10x10 - What's Cooking?/Buster's Special Delivery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x10 - What's Cooking?/Buster's Special Delivery

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa-a...!

Hi, I'm DW, and this is going to be the best show you've ever seen.

- Know why? Because Arthur's letting me do the show opener.
- Cut! DW!

- Look right at the camera - make contact with the viewers.
- OK, OK!

Show opener, take two.

Hello, my name's DW. I'm opening the show today and...

Cut! This isn't working.

We need a different setting - someplace more exciting and scenic,

like...the ocean.

- Hello, everyone...
- Cut! Too much motion. We need something as scenic

but not as distracting, like...

I know! Outer space.

- He...
- Cut! This isn't right either. It's too...

Listen, Arthur, you said you were gonna let me do this myself.

Now let me do it!

Hello, and welcome to our show.

- My name is...
- Cut! That was actually great, DW, but we're out of time.

Nice job, though.


You kids are so lucky.

- This is one contest I wish
- I
- could enter.
- Chef Ming Tsai is coming

to judge the kids' cooking contest? Who's Ming Tsai?

He's the host of Simply Ming on TV.

And the judge is Ming Tsai? Arthur, this is huge!

What shall we make for this contest? Cheese straws? No, too festive.

- Brie en croute. Too conservative.
- The contest is for kids, Dad.

Good. Then we should make oobleck. I learned a recipe at school.

People don't eat oobleck, DW. And I know what I want to make -

chocolate cake.

I love chocolate cake.

I have a recipe for chocolate brandy cake with roasted hazelnut filling.

I just want a simple chocolate cake. And I want to make it with no help.

You'll need help with the stove, and I'm busy.

- So it'll have to be Dad.
- Don't worry, Arthur.

I'll stick to stove help only. Oh, here! Classic chocolate cake.

This is a fantastic recipe.

Doing it by myself includes choosing the recipe.

- Oh, hi, you guys. Researching recipes?
- Getting hungry, you mean!

- What are those?
- Just some information cards I laminated.

Information cards?

The recipe I chose is rendang, which means water buffalo stew.

It comes from the Minangkabau tribe in Indonesia,

so I'll provide Ming with facts about their cooking practices.

See you guys. I've got to get home and start working on my costume.

- Costume?!
- I wouldn't feel right serving rendang without native dress.

Don't worry. You don't need a costume for a great chocolate cake.

- Hey, Brains, what's in the bags?
- Just a few things

for my hydroponic greenhouse. Wanna see it?

I transformed my parents' greenhouse into this full hydroponics system.

- Wow!
- Wow!
- The success of my berry tart

for the contest depends on the quality of the ingredients.

It was imperative to cultivate the sweetest berries.

I need to do something that makes my chocolate cake really special.

Good idea. A great chef always has a signature -

something that makes his recipe unique.

Mm! Delissimo!

- You know what I think it needs a little more of? Sugar...
- No!

- Nothing makes a cake taste less sophisticated than extra sugar.
- Dad!

But I'm just trying to...help.

- How about more extra-dark chocolate?
- Good idea.
- What do you think?

- How come he gets to give advice?
- He's a kid, Dad.

OK. But may I please offer you one small yet crucial piece of advice

about chocolate cake?

It's good to go off-recipe and experiment a bit.

But there is one ingredient you absolutely must use properly

to make a successful chocolate cake - baking powder.

Got it - baking powder.

Mm! I've found my signature ingredient -

an extra amount of extra-dark chocolate.

I have to go to the art room to see if the glue on my headdress is dry.

- I hope Ming Tsai is nice.
- I wouldn't count on it.

Ming Tsai was voted one of the most beautiful people

- in Famous Faces magazine.
- So?

So he's not only famous, he's glamorous.

What if my quiche Lorraine doesn't have enough glamour?

He won't judge the quiche on its glamour. It wouldn't be fair.

Have you seen those TV judges? They're never fair.

I have to say, Muffy, that bite of quiche was a waste of tastebuds

- and saliva.
- Ming! You awful brute!

How can you say that about Muffy's quiche?

Muffy, your quiche Lorraine was delicious.

It was abom-i-trocious, an absolute disgrace!

Muffy should be forbidden from cooking ever again.

But I didn't even make this quiche! My cook did.

He probably has impossibly high standards.

I bet he takes cooking really seriously.

Making a chocolate cake - in the left cooking ring,

we have dessert chef Arthur Reed.

Making his famous stir-fried butterfly shrimp with syrup

is the renowned Ming Tsai!

Chefs, take your positions.

On your marks, get set...go!


Ten seconds, ladies and gentlemen!

We have a winner! Ming Tsai prepared a full gourmet meal in ten seconds!

Well, at least Ming Tsai is going to be the judge,

not a contestant.

# And Ming Tsai says DW's the winner

- # DW's oobleck is the best recipe in all the land... #
- Where's Arthur?

What are you doing, Arthur?

