08x07 - Desk Wars/Desperately Seeking Stanley

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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08x07 - Desk Wars/Desperately Seeking Stanley

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open your eyes! Open your ears!

# Get together, make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day, hey! What a wonderful kind of day, HEY! #

- Hey, DW!
- Hey...

You can learn a lot about a person from what's in their desk.

- For instance, in Francine's desk...
- Hey! What are you doing?!

I'm looking in your desk to see how neat or messy it is.

It's off-limits. Try Buster's desk.

If he can't look in yours, he can't look in mine! Try Binky's.

He'll get more than he bargained for if he tries to open MY desk!

Come on, guys, it's for the show.

That's another thing. How come you always introduce the show?!

- Because it's MY show.
- Maybe that needs to change.

I knew this would happen.

Unfortunately, kids can be rather petty sometimes.

Follow me.


I'll show you around the teacher's lounge. Adults don't blow things out of proportion.

- I didn't move your cheese!
- Yes, you did! Mr Marco said so!

All right! Who isn't washing their coffee mugs?!

Dinky, just because George is absent doesn't mean you can put your feet on his chair!

Binky, put your shoes on your feet and keep them off the chair.

As I was saying, the United Nations was formed after the Second World w*r to prevent future conflicts

and foster co-operation.

They're getting more breeze than everyone else!

Yeah, it's not fair! It smells funny over here.

Maybe the heat is affecting the sandwich in my desk.

- Why bring a sandwich on pizza day?
- It's from the last time we had tuna. It's my emergency sandwich.

That was a month ago!

- It's polluting my air! Get rid of it!
- It's MY sandwich...

in MY desk, so no way!

Besides, I'm not sure I can find it.

Could you at least stop fanning the smell in my direction?

- Hey! I don't want the smell either!
- Arthur! Francine! Buster!

Am I going to have to split you up?

Where was I? The World Food Programme...

- Is that the latest issue of Bionic Bunny?
- Yeah. It's really good.

- Here. You can borrow it.
- Thanks.

My dad made these cookies. I'll share them with you later.

Bionic Bunny's old news.

The Judo Kittens is where it's at.

Do you have those Judo Kittens stickers you promised me?


Wayne, get your papers out of my space.

I've finished an upgrade of my desk.

I've added a supplies dispenser.

Press this button and a pencil is delivered to you automatically.

And it's all energised by this solar panel here.

Great, Wayne, but your papers keep sliding onto my desk.

They're my calculations showing that I'm receiving more breeze

than anyone else in the class. Look!

Great, but can you please keep your papers a little more tidy?

- You're ruining our feng shui.
- Our what?!
- Wayne and Muffy,

keep it down over there.

Oh, and we need you to hang this off the side of your desk.

- It's a dust ruffle.
- Huh?

I bought the fabric and she sewed it, to spruce up our desk area.

But it's so girly and it blocks my solar panel

and it's MY desk!

Wayne, put that ruffle back up right now!

Right, you two, I've had enough. Move to George's desk for the day.

What?! But...

- But it was Muffy's...
- You heard me!

The international...

It's so much hotter over here.

According to my calculations, the only desk warmer than this one

- is yours, Binky.
- Hey,

- that's not fair.
- And what's all this pink sticky stuff?

And this chair squeaks.

And what in the world is this?!

George's been working on that all year. It's a dinosaur

- made completely out of gum.
- Great.

That's nothing. Check out my rubber band ball.

I've been adding to it all year.

Hey, we should have an argument.

They'll split us up and one of us will get Brain's desk.

- I like my desk.
- Come on, Arthur, have an argument with us.

I don't want to have an argument!

Arthur, Buster, I warned you. Arthur, go sit at that desk.


I can't believe Arthur's sitting at my desk!

And messing with my supplies dispenser!


Class, I have to take an important phone call.

While I'm gone, write a report on one of the United Nations agencies.

ALL: Aw!

That's so like Arthur! He's always betraying his friends.

Don't even try coming back!

- Yeah! We're gonna recruit somebody else for our group.
- I'll join!

His desk must be cooler than mine.

But that'll mean I'm sitting at the worst desk in the whole class.

And it's all Muffy's fault!

Wayne, it just doesn't matter.

If I were you, I would take a deep breath, then work on my report.

I want my desk back!

I can't believe Binky's at my desk.

Oh, and sweating on it!

I've no lead for my mechanical pencil. Hand me Brain's pencil.

- Won't he mind?
- Oh, no, Brain's always happy to loan me his pencils.

