12x04 - For the Birds/Ungifted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x04 - For the Birds/Ungifted

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Oh, believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Oh, I didn't expect
to see you out here.

I'm looking for something
very rare.

In fact, it's so rare,

I shouldn't even be talking
about it.

(birds chirping)

I plan on being
the first person ever

to get it on film.

What's the rarest thing
you've ever seen?

This doughnut.

See? It has no hole.

I found it three years ago
in a diner in Tuscaloosa.

that's just a roll.

It is?

Hey, you're right.

Mmm... and the
butter's still good.

I'll tell you what's rare--

Slip Bumfield of the Elwood City
Grebes getting a hit.

He's the worst player ever.

You know what's not rare?

This steak au poivre.


This is the last time we come
to the Chateau Marmoset.


That's a completely
different meaning of rare.

I was talking about...

(bird chirping)
(Brain gasps)

Uh, I have to go.

Bye. Enjoy the show.

Don't follow me.

(all gasp)



Hello and welcome
to Nature News.

I'm your host,
Dale Drowzman.

Today we'll be talking
about the green-tailed grebe.

Long thought to be extinct,

this rare bird may have
recently been sighted

in the woods
around Elwood City.

Here's Professor Conrad Twitter
on the subject.

It was him.

No doubt about it.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my
camera, so I can't prove it.

But I did get a recording
of his call.

(bird calling)

(radio static)

My Crack-o-lackin' Fun Bucket
of Chic-o-brix is only $ . !

And whoever takes a picture of
the green-tailed grebe on film

will no doubt go down
in history.

Next, we'll be exploring
the fascinating...

For your contributions
to the field of ornithology.

Wow! My third Nobel Prize!


(flashes popping)

(grebe calling on tape)

Alan! What a surprise.

Mr. Ratburn!

What are you doing here?

Bird watching.

It's been a favorite
pastime of mine

since I was a child.

Me too.

You know, I once saw
a bald eagle

on this very spot.

September , .

It's right here on my life list.

What's a life list?

A record of every
different species of bird

I've ever seen.

(bird calling)

I believe that's
a Bohemian waxwing.

Very odd for
this time of year.

Were you looking

for a particular bird?

Well, actually,

I was looking for...

I would have liked
to share this award

with my student, Alan Powers.

Without him, I wouldn't
have even looked

for the green-tailed grebe.

But since they can't
cut it in half,

I guess I'll have to keep
the whole thing myself.



Yes, Alan?
You were saying?

Oh, yes, I was looking
for a goldfinch.

Ah, Carduelis tristis.

Not terribly rare
in these parts,

but beautiful nonetheless.

Goldfinches tend
to thrive around weeds.

Follow me.

(Binky laughs)

A bird watching club?

Who would want
to join that?

I don't know,
it could be fun.

Don't you hunt for butterflies?

are different.

It's okay to like them
because they're bugs.

It says there'll be trips
into the forests

around Elwood City.


That's where Skunkamunkah
is supposed to live!

The giant orange apeman
with the terrible odor.

He was in that episode
of Monster Mysteries.

He's only ever been caught
on tape once.

WOMAN (on tape):
It's Skunkamunkah!

And the smell is unbearable!

Some people think
he's the Missing Link.

The missing link
between a bad show

and people who will
believe anything.

Say what you
want, Brain.

I think he's real.

A bird watching club?

And you're both in it?


Mr. Ratburn
just posted it.

I always thought I'd win
for finding Skunkamunkah.

But instead it was for
the green-tailed grub.

Grebe! It's called
the green-tailed grebe,

you simpleton!

Uh, what he said.


Are you going

to join, too?

Of course.


I really don't think
you guys should.

There are snakes
and bugs and wild animals

in those woods.

There are?

I'm there!


These guides will help you
identify the birds you see.

Remember, you're not
just looking.

You're listening as well.

Every bird has
a distinctive call.

Since when are you
interested in bird watching?

Oh, I'm not.

I just wanted an excuse
to try out my new camera.

The Imp!

It has , megapixels,
the biggest zoom lens ever.

See? A perfect shot
of your nose hairs.

Mr. Ratburn?

I think we should split
into two groups.

It, um, could improve our
chances of seeing more birds.

Good idea.

Binky and Muffy, why don't you
come with me.

There may be some herons
by the marsh.

Okay, the most important thing
is that you're both

really quiet, and...


What's that smell?

I brought some French cheese.

It's called
Vieux Boulogne.

I thought the odor might
help attract Skunkamunkah.

Ugh! Put that thing away!

