13x02 - The Silent Treatment/Kung Fool

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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13x02 - The Silent Treatment/Kung Fool

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

You ever think about all
the things we take for granted?

Like what?

Like the little plastic
tip of the shoelace.

Without this little tip,
it'd be really hard

to get the lace
through the hole.

Come to think of it,
I rarely think about

the rest of the
shoelace, either.

Got it!

Unless it's untied.

How about the ant?

Did you know
ants can carry

more than times
their weight?

Ants are amazing.

I know, and I never
notice them.

And what about the
good ol' park bench?

Always there
when you need it.

And yet we take it for granted.

(both sigh)

Hey, let's go notice some
things at the Sugar Bowl.

I'm starving.

What about noticing
me for a change?

It's like I'm invisible.

What about you guys?

Do any of you see me?

(knocks on glass)


Five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten--
ready or not, here I come!

Hey, take that!

(laughs evilly)

(both girls groan)


That's everyone.

I win!

(ice cream truck bell tinkles)

Ice cream!


Where'd everybody go?

You forgot
to find me.

And you got
ice cream?

Um, no, I didn't.

There, found you.
I win.

Here, I got you an ice cream.

I wasn't hungry.

George, wait.

It was just
a mistake.

They forgot I was even there.

I could have stayed
behind that tree forever.

Well, there are worse places
to live.

I come from an
oak tree myself,

and I'm proud of it.

No one ever pays
attention to me.

It's like I don't even exist.

You exist, George.

You're just as
real as I am.

You're not real, Wally.


That's a terrible
thing to say.

If that's the
way you feel

then I'm never saying
another word.

Hey, that's a great idea.

I'll just stop
talking and see if
anybody even notices.

I hereby vow not to talk
to anyone anymore.

Except to you.

(out of breath):

There you are.

I was looking all over.

I just wanted to say...


If you want to enter
your project

in the woodworking contest,

please say yes
when I call your name.

Arthur? Want to
enter your stool?


How about you, Binky?

Want to enter your...

what is it again?

It's either a coat rack
or a doorstop.

I haven't decided yet.

But yes.


George, I'm sure you want to
enter your marble run, right?

The winner gets a trip to the
Elwood City Inventor's Museum.

All right, it's your decision.


how about your...
cutting board?

Of course. How could I lose?

Hi, George.

What'll it be today?


Or something new?

I call it babagoulash.

Beef strips and eggplant
in a cream sauce,

topped off with
raisins and olives.


(in disgust):
Mmm! Mmm!

Yes, it does smell
good, doesn't it?

Babagoulash it is!

You're the first one
to ask for it.

Guys, we have to do
something about George.

He was really upset
after hide-n-seek.

George was at

Huh, I didn't notice.


And it's not the first time
we've forgotten about him.

We could throw him a party.

Yeah! It'll be a "George,
We Know You're There" party.

I like it.

But let's not call it that.

We could have a big cake
that George pops out of.

We can't do that.

Then George would
have to know about it

and it should be
a surprise, right?


So, nobody say anything to him.

Okay, here's what we'll do:
we'll meet after school...

This not talking
thing is hard.

I haven't been this quiet since
that time my jaw fell off.

And the worst thing
is no one's noticed.

Well, I'm just
going to keep it up
until someone does.

(phone rings)

Aren't you going
to answer that?

I can't talk to
anyone, remember?

You've reached the Lundgrens.

Leave a message.

Hi, it's Sue Ellen
calling for George.

Sue Ellen?


This counts as someone
talking to you.

You're right.

I need a favor...

Um, some help with my
woodworking project.

Could you meet me at the
treehouse tomorrow after school?


What's the matter?

She called you, didn't she?

Oh, sure, they call me
when they need something.

Otherwise it's like
I don't exist.


Oh, George,
wake up.

Huh? Wally?

I'm not Wally.

I'm Wizard Wally.
I'm magical.

(picture frame shatters)


Oh, well, I never liked
that picture.

Now come with me.

I'm going to show you
what life would be like

if you never existed.


I remember a movie
just like this.

This man is shown

what life would be like
if he never existed.

And everyone's sad, and poor,
and a bad guy runs everything.

It's terrible.


Hey, Arthur,

They can't hear
you, George.

And then the
banana says,

"Sorry, but I've
got to split!"


They don't
seem so sad.

And Muffy certainly
doesn't seem poor.

Hmm, you're right.

Oh, that's because we're
in the wrong fantasy.

This is what the
world would be like
if I didn't exist.

My bad.

Here we go.

This is the one where
you don't exist.

It's the woodworking room.

Where are all the tools?

There is no woodworking
class, George.

No one was interested
enough to sign up.

If only I had one student
who was really into it

and could get the
others interested.

Hey, I know this spot.

This is where Buster,
Arthur and I play

three-way catch sometimes.

What did you do that for?

I just had a
weird feeling

that someone should
have been there.

I know what you mean.

It's like
someone's missing.

Whoever he is,
I miss him.

What's the matter with them?

They're cold,

The house that
you and your dad

built for them isn't
here because...

