09x03 - Arthur Weighs In/The Law of the Jungle Gym

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x03 - Arthur Weighs In/The Law of the Jungle Gym

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day when you walking down the street

# Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open up your eyes! Open up your ears!

# Get together and make things better by working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

- # What a wonderful kind of day
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day
- HEY! #

Hey, DW!

- Hey!
- Oh!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Step right up!

Come and see Big Bob's Big Top!

Beyond this curtain lies a treasure trove that's ginormous, gigantic

and super-sized! Peek at the Poughkeepsie Pumpkin -

- positively perplexing in proportion. ALL:
- Oooh!

Pound upon pound and grown from the ground.

- ALL:
- Aah!
- Marvel at the mystifying Minnewesauke Meteorite.

More massive than a mobile home and did I mention, it's magnetic?

- ALL:
- Ooh!

Lastly, look upon the Leaden Lump of Elwood City.

- ALL:
- Oooh!

- Hey!
- Oops.

For the last time, there's no such thing as a...

A g-g-g...ghost.


You don't sound very scared to me.

DW, I think I need to practise my lines by myself.

But this is the school play. Your big chance.

When you see the ghost, you should be really scared, like this...




Like that.

- Is that your costume?
- What's wrong with it?


They fitted at Aunt Lucy's wedding. You've had a growth spurt.

A g-g-g-g-g-ghost!

- Aaah!
- OK, DW.

Why don't you wear your regular pants?

Mr Ratburn says it has to be a suit.

I play the owner of a big mansion. I'm supposed to be really rich.

- It's essential to my part.
- We'll go shopping tomorrow.

Well, how's it going?

Mom, no! You can't come in.

May I be of assistance?

- We can't seem to find anything that fits.
- No problem.


... .

Come with me, young man.

I think it looks great. You'll really stand out on stage.

I tell you, there's something fishy

about this whole operation, Inspector Carruthers.

You can say that again, Jimmy.

Arthur, it's your line.

- Arthur?


- Arthur, are you OK?
- I can't talk and run at the same time.

Oh. Well, let's just sit over here.

Do I look...husky to you guys?

Husky? Husky? You husky?

Nah, you don't look husky.

(What's husky?)

It means, I'm fat.

I had to get new pants yesterday - husky pants.


You don't seem surprised.

Well, you're definitely not fat. But you are out of breath.

This is horrible! What am I going to do?

I've got it. This is easy.

You just need to go on a diet.

Oh! A diet?!

Don't worry. I know just what to do. I'm an expert on diets.

My mum's been on hundreds of them.

Now, on the Barley Corn Diet, you can eat bacon, eggs, cheese,

and hamburgers, but no bread.

But if you go on the Bushman's Diet, you only eat seeds, berries,

anything you can pick from a bush or hunt.

Or maybe you want the Jackpot Diet. You only eat boiled cabbage

three times a day. Except Sunday, when you can eat anything you want.

- How do you know which to pick?
- It doesn't matter. None of them work.

Mom says no matter how much weight she loses on a diet,

she always gains it back.

That's your after-school snack?

No wonder you need husky pants!

According to this book, diets aren't for kids.

- Unless prescribed by a doctor.
- So what am I supposed to do? Stay fat?

- You're not fat.
- Instead of dieting, you should eat a variety of foods.

In other words, make better choices.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of candy.

And stay away from sugary drinks.

Drink more water.

Don't worry, Arthur, I'll help you.

I'll start by getting rid of these.





Drop the chips!

Place the chips on the counter

and step back with your hands in the air.


I did just what you said - no cookies, no candy -

and look, no change!

Well, it's only been three hours. Give it a week or two at least.

I'm supposed to show Mr Ratburn my costume tomorrow.

And I'm NOT going to wear that husky suit.

Well, these costumes all look great.

Except Arthur's.

He's not wearing one.

He has one. He just can't fit into it...yet.

Yes. Well, that's fine. See you all tomorrow.

- Oh, Arthur.
- Yes.

Could I have a word with you?

But I still can't fit into my pants.

You know, this may come as a surprise,

but there was a time when I was a real...fatty rat.

- Really?!
- I tried every diet known.

But one day, I discovered I had a hidden talent...

Hey, you found it. Wanna play a game?

I'm playing by myself, but I keep losing the ball.

'That's when I discovered I was good at ping-pong.

'I played constantly and gradually, without even noticing it

'I became the fit specimen you see before you today.'


But I don't know how to play ping-pong.

