12x02 - Room to Ride/The Frensky Family Fiasco

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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12x02 - Room to Ride/The Frensky Family Fiasco

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If you could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If you can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day. ♪


ARTHUR (over TV):
Hey, D.W.!


(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

What if right behind that
curtain there was a button

you could press that could
change the world?

You could make things better,
worse, or just different.


Jetpacks for everyone?

Is that the best
you can do?


We now officially live
in Cowtopia.

All hail Queen Mary!

Go away!
(cow moos)

Maybe some people would make
decisions you didn't like,

but then you could go into
the booth and change them.

How garish.




What would you do if you
had that kind of power?

(TV announcer speaking French)

Go, Lance, go!

When I said you could watch your
DVD on my -inch plasma TV

with channels, I did not say
you could use my room

as a trash can!

I'll clean up

Just move!

(TV announcer speaking French)


I still can't believe

Lance won the
Tour de France

seven straight times.

Hey, you missed one!

BINKY (in French accent):
And in the lead is Binky Barnes.

If only he can make it up this
last hill, the race, it is his.

I wi...



That is the last time
you go biking on the street.


But I have to bike
on the street.

How will I get to school?

I'll drive you.

It's on my way to work.

But biking to
school is fun

and it's part
of my training.

The Elwood City Bike-a-thon's
a week from this Saturday.

You can ride in the park after
you finish your homework.

I'm sorry, Binky,
but it's just not safe.

Hey, Binky, did you
watch the Lance DVD?

Seven times.

But I bet Lance's mom
never told him

he had to stop training.

Your mother said that?

Well, no, but she said I can
only bike in the park.

It's true, there aren't enough
bike lanes on the streets.

But I hope that'll change next
Tuesday at the election.

An election?

What's that got to do
with bike lanes?

People are going to vote
on whether the town

should build
more of them.

That seems like a no-brainer.

You'd think so.

But a lot of people don't
care about bike lanes.

They don't?

And some people who say
they do care don't vote.

Well, then I'll just make them
care and make everyone vote.

Good luck.

That's to remind you all to vote

for bike lanes this coming

It says "vot."

You left off the "e".

Quit trying to weasel out of it;
it's your duty.

Binky, we're
too young to vote.

You have to be
at least .


You mean the government
makes kids go to school

but we can't even vote?

That is so unfair.

Maybe they want you
to be able to spell "vote"

before they let you
elect a president.

I spent my allowance
for nothing.

Well, just because
we can't vote for bike lanes

doesn't mean we can't
get grown-ups to.

I like it!

And you three can help.

We need E's on all of these.

Start writing.

I expect you each
to convince ten grown-ups

to vote for our cause.

Now, who are we?

The Bike Lane Brigade.

What do we want?

Bike lanes.

Why do we want them?

Because Binky wants them.


Now get out there and get me
those names.

It's just
a suggestion,

but we may want
to work on our
slogan a little.

And with more
people biking,

the carbon emissions
produced by cars

could be significantly

You'd be helping
the environment

and burning off calories
from the ice cream

at the same time!

I scream, you scream,

we all scream
for bike lanes!

Buster, that doesn't
even rhyme.

You're right.

How about this:

I scream, you scream,
we all scream for submarines?

That kind of rhymes.

But we don't want
submarine lanes,

we want bike lanes.

Submarine lanes
could be very useful.

Especially if
there's a flood.

(groans in exasperation)

Hi, Mrs. MacGrady.

Are you going
to vote next week?

Sure am.

Haven't missed an
election in years.


The Bike Lane Brigade
needs you.

Bike lanes?

Do we really
need those?

Well, yes.

The streets are unsafe
and full of potholes.

Look what happened to my knee
while biking the other day.

Hmm, that is
a real tomater.

But I still don't know if
bike lanes are the answer.

But biking's really
important to me.

It's how I get around.

Never really took
to it myself.

And I guess
I'm too old now.

So, that's seven
people who said

they would vote
for bike lanes,

five who said
they wouldn't

and eight
who were unsure.