There are flies
buzzing around it!

This is going to be
a very long day.

See? It's attracting
things already.


(bird pecking)
Hey, guys, check out
that pine tree.

I think there's
a woodpecker on it.

It's really big.

Hey, Brain,
what do you think?

Is it a woodpecker?

Is it pecking
at the wood?

(bird pecking)

Then it's
a woodpecker.

Now, keep it down!

Why are you
so grumpy?


And we've found
five birds already.

You haven't
even found one.

I thought you were
good at bird watching.

I just don't want you
to ruin my chances

of seeing the green-tailed...

The green-tailed what?

The green-tailed...

No, I mean grouse.

Oh, forget it.

I'm looking
for the green-tailed grebe.

It's a really rare bird

that no one's ever
photographed before.

Don't worry, Brain.

My lips are sealed.

"Have you seen this rare bird?

Join the Bird Watching Club
and you just might"?

Help find

the green-tailed grebe
right here in Elwoo...

Morning, Brain.

You're looking...

big today.

You said your lips were sealed!

They were.

But then they
got unsealed.

I think it was
around breakfast.

You've completely ruined
my chances of making

an important
scientific discovery!

I was just trying to help.

I thought if more people
were looking for the grebe,

we'd have a better chance
of finding it.

There. Now there's room
for one more person.

I quit.

(walruses bellowing)

(bird caws)

(kids all talking excitedly)

Hey, there's
a green-tailed lizard!

(blowing whistle)

Settle down, everyone.

We're here to see lots of birds,
not just green-tailed grebes.

Can we split
into teams?

That way the winners will get
a bigger cut of the prize money.

Once and for all,
there's no prize money, Muffy.

But yes, splitting into teams
might be a good idea.


You two can carry lunch.

(shutter clicking)

Hey, where's Buster?

Didn't he start
this whole grebe thing?

He said he wasn't
feeling well.

Whoa, check out
that cool caterpillar!

That's just
a woolly bear--
dime a dozen.


But look what it's in!

What animal could
have made that?


One of you needs to invest
in some deodorant.


(creature bellowing)

Uh... um...

(all screaming)

It's Skunkamunkah!

(creature bellows again)

(all scream)

(bellowing stops)

Alan, if you decide
to join us again,

the bird watching club
will be meeting

at the Land's End Park,
not the forest.


Apparently someone thought
they saw a monster--

the Stinky Monkey,
or something like that.

Now they're all afraid

to go back.


Buster, what are
you doing here?

Oh, wait.

You must be trying to get
footage of the "Skunkamunkah."

Actually, no.

I, uh, heard he left this area.

I guess you're
still looking

for the green-tailed grebe.

Mind if I tag along?

Well, if it's
just you, sure.

I could use
the company.

I've been using this recording
of the green-tailed grebe's call

to try to attract it.

(grebe calling on tape)

So if another
green-tailed grebe
hears it, it'll respond?


(grebe calling)

It's him! It's him!

I don't believe it!

It's really him!

Play the tape!
Play the tape!

Maybe he'll come closer.

My Crackolackin' Fun Bucket...

No! Stop!
I forgot to rewind!


I got it all on tape.

Or rather, it would
have been on tape

if there had been
a tape in the camera.


You know what?

It doesn't matter.

We saw him.

We saw the green-tailed grebe!

This is a great day.

And if a green-tailed grebe
is out there, then maybe...

No, Buster, Skunkamunkah
does not exist,

even if some kids thought
they saw him.

Aw, that was just me.

I pretended to be him

because I felt bad
about telling your secret.


I know, I know,
it was wrong of me

to dress up like a monster
and scare my friends.

No, I was just going
to say... thank you.


Are you still carrying
around that cheese?

Oh, yeah, it's in my pocket.

Huh! I didn't even notice.

Want some?

(grebe calling)

♪ You're in them,
you make them, you sh**t them ♪

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

And now a video from you!

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made
by Pascale, of New York City.

Hi, my name is Pascale.

I am nine years old, and I live
in New York City.

Well, what you've heard
of New York City,

you might think there's a huge
population and a lot of litter.

Well, the population is right,
but the litter is kind of

There's one place
that there's not so much litter.

It's really fun,
and it's right down the street.

Now I'm going to take you
to Central Park.

There are actually
some parts of Central Park

where it's just nature
and animals, no people.

Believe it or not,
this is still New York City.

Respecting animals' homes
is a big must,

so if you see a piece of litter,

just pick it up
and throw it away.

Like this.

Back to the city where eight
million other people live.


