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02x09 - The Long Lost Care Bears

Posted: 06/30/22 12:47
by bunniefuu
Care Bears countdown four three two why

is that coming from somewhere up in the


is a Firefly

just when you think the truffles gone

who's gonna be there when it

and send a wish out through the air

just do that

don't be afraid when clouds are blue in

your heart if you can dream just send a

wish and now back to the Care Bears

boy cleaning up this addict longer than

I thought

thanks for your help good luck there it

was a big job Tenderheart we've sure

collected a lot of stuff over the years

when clowning around

grumpy there we go money swift hard look

an old photo album we were no bigger

than baby hugs and tugs in I remember

that what the heart really knew how to

lift my spirits even as it Co grumpy was

grumpy oh well you would be too if you

had to wear a bonnet like that hey who's

that hmm I've never seen those cups

before are they part of the Care Bear

family the picture is blurry it's hard

to tell but if they're in this album

they must be but where are they now

it's the caring meter someone needs our


according to the caring leader the

trouble spots to be directly below us

that's nothing but a winter wasteland

nobody could possibly live down there

the caring leader must be wrong but what

if it snapped the Care Bears can't

ignore any call for help no matter where

it comes from

don't worry swift guard nothing can go

wrong with good luck bear on board No

maybe the controls are frozen shirts

like yo select good luck right now

everyone okay holy hey we're stranded we

could freeze out here there's no sign of

that Valley anywhere and if we don't

find shelter fast we're in big trouble


snow monsters snow monsters I don't see

anything you slip dirt not me that

crash-landing must have scrambled good

lucks eyesight but I really did see

something two of them

no good luck stop doing Hill started

yeah it's no

we cannot run it will outside it


how did we get here

everybody wake up lose use in my head

for a bongo drum roll what happened the

last thing I remember was those snow

monsters reaching for me again with the

snow monsters

where are we anyway in paradise

I think listen to those burning it's

beautiful it's impossible

we're surrounded by snow and ice this

forest is shouldn't be here but it is

Swift toward and the caring meter knew

it was here now it's up to us to find

out who needs our help

hey not only was it hot in there

we must have looked a fright ah my name

is perfect panda and my sister's name's


my name's Tenderheart and this is Swift

heart rabbit hi and good luck they're

pleased to meet you and to greet you

mama mia oh me too

looks like your luck is changing good

luck we're sorry if we startled you but

our clothing keeps us warm these furs

were absolutely necessary to rescue you

from the storm do you always talk and

rhyme all the time thank you for the

tour baby and thank you polite

incredible it's just like a forest of

feelings on earth it sure is but I still

can't figure out how the snow stays out

and the work stays in polite and I have

lived here for as long as we can

remember and every day is a sunny day

even in December 12 is rarely happen


it's almost problem-free light and I try

to keep our valley as perfect as can be

but enough about us now how about you

why are you here and what do you do

we're members of the Care Bear family we

help people share their feelings that's

why we've come someone in your forest

maybe they need our help

I don't think so tender heart they all

seem so happy

Oh somebody needs our help let's go and

find out who knew the villagers might

see us please please don't make a fuss

you mean you don't play with them they

don't know we live here and you might

wonder why we'd love to get to know them

but we're really much too shy

how nice to be a Care Bear with family

and friends and all to share your love

and caring each time trouble calls I

should have known you're the ones who

need our help

the pandas that's right they have no

family and no friends you're lonely now

that you mention it we have been kind of

sad you're the first and only visitors

that we've ever had

Tenderheart why don't we invite perfect

and polite back to care-a-lot they could

become part of the Care Bear family oh

that would be wonderful being part of a

family that we could care for too we

could meet new friends and play all day

come on

Tenderheart what do you say okay let's

take them to Kerala without delay

thank you for salvaging our cloud car

perfect it's the only way to fly

next stop care a lot I'll miss our

little Valley perfect are you sure it

will be all right

the valley will be fine without us I'll

guarantee it polite what's happening

and now back to the Care Bears it is my

pleasure to introduce two new members of

the Care Bear family and to solve a

mystery long ago when all of you were

very young

a pair of care bear cubs were frightened

away from us by no heart and they were

never seen again noble heart and I

searched and searched for the Cubs and

never gave up hope was someday they

would return to their true home well

they finally have that's right the Care

Bear family is finally back together

again let's hear it for perfect and

polite the long-lost Care Bear

Tenderheart do your stuff to tummy

symbol coming right up huh

yay now that's more like it

after a little training perfect and

polite will be top-notch Care Bears

up - up - up to bears have to be in


just aim your tummies at the target and

fire away oh you're so smart you teach

so well and you're cute

I think you're swell

don't worry perfect and polite you'll

get the hang of it we hope so

the caring warm everybody up come on

come on haha let's scramble those cloud

cars huh let's go move out

can't you control hmm

let's face it perfect we don't fit in

and we never will

being a Care Bear takes a lot of skill

our place is in the valley it's where we


especially since everything we do is

wrong so that's it then we've decided as

we can't leave without a warning you're

absolutely right

that wouldn't be polite we'll tell them

in the morning are you sure you won't

change your mind and stay with us living

in Carroll odd is grand that's true but

it's the kind of life since only you we

grew up in the valley it's all that we

know we miss taking care of it and

watching it grow we're very sorry and

we'll miss you so we have no choice we

have to go

hey come on you guys everyone else is on

patrol and there's trouble in the valley

hurry up

we've got to go

it can't be so the valley has never been

touched by snow hang on I'm going in for

a landing

we may have helped them valium only

we've been here now everything is dying

the damage is severe no polite it's not

your fault the important thing is that

you've come back hopefully in time to

save the valley

do something fast there's enough snow


we've got to get those people out of

there before that snow let's go there's

only one thing to do one thing to say in

order to save the villagers we must talk

to them

who are you you don't know us but we

know you all we've watched you grow

since you were small we're the pandas

don't you see you've got to leave here

you've got to free go where we can't go

outside we'll freeze please help us

please pandas help us help the villagers

won't leave what do we do

they'll be buried in the avalanche and

we will too

I have an idea if we combined all our

tummy symbols into one big stare it

might be warm enough to melt the snow

lands it's a good idea and all we want

the villagers are depending on us so

let's give it a shot there's our target

Care Bears get ready to spare

but our skill is unsteady our tummy

cymbals aren't ready

we just can't stare like the rest of you

bears you can do it just put your hearts

into it you have to try

stair is working pour it on

after a snow is melting

and we use them something goes wrong

it's no use

three scares aren't strong enough

there's just too much snow

Oh perfect what will we do the volley

means everything to me to you and if the

valley is crushed our hearts will be too

don't you eat if the pandas love that

keeps the valley

what kept the snow out of the valley for

all these years with the warmth of the

pandas heart and when the pandas left

the snow took over the valley that's


without the pandas the valley would die

Valley needs the pandas just as much as

they need it that's why it's important

that you stay here your family needs you

just as my family needs me but you're

our family and the Care Bears are too if

you leave the valley what will we do oh

thank you for saving us pandas please

come back to the village with us we have

so much to celebrate and so much to talk


we've shared this valley for all these

years to hide from you was wrong to come

with you would be a dream we've

cherished for so long

we'll always be Care Bears even though

we're apart we must now join our real

family our family of the heart

goodbye polite not goodbye just so long

a friendship like ours is much too

strong don't be sad good luck bear with

a little luck you'll see Regan zombie

you bet I will

tender hearty cuz luck is my middle name