08x06 - Postcards from Buster

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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08x06 - Postcards from Buster

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

ARTHUR'S MOM ( on phone ):
Well, let's see...

I'm looking
at my calendar now, Bitzi.

The week of the th
is clear for me.

I'd have to check with David.

I know he has
a catering job on Tuesday...

( static hums )

Buster, Buster,
do you read me?

Roger, Arthur.

But this walkie-talkie
is giving me trouble.

( static buzzes )

Did you find
anything out?

Not yet.

Wait-- I hear something.

You don't mind?

I think your mom said...

Buster will be excited.

What? What'd she say?

Are we...?


Buster, do you read me?

Hey, keep it down.

Some of us are
trying to sleep,

and "ear-dropping" is
a bad habit.

Shh! This is important.

It could affect
the whole family.

Here, use this.

ARTHUR'S MOM ( clearly ):
You know, I think this sounds
like a great idea.

Well, I'll talk to you later,
Bitzi. Bye-bye.

( clears throat pointedly )

Well, as long
as you're up,

you can hear
the big news.

We're going to New York City.

New York City?

You mean the New York City?

Not some
"old" York city

that's called
"new" York city?

Yes, the New York
City, D.W.

We're going
to take Buster

to see his father.

Arthur, did you hear?

We're going on a trip!

Should I bring
a flashlight to New York?

What about a face mask
and snorkel?

Maybe the hotel will have
a pool.

How about my Grebes hat?

But maybe it'll
offend people

if I wear a baseball hat
from another city.

are you listening?

I think my mom is
really going to miss me.

Why do you say that?

Well, because she said,

"I'm really going
to miss you."

Did she miss you
the last time you went away?

Yeah, she did.

Oh, maybe
I just won't go.

You can't do that.

Sure I can.

I'll say I don't want to.

But this would be
our first trip together.

Don't you want to go?

Of course I do.

We'd have the best
time in New York.

My dad plans on taking me
on a trip from there.

It'd be so amazing.


Huh, when you put it
that way...

Oh, I don't know what to do.

Why don't you be
really nice
to your mom

while you're
still here?

Then she won't
miss you so much.


Oh, here's what
you should do
with your hat.

There. Now
no one will know

you're an Elwood City
Grebes fan.

See you.

( babbles )

( giggles )

( gasps )

A Musical Extravaganza.

You read that?

No, but I recognize him
from the commercial.

That's Conner,
the unicornuking.

He flies over the audience

and sprinkles magic dust
over everyone.

Hey, it's playing
in New York.

Dad, can we see it?

Look, it even got a star!

That means it's good.

One star from
the Saskatoon Daily
isn't so good, honey.

But I've never seen
a real Broadway musical.


You should see something
while there.

Mom, tickets are
$ apiece.

We'll cut back.

There's a lot of ways
to save money.

We can put Arthur
on a diet.


Okay, but eat slowly,

because that's your
lunch and dinner, too.

Relax, Mom,
I'll do it.

You're going to wash
the dishes, too?

This is a surprise.

I just thought
it'd be nice.

You're such
an angel.

What am I going to do
without you?

Your plan isn't working.

What plan?

The one about being
extra nice to my mom.

It's making her miss me more.

And I haven't even left.

What will happen
when I do leave?

( jet zooms overhead )

There he goes.

He's gone.

My baby!

( crying hysterically )

( sighs )

I better try another approach.


Arthur, that ice cream has
sprinkles on it.

We have to save
every penny!

I'd like a refund,

( Pal barks )

( whimpers )

( gasps )

( doorbell rings )

Mr. Molina,
can you give me
your old newspapers?

Here-- coupons.

I don't know
what they're for,

but they'll
save us money.

I bet this couch is
full of loose change.

You take that end
and I'll take this end.

( pig snorts )

Hey, look,
it's Snooter,

that imaginary pig
you used to have.

( pig squeals )

Oh, yeah.

Um, you can have him.

I don't need
him anymore.


Ten cents!

( groans )

At this rate, I'm never going
to get to see Unicornucopia.

Maybe it would
be cheaper

if I didn't come
with you to New York.

But you're imaginary.

You don't cost anything.

You never know, D.W.

This is New York
we're talking about.

That's true.

But what would
you do without me?

Would you
even exist?

Snooter was still
in the couch.

( squeals )

Okay, it's settled.

You stay here.

You're the best
imaginary friend
a girl could have.

And you're the best
real friend

an imaginary girl
could have.

( squeals )

( dramatic music playing
on TV )

( gasps )


What happened here?

Did you make this mess?

Yep. What can I say? I'm a slob.

( sneezes noisily )

At least it will be clean
when I'm gone.

Bet you can't wait
to get rid of me.

Get rid of you?

I'd never want
to get rid of you.


But you haven't seen
the kitchen yet.

You think this is bad?

I dumped leftover ziti

in the vegetable

Buster, what's
gotten into you?

I don't know.

I thought if I misbehaved,
you wouldn't miss me.