This is your last day to practise.

I'll set my alarm to wake up early to make the cake. Today I'm resting,

- like a boxer does before a big match.
- OK, champ. You'll be great.


Butter, eggs,

sugar, extra dark chocolate,

baking powder... Oh!

- Dad! Dad!
- Wh-what?

DW used up all the baking powder yesterday -

the most important ingredient in a chocolate cake! It's an emergency!

Oh! I have baking powder in my catering supplies.

- On the shelf in the garage?
- In a silver canister marked baking powder.

Be sure not to take the canister marked baking SODA.

Oh, no! It's...flat!


Well, don't feel that bad, Arthur. I mean, look at my frozen fruit pop -

- it's melting.
- At least you have an entry.

Hurry up! Ming is already here. He's really nice.

Even though he's famous, he's friendly.

I wonder if he's friendly to kids whose cooking creations are a flop?

And if you refer to fact b on your information card,

you'll see that the spoon you are using was chiselled by hand

- by an old woman from the Minangkabau tribe.
- A thorough presentation.

- And the water buffalo stew...
- The rendang.
- Yes, the rendang.

It's delicious.

- Wait! The contest must be stopped!


Dad, how many times do I have to tell you?

This is a kids' contest!

- Arthur, you made a fantastic batch of brownies!
- Brownies?!

- Mr Tsai...
- Call me Ming, please.

- It looks like you made some wonderful brownies, Arthur.
- I did?!

Ming, my son was aiming to bake a cake,

but by accident he used baking soda instead of baking powder...

That's why they were flat?

I thought I'd made a huge mistake, so I didn't even bring them in.

Your mistake looks good to me. Let me tell you,

some of the best recipes started out as mistakes.

A long time ago, in ancient China, the emperor's cook

was preparing a dinner of dumplings. But he made a mistake.

He didn't watch the pot, and all the water boiled off.


- What is it?
- The dumplings are stuck to the pot.

The emperor is ready to eat now.

Quick, I will put the dumplings on a plate for him.

But I will be severely punished when he sees my mistake.

- These dumplings are shrivelled and brown!
- Your Majesty,

may I present you with a new recipe from the kitchen, called, um...

- pot-stickers.
- Hmm! Delicious!

From now on, I declare that all my dumplings shall be pot-stickers.

That's how pot-stickers were invented - from a mistake.

Except the emperor thought the pot-stickers were delicious.

And so are your brownies - delicious.

So, Ming, who's the winner?

Well, Sue Ellen, the ultimate grand prize-winner is...me!

KIDS: Hey! That's not fair!

Do you know why I'm the winner?

Cos I get to eat this wonderful food you all worked so hard to prepare.

- Wanna be winners too?
- Oh, yes!

Dig in!

People who are really good at something make it look so easy.

I even have trouble skating backwards!

Wooooargh! Agh!

A few hours of practice. You'll get it.

It's important not to give up on something you love.

Take the Wright brothers.

- They failed many times before they succeeded.
- Oh!

But they kept trying.


And they kept crashing.

It wasn't easy making the first successful aeroplane flight ever.

Sometimes, it takes a lot of work before you can make it look easy.

I wouldn't say you made it look easy!

- Whoa! Ouch!
- Ha!

Stop showing off, DW!


May I have everyone's attention, please?

There's a new volunteer job available to a qualified rd grader.

Does that mean you don't get paid?

Miss Tingley will no longer deliver the mail.

We would like to have a student take over.

It will be a rotating job,

so everyone who's interested has a chance to try it.

- But who'd want to do that?

The job will require missing ten minutes of home room every morning.

Who would like to be our first student mail carrier?

Me! Choose me, I love mail!

What skills do you possess that would make you qualified?

As you can see from my resume and references,

I have extensive experience opening mail.

I subscribe to ten magazines, and at least catalogues.

What are three adjectives that describe the real you?


Shy...afraid of beetles.

Why are you interested in being the student mail carrier?

I'm organised, and punctual, and I think I could do a good job.

Hmmm...you THINK you could.

Let me talk to you about mail.

Mail and me. Me and mail.

You know what the most important day of my life was?

- No, but...
- The day I got my first letter.

It was a coupon for a manicure.

And I didn't know what that was.

But I was so touched!

I never knew how strongly you felt about mail, Buster.

So, I'm making you the first student mail carrier.

Thanks, Mr Haney!

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to take on some...

Buster? Oh!

I've broken it down into three steps.

Mr Haney meant it about missing minutes of home room?

Yes. Now, the three steps are...

Stacking it, alphabetising it, and delivering it to the right mail box.

And this hat is really mine?

If you forget one of the steps, just think SAD.

Short for Stacking, Alphabetising and Delivering.


- Hi, Mr Higgins!
- Hi, Buster. What's that on your head?

It's the mail carrier's cap. It's my new job at school.

That's quite an honour.


You did that really fast!

