where I live.

True, but do you really know
Elwood City?

Look into the telescope.

What do you see?

Just the Sugar Bowl.

Look closer, into the "O".

Cool! A bird's nest!

The most wondrous discoveries
are right in your own backyard.

You just have to know
where to look.

(parrot squawks)

Now go, Arthur.

Adventure is calling you...

calling you...
calling you...

(phone ringing)

Arthur, would you
wake up already?

Sue Ellen's calling you.


Meet me at the tree house
in half an hour.

The ship is about to sail.


Whoa! It looks so real!

I know.

It took me
five hours to make.

It's called The Sea Venture.

Cool boat!

Does it float?

We're just about
to find out.

Want to help?

Want to help?


Stand over there and catch
the boat when it sails past.

This is going to look
so cool on video.

Okay, ready...


(camera beeping)

Oh no! The battery's low!

Did you say go?


Wait! Stop!

Quick! After the ship!

Can you see it?

I think so.

(all panting)

(birds chirping, water babbling)

What is this place?

That's a Clouded Sulphur!

I've never seen one of those
in Elwood City before.


You could swing from these.

And that's
a Harvester!


And look,
Fenesica tarquinius!

But where's my ship?

I'm going to see if it stopped
somewhere downstream.


Any sign of it?

Nope, but look
what I found.

I think it could be
an arrowhead.

This is the most peaceful place
in the whole world.

(cell phone rings)


Hi, Mom.

Where am I?

I'm not sure.

: ?! No way!

Oh, you're right.

Okay, okay, I'll be right home.

It's : already?

It feels like
we just got here.

We should definitely come back.

Yeah, it could be like
our own private island.

What should
we call it?

Binky's Butterfly Beach?

No way! We all found it.

How about...


It's the first two letters
of our names.

sounds better.

Okay, Arsubia it is.

But let's not tell
anyone about it.

Too many people will scare
away the butterflies.

We'll swear on this rock.

By the power of this
ancient rock,

we will keep this place
a secret.

We swear!


It's the complete
anatomy of a pig.

You never know what you'll
find at a good yard sale.

Well, you know what
I found on Sunday?

This amazing...

(locker slams)

This amazing what?

This amazing...
Web site.

Really? What kind of Web site?

A Web site about secret things

that have to be kept secret
because they are so... secret.

Sounds cool.

Give me the address.

See you in class.

That was close, Read.

Just remember,
I'm watching you.

Nice landscape.


Actually, it's a...

In Switzerland.

Right, Arthur?

I was going to say it was
from a dream I had.

Sure you were.

It really does look like
an arrowhead.

Maybe it comes from an
undiscovered Indian tribe

that lived here.

What did you discover, Horatio?

Mt. Kalimora, a peak even higher
than Everest.

Well, I discovered
the Kanawannaby,

a rare creature from the jungles
of Borneo

that only eats walnut shells.


Ha! That's nothing!

I discovered the Arsubians,

a lost civilization
in the heart of Elwood City.


That's it? An arrowhead?

I'm afraid you'll need more
proof than that, little girl.

Show her out, Gertrude.



He's right.

I need more evidence.

(inhales deeply)

(loud crinkling)


What's the big news?

I was in the middle
of something important.

I can't tell you
till Binky gets here.

Oh, I'm here all right,
watching you.

Well, you can stop
watching me.

Someone else has found Arsubia.


I found this empty bag
of sunflower seeds

right beneath the tree.

Oh, that's mine.

I must have dropped it
when I was doing research.


What kind of research?

On the indigenous people
who used to inhabit Arsubia.

Look at this ornate
carving I found.

That's just a stick.

It's a bird, see?

There's the beak.

And I've collected lots
of other stuff.

Seven arrowheads, possibly some
pottery shards...

oh, and a stone bowl.

Or a hat, I'm not sure yet.

And what are you going to do
with this "research"?

Tell people?

Binky, if we've discovered
a lost civilization,

the world has a right to know.

You had no right
to take those things.

Arsubia belongs
to all three of us.

It belongs to
the Arsubians.

What if there are still
some of them around?

Hey, guys,
what's going on?



Hey, Arthur, I tried to go
to that Web site you gave me.

It didn't exist.

Oh, I must have copied it
down wrong.

Gotta go!

Okay, bye.

See ya!


interesting markings.

Could be an Arsubian ruler.

Where's my journal?

Admit it!

You took my journal
so you could take credit

for discovering
the lost civilization!

I did not.

In fact, I don't like
this secret thing anymore.

I hate keeping anything
from Buster.


Passports, please.

Passports? For what?

From now on everyone needs
a passport to get in.

It's for the good of Arsubia.

We don't have passports,
and neither do you.

Oh, yeah?

What's this?


It was you!

You're the one
who took my journal.

I only read a page of it.

It was too boring to read
any more.

Hey, Sue Ellen, when did
you find your ship?

I didn't.

Then who did?

Maybe the Arsubians
put it there.

If they did, then they're not
a lost civilization;

they're still around.

What if... what if
they're not friendly?

(loud horn sounds)

(kids scream)

(making horn sound)


The look on your faces
is priceless.

Welcome to Baxteronia!

My dad and I discovered
this place when I was four.

Now I come here every now
and then just to think.

How come you never told me
about it?

I don't know.

It was kind of like
our private place.

But then I spied on you
guys here the other day

and now it's your
place, too.


So I guess there's no ancient
civilization to discover.

There might be.

I found this conch shell and I
have no idea how it got here.


It's going to rain.

Come on, let's go to the cave.

There's a cave?

You don't know
about the cave?

Come on, follow me!

To watch more Arthur
and play games

with all of the Elwood City

visit pbskidsgo.org.

You can find Arthur books,
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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