12x06 - The Cherry Tree/Matchmaker Matchbreaker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x06 - The Cherry Tree/Matchmaker Matchbreaker

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

(bird chirping)

Hi, tree.

How's it going?

Trees don't say much.

Maybe that's why I don't notice
them most of the time.

But there's a lot going on
in them.

Birds make their homes there.

So do bugs.


Cats love to climb trees.

And kids do, too.

Everyone likes a good tree.

I wonder what life would be like
without them.





Good thing that'll never happen.


Now, it's a spring
party, Bailey,

so everything has
to be springy.

We'll have a pink-and-green
tent over there

and the trained
poodles here.

And here is where the main
attraction will be!

St. Basil's Cathedral
in Moscow?

I fear the Russian government
may not approve

of its relocation, Miss Muffy.

No, Silly, it's a giant
bouncy castle!

It just looks like
that other thing.

You know, I've never liked
bouncy castles,

but there's something about
this one that's different.

The heart is, indeed,
mysterious, Miss Muffy.

However, the dimensions
of this are quite large.

Are you sure it
will fit here?

Of course it will.

I'll just have Daddy move
some things around.

Sorry, Muffin,
but we can't get

"Anastasia's Dream Palace."

It's too big.


I just spoke
with the gardener,

and the yard's just
not big enough.

But the bouncy castle

is the centerpiece
of the whole event!

Why don't you get the bouncy
pirate ship instead?

That could fit.

A pirate ship?

Daddy, how could you?!

I'm sorry, Sweetums,
but there's nothing I can do.

We can have the poodles.

(dialing phone)


This is Ed Crosswire,
your neighbor.

I have a proposition for you.

(Muffy sighs)

Morning, Princess.

Hot "Crosswire" bun?

Made 'em myself.

No, thank you.

I'm not hungry.

Well, maybe I could
interest you in... this!

(Muffy gasps with delight)

The Bouncy Castle!

But I thought you said
there was no room.

There wasn't until I did
a land swap.

A what?

I gave our neighbor this
little wooded area here

and he gave us a bigger
field right here.

We'll even have room for
that tennis court I wanted.

My daddy's the most brilliant
businessman in the world.

I better get to work
on those invitations.


Is it a Ferris wheel?


A chocolate fountain?


Is it bumper cars?

Please say it's bumper cars!

Sorry, you'll just have to wait
till the party to find out

what the big surprise is.

Now, which one do I wear?

"Classy" or "Sassy"?

(chainsaw buzzing)

What's that sound?


Stop! Stop!

Daddy, he's cutting down
my tree!

Do something!

It's not your tree
anymore, Pookums.

What do you mean?

Remember I told you
about the land swap?

Well, that tree is now
on Anton's property.

He can do whatever
he wants with it.

(tree creaking)

But... I loved that tree.


I wish you had said
something earlier.

Well, look at the bright side:

plenty of room for
the bouncy castle now.


I love
bouncy castles.

I was thinking we should
move this swing

where the tennis court
will be,

right over here.

(Bailey clears his throat)

Your steamed milk,
Miss Muffy.

That cherry tree has been
there since I was born.

And a few years
before that, I imagine.

It gave us some excellent jam.


No more cherry jam.

When last I checked,

the supermarket still had
an ample supply.

I know.

But it won't taste the same.


(Muffy and Francine giggling)

And rocks are not
just great paperweights.

They're also good
for breaking other rocks.

The end.

Thank you, Binky.

That was...

Our next report on the
environment will be from George.

(clears his throat)

"Trees are like the lungs
of the Earth.

"Without them
we couldn't survive.

Chopping lots of them down
hurts the entire planet."

What?! Why?

Um, well, it's kind
of like this.

When people burn stuff,
like gas for their cars,

this thing called carbon goes
into the air.

The trees breathe in the
carbon dioxide out of the air

and then breathe out oxygen
into the air.

When trees are cut down,
like for lumber

or to make room for buildings,

more carbon stays in the air.

That carbon can trap
the sun's rays.


And that's one of the things
that makes the Earth hotter...

and hotter... and hotter.

Excellent, George.

You seem to really
understand the topic.