Because I never existed.

And now I'll show you
the worst thing of all.

And do you know
what that is, George?

A log?

It's me!

That's the log
I came from.

If you never existed,

then I would
never have existed.

Oh! It's too horrible!

I do matter!

Hello, Elwood City!
It's me, George.

I'm here

and I'm going to talk again!

(birds chirping)

Look at the cake I baked
for George's surprise party.

Sue Ellen! Hi!

Quick, he can't
see the cake.

It'll ruin
the surprise.

Moose Punch--
George's favorite.

I'm going to play a song
for George on my clarinet.

It's called
"A Song for George."

Buster, Binky,
wait up.

It's him! Ix-nay
on the ong-say.

I was right after all.

Whether I talk or not,

I just don't matter.

Who needs friends, anyway?

What am I, chopped liver?

No, I guess
I still have you.

I'm not feeling the love,

Can we just not
talk for a while?

I feel like
being quiet.


Sue Ellen?


Got him!

Is he okay?


Oh, that was a close one.

Good thing I float.

That answers
my question.

Where were you?

We've been waiting
at the treehouse for ages.


Your message
just said...

Come on.

I'm not saying another
word until we're there.

(Binky plays song on clarinet)

That was great.

But I believe
it was Mozart.

I said it was
"A Song for George."

I didn't say I wrote it.

This is for you.

I won first prize in
the woodworking contest?

But I didn't
even enter.

We entered you.

That marble thing you
made was way better

than anything
we could make.

Hey, speak for yourself.

I think this is a great

I... I don't know what to say.

I'm speechless.

Actually, you know what?

I'm not speechless.

You guys are the best.

When I get home,
I'm calling

the Elwood City
Inventors Museum

and making sure you
can all come with me.

And now, we're going
to play hide-n-seek,

and I'm it.

So hide!

Ten, nine...

You're not hiding.

That's better.

Six, five,

four, three, two, one.

Ready or not, here I come.

And now:

George thought Arthur and his
friends had forgot about him.

That was just
a misunderstanding.

My name is Cole.

This is my third-grade class.

We can tell you about

some funny misunderstandings
that we've had.

When I was in first grade,

it was my first time playing

My coach said,
"Steal second base."

I picked up the base and
carried it to the bench.

Everybody was laughing.


A few days ago, my dad got home
from work.

He said he would meet his goals
at work.

I said, "What type of meat
did you get?"

My dad said,
"No, I don't mean that meat."

I thought a forehead
was a fivehead.

When my brother was sick, my
mom went to feel his forehead,

but I said, "How about you
check his fivehead?"

I got confused.

I thought it was the best place

to check for a fever
in the whole world.

Once I was going to my cousin's
birthday party.

When I got there,
no people were there.

I said, "Where is everybody?"

The cause was because my aunt
wrote the wrong day.

In gymnastics,
they told me to do

a hand stand and I did
a front hand spring.

The teacher was confused
on why I did it.

I told her I misunderstood her.

I had a funny misunderstanding
when I was playing soccer.

When they said hit the goal,
I thought they meant goalie,

so I hit the goalie.

Once I had some little
mint candies

and I put them on my table.

Then my grandfather came over

and he thought the little mint
candies were pills.

So then he started yelling
at my mom

for putting pills on the table.

Then we told him that they were
really little mint candies.

One time I was at a restaurant
and I wanted chicken nuggets,

but the person gave me
mac and cheese instead.


And now:

(kids chattering)

Sometimes you think
you know someone,

but then they do something
that really surprises you.

Like D.W. the other night...

What are they?

Yaprak dolmasi,
a Turkish delicacy.

Vine leaves stuffed with rice,
lamb and pine nuts.

You made something
else for D.W., right?

She's not going to want those
anywhere near her plate.

Hey! Little
green hot dogs!

Wait, these don't taste
like hotdogs.

They're ten times better!


Can we have these
every night?

Or Mr. Haney...

(spooky music plays)

Who knew he could
play the theremin

while balancing plates?

And then there's...






I didn't know you were
into martial arts.

The ancient wisdom
of the masters says,

"Even a mighty oak was once
a nut like you."

I have no idea what that meant.
Do you?

Oh, well.

Maybe this will explain it.

Do you think Mr. Wu will
have lots of great stories?

He's from China, right?

I don't know.

I know his daughter from work
but I've never met him.

It's nice of you
to help him out, though.

Well, I had
to volunteer

to get my Junior
Explorers badge.

Why not help
a wise elder?

It's open!

Hi! Are you the exterminator?

The alligator's
in the bathroom.


I'm kidding.

You must be Fern.

I'm Tony Wu.


Pleased to meet
you, Mr. Wu.

Do you know how to
make Mexican food?

Um... no.

Me neither.
Let's order in.

The menus are in the kitchen
by the phone.

I'll pick you up
later, sweetie.


Jones needs this shot
to go on to the finals.


Great! Now he's
in the sand trap!

He should have used a five iron.

Or maybe
a waffle iron.