I really thought we'd do better.

There are still five more
days before the election.

"Park is closed
until further notice."

Why'd they close the park?

Because no one voted
to keep it open.

Where am I going
to bike now?

You're not.

Haven't you read
the papers?

Bikes are illegal.

It was just voted on.


My bike!

(bike bell rings)

Hi, Binky.

Are you selling
magazine subscriptions?

My 'Tween Decor is
about to expire.

No, I'm trying to get people
to vote for bike lanes.


Where are the balloons
and the straw hats?

Why would I need those things?

If you want people
to vote for something,

you have to make them feel
like they're at a big party.

What's your budget?


You do-gooders
are so impractical.

Okay, I'll handle
your advertising.

But I get complete
creative control.

I'm Muffy Crosswire,
the Crosswire Motors heiress,

and I'm going to do whatever
it takes to get you

into a voting booth today!

Check out the features

of this Excelsior Luxury
Voting Booth:

Genuine imitation
velvet curtain...

Dual-speed seat massager...


Cup holder...

And free WiFi!

But wait, that's not all.

If you promise to vote
for bike lanes,

we'll give you not one, not two,
but three free votes.

I can't take
it anymore.

You can't promise
people free votes.

And that wasn't a
real voting booth.


I didn't have time to
work out all the details.

I was too busy trying
to get us a celebrity.

Like Bionic Bunny?

He's not available.

And neither is every other
celebrity I asked.

Why not ask
Lance Armstrong?

He's right outside.



I'm your biggest fan!

Relax, you'll have another
chance to meet him.

He's here for
the bike-a-thon.

But he's already won the
Tour de France seven times.

Doesn't he need a rest?

For Lance Armstrong,
a K bike ride is a rest.

The bike-a-thon will be
too late.

I have to ask him something
before Tuesday.

He asked for directions
to the bike course.

You could try there.

Aww, I guess I missed him.


Wait up!

Mr. Armstrong!

Did you want



Those potholes
are terrible.

Fortunately I always carry
a little antiseptic with me.

There we go, good as new.

So, did you want an autograph?


But there's something else, too.

Would you be in an ad
for bike lanes?

There's this election
next week and...

Yeah, I found
one of these flyers.

Are you part of that
Bike Lane Brigade?

Part of it?

I'm Binky Barnes,
the president!

It's an honor, Mr. President.

But you don't
need my help.

You seem to be doing
a great job on your own.

I don't think so.

I couldn't even convince
one person the other day.

If you feel strongly
about it, you will.


Why don't we ride
for a while?

And if it helps, I can
tell you all the reasons

that I think bike lanes
are important.

So use your head...

Use your feet...

Give bikes a safe place
on the street.

Listen to my wise
friend, Brain.

Vote this Tuesday
for bike lanes.

I can't believe Muffy
made me put on

that ridiculous get-up.

I think you look
distinguished in a beard.

You should always wear one.

And it's not just
because I like it;

biking's good for
the whole community.

There'd be less pollution
and people would be healthier.

Well, I can't promise
you anything,

but I will think about it.

We've got for,

and undecided.

But they all promised
to vote.

It's going to be close.

Mom, quit fussing.

I'm going to be late
for the bike-a-thon.

Okay, okay, I just want to make
sure your knees are covered.

Now that we're going
to get more bike lanes,

maybe there are some
other things we could do

to make Elwood City
a better place to bike.

How about we get rid
of all the hills?

Don't tell me you're
poopin' out already?

C'mon Binky,

let's ride!

♪ You're in them,
you make them ♪

♪ You sh**t them,
it's "Postcards from You!"... ♪

And now, a video from you.

♪ It's "Postcards from You!" ♪

This postcard was made
by kids

from the Dorchester Youth

in Boston, Massachusetts.

My name is Tristan.

My name is Sheldon.

My name is Jamari.

My name is Wallace.

My name is Otto.

I belong to Dorchester Youth

but most people call it DYC.