Our next postcard comes
from Carli,

from Sebasco, Maine.

Hi, Buster,
I'm Carli,

and I'm in Sebasco
Estates, Maine.

We're about to go out.

Don't forget your life jacket.

There's my friend Ellen.

She's pulling lobster traps.

Ooh! Look what
she caught.

It has to be between
/ and inches.

You can measure it
right there.

See how I can move it?

It's no good, so we have
to throw it back.

This is a keeper.

Want to hold it?

Hold it like this.

Grab it right there
so the claw can't get you.

There, hold
right on tight to it.

Look, Buster, this is
how you hold a lobster.

Thank you, Ellen!

You're welcome.

We love to come down here
and look for sea creatures.

This is a moon snail.

The shell is like a tusk.

This is a periwinkle.

If you hum to him,
he'll come out of his shell.

The best part about catching
a lobster is eating it.

To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

Once upon a time
in a faraway kingdom

lived two good friends.

They were very poor,
but had a prized possession.


One day the two discovered

they had run out of money.

I know. If you take
our cow into town,

I bet you can trade her
for something really good.


Sure enough, once Arthur
and the cow arrived in town...

Wow! Nice domestic
bovine animal.

Would you like to trade it
for this big bag of gold?

(rooster crows)

(cow moos)

What's in the bag?

Gold-- I traded my cow for it.

A bag of gold?

Phht, that's nothing.

This goose lays
golden eggs.

(goose honks)

Really? Want to trade?

Well, I do have
a whole flock

of these gold-laying
geese at home,

and I hate cleaning up
after them.



Ow, ow.

Why are you letting
that goose push you around?

You're higher up
on the food chain, you know.

Ow. He lays golden eggs.


Oh, well, here, you can have
these beans for him.

They're magic.

You just stick 'em in the ground

and you can grow anything.

You traded our cow for what?!

And even though Arthur planted
the beans

hoping that he could climb
the giant beanstalk

to find a singing harp
and great riches,

nothing ever grew...

except some more beans.

And I don't even like beans.

(neighing like a horse)

(Arthur laughs)

(distant thunder rumbling)

Oh, it's pouring out

and we've lost
all our umbrellas.

Want to wear my foil hat?

I think I'll pass.

But would you check
the hall closet?

There might be an extra one
hidden in the back.

Hey... what's this?

"The Grain Reaper."


Cool... a model.

would you look at that?

I bet that's something your
Uncle Stu got when he was a boy.

It's probably been here
this whole time.

Is it okay if I put it together?


"Attach piece A-
to piece C- ."

Buster, we've got to get
to the movie theater.

They're giving away
signed Dark Bunny posters

to the first

Uh, uh-huh.

Now, where does
this little wheely guy go?

What's that?

A thresher called
The Grain Reaper.

It's a model of a machine
from the s

that separated grain
from st*lks of wheat.

I found it in the closet.

I didn't know you were
into old farming stuff.

I'm not,
but it's been really fun

putting it

Check it out,
it's almost finished.

I just can't figure out
where this piece goes.

Oh, well, I'll stick it here.

This is pretty cool.

You really made it
all by yourself?

Uh-huh, it took me an hour.

I've never seen
anything like it.

What will you
do with it?

I don't know.


Maybe I'll give it to you.

It can be your birthday
present two months early.



Are you here for
the Dark Bunny posters?

Yeah. Are they still
giving them out?

Nope. Got the last one.


Hey, wait.

What's that in your hand?

This? Buster gave it to me.

It's called a thresher.


There's a pro wrestler
named The Thrasher.

I said thresher, not thrasher.

Hey, maybe it's one of those

that turns into something
when you press a button.

Careful! You're going
to break it!

Trade you for it.

No way!


Not even for this?


Buster, look!

I got the Dark Bunny poster!

And it's even signed!


But I think they got
your name wrong.

It says,
"To my good friend Binky."


Oh, yeah.

That's because
it used to be Binky's.

I traded the thresher

you gave
me for it.

You gave my thresher to Binky?

Um, yeah.

But technically it was
my thresher, right?

But I gave it to you.

It was a present.

Do you know how many hours
I spent making it?

You said it only
took you one hour.

That's not the point!

How about all those other
presents I've given you

over the years?

Have you given those away, too?

Like the football
I gave you that said,

"To my best pal, Arthur,"
on it.


Or that "I Love Crown City"
T-shirt I got you.

Or that house I made you
out of wooden sticks

in first grade.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know it was
such a big deal.

Big deal?

Oh, it wasn't a big deal.

