09x05 - Lights, Camera... Opera!/All Worked Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x05 - Lights, Camera... Opera!/All Worked Up

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

- # We can learn to work and play And get along with each other.
- Hey!

- # What a wonderful kind of day.
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day.
- HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!

- Yuck!
- Sometimes, it seems like the world can be split into two parts -

things that adults like and things kids like. Take movies...

- And when they threw coins into the fountain...
- Just heartbreaking!

Nothing happened! It was about two people who never meet!

Oh, that's why it's so wonderful!


Then there's art.

- I don't know a kid who...
- Isn't it fabulous?

Have you seen a more beautiful...

"Depiction of the dia-lectic between form and formlessness?"

- You can't honestly tell me that you like this?
- Erm, well...

No. Not really. But I wanna like it. Daddy owns six by this artist.

I'll take this too. Won't that look great opposite your bed, Muffin?

Oh, yeah! Great!

Ah! Are these tickets to the Tween Dream concert?!

Daddy, you shouldn't have!

I didn't. They're tickets to something I hope you'll like as much,

the Opera.

- Oh.
- It's the opening night of Bizet's Carmen,

one of my all-time favourites.

- Such passionate music.
- Oh, Rodney!

Gilfry is playing Escamillo. Oh, it kills me not to go!

But I have the charity auction that night.

AND we have orchestra seats!

- What do ya say, Muffin? Wanna be my date?
- OK.

- But I'm going to need something to wear!
- Sky's the limit, Pumpkin!

- How about this?
- It's the OPERA we're talking about,

- not a rodeo!
- You know what the opera is?

People in silly costumes singing in another language!

Maybe it's too sophisticated for you to appreciate, Prunella!

Yeah? Well, I've actually been to an opera, Your Highness (!)

It was ½ hours long.

I fell asleep in act one, woke up in act three,

and there was a whole act to go!

- You probably won't make it through the overture.
- Well?

You look like a rice pudding!

Come in, Miss Muffy.

- Bailey, do you know anything about opera?
- Indeed, Miss Muffy.

I thought it'd be good to hear some before Friday.




Stop! Please, stop!

- Hmm?
- I might have to listen to four hours of that?!

That depends on the opera.

I was singing an excerpt from Wagner's Ring Cycle,

which has a running time of approximately hours.


Only two more days till the opera.

Bet you're excited!

Can I pick 'em, or what?!

Only two more days!




Bravo! Bravo! Bra...

And even if I do stay awake,

what do I say when Daddy asks me if I liked it?

- Just tell him you don't wanna go.
- He'd be so disappointed!

- He was really excited about us going.
- Do you know what it's about?

No. It's called Carmen.

Maybe it's about auto mechanics!

Carmen, hah? That's a great opera.

It's a tragic tale of passion, betrayal and revenge.

- Like professional wrestling, to great music!
- You know it?!

Sure. I have highlights from it on a CD.

You can come and listen to it after school.

The plot is pretty simple.

Don Jose, a soldier, falls in love with a Gypsy named Carmen.

He leaves his girl, the army and becomes a bandit to be with her!

But Carmen falls in love with this bullfighter!

Don Jose is crushed.

- He ruins his whole life for this woman, who dumps him!
- Ah!

So he...

I don't wanna spoil it for you.

But let's just say, it doesn't end well.


# Hey, where is your friend

# The beautiful Muffy. THERE!

# There she is The beautiful Muffy

# Muffy, you are pretty and charming and cool

# Muffy, tell us what you want us to do

# Allow us to take you to an opera

# Oh, please come with us

# To the opera.

# I am like a rebellious bird No-one can put me in a cage

# Opera is long, with plots absurd

# I like bands that are all the rage

# Even if you promise me jewels You wouldn't find me near that stage

# Opera is good for tired old fools Or soldiers who make minimum wage

- # She is like a rebellious bird
- Boy bands

- # No-one can put her in a cage
- Boy bands

# Opera is long, with plots absurd

# We like bands that are all the rage

# Boy bands are what I like to hear

# Ones with many different kinds of hairdos

# If you like those Then I'll be there

# If not, that's it Goodbye, you lose

- # Goodbye, you lose
- If you like those

# If you like those Then I'll be there

- # Goodbye, you lose
- But if you don't

# If you don't...

# Goodbye, you lose

# Where are you taking me?

# To the opera These tickets weren't cheap

# But I told you That's not my scene

# Too bad

- # Tween Dream was sold out
- Ah...