The type of exercise doesn't matter.

The important thing is that you get enough of it.

- How do I know what's enough?
- Hmm.

It's called a pedometer.

Simply attach it to your waist and it will record

- the number of steps you take.
- Is this for a grade?
- No.

- Do they come in better colours?
- No.
- Why are we doing this?

It shows you how much exercise you're getting.

- Tomorrow we'll all compare scores.
- I bet I get easy.

I bet I get !


I don't think I've taken steps in my entire life.

And Arthur did it in one day.


Is that more than ?

Yep. I was pretty busy.

Wait till everybody else hears.

I can't wait to see the looks on their faces.

, !?

I would've taken more,

but I only had one dance class after school. Some days I have two.

What did you get?

, . But I had soccer practice.

Most days, I'm sure it's much, much lower.

I got , and I don't remember doing anything

except following my mum around on her errands.

But I did everything.

I was busy. I went swimming,

I played catch with Pal...

I even did some floor exercises.

When I think about it, I didn't do as much as I thought I did.

You should aim for , steps a day.

But don't feel bad if your score was low, just keep trying.

Use your pedometer for a few weeks and work your way up.


I know I can do better.

And I'm gonna start right now.

'Just look at that guy go.'

He's three blocks ahead of Bionic Bunny. But wait...

- He's slowing down.
- Maybe I should start walking now.

- Nah. Wait. You'll miss the best bit.
- Arthur?

If you do your line right in the play,

you might get a part on Bionic Bunny.

- You think Arthur could play Bionic Bunny?
- No.

That guy there.

That's it!

Don't be nervous. You'll be great.

Oh, I'm so scared. What if you forget your lines?

I won't forget. We've had three weeks to rehearse.

And besides, everybody else will be on stage with me.

Well, here goes.

- They fit!
- Wow!

For the last time, there's no such thing as a...

Oooooh! Oooooh!



That was my idea.


Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd -

E-mail us at subtitling@bbc.co.uk

# If we can learn to work and play and get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day... #

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

Hey, you guys! Notice anything new?

It's Nicrophorus americanus!

This type of American burying beetle is very rare!

Hello! My new digital camera!

Cool! The new Zubeeza XQ !

Let's see what pictures you've taken!

- Do you KNOW how to operate that camera?
- Of course!

I just haven't taken any pictures yet. Today.

Come on, Muffy, take a picture of us.

Wait. I can't get you all in.

How do you make the picture bigger on this?

That's better. Just a little higher for the angle. This is fun!

- Hey, you!
- Just a second, I'm trying to take a picture here!

Yo! Forward march, girlie! You're in OUR territory!

I said a second! I'm gonna stay here till I'm good and ready!

Now, what's the...? Oops.

You DO realise where you are? Tough Customers Headquarters!

- Also known as the Tower of Pain.
- I didn't realise!

- What's going on?
- Muffy walked into the Tough Customers Headquarters

and now she's standing up to them. Go, Muffy!

You better get off the Tower of Pain before WE do it for you!

You'd better climb down, Muffy. She's serious.

But I was just taking a picture.

You think that's funny?! Well, guess what! I'm staying right here!

CHANTING: Muffy! Muffy! Muffy!

You have five seconds to get off or I'm gonna...


..pretzel on a bungee cord!

Oh, yeah? Well, you're gonna have to wait because recess is over!

Wow! Just when I thought I knew you,

you surprise me by doing something really brave!

Come on, Molly. Muffy didn't know what she was doing.

I don't care! If that shutterbug comes up on the Tower of Pain again,

we're gonna teach her a lesson she'll never forget.

- BELL RINGS Recess!
- Miaow!

I don't think we should cream Muffy just for taking a picture!

We HAVE to! We can't let the Tough Customers be pushed around

by one stuck-up little...girl.

It's great how everyone can use the jungle gym now, all because of you!

Don't you feel proud?

Um, yes, sure. And it's a great spot for taking pictures.

Hey! I found the zoom button.


- We're not going anywhere, Molly.
- We're not?

Well, well! The little shutterbug came back for more...pictures!

Uh-oh! I think I might accidentally press delete.

Go ahead. I already downloaded everything.

Sassy, huh? Put her in solitary.

BOTH: Kerchung!

Hey! Let her out of there!

Francine, would you wait for me down on the playground?

- I want to talk to Molly.
- Huh?
- ..Molly? Oh, all right!

The prisoner requests an audience with the warden.

