10x05 - D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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10x05 - D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Oh...!

Albert Einstein was a famous scientist.

Before he was famous, he was just a kid with a lot of questions.

- I have a question.
- DW, can't you see I'm busy?!

Ahem, when Einstein was just three years old,

he wanted to know things - like when his baby sister was born.

It is nice, but where are its wings?


As he got older, he asked questions that nobody could answer.

Could I ever catch up to a beam of light?

As an adult, he kept on asking questions

that changed the way we think about the universe.

- Can I ask MY question now?
- DW!

What's so important that you have to interrupt me?

- When's the show gonna start? You've been talking forever!
- Oh!

All right, everyone, line up to go outside.

I'll go first! I'm the line leader!

DW, why don't we give Emily a chance to be the line leader?

You were line leader at lunch. Only a few more days till career day.

You should be thinking about your presentation on what you wanna be

when you grow up.

I already know what I want to be. A ballerina.

I wanted to be one all my life.

- Tommy and I wanna be cowboys when we grow up.
- No, policemen!

- Cowboys!
- Policemen!

How about you, DW? What are you going to be?


DW, it's MY TV time!

'Launched in from the space shuttle Discovery...'

I'm watching a fascinating programme on space exploration.

'The images have astounded and even confounded

- 'astronomers and the public... '
- Oh, it's just news!

Look, it's footage of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.

I was Arthur's age when this was live on TV.

Everyone wanted to be an astronaut. Imagine what it felt like

to be the first person to set foot on the moon!

'One small step for man...

'One giant leap for mankind...'

Who knows... Maybe one day, you will get to someone walk on Mars.

- You mean that no-one has ever done that?
- Not yet.

Good! Then I'll be the first!

- DW, an astronaut?!

Now there's a crazy idea!

What's so crazy about it? I'm only four and I can already count to !

DW is right, Arthur.

- There's no reason why she couldn't be the first person on Mars.
- See?!

If you'll excuse me, I have to start preparing.

Let's see - juice, cookies...

What else should I bring? Oh, yeah...a co-pilot.

Where to, Captain?

- Mars!
- Oh, goodie. Are we spending the night?

- I didn't bring my toothbrush.
- No, this is just a test mission

to see what it might be like. I won't be going till I'm older.

There must be a light switch in here somewhere.

Load the pinkilator! Set the gigatron to !

Start the caliopalops.



Ready for blast-off!


We did it! We're the first people ever to land on Mars!

I couldn't have done it without you, Nadine.

Now for the best part.

This is one small step for me,

and one big leap for everyone else.


- That wasn't such a small step.
- It's beautiful.

Do you think anybody lives on Mars?

I dunno, but if someone is here, they should be throwing us a parade.

It's not every day that someone from Earth comes to visit them.

- THUMP! What's that sound?
- The welcoming committee?
- Where's it coming from?

- I dunno.
- AGH!


Let go of my space hatch, you dumb dog!


Great! Now I have to build a whole new spaceship!

Nice job, Timmy. Read him his rights!

Stinky Pete, you're under arrest for not wearing a hat.

- You have the right to sit in this wagon.
- What are you doing?

Practising for Career Day. We've decided to be cowboy-policemen.

Hey, she's not wearing a hat! You're under arrest!

Fine, I'm under arrest. Do you have something I could use as a spaceship

like a big box? I've decided to be the first person to go to Mars.


Don't do it, DW! You don't wanna go to Mars!

- Martians live there!
- We saw a show on TV all about it!

Really? What are Martians like?

They're big lizards!

Some are as big as skyscrapers!

They never sleep, but they have to eat all the time!

Sometimes they even try to eat each other.

- And you know why Mars is called the Red Planet?
- No.

Because Martian blood glows red in the dark.

- Wait here. I'll get you that box.
- Actually, I don't need it. Thanks.

- Oh!
- DW, we're gonna do some star gazing. It's a beautiful night.

We may even be able to see Mars. Come on.


- Whoa, the moon looks so big!
- Isn't it beautiful?!

Here, let me see if I can find Mars for you.

It must be tiny if you need a telescope.

It's a lot bigger than the moon. It's just a lot farther away.

There it is! Take a look.

I'll get us something to munch on.

All I can see is a small dot that sort of...

It really is red!

Of course it is. That's why they call it the Red Planet.

They were right! I can see the Martian blood!

- Martian blood?
- From the big lizards

- who are as tall as skyscrapers...
- And never sleep, right?

But they have to eat all the time and eat each other?

Right. How come everyone knows this but me?

It's from a movie called Attack of the Sleepless Martian Dinosaurs!

