09x02 - Francine's Big Top Trouble/George Blows His Top

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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09x02 - Francine's Big Top Trouble/George Blows His Top

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

(Hey, DW!)

- Hey!
- Wargh!

Um... Ahem!

- You might wanna think about...
- I'm gonna do it myself!


I don't think DW always appreciates how easy her life is because of me.

I mean, she can always come to me for great advice.

Do not fear mosquitoes. If you blow gently on them, they will go away.

- OW!
- More gently, next time.

Now I shall tell you how to tie your shoes with your mind...

I constantly encourage her.

..Trust me, DW. You can do this.

- That's it, you're doing it, you're roller skating!
- O-O-Oh!

- Um...that was great.

Now we'll work on STOPPING.

..And when she gets to kindergarten,

everyone will respect her because she's Arthur Reid's sister.

Hey, isn't that...ARTHUR'S sister?

ALL: Welcome, Arthur's sister!

..Best of all, I teach her things. Like checkers.

King me!

# Ta-da! #

Thank you, Thank you!

The Great Francine will now accept your applause.

Ah, yes, the first morning of circus camp, I remember it well.

Just wait till you're on the trapeze feet off the ground.

It's a lot harder than flipping cereal!

You may have been good at circus camp, Catherine, but I'm gonna rule!

- We'll just see about that.
- Yes, we will.

Hey, Laverne, I think we may have TWO circus stars in this family.

- Gotta run!
- Good luck, squirt! Say hi to Boris for me.

Wow, this sure beats band camp!

Greetings, young apprentices! I am Boris -

tumbler, trapeze artist, ringleader and, more importantly,

your camp counsellor.

- Arthur Reid...?
- Here.

- Binky Barnes?
- That's me.

And Francine... Are you related to Catherine Frensky?

- She's my sister.
- This is an honour. Catherine was one of my best pupils,

a real natural!

OK, let's join the rest of the kids on our first stop, tumbling.

Follow the feet!

..Let's begin with what you already know. How about a basic cartwheel?

Frensky, show them how it's done.


I-I think my hand slipped.

It happens to all of us. OK, everyone, on the mat.

Whoo-hoo! Hey, I've never even done one of those before!


Er, just gotta get the right momentum.

If Arthur can do it...

Now, I know back-flips look scary, but you'll be in this harness.

and I'll be spotting you. Let's have a volunteer. Frensky, how about you?


Now, just reach back and bring your legs over.

- Ow!
- Sorry!

That's OK. Just keep your legs together next time.

We'll take a five-minute break while your counsellor gets an ice pack.

Hey, squirt! I found some circus stuff for you.

These gloves were great for the trapeze.

And remember this adorable top from my tightrope routine?


Did you see that?! She's amazing!


No, thanks! I don't want your sweaty old clothes!

I just thought you could use something to bring you luck.

I don't need luck. I'm great at circus camp.

Just cos you're best at horse-riding doesn't mean you'll win this too.

You can't "win" at circus, Francine. It's not a competition.


- Need a hand?

Thanks. I was practising for hours last night. My arms feel like jelly.

But I think I've nailed tumbling.

OK, kids, who's ready to perform on the flying trapeze?

ALL: Me!

Trapeze? What happened to somersaults a-and cartwheels?

You'll love trapeze, Francine. It was your sister's best routine.

Why's everyone expect me to be like Catherine? I don't LOOK like her.

Sure you do. What? I do not!

You're right, you're shorter. But other than that...

At least I don't SOUND like her.

- Do I?
- Maybe just a little. But in a GOOD way...

Just hold onto the bar and swing across. Natasha will catch you.



Nice try, Francine!

- ..Hey, Frankie, how was camp?
- Terrific(!)

I can't wait to see you performing. We got the invitation today.

A-Actually, Dad, the performance won't be such a big thing this year.

- You guys don't have to come.
- Of course we're coming!

We wouldn't miss it for the world! So what do you think you'll do?

- The tightrope, like Catherine?
- No, I will NOT do the tightrope -

or the trapeze or back-flips or anything else that Catherine did.


Catherine, Catherine, Catherine(!)