# So you adore that teenybopper trash

# Don't you get bored? There's more to explore

# Open your heart to different kinds of song

# Who knows, you could be wrong...

# Opera is not a chore It's so much more

# So much more to...adore. #

- Where are you going?
- After him.
- You'll go with him, but not me?

- That's right, step aside!
- That's it? After all that I've done?

- My allowance, down the drain?!
- Get off!

- # I'll never go with you
- I'd rather you sleep through it

- # Than go with him...
- I won't...

# Even with your magic powder I'll stay awake

# I'll stay awake...

- # Oh!
- Ah, Muffy...

# My te-rrible...

# ..pupil. #

Muffy. Hey, wake up!

That was beautiful!

Play some more.

- What are you talking about? You were asleep.
- I was?!

Through it all. I didn't realise until you started snoring.

- You sound like a lawn mower!
- Ah!

Prunella was right, I probably won't make it through the overture!

Shall I restart it?

Let's face it, opera just isn't for me.

Oh, Muffy, it's divine!

All we have to do is take up the hem.

- I think we should take it back. I don't wanna go.
- Why not?

Because I won't like it. Couldn't you go instead?

I'll do the charity auction. I'd be really good at that!

- I didn't think I'd like opera when your father took me.
- You didn't?

He practically had to drag me.

- Now it's one of my favourite things, even better than shopping!
- Really?!

But you were already a grown-up. It's different!

Maybe. But you'll never know unless you try.

Here. I have the perfect accessory for you...

Opera glasses! It's more exciting if you see the singers' expressions.

I will not fall asleep! I will not fall asleep!




Oh! It's so beautiful!

AUDIENCE: Bravo! Hurrah! Bravo!

Friday? No. I can't go to the movies then,

Daddy got us tickets to the Opera. Tosca's playing!

I thought you hated opera.

I guess you could say I've had a change of heart! Gotta go.




Space log, hours.

Heading for the Crab Nebula.

- Woof!
- Hey, boy!

Come in, mission control. Mission control, come in.

Oh, hi, sweetie.

Mission control, it's time for Pal's walk.



- Gloves.
- Check.


Oh, mission control!

It's , degrees below zero out there, Arthur.

All right!

Got your tether?

Mission control! We have a problem!

Oh, yes, your acceleration isn't cooperating this morning.

Let me just set up the coolant line

in the forward auxiliary payload area.

Yup. That should do it.

Oops! That's the laundry. Your bionic bunny T-shirt is ready.

Mission control, you're the best!

I know you're all eager to see how you fared on the Cameroon quiz.

That's quite a streak you've got going, Arthur.

Wow! How many is that? Five in a row?

- Yeah.
- I had a streak once.

straight soccer games where I scored a goal.

I wore the same pair of socks every game.

- What for?
- That's what keeps a streak going.

Pros don't even wash their socks when they're on a streak.

Whatever you've been doing, Arthur, don't stop.

- I don't believe in streaks.
- By the way, what have you been doing?

Nothing. I mean, studying.

But nothing superstitious or weird.

Or smelly.

Well, if I were you, I wouldn't change a thing.

But I don't believe in streaks. Steaks are superstitious.

Well, I have some news! I just got an assignment from one of my clients.

You know how I sometimes work for Mr Clapworth?

- His company hired me for a big project.
- With lots of numbers?

Yes. So many it'll take about three weeks.

I'll be going downtown every day to work in their main office.

Mommy! You can come home for lunch, right?

And to watch Mary MooCow too, right?

Mommy won't be around during the day so much,

but she'll be here morning and night.

We'll all cooperate so the days go smoothly.

- But...!
- It's only for a few weeks, DW.

We can handle it, Mom.

Thanks, Arthur.

