12x09 - Home Sweet Home/Do You Believe in Magic?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x09 - Home Sweet Home/Do You Believe in Magic?

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

I can't write for long.
I think they're on to me.

These woods are crawling
with the enemy.



I haven't had anything
to eat for...

two hours,
but if feels like .

I've never been so hungry.

Even the eraser of this pencil
is starting to look good.


I just tried it. It was dry.

Although, with
a little mustard...

Tag! You're it!

Oh, I am? Okay.

Well, aren't you
going to chase me?

Yeah, yeah, I'm, uh,
I'm giving you a head start.

The enemy has found me, but I
will not succumb to his will.

No matter what,
I must finish this letter!

(spaceship trilling, beeping)

Woof, woof!




Um, alien?

No, a lobster
eating soup.


there's the claw;
there's the spoon.

Mm, chowder. Yum.

I'll work on it.

You'll be able
to see it

by the time we get
to Camp Meadowcroak.

Oh, didn't I tell you?

I'm not going this summer.

What?! Why not?!

We're going
to my grandpa's farm.

Sorry, I thought
you know.

I didn't.
Is Francine going to camp?

Probably. I'm sure lots
of kids we know are going.

Not this year.




Summer camp?
Sure, I'm going.


Camp Pfeffernusse.

It's in Switzerland.
They teach yodeling,

cheese-making and German.
You should come.

And it's educational.

I'll learn
how to yodel.

Buster, we can't
afford this.

Besides, you're
already signed up
for Camp Meadowcroak.


But none of my friends
will be there.

I've asked everyone.

Maybe you'll make
some new friends.

Hi, I'm Buster.

Me Tug.

Me take both bunks.


(all laughing)

That was a blast!

That was so fun!

(Buster grunting)

(Tug grunts)

But I don't wanna make
new friends.

They'll hog the marshmallows.

But it's only two weeks.

Why don't you try it?

Extra asthma inhalers?


Rain poncho?


Bug repellent?

Fig bars?

Check, check.
Fig bars?

Oh, I completely forgot.

I made you some
for the trip.

They're on the
counter cooling.



(Buster gasping)


Just 'cause they're called
"vegetable beds,"

sonny, doesn't mean
you can sleep in 'em.


At ease,
Private Baxter.

Now why are you lying
in the tomatoes?

Because... because
I don't want to go to camp.

Why not?

Camp builds character.

I like my character
the way it is.

And I'm not going
to know anyone there.

So you're going
AWOL, huh?

Just going
to run away.

I'm not running.
I'm hiding.


people are like plants;

if they always stay
in the shade, they never grow.

You gotta take
some risks.

Maybe I'm more of a moss person.

There you are.

I was looking

all over for you.

Oh, I was just, um...

Getting a tomato.

Here, take one
for Mamie.

She has the best fruit...

probably 'cause
she gets the most sun.

Thanks a lot, Fritz,
for everything.


(kids cheering)

Hi, I'm Irwin.

Can I have that bed?

It's closer to the door,
and I go to the bathroom a lot.

Sure. I'm Buster.

Is that short for "Busterfield"?

I had a snake named Busterfield.

He ate crickets.

Um, you know, I'm not sure.



Lackawana, sackawana,

We are the kids from PS .

We go
to the same school.

This is Buster.

Hey, Buster. You'll never guess
who's in Cabin .

Eric Beedlemeyer.

No way!
And you know
who I just saw?

Penny Papakostas!

It's like our whole
third grade is here.


And he's not just super-fast;
he can also see through metal.

Are you guys talking
about Bionic Bunny?

No, our phys-ed teacher,
Mr. Fallon.

I mean,
how did he know

I had those comics
in my locker?

Well, I think Mr. Scarborough
can read minds.

He always calls on me

in History when
I haven't done the reading.


What's so funny?

This old photo of a friend
of mine

when he was a kid.

"Fearless Fritz"?

He doesn't
look fearless.

Why was he called that?

I don't know.

Maybe it's in the letter.

Want to hear it?

"Dear Private Baxter,"

He calls me that

"I'll tell you
a secret.

"I never liked camp much,
at least

not until the summer of ."


We were playing
Capture the Flag,

and it was shorts versus pants.

Get him! Get him!

I see him!
He's over there!

Most of our boys
had been captured,

and the pants team
was closing in.

We knew where their flag was,

but the hill was
heavily fortified

and we could only spare
one player.

I volunteered for the mission.



I was no match
for the guard on duty,

so I had to use my wits...
and a sock.

We give up! You win!

Getting the flag turned out
to be the easy part.

Now I had to bring it back
to our side.

There he is! Get him! Get him!

I can see him!

(all clamoring)

Get him!
Get him!

(all gasping)

Lucky for me,
I was a pretty good swimmer,

and could hold my breath
for one whole minute.

Against incredible odds,
Team Shorts won that day

and I got a new name.

"Fearless Fritz."