- What is it?
- Look, I don't care about freeing the jungle gym for everyone,

I just want to take some pictures.

So maybe I could pay you guys a location fee

to let me take some sh*ts here. How about ?

Is that each? Wow!

Pay us?! You want to pay us to turn our territory into a photo location?

Are you nuts?! Who does she think she is?

Get this straight! The Tower of Pain is ours!

If I EVER see you here again, you're gonna be...


- ..like a pig sucking cheese out of a fire hose!
- Harsh.

Now, GET! That takes care of that!


That cloud looks like Mrs Barnes wearing combat boots.

Yeah? Well, that cloud looks like ME giving YOU a wedgie!

Attention, Stuffed Custards! Oh! I mean, Tough Customers! ]

Attention, Tough Customers.

Molly MacDonald, by order of the circuit court of this jurisdiction,

you are instructed to grant Muffy Crosswire access to this facility

- at any time, in any manner, for any purpose of her choosing.
- Says who?

Says MY attorney!

You kids KNOW this jungle gym isn't just yours.

- It belongs to every member of the school community. Right?
- Yes, sir.

I expect you all to get along and share.

Let's have some fun, shall we?

Oh, we'll have fun, all right.

This is going to be the best fashion photo sh**t ever!

- Aagh!
- Oops.

My soda must have gotten shook up. Sorry, shutterbug.


- Look - the new Mutakrude single.

- That's right. Work it!

Work it! The camera loves you!

How come WE never listen to disco?

Buster, feel the beat!

I feel it!

- It's wrestling time!
- What is going on here?!

It's the Tower of Pain Wrestling Championships. You got a problem...?

- Hey! Get out of the ring!
- Muffy. This dress keeps coming off.

I'm trying to have a fashion sh**t here!

- ..Your silly costume show!
- What?!

Um, Molly? I think it's time for plan B.

We have called this meeting of the Tough Customers... Hey! Quiet down!

I dropped a quarter in here!

..to discuss leaving the Tower of Pain

and making our new headquarters somewhere else.

We CAN'T leave! It's our turf! It's where we became the Tough Customers!

I like it here. It's really near the burger bar.

VOICE ECHOES I like it too! I just found !

- But...
- All in favour?

You guys don't know what you're giving up.

Come on, Molly, it's for the best.

Yo! Paper only! Can't you read?!

I sure am gonna miss this place.

Ah-hah! I KNEW I'd find you here!

Thought I'd given up, didn't you?

Well, I'm here and there's nothing you...

- Relax, shutterbug, you won.
- Oh, so you wanna play hard ball, huh?

Well, two can... What did you say?

We moved our headquarters. I just came back to get my stuff.

Enjoy your photo studio(!)

Daddy? Did you ever get just what you wanted

- but feel that somehow it wasn't quite right?
- Oh, hon.

I know just what you mean. Go and buy twice as much of whatever it was.


Looks like one of your friends. You know anyone with a black skateboard

- covered in barbed wire?
- Tell her I'm not here! Make something up!

I'm afraid Muffy has moved to Paris to study astronomy.

Oh. OK, Mr Crosswire. When she comes out from hiding under the table,

- would you tell her I just want to ask her something?
- Ask me what?

You'd better come in.

Try anything and I'll blow this. Don't think I won't. It's very loud.

If I were here to pound you, you'd already be pounded.

- Then what do you want?
- I want the Tower of Pain back.

Name one reason why I should give it back!

That place means a lot to me. It's where I've always gone to chill out.

It's like a second home.

Couldn't you go somewhere else for your photography?

Actually, the pictures I've taken there haven't turned out so well.

- But if I back down, Francine will never forgive me.
- I have an idea.


- ..Cool as an ice cream cruise ship on an ocean of lemonade.
- I like it!

Francine! Come quick!

Muffy and Molly are going at it again. There's gonna be a fight!

There is nothing you can do about it, Molly!

I am taking my photo equipment and leaving!

- You're not going anywhere unless
- I
- say so!

- No-one tells Mary Alice Crosswire what to do!
- Wow, Muffy!

That was very brave of you. Don't you think that was brave, Francine?

Um...I guess. But I thought you liked it up there.

You said it was great for pictures.

That was before. I'm not taking pictures of people any more.

I'm into abstract photography now.

Oooh! Look at the shadows made by that bike rack.

Wow! She sure showed us. That little girl is one tough cookie!

- You can knock it off now, Binky.
- OK.

Ah! It's good to be back!

You can say that again!
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