It was just a present
from your best friend!

A card?!

That's how you say
you're sorry

for stealing your
best friend's treasure?

It was a thresher,
D.W., not treasure.

And I didn't steal it!

He gave it to me.

Read me what you wrote.

"I'm really, really sorry I
traded your gift for the poster.

Am I still in the doghouse?"

See, and there's this cute dog
on the cover.

And I'm even going
to give him a present, too.

Grandma Thora
gave you those mittens.

She did?

Oh, yeah.


They took me years
and years to make.

How could you?

(sobbing, blowing nose)

Okay, I'll find
something else to give Buster.

How about this walkie-talkie?

No, he already has one of those.

A pencil.

Mmm, that doesn't
seem like enough.

What about your new poster?

But... but it's signed.

It's a picture of a bunny

dancing with an octopus.

How can it be more important

than your best friend?

I'm really,
really sorry

I gave Binky
your thresher,

so I brought you something
to make up for it.


You can borrow this
for as long as you want.

You're lending me something?

That stinks!

And it doesn't even
look like a thresher.

Okay, okay, you can
keep the poster!

I don't want it.

Well, can I buy you a milkshake

or take you to the movies?

Come on, you
got to let me

make it up to
you somehow.

I'm not just upset,
Arthur, I'm worried.

My Uncle Stu's coming to dinner,
and he told my mom

he wants to see
how the thresher turned out.

He was really excited.


So, what are you going to do?

I don't know.

Maybe I can
run away to Alaska.

Stu, you have to come out!

You can't spend the rest
of your life in our bathroom!

No, never!

You gave away
Darlene to someone

who doesn't even care
about threshers.

"Darlene" was Uncle Stu's
name for the model.

Maybe you should
try to talk to him.

Stu? It's me, Arthur,

the kid Buster gave
the thresher to.

I just wanted to say
that I'm really, really...

So, you're the
heartless boy

who traded Darlene
for a poster.

She wasn't just a
model, you know.

She was my
best friend.

(loud, rumbling steps)

Oh, no, that must
be her mother.

(metallic creaking)

(all scream)

Stay away from
the feeder!

She'll turn us
all into grain!

(all screaming)

I've got to get
that thresher back.


Hey, Binky,
this is an emergency.

I'll say.

That toy thresher you
gave me really stunk.

It didn't even
transform into a robot.

A robot?

You didn't break it, did you?!

'Cause I really
need it back, now!

Too late.

I sold it to Brain.

The Grain Reaper?

Yes, I bought it
from Binky yesterday.

Do you still
have it?

Can I buy it back?


I thought it had
great historical value,

so I donated it to the school.



Did you know the cylinder
could rotate

up to revolutions
per minute?

So I guess now that Brain
donated the thresher,

there's no way
I can get it back.

Oh, no, this is my own model
of The Grain Reaper.

The one Brain donated
had a few pieces missing,

so I put it in the
school tag sale.


And that's why I have
to buy that thresher back

to give it
to Buster,

before it's too late.

Why, that's the sweetest thing
I ever heard.

Of course you can
have it back.

Wow, thanks.

Hey, Tommy, go deep.

My thresher!




That was very, very bad!

Oh, Arthur, I'm so sorry.

(doorbell rings)

Hi, Mrs. Baxter.

Can I see Buster for a second?

Sure. We're just
finishing dinner.

Come in.

And so I said,

"That's no way
to treat a poodle."


No way to treat a poodle.

Oh, hey, Arthur.
Grab a chair.

There's plenty of chicken.

Oh, that's all
right; I've eaten.

I just came to give you this.

Hey, nice sculpture.

Did you make it yourself?

No, I just remade it.

It's your thresher.

I got it back for you,
but there was an accident.

It came out
kind of weird-looking

because I didn't have
the instructions.


That's okay.

I kind of like it better.

Hey, you found out where

that little
wheely guy goes.

I was never very good
at making models.

But you two seem to be.

Are you sure
you don't mind

spending half your
allowance on a new model?

Are you kidding?

We can build something
really cool together.

It'll be fun.

Hey, how about this one?

It's The Dark Bunny Mobile!

I was thinking more
of this combine.

Look, it even has a
hayrick attachment!

Hi, everyone.

It's me... Buster.

I love making music
with my friends in Elwood City.

That's why I love traveling
with my dad and Los Viajeros,

one of the greatest bands

But they aren't the only people
playing music on my travels.

Listen to this...

I'm filming some great music
with my camera

and I'm sending it all back
to my friends

on my very own video postcards.

Postcards from Buster.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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