Might as well just call myself Catherine II

that's what everyone wants...

You LOVED Catherine,

the greatest action hero ever known!


..And now, from the producers of Catherine...

it's Catherine II...Francine!

Yes, it's Catherine II. She's kind of back

and she's almost as great as the first one...

Almost. Sort of.

If you loved Catherine, you'll... probably at least LIKE Catherine II.

I liked the first one, but this just didn't work for me.

Yeah, sequels are never as good.

Just a sequel, huh? We'll see about that!

FRENCH ACCENT: 'Allo, Bink-ee, Art-oor!

Francine? What are you wearing?

I am just trying a little something new.

Something, how you say...unique.

Now I am not so much like ze Catherine, n'est ce blah?

(Maybe, but she's nothing like Francine either!)

Hello, everyone. I'm Fishface, your clowning instructor.

"Clowning is a delightful and entertaining circus art.

"But make no mistake, it's also very serious business. So pay attention."

OK, we'll start with the unicycle.

- You with the beret, what's your name?
- Um...

- Yksnerf.
- Yksnerf? There's no Yksnerf on the attendance sheet.

There's a Frensky...

That's Yksnerf spelled backwards.

Euh, eet must be...how you say... ze typo?

Sounds reasonable. How about trying the unicycle?

Great(!) Another thing for me to stink at.

OK, it's all a matter of balance. Try pedalling a little.

That's it! Good, you're doing it!



- Stop!
- I can't!



- Sorry! Are you OK?
- Everything hurts!

But that's normal.

I'm getting pretty good at this.


Poor Francine.

Only two days until the performance and she still can't do a somersault.

I really hope she doesn't embarrass herself.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

It has been an amazing, exciting few weeks,

and now it is time.

I give you...

- The Elwood City Kids' Circus!

- Where is Francine? I haven't seen her at all.
- I don't know.

The show's almost over.


- Warrrgh!

Oh, no, she's gonna try juggling. I can't watch!


Francine, it was the funniest thing ever! You were the hit of the show!

- Thanks, guys, but I owe it all to this guy.
- No, no, you're a natural!

When Francine told me she was ready to take clowning seriously, well...

- ..I-it just got to me.


- There's my girl!
- I'm so proud of you!

I, er, was never very good at clowning, myself.

You know, I think I WILL take those circus clothes you gave me.

That frilly pink shirt can be funny for a clown. It's already ridiculous.

It is not! That shirt is haute couture!

- Is that French for dorky?
- Forget it!



can I see Wacky Zak The Zombie King?

- No.
- Mom! It's just a comedy. Binky's mom took him and...
- Arthur.

- It's rated PG . You're not seeing it.
- But...
- No.

Don't you hate hearing the word "no" all the time?

Since it's Arbor Day, can we have class outside?







Daddy. How could you?!

I mean, er...not right now, Muffin.

- We just don't have the space for a hippo quite yet.
- WAH!

Sometimes it seems like "no" is all I ever hear.

- Arthur, no!

Great(!) Now I have to make a whole new batch of mud.

That was one "no" I wish I HAD heard.



You beat Francine, but Buster still holds first place. Your turn George.

Wait a second.

You'll go farther I'd you straighten your legs and start from back here.

Oh. Thanks.

Hey, look, we're tied. Nice jumping, George!


Well, since you all seem to know the multiplication tables so well,

this pop-quiz should be a snap.


(Psst, George! Got an extra pencil?)

- Here.
- Thanks.

- Aw!
- Four minutes left.

Time's up! Put your pencils down.

George, I can't read this. It's in crayon. Don't you have a pencil?

Um, I did, but...

You should've asked for one if you needed it.

Oh, you can re-take the quiz after school.

Thanks, buddy, I owe you one.

Is that the last slice? Aww!

I missed the Boston cream pie last week, too. It's my favourite!

Hi, George.


Um...I, um... don't suppose you'd want...?

Oh, no, George, really, I couldn't!

Are you sure?

Yeah...sure. I really like...

hairs in syrup.

Thanks, buddy! You're the best!

- This isn't my coat!
- No, it's mine.

- I thought we could trade for a while.
- Trade?
- Go ahead, try it on.