- Buster made me watch it.
- I should have known better!

But if there are no Martian dinosaurs, who lives up there?

No-one knows for sure if anything lives on Mars.

But even if there is life, it wouldn't be as big as a skyscraper.

Hello! Anybody home?


So, you still wanna go to Mars?

- You're not the first to be afraid of Mars and Martians.
- I'm not?
- Look.

It's called w*r Of The Worlds and it was written by HG Wells.

In the story, aliens take over our planet.

But it's not true. Right?

Nope, but in , a man named Orson Welles did a radio broadcast

of the story and a lot of people thought it was really happening.

They're here!

We're being att*cked by aliens!


- Were they scared?
- You bet. But the more you know about something,

the less scary it is. Here's a picture of the real Mars.

It looks like a big rusty desert. How can anything live there?

I know just where we can do a little research.

OK, so we know that it'll take me over two years to get to Mars,

and that there'll be almost nothing there,

but I still don't know if there's any life on it.

- Scientists haven't answered that yet.
- It might as well be me.

OK, it's time for our Career Day presentation.

Who would like to go first?

OK, DW, you can start.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be the first person to set foot on Mars.

And the first to be eaten by a Martian lizard!

Timmy, shh!

- Mars is called the Red Planet because...
- Martian blood glows red!

- Giant lizards?
- Blood?
- I don't wanna hear this!

Please, settle down.

- Are they coming here? Are they going to get us?

Do you wanna hear about the real Mars or just the made-up story?

As I was saying, Mars is called the Red Planet

because the rocks there have lots of iron in them.

When iron gets rusty, it turns red. ALL: Oh...

People used to think this was a big face.

But you can see that it's just a bunch of holes.

Finally, there's one thing everyone wants to know...

Is there any life on Mars? Well, I'm sorry to say we just don't know.


But the good news is, I'm going to find out for you all.

I'll be the first to do it. Thank you.

That was a wonderful presentation, DW.

Absolutely fascinating!

Tommy and Timmy, would you like to go next?

Um...I think we need more time.

- We're changing what we wanna be.
- We wanna be astronauts, too!

I suppose you're wondering why we called you all here?

You said there was cake, old boy.

Mmm, and it's delicious!

Yes, I suppose it is. But that's not the MAIN reason.

Oh, huh, right.

The main reason is...

we know whodunnit.


Could it be the professor?

Or maybe the heiress?

Oh, no, no, no.

Or perhaps the ne'er-do-well gad-about.

The what?!

He means you, old bean.


And the culprit is...


- What happened? Who screamed?
- Oh, sorry,

that was me. I dropped my cake.



All I'm saying is a rocket-powered baseball bat would be cool.


- What happened?
- Ms Perske delivered this cake plate an hour ago,

and it has a huge chip in it and the Johnson wedding is this weekend!

Can't you just use another one?

- No. They requested this one.
- Well, it wasn't me.

- I wasn't near that table.
- Arthur, do you know how this happened?

Uh, we were just outside playing baseball.

- Arthur's not telling you everything.
- Wha-what do you mean?

- I've got it all on tape with my spycam!
- Where'd you get that?

Oh, that's mine. I told DW she could use it while I was here.

VIDEO GAME: 'Level ten! You're dancing now!'

We sure are! Who knew competitive dancing could be so much fun!


- Oh, thank you.

This should be safe here.

Buster, I've had enough. Let's play outside.




Pal! Pal, shoo!

Hey, Buster. Let's play some ball. Here, catch!


Arthur, I'm disappointed. Why didn't you say you were in the living room?

We were outside, but in the living room first. We didn't break it!

That's not what it sounds like on tape. I have to work

but tonight I want you to tell me what really happened.

I can't believe you videotaped us!

I'm glad I did, since it proves I didn't do it. Which reminds me,

you boys dance divinely! Have fun with your talk tonight!

- Dad doesn't believe us. We must prove we're telling the truth.
- How?

By finding out who did break that plate!

Hmm, who's most the most likely person to have broken something?

What would I be doing in your house?

I had a clarinet lesson this morning.

A-ha! If you weren't there,

then how did you know the plate was broken in the morning?!

Buster, we told him that when we came in.

Oh, yeah. Aw, that always works on TV.

Huh! You two need detective lessons.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Detective lessons would be helpful.

Where do you get detective lessons?

This book, The Complete Sherlock Holmes,

- will teach you everything I know.
- Oh, I can't read this now.

I'm having a talk with my dad tonight.

As Holmes once said,

"The world is full of obvious things

"which nobody by chance ever observes."