That's just
the first letter.

Fritz sent him three more.

In one, he's in Alaska

and he comes face-to-face
with a huge...

Sanjeev, you're giving

away the best part.

Oops. Sorry.

Is it too burnt?

I kept turning it
like you said.

Hmm, not bad.

Next time,
try a different stick.

That one was...
a little piney.

(door opens)
Did you get
another letter

from Fritz?

Nope, but he did
send me... this.


I thought it was

going to be treasure.

Are you kidding?

This is treasure.

These are
organic heirlooms.


Okay, listen up.

We're going to need
some other ingredients.


Olive oil...


Irwin, quick--
my brow.

It is done.

I have created...

"the tomatowich."


From now on,
you will be known as "Chef."

Bye, guys!

So long.

See you next year.
See ya!

See you next year.

Buster, you're home!


Camp was great!

Reporting for duty, sir.

At ease, Private Baxter.

Welcome home.


Your letters were amazing.

I read them to the kids
at camp, and everyone...

Why are you
wearing a tie?

My daughter and I are going

to look at a retirement

I thought I'd get

gussied up.

What's a retirement community?

A place where
nice people

can look after old
codgers like me.

It's not easy
living on my own.

So... you're leaving?

It's not far.

And I'll be checking on
the garden once a month.

So I expect it
to be shipshape.

(car horn honking)

Well, that's
my daughter.


Can I have the address?

It has now been two hours

and minutes
since I have eaten.

Oh, the hunger is unbearable.

If only I had some mustard...

Are you finished
with that letter yet?

I'm cold.


"Well, it looks like
my time has run out.

"The enemy is taking me
back to his camp.

"But actually
he's not such a bad enemy.

"And his dad
makes great brownies.

"See you soon.

Love, Private Baxter."

That kid's got quite
an imagination.

I'll say.

And he's also one
heck of a gardener.

(both sniffing)

And now...

This place is called
farm school.

And it's a farm.

It is a farm.

You see pigs,
cows, chickens...

A farm that teaches

you stuff about farms.

It's kind of like a camp,

'cause you sleep here.

This is a bunkhouse.
We got bunk beds.

And every day,
we eat breakfast first.

And we do chores.

Camden, Ruiz,
Bianca and Xavier, you guys

are going to be going to the...


Does anybody know
what this vegetable is?

I know. It's celery.
What is it?

It looks like celery.

But actually, it's
something called a "leek."

It's kind of in between
onions and garlic.



Okay, now, hit it
against the ground

to make all
that dirt fall off.

Well, actually,
I'm learning about where

our food comes from.

We're picking out some corn.

We're shucking the corn off.

All the husk on it
is going to come off,

and we feed the animals
and we take care of the animals.

What we got to do is brush

all the hay and dirt
off their fur.

These guys are baby cows
that are learning to be oxen.

It's a working cow,

instead of a milking cow.

We're going to put this on them.

It's called a yoke, and
it's what lets them pull stuff.

So each of you
take one of these bows.


Now you got those spacers
and that nail.


Step up, boys.

(bell jangling)

Go ahead, step.

Keep driving them.



You stopped them.

Another thing
we're going to be doing is

making some poles
for a new compost bin.

It's important to learn
about a farm, because

sometimes people
don't know where

their food comes from,

and they see it comes
from a farm.

Come to farm school;
you can learn a lot of stuff.

And now...


And now...

Hey, D.W., watch me
pull a rabbit out of my hat.


Nothing up my sleeve.




Wrong hat.

Uh, let me try again.

But that trick never works.

It will this time.


And presto!

Finally, Arthur.

It was getting hot
in there.

And now, here's something
we hope you'll really like.



(thunder rumbles)


I hate rain.

Especially at recess.

I win!

Want to play checkers again?

You just beat me
five times in a row.

No, thanks.

If we had some cards, I could
show you a magic trick.

Hey, I think I've got a pack.

My grandfather taught me this.

Pick a card,
any card.

Don't tell me
what it is.

Now put it back.

Is that your card?


How did you do that?!

A magician never
reveals his secrets.


(kids murmur excitedly)

(bicycle bell rings)

Hey, Arthur,
know any more card tricks?

Well, I can do the one
I did yesterday.

♪ Ta-da! ♪


What's up with

the vampire costume?

I'm not a vampire.

I am the great

master of

I think you mean,
master of "delusion."

My mom's friend Harry
taught me some great tricks.

And he gave me
this magic wand.

It's been in his family
for generations.

Some say
it was even used

by the great Harry Houdini.


Did Houdini perform in China?

Because that's where it said
this wand was made.

Oh, ye of
little faith.

Pick a card, any card.

Show it to

Now put it back.

Is this your card?


How about this one?



Are you sure you didn't put it
in your back pocket?

Of course I didn't.

You would have seen me.


(kids murmur excitedly)


That was awesome!
How did he do that?