It looks easy, but it takes work and dedication.

It seemed easy when Miss Tingley was showing me.

Are you aware of the responsibility that comes with being a mail carrier?

Kind of. I know it comes with a hat.

Can I impart some words of wisdom, one mail carrier to another?


This is the creed we all live by.

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom

"stays these couriers from the swift completion of their rounds."

What does that mean?

- It means nothing stops us from delivering the mail.
- Snow?

Heat? Gloom?

Phew...sure is hot.

Thank goodness this street is done.

On to the next one.

Ah, what's a little rain and gloom?

I've got mail to deliver!

D-d-d-delivering mail...

Oh! Nooooooooo!

Time for you to return to home room.

But I can't, until the job is done!

- I appreciate your commitment, but you need to pick up the pace.
- Right.

OK. I've got to work faster. Just be swift.

Hmmm, nothing but junk mail today.

How was your first day?

Oh, it was rough. I had barely enough time to get it all done.

The first day of a job is always hard. I'm sure you did great.

Where is the bus for our field trip? I sent you the form yesterday.

I didn't receive the form, so I didn't confirm the bus!

Oh! Class...

The field trip to the zoo is cancelled.

Everyone back inside, for an impromptu spelling bee.


We were going to have a dodgeball tournament today,

but my gym ball order never made it to the mailbox.

Give me ten laps, then we'll work on our push-ups!

What have I done?

But the menu said watermelon slices today!

Somehow, my order for watermelons got lost in the mail.

Hi there! How's the new job going?

Oh, not so well.

There's so much mail, and so little time. I don't know how you do it.

I wasn't always a great mail carrier.

I had a great teacher. He taught me everything I know.

There's one thing you must remember when you're in charge of the mail.

- Approach it one letter at a time.
- Wow! One letter at a time!

Say it to yourself as you sort, as you deliver. Letter by letter.

Letter by letter! That's it!

And then, employ the four rules of efficient mail delivery.

Gather, look at each letter, alphabetise, and deliver.

G.L.A.D. Glad!

- I thought it was SAD.
- No, no, Buster. As my mentor always said...

- When you do it right, you'll be GLAD.
- Thanks, Mr Higgins.

I think you may have just what it takes.

I made your favourite! Banana walnut pancakes!

- I don't have time. I'm late.
- But it's only . .

I'll pick something up at the office.

Letter by letter...

Haney comes before Ratburn, Tingley after MacGrady.

Yesterday, there seemed to be a mix-up with the mail.

There won't be any more. I have a system.

Miss Tingley is organising a softball game,

and wondered if you'd like to join.

Your job is to deliver mail, not read it.

And don't I know it!

I didn't know you were a softball player!


Of course! Do you know what kind of stress I'm under at work?


Every day, there's mail. A lot of mail. And someone has to deliver it!

But you've only been doing it for two days.

Two days is like two years.

The watermelon is back!

Thanks to my delivery system. Oh...

I have some confidential mail business.

Did you get your letter, Miss Tingley?

I haven't checked my mail yet.

You have a letter from France.

You should use correct postage when you write back.

Or else it'll be returned. We don't want that, do we?

No, we don't!

- Mr Haney, you threw this out.
- Don't worry, it'll be recycled.

It's the cafeteria menu for the next week!

No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job.

Do you want to come over after school today and watch TV?

Ah, I remember when I had time to do fun things, like watch TV.

Why can't you do fun things now?

I've got two words for you. "The mail."

- And neither rain, nor heat, nor snow, nor..."
- OK!

OK! But it's only supposed to take up ten minutes of your day!

But you have no idea what I have to do to prepare for those ten minutes!

- I thought we'd have Chinese food for dinner.
- I'm too tired to eat.

Too tired for vegetable dumplings?

It's this job, Mom. I love it, but it really takes it out of me.

I know what it's like to think about work all the time.

But you have to relax.

All right, all right. One dumpling. Maybe two.

I think we're all aware of what a thorough job Buster has done

while serving as mail carrier.

I just want you all to know neither snow, nor rain, nor...

- Oh, Buster, not again!
- Yes, yes.

Your enthusiasm for mail has no bounds.

You've gone above and beyond the call of duty.

However, you will recall that it is a rotating position.

What do you mean?

It means that now it's time for someone else to do the job.

Are you firing me, Mr Haney?

After I gave you the best week of my life?

I'm not firing you.

I just want everyone to experience the huge responsibility

of delivering the mail!

- But nobody knows what it takes until they've done it.
- Exactly my point.

That's why I've put you in charge of training the next mail carrier!

The key to delivering mail is to do it letter by letter.

I really get to wear this hat?

Yes. Now, the four steps to delivering mail are GLAD.

Gather it, look at each letter...

- I really get this hat?
- You're not listening! It's not about the hat.

It's about the mail!

There should be a uniform that comes with this hat.

Delivering the mail is a big responsibility.

Neither snow, nor...

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