Next, Buster will tell us
a little bit about mold.

I can't believe Buster
did a whole report

on a piece
of cheese-- ugh!

Hey, Muffy, is it true
that there's going to be

the world's biggest bouncy
castle at your party?

I heard it was the size
of a football field.

You told!

Will the castle have a moat?

I just want to know if I should
bring my swimsuit.

There isn't going
to be any castle.

There isn't?
Why not?

Because there isn't
going to be any party.

(knock at door)

Come in.
(door opens)

Hi, Bailey.

Just a second while
I finish this e-mail.

You're canceling
the spring party?

But why?

What's there to celebrate?

A beautiful tree was cut down

and the world is
a little hotter.

And it's all my fault.

I think you are being

a little too hard
on yourself, Miss Muffy.


But I still don't feel
in the mood for a party.


Now all I have to do
is send it.


Couldn't we just change
the theme of the party?

Sack races?

I don't know, Bailey.

That's not very original.

I was referring to what's
in the sack, Miss Muffy.

These are cuttings from the
branches of the cherry tree.

Our neighbor was good enough
to give them to me.

What can we do with those?

A great deal.

(bicycle bell dings)

Have you tried
the cherry lint?

It's delicious!

It's not "lint," Binky.

It's "blintz."

They're little Russian pancakes.

Well, whatever they're called,
I could eat a hundred of them.

Hey, what do you think
those shovels are for?

Maybe we're going to build
a dirt castle.



Can you imagine
Muffy digging?

Attention, everyone!

(glass dinging brightly)

Welcome to the
Annual Crosswire Spring Party.

Now, I know some of you heard

that there was going
to be a bouncy castle.

I heard it was going to be
a bouncy skyscraper.

No, no, it was
a whole bouncy city,
with bouncy suburbs!

No, I thought it
was going to be
a bouncy spaceship.

(everyone talking at once)

(whistles loudly)


There's not going to be
a bouncy anything.


But there is still a surprise.

We are all going to...

plant some cherry trees!

We're going to do gardening?

This is probably all because
of that tree report you did.

Oh, come on!

It'll be fun!

When have I ever thrown
a bad party?


I'll plant them all myself.

Muffy is going to get
her hands dirty?

Come on, we have
to see this.


(Muffy screams)




That's enough, Binky!

There's nothing more to plant.

This was great!

If you ever need a hole dug,
you call me first.

Don't forget your
party favor plant.

You mean I get to dig
at home, too?

You sure know how
to throw a party!

He's right.

I think this was your best
spring party yet.

(sighs happily)

You know, it's really tough
to outdo myself each year,

but somehow
I always manage.

Oh, wait.

This is a special party
favor just for you.

What is it?

An aloe plant.

Just break the tip off

and rub it
into your skin.

It'll really help
your complexion.


Just think, Miss Muffy.

One day we'll be looking at
a full-grown cherry orchard.

It's so exciting!

Of course, Daddy won't have room
for his tennis court now.


But he will have
a lot of jam.


♪ You're in them,
you make them, you sh**t them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

And now a video from you!

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made
by Max,

in Brattleboro, Vermont.

Oh, yeah!

Hi, Buster.

Welcome to the Coombs
Family Sugarhouse.

Let me show you around.

I'm an eighth-generation
sugar maker.

My father has sugared here,
my grandfather

and my

Now I'm going to show you how
to tap a sugar maple tree.

You have to go in
about an inch and a half deep

so you can reach the sap
flowing through the tree.

See? The spout goes
right in there.

That's where the sugar
comes from.

You don't want to drill
too deep,

because then you'll hurt
the tree.

Other way.

Just like that.


You have to hang
the bucket from the spout.

Slide it in.

Once the sap runs
into the buckets,

bring it back
to the sugarhouse.

This is where the sap gets
boiled down into syrup.

Drop this into the sap.

It'll take away
some of the foam.

We have to refill
the fire constantly

to keep it boiling
at a good temperature.

It takes a lot of wood
to keep this fire going.

Eventually, after you boil
all the sap down,

you have syrup.


What's more natural than sap
coming straight from a tree?

Thanks for coming
to the Coombs Family Sugarhouse.