Okay, so we've
got the food,

invitations, plates,

Don't forget

We've got them, D.W.

So now we just need to decide on

what you want to do
for your half-birthday party.

I know exactly what I want:

that unicorn that
Emily had at her party.

That wasn't a
real unicorn.

It was a donkey

with a plastic cone
strapped to its head.

You're not supposed
to tell me that.

Next, you'll say there's
no such thing as leprechauns.

I'll call up
the unicorn guy tomorrow.

Hey, do we have
any books about magic?

Why don't you try the library.



Now I need a volunteer

from the audience.

Someone big and strong.

How about you, sir?

Now tie this in
a knot, if you would.

Nice and tight.

Buster, may I speak

to you for a moment?

Looks like "The
Great Baxterini"
is in trouble.

Is it true you've been
doing magic tricks?

Um... yes.

In fact, I'm in the middle
of one right now.

Just a second.




You'll be perfect!

The kindergarteners are having
a bit of a "magic emergency."

A magician was supposed
to come to their class,

but he can't find his rabbit.

Could you step in?

Provided you can spare him,
Mr.. Ratburn.


The rest of you will
have a little quiz

with our old pal Roman...

Roman numerals.



Hey, pal.

Arthur, Buster's here.

And the kindergarteners
just loved it.

(D.W. sobbing)

The unicorn guy just called.

His donkey refuses to do
any more kids' parties.

We'll never get anyone else
on such short notice.

It's not fair.

My party is ruined.

Hey, D.W., watch this.

Does anyone have a $ bill?

Ladies and gentlemen
and little girls,

watch carefully
as The Great Baxterini

becomes a human ATM.

I wave the magic wand
and say the magic words

pepperoni pizza.

A $ bill?

And two fives.

It's all in the wand.

Can you make a unicorn
appear at my party?

Um, no.

But I can make
a smile appear

on your face.

I want him.

I only charge cents

and all the cheese crackers
you can spare.

It's a deal.

Bionic Bunny

has beat me once again, but I'll
get back at him somehow,

but how, Punchinello, how?

How about a cream pie
in his face?

Only the cream pie
will be made

of a powerful
radioactive isotope.

Very dastardly,
but not quite right.

How about, an underarm deodorant

laced with
itching powder?

(excited barking)

Careful with that stuff.

You've upset Bobo.

No, what we need is to expose
Bionic Bunny's secret identity.

To show the whole world
who he really is.

That's a great idea.


Now, watch me

pull a rabbit out of my hat.

Nothing in there at all.

But I wave my magic wand...


Look, his hat has
a secret compartment

in the top.

(all gasping)


And I and would have fooled all
these paying customers, too.

Now, watch a real magician.

(elephant trumpeting)

Shabag, shabibble, shabop.

And presto.

(cheering and applause)




Go, Buster!

Yeah, you're the best!

I had no idea
he was so good.

Hey, Arthur, weren't you
interested in magic, too?

Maybe you could
learn some tricks

from The Great Baxterini.


Now, let's see if we can make
this ball disappear.

Hey, wait,
where's my magic wand?


It was right here.

Maybe you made it disappear
by accident.

Or you turned it into a frog
and it hopped away.

(nervous chuckle)

It's no problem.

I'll just do it without my wand.

So I put the paper
over the glass...

no, wait, I put the ball
on the paper...

No, that's not right.

I, uh, I can't remember.

Is this part of the act?

I don't think so.

Arthur, now's
your chance.

Expose him
as a fake. Do it.

No, Arthur, don't.

He's your friend.


You were the one who
started doing tricks,

but he stole
all the attention.

He didn't mean
to show off.

He was just having fun.

Come on, Arthur.
It's payback time.

The glass goes
over the ball.

Then I place the glass
over the ball...

Now I put the paper
over the glass.

Oh, yeah.

Look, the ball
is still here.



That was
the best!

(cheering and applause)

Here, I found your wand.

Sorry for the tooth marks.

Pal had it.

Oh, thanks.

I don't know what I would have
done if you hadn't stepped in.

I'm sure The Great Baxterini
would have thought of something.

No, he wouldn't have.

And I would know. I'm him.

Well, you know a lot
more magic than I do.

I was wondering, would you mind
teaching me some tricks?

Sure, I'd love to.

In fact, I've got
an even better idea.

Now put your card
back in the deck.

Huh, that's funny.
I don't see your card anywhere.

Uh, Buster?

Not now, Arthur.

I've got to find
this card.

Is this it?


They can even read
each other's minds.

Do it again! Do it again!

Hi, everyone. It's me, Buster.

Hold on to your hats

because I'm heading out
of Elwood City

and into the country.

On my trip with my dad,

I'm seeing the coolest cowboys,

the finest fiddlers

and the greatest ranches
and farms in the countryside.


I'm sending it all back
to my friends in Elwood City

on my very own video postcards.

They're Postcards from Buster.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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