I'm going to miss you
no matter what.

Then I'm not going.

I want you to go.

It's going to be
a terrific experience.

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.

You promise?

Cross my heart.

But I am worried

about all you have to do
to get ready.


It's going
to take you hours

to clean this place.

Then you have to pack.

You'll probably be
up all night.

I suggest
you get started.

D.W., I don't have any room
for your index cards.

They're not index cards,
they're postcards,

so we don't have to
buy them in New York.

See, I've already drawn
all the famous sights.

Here's the Vampire
State Building

and Rocks-Are-Falling

and the Statue
of Liver-Trees...

Great news, D.W.

You don't have
to worry

about saving
money anymore.

I got lucky at bingo
last night.

You did?


And I bought all of you
tickets to Unicornucopia.

Thank you, Grandma!



Asthma inhaler?


Gum for the plane?

And check.

Okay, we're
all set, then.

Hmm, I bet she's
going to need these.


It's just a bit
of dust, sweetie.

( jet zooms )

Well, that's
all the bags.

Take good care of Grandma
and Pal, Pumpkin.

( giggles )

Take good care of Kate
and Grandma, boy.

( barks )

Take good care of Grandma,
Kate and Snooter, Nadine.

I will.

Will you write to me?

I would if I knew how.

Oh, okay.

Just bring me back a souvenir.

( squeals )

We have to say
good-bye here.


Oh, you're going to have
such a wonderful time.

Yeah... I know.

Want to leave
those with me?

No... ( sniffles )

I think I'll need them.

( sniffles )

( both blow noses loudly )

Oh, I almost

This is for you.

A video camera!

You can send me the tapes.

That way I can see
all your adventures.

Whoa! I can't wait to use it.

What happens when
I push this red button?

( button clicks )

Hey, hey,
I'm seeing something.

Buster, look out
the window.

( gasps )

We're gaining speed.

Are you getting this?

Is it recording?

I hope so, because
we're about to take off!

( jet zooms )


Buster! How was the flight?


It was really smooth,

and I got four bags
of free pretzels.

Cool car, Mr. Baxter!

I tried to get a mini-van
to drive into the city,

but they were all reserved.

all right, Bo.

D.W. has been

hailing a taxi
all week.

( whistles loudly )


Nice camera, Sport.

Mom gave it to me.

I'm going to film
our trip.

You might want to point
it out the window--

the Empire State
Building is coming up.

Look, Mom, there it is,
the Empire State Building!

Wow, these buildings
are so tall!

Look, Buster, our hotel.

( car horn honks )

How did you sleep?

( Arthur yawns )

D.W. wouldn't go
to sleep for hours.

She wanted to find all
the free things in the room.

So far, I've got soap, shampoo,
conditioner, a shower cap...

Oh, yeah, and ice.

You want to come
with my dad and me

to meet this Latin band
called Los Viajeros?

My dad will be
flying them around.

They're at this place
called the Point.

Yeah! Can I?

Sure. We'll just arrange
to meet at the musical.


Guess what, Mom.

Dad's taking us
to this restaurant

called the Jade Elephant.

It's supposed to have
the best dim sum in New York!

I can't believe it!

Finally, a parking spot.

Everyone ready to eat?


We started up there
in Times Square,

and now we're here
in Chinatown.

I think the restaurant is

down one of these
side streets.

Ahh, pretty cards.

They're Chinese
New Year cards.

Hey, Buster, look.

It's your street.

Where? Where?

( gasps )

You're right!

That's our name in
Chinese characters.


"May May Chinese
Gourmet Bakery."

Mmm, maybe someone in there
knows where the restaurant is.

Excuse me, do you know the place
called the Jade Elephant?

I have not heard about it.

Do you sell doughnuts?

No, nothing like that.

This is a very typical
Chinese bakery.

Let me show you
where the kitchen is.

So that's where the smell
was coming from.

This is how we cook
the Chinese tamales,

and it's cooked in water
for about five hours.

And they are so good.

It's filled
with the peanut,
the mung beans...

Mmm, mung beans--
sounds good.

The pork
and mushrooms...

Buster, you eat this?

You bet I'll eat that!

We have to go.

Your dad forgot
his cell phone in the car.

( Buster groans )

Whew, I was
beginning to think

we were never going
to get out of that room.

Okay, D.W., this is
the last time I'm
going to ask:

Are you sure you have
everything you need?

Bag, water,
purse, lollipop-- yup.

And right after I go to the
bathroom, I'll be all set.

( sighs )

Hey, where's our car?

We parked it right here.

The car was towed.

You can't park here.

The sign says:
"Don't even think

about parking here."

What do we do now?

Sorry about the car, boys.

I don't mind.

I like seeing
the subway.

Me, too, but I'd like it better

if I had eaten
that hot Chinese tamale.

Why don't you eat
that one?

You have to cook them
for five hours.

Besides, this one's
for my food collection at home.

We'll have a big lunch
with Los Viajeros at the Point.

Is the Point
a restaurant?