Feel free to do this at home.

Just make sure that you're
good to the trees

and you ask your parents first.

To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

Hey. What are you writing?


Oh, nothing much.

Just some thoughts.

What kind of thoughts?

Can I see?


Actually it's private.

Oh, I see.

It's about me, isn't it?

I didn't say that.

Hey guys, what's going on?

Oh, Arthur's writing about me,
that's what's going on.

It's probably
something mean.

It's not mean.

So it's something nice?

It's not about you.

Is it about me?

Is it about my hair?

You noticed I'm using
a new conditioner, right?

It's called Mountain Mist,
if you want to write it down.

Come on,
just let us see it.


(girls giggling)


Don't you hate it when people
try to stick their noses

into your business?

Some things are just private.

What are you writing?

Can I see?




You're home!

Hey, it's the Muffler!

(squeals with delight)

So? How's
Tallahassee Tech?

Pretty cool, but they
keep me really busy.

There's swim practice,
freshman mixers,

to check out...

Oh yeah, and classes, too.

My Chipwich must be exhausted!

But you'll have plenty
of time to rest

after the Welcome Home Dinner
I planned for you tonight.

"Welcome Home Dinner"?

Oh, don't worry.

I promise it'll be very
relaxed and not fancy.

(piano music playing)

(clears his throat)

So, Oliver, how's the sanitation

Well, you know what they say
about my line of work:

If you're willing to get
your hands dirty,

you can really clean up.


I don't get it.

Well, you see,

as a sanitation worker,
I actually do have

to get my hands dirty.

Oh, no! My father's
telling jokes!

He promised he wouldn't.

I told Bailey to use
the pink napkins.


This Welcome Home Dinner
is a disaster.

My friends...

Well, at least they seem
to be having a good time.

No way!

I have the Portilex , too!

They seem to really
like each other.

Hey, you know,

if Chip and Catherine
ever got married...

We'd be sisters!

(bicycle bells ding)

(TV theme music playing)

♪ They used to be friends,
now they're related ♪

♪ Always together,
never separated ♪

♪ Who are those beautiful two? ♪

♪ The Frenskwire Sisters,
that's who! ♪

(cheery theme tune playing)

(fake audience applause)

How's it going?


I just bought this horse,

but I have no idea
how to ride it.

(fake audience laughter)


No sweat. I'll teach you.

But Muffy, where's
it going to live?

Our apartment's too small.


I just bought
the one next door

and turned it
into a stable.

We're rich, remember?

Oh, yeah!

I love being sisters.

Me, too.



That would be so cool.

I know.

Let's get to work.

Hey, how about
those Grebes, huh?

So, I'm kind of leaning
towards Gamma Gamma Mu,

but I don't know,
the Gotta Lotta Mulas

are pretty cool, too.


How's it going?

Fun night, huh?

I know I'm having fun.

Me, too.

What about you two?

Having fun?

Um, yeah.




We were just checking.

Then there's
Zeta Eta Theta,

but I'm kind of leaning
towards the other way.

Hey, Muffy, any interest
in seeing Leaf Blower IV?

I hear it's really scary.

You know how I love
scary movies.

But wait, it's playing all
the way out at Millcreek Mall.

We'll have to find someone
to take us.

If it's okay
with the 'rents,

hey, I'll take you, Muffler.

You want to come?


I loved Leaf Blower III.

Hey, remember when
the principal gets
his tie caught

in the mulcher?

Dude! That was so gross!

Phase one

of "Operation Frenskwire"
is complete.

(maniacal laughter,
leaf blower roaring)

This movie is awful!

Couldn't you have
picked another one?

It's the only one I knew
Catherine wanted to see.

Hey, how come Chip didn't
get Catherine a juice?

She didn't ask for one.

I know.

But it would have been nice.

I'll tell you
what would be nice:

If Catherine shared
the armrest.


She's hogging
the whole thing!

That's not hogging.

That's just
being romantic.

(loud bellowing)

(girls scream)

Hey, you want to meet
some of my friends

for a latte-chino
at the Stardoes

after we drop the kids off?



How'd it go?

Did you guys have a good time?