I haven't worked in real office in a while. I think it'll be fun.

So, who wants to help me pack my briefcase for tomorrow?

Wish me luck!

You don't have to go if you don't want to!

Don't worry. We'll be fine.

See, DW, when you're older, things like this won't bother you.

Class, clear your desks.

Quiz on your reading assignment from last night.

- I'm sure you found plankton a fascinating topic.
- I'm not ready!

- It doesn't matter, Arthur.
- I didn't finish the reading.

You're on a streak. Remember?

You may never have to study again.

I do believe in streaks, I do believe in streaks.

I do believe in streaks!

Nice job, Miss Crosswire.

It's a good thing you don't believe in streaks cos yours is over!

Bye. I'm late.

Love you.


My dad's doing our lunches.

- Did not!
- Did too!



Let me run it by you and we'll adjust the schedule.

OK, great.

Mom! Can I...?



All kinds of things have changed. I just didn't notice.

My streak never had a chance.


That's just the beginning, Arthur.

With your mom at work, lots of stuff will change.

Like more take-out dinners, which is excellent.

When my mom started working, we had more money.

- We even got a new TV.
- Then there's all the babysitters.

That can be good or bad, depending on who you get.

But...this is only going to be three weeks.

True, but what if your mom really likes it and stays longer?


An hour?! I needed that file ten minutes ago.

This is unacceptable. You're fired. MOBILE RINGS



No, no-one here by that name.

You're fired.

Mom! Can I...?

Ask your father.


OK, gotta go. Helicopter's here. Big meeting.

Arthur, I need that coffee!

You're going again? But I'm on a streak at school!

This is cold. You're fired.

Not sure when I'll be back.

Kisses, everyone!


It starts with little things, like Chinese food on a school night.

Then she'll start working late and going to conventions.

We won't even recognise her. We have to stop her before it's too late.


Anyone home?

Who are YOU?

Do you like it?


Daddy made muffins on Arthur's day to pick the cereal.

Oh, boy!

And he doesn't like Mary Moocow.

DW, it takes a very special person to appreciate Mary MooCow.

But she's in the Arctic! We could toboggan there.

Maybe if you're done with your job, we can go.

You know what?

I wish I had a personal assistant to help me keep track of things.

I don't like missing all this important stuff when I'm not here.

Can I come in?

- I'm really busy.
- What you doing?

Trying not to flunk school. Mr Ratburn gives us a quiz every day.

I had a streak going, but it's over.

I don't want you to like your job so much.

If you keep being different, I'll never have another streak ever!

Hmm. Arthur, I really like working for Mr Clapworth,

but my most important job is being your mom.

Are you sure?

That's one thing that will not change one tiny bit.

I thought you didn't believe in streaks.

Well, let's figure out how to start a new streak.

Yes, Mom, you're scheduled for dinner here at six.

- Dad's making pork chops.
- Woof!

OK, DW, that's enough now.

Hi! Dad said I could play with the Tibbles. I'm just running it by you.



- This is my control centre.
- Your what?!

Mom needs a personal assistant and this is my desk.

Well, Mom and I came up with a new way for me to study. I need room.

Mom? One member of the team is not cooperating, but I can handle it.

I'll talk to you about it later.


I'll get it!

What does it say?

"DW, stop calling work NOW. Love, Mom."

So I guess she doesn't need a personal assistant.


I need that timer! How am I going to know seconds without it?!

Anyone can count to !

- One, two...
- I can't count and think about plankton!

Hey, wait!


- You can count to ?
- Sure. Watch this...

- No, no.

Can you count to when I flip a card?

- One, two...
- Silently.

Then tell me when the seconds is up.

(One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.)

Time's up!

This might actually work.

- ..four, five, six, seven, eight...
- Phytoplankton!

You beat the clock!

Think she'll be mad? She had to work so late last night.



- Yeah!
- Yeah! Look at me!

Well, I wonder what we could be celebrating.

Could it be this?

% on this quiz!

We have a streak! We have a streak!

No mistakes. Wait...

Your hair!

It was too much work. I'm working enough as it is.

You're definitely our same, great mom!

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