I can't believe it! Arthur, how could you give her my pencil?


Hi, guys! My dentist's appointment ended early.

Uh, hi, Brain. Um... could I have my desk back?

- Talk to Arthur.
- Talk to Binky!

I'm not moving. And don't sit at my old desk. That's mine, too!

What's the matter with everyone today? Must be the heat.

Arthur, would you get out another pencil from Brain's desk, please?

I can't do that. They aren't my pencils to lend.

George, will you sharpen this pencil for me?

- You can be an honorary member of our table if you do.
- Really?

You mean I can sit with you guys?

Uh, no. It's only an honorary membership. What do you say?

George! If you don't give me that pencil, your friend gets it!

Hey! That's not fair! George worked on that dinosaur all year!

- If you destroy it, Binky's rubber band ball goes out the window!
- Hey!

Don't listen to them! Give the pencil to me

or Brain's desk gets covered in Judo Kitten stickers!

You promised ME those stickers!

If you waste them on Brain's desk, your dust ruffle is toast!

Cut up that dust ruffle and Arthur's comic book gets shredded!

Hey! That's MY comic book! If it gets even a single tear...

- ..I'll eat all of Arthur's cookies!
- Hey!

What's it gonna be, George?!

George, I've got Sue Ellen's United Nations report.

- Hey!
- Whittle down that pencil any more and it's history!


I warned you!

Kitten number one... kitten number two...

My desk!

I warned you, Muffy!

My comic!

My cookies!

What is going on here?!


Quiet, everybody!

Since this class is normally a well-behaved group,

I'm going to give you an opportunity to work together to clean up.

But, if you don't, you'll all be staying after school. I'll be back.


I'll gather all the erasers.

Not fair! That's the easiest job! And this mess is all your fault!

- MY fault? What about Muffy?
- What did
- I
- do?

- He ate my cookies.
- Not my fault.

George, why are you cleaning up? You didn't make any of this mess.

You guys make such a big deal out of everything!

I suppose I COULD straighten the desks.

- I'll rewrite Sue Ellen's UN report.
- I'll get a mop.

I just got off the phone with my sister. I'm an uncle!

What a wonderful peaceful classroom this is on a lovely sunny day!

It was nice of you to invite the whole class over, Muffy.

We all needed to cool down.

- What started that fight anyway?
- BOTH: I don't know!

BOING! BOING! Hey! Do you hear that?


My rubber band ball! Hey! Come back here!

Close the gate!


If we were on a lower shelf,

maybe someone would dust us once in a while.

- But there's such a lovely view from up here.
- Enjoy it while it lasts.

I give us two more months. Then, it's the trash can!

Trash can? Don't be absurd! Arthur would never throw US away!

Oh, yeah? Have you seen yourself lately?

- You're falling apart!
- Really? Oh, dear!
- Face it, Stanley...

you're a has-been - yesterday's toy!

- A mouldy mass of mohair that's...
- Pal, look!

That wicked woogle is being mean to Stanley again!

- Why couldn't I have been put next to something rubber?
- Nasty fad!

Hang on, old man!

- That's a laugh! Arthur couldn't GIVE you away!
- Are you all right?

Sure. Never better. Although I seem to be losing my leg.

Don't listen to anything he says!

Oh, I don't. Arthur and I have been through so much together.

I'm not going anywhere. Oh...

If I have to sew this bear one more time!

Well, at least the mutt still likes you.

Maybe he'll use you as his chew toy!



What can we use for our report that looks like a cumulus cloud?

It should be puffy, like a piece of cauliflower.

- How about this?
- Hmm.

Tightly-spooled cotton, firm, but pliant.

It's perfect! Where did it come from?

I think it came from Stanley.

I never noticed this rip before.

This one looks just like a cirrus cloud.

- And this one could be a cirrostratus!
- Actually...

- I don't wanna use this stuff.
- You're still attached to Stanley.

I'm not! I just think new cotton balls would make better clouds.

We have a ton of them in the bathroom!

This is the best I can do. I'm patching patches now.

- He's getting old and needs special care.
- I know. Thanks, Mom.

- Hey! How much is a singing fish worth?
- You're selling Thelma?

- You loved that thing!
- She forgot the words to the only song she knew.

# Row, row, row your boat Row, row, row your boat... #

She is driving me crazy! SINGING STOPS

I'm getting rich at our garage sale tomorrow. See what else I'm selling!