What I like about bikes is

that it gives you good exercise.

They get you around places.

And it's fun to ride them
with your friends.

I like going fast.

This bike's basically
made for speed.

It's a racing bike.

I like doing tricks on bikes.

You know, like wheelies.

If you don't have enough money
for the train,

you just ride your bike
to wherever you need to go.

My favorite bike rider
is Lance Armstrong.

But can he pop
a wheelie?

That's what
I'm here for.

My favorite bike rider is myself

because I'm pretty nice
on bikes.

To see more
"Postcards from You!"

visit pbskidsgo.org.

♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet
has an original... ♪

Hey! What's
going on?

Stop the show!

Francine, what
are you doing?

Relax, everything's under

Start the music again.

(music starts)

No! Cut!

You can't do the
opening of the show.

Why not?

(scenery rips)

Why do you get to do
every show opening?

Let someone else do it.

She's right.

And we should change
the name of the show.

Arthur is too long.

How about D.W.?

Let's call it Buster

and give me an
alien sidekick.

You be quiet!

You already have your own show.

D.W. is a perfect name.

It's short and snappy.

They're just initials.

No one even knows
what they stand for.

They stand for Dora Winifred.

But if you tell anyone,
you'll be sorry.

On this show, we're one
big, happy family.

Can't there be
one single episode

where we don't
mention aliens?

But sometimes even families
have trouble

agreeing on the simplest things.

Like in this next episode...

...of The Binky Show,

the greatest show
on Earth.

Move it!

Roll tape!

(baby crying)

The two sisters reinforce
their strong family ties

by grooming one another.


You couldn't pay me
to eat something

out of Catherine's hair.

But for these baboons,

family isn't just
a source of comfort...

It's the key
to their very survival.

(lion roars)

(baboons screech)

(both gasp)

Is it over?


Don't worry,
it lived.

Oh, good.

I wonder what's
for lunch.

That was one lucky
little baboon.


Anyone home?

In the kitchen.

We saw the most amazing
video in class today.

There were these
baboons, and...


What's with the shirt?

It's my bowling night, remember?

You know, I've been
averaging .

Not bad for
your old mom, huh?

Just pop this lasagna
in the microwave

when you're
ready to eat.

Your father's out biking.

Wish me luck.

Good luck!



I'm on the phone.

Mmm, doesn't dinner
just taste better

when you eat it as a family?

That's why I,
Beaurigaard Poulet,

am offering my
Family-Style Bottomless Bucket
o' Drumsticks!

♪ Oh we are a family
as close as we can be ♪

♪ It's as easy as - -
to be a family. ♪


This family is
falling apart.

We never spend
any time together.

Even baboons are closer
than we are.


Can we help it if some of us
have lives?

Actually, I think
Francine has a point.

It wouldn't hurt
to spend a little
more time together.


That's why
I'm proposing

the Frensky
Family Night.

One night a week
we'll eat together,

talk and do something fun.

How about Tuesdays?

Works for me.
are good.

But Tuesdays are when
Tammy and I go to the mall.

Are you saying that you'd rather
spend time with your friends

than your own
flesh and blood?



Any eights?


Go fish.

(Oliver snoring)

Well, to be honest...

Okay, okay, Tuesday's fine.

I can't
eat this.

It's raw.

It's supposed to be raw, honey.

It's sushi.


This eel is delicious!

Why couldn't we have Chinese?

Because we all agreed
that we'd flip a coin

to see who got to
decide what we'd do

for our first
family night.

And I won.

So eat up.


Maybe it won't be so bad if I
put this guacamole on it.

Francine, no!

That's not guacamole!

That's wasabi!


It's like very,
very hot mustard.

And that's
soy sauce.

I still say

watching a dorky
reality show

doesn't count
as a family night

Star Cast is the most
popular show

in the country,

and this is
the finale.

(phone rings)

I'll get it.

This is way too much excitement
for me anyway.

Oh, this is
the best part,

when Horace
judges them.
Hurry back!