What did you do?



What do you mean

How can you spend three hours
doing nothing?!

We hung out at the Mall,
that's all.

Why are you so
interested anyway?


I'm not interested.

What you do with your friends is
your business.

I have to use the phone.

He said that they had
a good time

and Catherine was
"pretty cool."

"Pretty cool"?

My sister's not "pretty cool,"
she's VERY cool!

Well, okay, maybe not
very cool, but...

Wait, you haven't heard
the best part.

They're going out
to lunch tomorrow.



I don't know.

All I know is that
Catherine picked the place.

So, got any plans
tomorrow, Sis?


This chicken's so greasy!

And the lighting is
very unflattering.

Not everyone can afford
fancy restaurants, Moneybags.

Not like Chip would
pay for it, anyway.

What do you mean by that?

He's so cheap he wouldn't even
spring for a juice

at the movies.

My brother is NOT cheap!

He is too!

And he invited another
person on their date-- look.

That's Angie--

one of Catherine's friends.

I recognize her
from The Sugar Bowl.

Hey, you're right.

That makes it even worse.

Slow down!

I can't keep up.

Keep up?

You're not even pedaling.

♪ They used to be friends,
now they're related ♪

♪ Thought they would like it,
turns out they hate it ♪

♪ Who are these miserable two? ♪

♪ The Frenskwire Sisters,
that's who. ♪

(cheery theme tune playing)

Muffy, it's your turn to clean
up after Thunderbolt.

But I just did my nails.

(fake audience laughter)

Anyway, I fed him earlier.

Yeah, the cake I made
for Catherine's birthday.

(audience laughter)

Is that what that was?

I thought it was garbage.

It's so hard
to tell the difference
with your cooking.

(audience laughter)


I'm ending
this relationship

between your brother
and my sister.


You'd make a terrible sister

We'll just see
who ends it first.

I don't know if this is such
a good idea, Miss Muffy.

Bailey, it's for the good
of the Crosswire family.

All you have to do is
ask her a few questions.


(clears his throat)

Hello, I'm conducting
a survey

that could win you
a trip to Hawaii.

Is your first name Kate?

No, it's Catherine.

Do you prefer
pickle-flavored ice cream
or chocolate chip?

Chocolate chip.

How would you describe
your feelings towards liver?

I hate liver.

What letter comes
after "T" in the alphabet?


Thank you very much.

We'll let you know
if you've won.

(dial tone)


Now all I have to do
is a little editing.


This was in
the mail for you.

What is it?

A really weird letter from Chip.

He says he's moving to Alaska

and he never wants
to see me again.

Oh well.

Good riddance, right?

CATHERINE (choppy voice) :
Chip... it's Catherine.

I hate... "U"?

(doorbell rings)

I just got your letter.

You're moving to Alaska?


I just got your message.

Why'd you say
you hate me?

I didn't.


Okay, I admit it.

I wrote that letter from Chip.

And I made Bailey call Catherine
with that fake survey.

But why, Muffler?

I didn't want you two
to get married.

That's not true.

At first you did, but
then you thought a Frensky

wasn't good enough
to be in your family.

I never said that.

You were the one
who called Chip cheap.

I'm not cheap.

How could you think
we'd get married?

We're not even dating.

Yeah, where'd you come up
with that crazy idea?

I guess we just thought
it would be kind of cool

if we were related.

Sorry to disappoint you,

but Chip and I
are just friends.

Well, I better finish
that biology paper.

Yeah, I'm going to wash
my hair.

See you.


There goes our chance
of being sisters.


I guess we'll just have
to settle for best friends.

♪ They're still just friends,
no, they're not related ♪

♪ Never gonna be, 'cause of
the mess they created ♪

♪ Who are these meddling two? ♪

♪ Muffy and Francine,
that's who. ♪

And now...

The idea for Pal came

when we wanted to get a pet
at our house,

and I invented a pet
that Arthur could have.

I start with this oval shape,

and then I give him eyes and
a little triangle for his nose.

And Pal is a pretty happy dog,
so we'll make him smiling.

Then we'll add his ears.

Now we'll give him his collar,

and he's off for an adventure.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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