I'm also getting rid of Bobo, Nancy the troll,

and Larry the lemon. So long, guys!

- How much will you ask for the mangy old bear?
- I'm not selling Stanley!

- Why?
- Cos I don't want to sell him.

It's because you LOVE him!

I bet you still sleep with him! Wait till I tell the Tibbles.

DW, I gave up sleeping with my stuffed animals when I was three!

Unlike some people!

I don't wanna sell him because he's...an antique!

Whatever you say!

Anything for the garage sale, Arthur?


What did I tell you, cotton-brain?! We're garbage now!

This isn't a garbage can. It's a nice and cosy box!

We're probably going for a walk.

- See? I told you I wasn't attached.
- Hmm...

he looked like he was worth more yesterday. I think a penny is fair.

Papa! I want this fish!

Please can I have it? Please, please, please?

I'm afraid we don't have enough, Vikita.

- It seems to cost , .
- Oh, but it's worth every penny!

It's a singing fish, Mr Molina.

Thank you, DW, but I think we'll pass.

Look, Vicky! A shiny garlic press!

I want the fishy!

If you're looking for something cheaper, try Arthur's stuff.

- He has a bear he's practically giving away!
- A bear?

Yeah, he's a real bargain!

He's cute and furry and comes with free dust!

I LOVE him!

I love you, bear! You're so cute!

- I love you!
- What's going on?

I think my daughter wants to buy your bear! How much is it?

I'm not sure...

How's ?

- ?!
- Fair enough.

Yey! Come with me, Chico!

I can't wait to introduce you to all your new friends!

His name is Stanley!

Not any more!

Now, it's Chico!

Wow...some people have all the luck!


Come on, Stanley! I want you to meet my new little sister.

Say hi to Stanley!


- Will you be OK without your night light?
- Mum, I'm six! I'll be fine!

OK. Sleep tight.

I'm not afraid of the dark! I'm not afraid of the dark!

He's better off with the little kid anyway.

Here, Pal...catch!


- It's over here, boy!
- You want some cereal too, don't you?

Eat up, Chico!


You shouldn't do that!

Why not? He's hungry!

Look how thin he is!

But if his fur gets wet, it gets all crusty and starts to fall out!

I know what's best for Chico.

And for your information, I was going to dry him off...

- in the clothes dryer.
- You can't put him in there!

Help me, Arthur! Help me!

Arthur, ready to finish our cloud project?


This diorama will demonstrate the effects of wind on a cumulus cloud.

It's great. I'm sure we'll get an A. Hey, Brain...

- have you ever given something away and wanted it back?
- Your teddy?

- What? Of course not.
- It's OK, Arthur. I understand.

- I had a hard time giving up my stuffed pig.
- You had a stuffed pig?

Yes. Plato. I never went anywhere without him.

But I found someone who appreciated him even more than I did.

But I don't think the person I sold him to is taking good care of him.

So why don't you just buy him back?

It's . Two more dollars than you paid. Can I have Stanley back now?

Who's Stanley?

You know, my bear - the one I sold you.


Oh, him? Uh...


But why not? I'll throw in this eraser!

I can't give him back because I don't have him.

- Where is he?
- I traded him for this.

You traded my bear for a sticker?

It's not just any sticker. It glows in the dark!

I sure got Timmy Tibble this time!

D-d-did you say...


Don't worry, Stanley. I'll save you!


Just one more snip...


Stuffectomy is complete, Dr Tommy!


I'm coming, Stanley!

Open up! Open up! Where is he? What have you done with him?



He didn't even ask if he could come in!

- Can I call the police, Grandma?
- Not today, Timmy.

- Arthur, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?
- Um...

I think Tommy and Timmy may have this old teddy bear that was mine.

Oh, yes, I know exactly who you mean. Come with me.

I keep this door locked. The boys are such angels,

but why tempt them?

Whoa! This place is amazing!

Oh, careful with Zebby, dear. He's a bit long in the tooth to be handled.

, I'd say.

Here we are. Sorry for the mix-up, Arthur.

You must've been worried sick.

Wow! He looks almost new!

He was in bad shape when Timmy gave him to me, but I fixed him up.

Oh, I almost forgot. I made him this raincoat.

You don't have to put him in it,

but it does go with his fur.

Maybe he's better off here.

Oh, I was hoping you'd say that.

He's going to have such fun here!

And you can visit him any time you like.

- Just come on over whenever you feel like it.
- Bye, Arthur.

Actually, I think I'll just keep him for this weekend.
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