You're best bet is to go back to the scene of the crime

and examine the evidence.

- Mom, believe me, we didn't break the plate.
- I want to believe you,

- but your dad showed me the tape.
- Oh.

- Are you sure the plate wasn't broken when you put it on the piano?
- Yes.

I checked it when it was delivered. It was fine.

We have two pieces of evidence, the plate and the videotape.

We need to examine them thoroughly. But how?

The way they do it in those crime labs on TV!

I think you'll want to see this.

I've studied the plate chip under a magnifying glass,

and compared it to patterns in THE work on the subject -

Dr Grant's Crystal Breaks, Chips, and Shards.

Here, take a look for yourself.

Here's your chipped plate,

and here's a picture of standard damage caused by a baseball.

- They're totally different!
- That's correct.

The plate was broken by something metallic, about coin sized.

- That means it couldn't have been us!
- But wait.

There's more. I ran the audio from the tape

through some sound-enhancing software.

Let's listen to the regular tape first.

'Buster, let's play some ball.

- 'Here, catch!
- 'SMASH!'

Aw, that doesn't help! It still sounds like we broke it.

This time, through MY software.

- Listen just before the smash.

'Hey, Buster. Let's play some ball. Here, catch!


But, what was that sound?


Find that sound, and you'll find what broke that plate.

So there has to be something in this room

that made that sound and could break a plate.

Could this dried up jelly bean break a plate?

No, the Brain said something small and metallic,

- like a coin, or a bolt, or maybe a...
- A watch!

Yeah, I guess it could be a watch.

No, I found a watch!

Hmm, I've never seen this before. Hey, look at this,

"To Ms Perske, a great boss."

Isn't that the shop where your dad got the cake plate?

That's right! Mom said Ms Perske delivered it to our house.

But how could she break the plate with her watch?

But I told you boys, I never set foot in your house.

I must have lost my watch outside.

But we found it in my living room.

And now my watch is broken.

- It must have broken when it hit the cake plate.
- That's pretty unlikely.

Are you sure YOU didn't break it?

Just because we can't prove it doesn't mean it isn't true.

Ms Perske doesn't believe me. My dad doesn't believe me.

- I'm starting not to believe me.
- We need more help.

So the question is, how could the watch have gotten on the inside?

Oh, we have no idea.

Holmes says that "There is nothing more stimulating than a case

- "where all is against you."
- It flew through the window?
- Impossible.

I suggest you check to see if the window was open.

Holmes says, "When every possibility is explored,

"whatever remains, no matter how unlikely, must be the truth."

See, it could have flown through the window.

Ms Perske said she pulled out of our driveway and headed that way.

She had her arm out her car window, the watch fell off on to the street.

But when she stopped to look for it, it was gone.


That was it! That was the sound!

No, it wasn't. That was just me saying "ouch".

Something just hit me in the arm.

Get your video camera, Buster. Sherlock Holmes

may believe in impossible things, but Dad needs proof.

- Thank you for coming.
- What do you mean? I'm here all the time.


- DW, quiet. Your brother is solving a mystery.
- Anyway,

this should solve the mystery of who broke the plate. Buster?

At first, all signs pointed to Buster and me.

'Hey, Buster, let's play ball. Here, catch!'


Brain showed us that a baseball didn't break the plate.

- Then there was that sound.

That led us to Ms Perke's watch, which led us outside

to the biggest clue.

When this manhole cover is run over, it shifts,

causing the sound and launching anything on the cover -

a stone, or a watch - into the air.

Seemingly impossible,

- and yet true.
- I tested all the trajectories, Mr Read.

It was Ms Perske's watch, launched from that street,

which flew through the window and broke

the plate, which was sitting here.

I guess I owe Arthur and Buster an apology.

That's OK, Dad. I'm sorry, too.

I should have said I was playing catch inside.

- But I'm still short one expensive cake plate.
- Actually, you're not.

- Ms Perske?!
- I hope you don't mind, I invited Ms Perske to join us.

I apologise for my dramatic entrance,

but the chance to lurk in the wings until the "big Moment"

was just too good to pass up. I do so love a good mystery.

Yeah, if you're not the prime suspect.

I must say, though,

I had no idea the trouble my watch had caused.

- Well, it was no trouble, exactly.
- Nonsense.

Of course it was. And seeing as your son found my watch,

which has great sentimental value,

- I'm replacing your plate for free.
- Wow!

That's very kind.

I'll call the city to fix the manhole cover.


ALL: Oh, no! Oh, no...!

# Every day When you're walking down the street

# And everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say hey
- Hey! #
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