Hi, Francine.

Are you watching
Star Cast?


But only because
I have to.

It's family night and
Catherine's in charge.

Oh, we do that, too.

Every Friday
we all cook dinner

and play charades.

It's my favorite
night of the week.

You play games?

That's a great idea.

Francine! You're
missing the best part!

Be there
in a sec!

Tell me more.

Finally, your solo sounded like
someone shaving a sick hyena.

(audience boos)

But, everyone loves
your hair, so...

Flex MacGinty,
you are the winner.


What did I miss?

Not much.

Just the biggest upset
in musical history.

Nice of you
to join us.

The person she was
rooting for lost.

Who was on
the phone?


I tried to get off,
but she wouldn't let me.

Okay, but we all
have to participate

in each other's night.

That was the deal, remember?

I know, I know.

But next week is going to be

I've got it all planned out.

And then, I thought
we could each take

a quarter of the pizza
and put whatever we want on it.

But there are
only meat toppings.

I'm a vegetarian,

I thought you
might say that.


And they're
all organic.

Just keep your broccoli
away from my pepperoni.

It smells amazing!

You know, I hate
to admit it,

but cooking together
is actually kind of fun.

I know.

Hey, maybe we could
open up a restaurant.

What are you doing?

Making Russian dressing.

See, it's just ketchup
and mayonnaise.

I do it all the time
at school.

That's disgusting.

No one's going
to touch that.

(both sniffing)

Haven't you ever heard
of cholesterol?

Yeah, and it tastes a lot
better than seaweed.

Kids, kids!


So, who's hungry for
a little manhole cover?

Our pizza would have
been much better

but this was
still pretty good.

So, Franky,
what do you have in store

for the rest of the evening?


You can't
be serious.

That was already old
when I was eight.

This is Francine's
Family Night, Catherine.

She's the boss.

And I get to be banker.

Oh, not again.

Palamino Place.

I own it.

And with four condos and a
skyscraper on it, you owe me...

$ .


I have to get some change.


You just gave
yourself an extra $ .

I did not!

Did too!

Let me count it.

Look at what you made me do.

Oh, so it's my fault
you're a crooked banker?

Kids, kids,
settle down.

Here, you can both have
$ from me.

You said you didn't
have any money.

That's why you
didn't pay me

when you landed on
my shipping lines.


Um, well, this was my reserve.

Your "reserve"?

Oliver, you're setting
a terrible example

for the kids.

I forgot it was
in my pocket.

Anyway, it's
just a game.

The only reason
you're winning

is you landed twice on
The Pot of Gold Square!

If you're not going
to play by the rules,

then you shouldn't
play at all!

You're taking this
too seriously.

Maybe having
a family night

wasn't such a good
idea after all.

I suggest that this officially
be the last one.

Any objections?

DREAM NARRATOR (like one on TV):
The two sisters reinforce their
strong family ties

by grooming one another.

Ow! You're doing
it all wrong.

If you keep moving,
I can't get the lice out.

Ah! Lion!


I think I should go up
the tree first!

No! Me! Me!

Calm down!

We'll flip a coin!

We don't have coins.

We're baboons.

Unfortunately, for these
Frenskys, their family ties

are just not strong enough
to save them.



Nice one,

And that puts
us at .

We are now officially
crushing you guys.

We're playing
best out of three.

That's plenty of time
for a comeback.

If you're wondering

if this is an official
family night, it isn't.

We don't have one anymore.

It was a good idea,
but it just wasn't for us.

Hey, we're not getting
any younger out here.

Go already.

Now, we just bowl.

Hi, everyone, it's me, Buster.

It seems like everyone in Elwood
City is always on the move,

and in my travels with my dad,

I'm finding a lot more people
who are really going places.

I'm jumping
into the action, too,

and sending it all to my pals
in Elwood City

on my very own video postcards.

They're Postcards from Buster.

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ And everybody that you meet ♪

♪ Has an original
point of view ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪
♪ Hey! ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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