It's real nylon.

- It's too big.
- No, that's the way it's supposed to be. How does this look?

Pretty good.

It makes everyone look good. That's why I like it so much!

Me too. I think there's some candy in one of those pockets. Help yourself.



..And then Wacky Zak comes over to this kid's house.

But his parents don't know he's a zombie. So he hides in the bathroom

And the kid's dad goes to take a shower and... Eek!



Anyway, it's a really funny movie.

Um, I haven't actually seen it, but Binky told me about it. Hey, George?

- Do you have the time?
- NO! What is it with you people?!

get your own watch!

Fine. Forget it.

Wait! Arthur, I'm sorry.

..And now Buster's wearing my jacket too.

- I never wanted to trade in the fist place!
- So why did you agree to it?

- You could've said no.
- I don't know. I just didn't.

You can't keep saying yes to Buster every time he wants something.

What if he wants your shoes next time?

You're right, I have to do something. But I'm really bad at saying no.

- What if I lose my nerve?
- Maybe you could practise with someone.

OK, so you're Buster and you have to get the juice from me. Got it?

But I can't do Buster! Can't I be someone else? I do a mean Pinocchio!

No. Well, at least gimme ears! I need my props!

SNIFF-SNIFF! Ugh did you wash these?

We're starting, Wally. OK. Ahem!

Hey, George, can I have that box of juice in your hand?

No, you can't. What? After all we've been through,

I can't have one measly box of juice? I thought we were friends!

I trusted you, George. I treated you like my own flesh and blood!

Why, George, why?!

OK, OK, you can have the juice!

Pineapple? Yuk!

I hate pineapple!

Hey, that was fun. What do you want me to take from you next?

I think I'll practise alone.

..And I really like you, Buster, it's just that...

Sometimes I feel like you're taking advantage of me and, well,

it makes me kind of mad.

'Testing, testing...

'Hi, Buster. I wanna talk the you about something...'

Oh, I sound so whiny!

Hey, George, what you doing?

Um, nothing!

Nice tape recorder. Can I see?

# Baxter day Oh, it's Baxter Day... #

This is pretty cool! Could I borrow it some time?


Sure. Take it.

Right now? OK!


- Hey, wanna go to Muffy's She just got Virtual Goose . .
- No, thanks.

It's hopeless, Wally.

I'll probably wind up giving Buster everything I own!

Thanks, buddy! You're the best!

The kid with the ears told me to give you the bill.

Everything? What about me?!

I guess he'll probably take you too.

Hi, Mr Molina. Want your rain gutters cleaned for ?


- Hey, where's Wally? I thought YOU had him now.
- Huh? I don't know.

Ah, well, he'll turn up.

And I thought DW was bad!

- [
- Hi, Mrs Nordgren! is George home?
- (He's here!)

(Did he see us?) (I don't know!)

Thanks, Mrs Nordgren.

He's got the backpack! He's comin' for me!

We'll go out the window,

I don't think that's such a great idea. It's a long way down.

- George?
- Go away! There's no-one here!

Aw, c'mon, George! Please open up. I just wanna talk the you.

Here. Try not to lose him.

I don't want your dummy. I came to give you your stuff back.

Here's your jacket. The pencil I borrowed the other day...

And your tape recorder. Press "play".

'Hi, George. I'm sorry I kind of made you lend me all this stuff.

'I didn't mean to. If I knew how it made you feel, I wouldn't have.

'Anyway, thanks for being a good friend.'


' # FUNKY RABBIT! FUNKY RABBIT! Yeah, I'm a funky rap-rabbit! # '

Thought I recorded over that part.

You heard me on the tape?

Yeah. Anyway, no hard feelings?

- Oh, and could I ask a favour?
- W-What is it?

Next time, if something is bothering you, could you just tell me?

- It'll save us both a lot of time.
- Sure!

- You still wanna go to Muffy's?
- Yeah!

OK, I'll meet you downstairs.

He's not such a bad guy!

Now he's brought your jacket back,

can I borrow it? No!

How about the tape recorder? Nuh-uh!

A pencil? I need to clean my ears. Good night, Wally.
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