Did you used to play golf,
Mr. Wu?

Oh yes.

I've played in
different countries.



They were all
in the Elwood City

'Round The World
Mini Golf Course.


Could you get me some
more mineral water?

And help yourself to
whatever's in the fridge.

You don't have much
in the fridge.

Do you want me to go shopping...


Hi, Fern.

Want to come over
Saturday afternoon?

We're going to break in
our new croquet set.

Sorry, I have to help
Mr. Wu then.

I'm volunteering to get my
Junior Explorers service badge.

Oh, too bad.

Wait, not Tony Wu?

Yeah. Why?


I heard he lives in Elwood City,

but I thought it was
just a rumor.

Has he taught you anything?

What would
he teach me?

Kung fu.

He's a grandmaster.

He is?

In the s and ' s,

Tony Wu was one
of the biggest names
in martial arts.

He won tons
of trophies

and created his own
kung fu style called
Laughing Dragon.

He even made
a few films.

I have one here:

"Master Wu and
the Rebel Monks."

It's a terrible movie,

but it's really cool
to see Tony Wu's moves.

(tribal music playing)

One year I have spent with you

and you have taught me nothing.

Only how to sweep

and swat flies.

Oh? Is that so?


You see, any practice--
even sweeping-- is kung fu

if you learn to
focus your mind.

Always pay attention
to your surroundings.

Now, make soup!


Wow. I had no idea
who I was helping.

You think he'll teach me
some kung fu?

I'd love to be able
to do stuff like
fly through the air.

He retired
a while ago.

But you never know.

(doorbell rings)

It's open!

Master Wu,
I am ready.

Me too. Golf's just
about to start.

Shall we order some Thai food?

Aren't there some chores
you'd like me to do?

Well, I thought it could
wait till after lunch,

but there are one or two
little things.

Just file it all alphabetically.

Angry letters go in the trash.

Thanks, Fern.


What kind of martial art
can I learn from this?

Any practice
is kung fu

if you learn to
focus your mind.

Now file!







Hoo wah!


Any further instructions,
Master Wu?


No, you did plenty.

Thanks, Fern.

Perhaps you can teach me
sweeping style next week?

Sweeping style?

What's that?

I see. I am
not ready.

I will
try harder.


Hey, Fern.

What's with the funny ribbon?

I'm in training.

I can't talk about it.

I can only say I'm learning
from a master.

A master of what?

I would advise you
not to mess with me.

I know filing style.


Um, okay.

I'll let you know
if I run into

any papers that need filing.

(Mr. Wu clears his throat)

I think you've cleaned
that one enough.

(dish shatters)

But now you can
start gluing it.

I'm so sorry, Master Wu.

It's just a plate.

I'll fix it later.

Now, about all this
"Master" stuff...

Well, isn't that what
students call their...

I mean, you're teaching me
kung fu, right?

What? Now, that's funny!


Wait, so all these chores
are just...

Helping out an old guy
with bad knees.

And you've done
a good job, too.

Except for
the plate.

I don't believe it.

All this time I thought I was
really learning something.


I'm rusty but if you really want
to learn a martial art,

I can teach you a few things.

You can?

Thank you, Master.

But no calling
me "Master".

I'm Tony.

Now get me some mineral
water, grasshopper.

Today we're going
to try some tai chi.

That means "Supreme
Ultimate Fist."

Do what I do.

First posture,
stand quietly.

Just stand?

Just stand.

A correct stance
is very important.

Okay, now comes
horse stance.

So when do I learn
to climb walls

and walk on trees and stuff?

That's just in the movies.

Now, get ready for the
next stance: bow and sit.

(bicycle bell rings)

I can't believe you're studying
Tai chi with Mr. Wu.

You're so lucky!

But it's so slow.

I'm sorry, but I don't think
I could defeat an enemy

with bow and sit stance.

What are you in training
for, Fern?

The Slow Motion Olympics?


Ding bow on toe,
step left foot out,

toe to ground,
keep back straight.

Tony, isn't martial arts
about fighting opponents?

Tai chi is different.

It's a soft style,
about focus and balance.

But you studied kung fu
and combat style

when you were young
in China, right?


I grew up in California.

And I learned kung fu
from my Aunt Shirley.

You're not even from China?

You have to let
go of your ideas

of how you thought
things were

and go with the flow.

Is that an ancient proverb?

It's from the ' s.

I learned it in Berkeley.

So, shall we continue?

Why don't we go out to the park
and do our lesson there?

The park?
Oh, no.

Come on.

I've never seen you
out of the house

the whole time I've been
coming here.

It'll do you good.

It's too far.

Too far?

This from
a kung fu master?

I don't have the right shoes.

Maybe you'll see some friends.


You've heard
my jokes, Fern.

I don't have
any friends.


I'll go, but I'm not
going to like it.

Mind if I join in?


You know, Fern,

I think I like this after all.

Sometimes you have to let go
of your expectations and...

MR. WU and FERN:
Go with the flow.

To watch more Arthur

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of the Elwood City friends,

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at your local library.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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