Actually, I'm not sure.

But we have to change trains
here at Grand Central.

( door tone sounding )

What are all
those people doing?

Dad, can we see?

Sure, just
stick together.

We are the New York City
Transformers Break Dance Club.

Whoa, these guys
are amazing!

( chanting rhythmically )

Hey, it's a human helicopter.

Could you show us
some of your moves?

What I'm about to show you
is called a basic wave.

See if you can imagine water
going through my whole body.

Okay, we're going to start
with the fingers.

Get that?

Uh, I think so.

Can you do it again?

That took
many years to do.

You understand that?

Yeah, I can imagine.

Hurry up, boys.

The uptown train
is pulling in.

Can we go again?

We're going to the Museum
of Natural History.


a tip for the horse.

Come on, D.W.

( door tone sounding )

Wow, our train was
taken out of service.

I know, it feels

like we're never going
to have lunch.

Dad, where are we?

El Barrio--

this is New York's
biggest Puerto Rican

Cool chalk drawings.

Look, Buster,
there's the guy
who's doing them.

Excuse me, do you know of
a place called the Point?

I think I heard of the Point,
but I don't know where it is.

I think it's somewhere
in the Bronx.

What are
you doing?

I'm drawing
a picture of my mom.

I'm the neighborhood doctor.

Dr. de la Vega.

I try to make people
feel better.

I try to make them think
about themselves and the world.

If you're a doctor,
shouldn't you have
an office?

I just like drawing
on sidewalks.

"Become Your Dream."

Dr. de la Vega, I dreamt
that I was a giant squid

being chased
by a wheel of cheese.

( laughing )

That's a funny dream there,
Buster, that's a funny dream.

Yeah, it is kind
of funny when
you think about it.

Come closer to me.

I'll draw
a little portrait of you.

Okay, but
watch the ears.

Pretty face
you got there, Buster.

Hey, that's
not bad.

Here, Buster,
I'll give you some chalk.

Here you go, Buster,
a little drawing for you.

According to this map,

the Bronx looks
really far from here.

I don't see
too many cabs around.

Maybe there's
a bus we could take.

Let's go ask in there.

La Fonda Boricua--

that's a Puerto
Rican restaurant.

( Buster gasps )

Look at all that food!

Mmm, onions!

Excuse me, do you know
how to get to the Point?


The Point-- it's
some place in the Bronx.

Have you heard
of it?

Boy, that looks good--
chicken, rice, stew.

Oh, I'm think
I'm going to cry.

( gasps )

It's a Chinese tamale.

No, this is pastel.

It's kind of
like a tamale.

What's inside
of it?

It's filled
with pork...


Sometimes we make it
with chicken.

Sometimes you have it
with vegetables.

Huh, no mung bean.

How long does it
take to cook?

We boil it, like,

let's say, half
an hour or an hour.

No way-- my Chinese
tamale takes five
hours to cook.

I wish
we could trade.

You're welcome
to taste some of our food.



Here you go.

Buster, let's go.

I got a cab outside.

( Buster groans )

I don't know
about you two,

but I could sure use
a cup of tea and a snack.

Wow, is this a palace?

It's the Metropole,
a famous old hotel.

I wish I lived here.

( dings )

( coin pings )

( elevator bell dings )

( doorbells ringing )

( belching )

( snoring )

Where to next?

We've got two hours
before the musical.

A pet store.

I know I can't live here,

but can I at least
get an alligator?

The cab driver said

the Point was just
a few blocks away.

It must be around
here somewhere.

Just admit it,
Dad, we're lost.

Some adventure
this is turning out to be.

I'm tired and starving.

I wish hadn't left my Chinese
tamale in the back of the cab.

I'd eat it raw now.

We could ask for directions
in that place.

Another bakery.

Maybe this one has something
I don't have to boil.

Look at this place.

Candy, cakes,
piñatas everywhere.


Buster wants...


Don't get too close.

Wow, it's like
a piece of art.

Yeah, art you can eat.

Hey, Buster, maybe
those two girls over there

can help us
find the Point.

They really do

a nice job
on these cupcakes.

Excuse me, do you know
of a place called the Point?


Is it near here?

How far?
Four blocks.

My name is Buster,
by the way.

My name is Sharde.

And my name
is Jazmine.

I, uh, don't suppose
you have

an extra cupcake
lying around.



We had six and we ate them all.

That's impressive.

Can you take us
to the Point?


Come on.

The Point is only
a few blocks away,

so if you follow us,
you won't get lost.

We were lucky
to find you.

Yeah, we've been lost
all day.

Are we
there yet?

I sure wish
we had a car.

Yeah, me, too.

How about now?
Are we there yet now?


We're almost there.

Right there
is the Point.

Welcome to the Point.

Let's go inside.

So, this is it.

We come
to the Point to learn,

every day after school.

What are you good at?

Juggling, Chinese yo-yo, stilts.

Whoa, this place
is amazing.

How many kids
come here?

Uh, I think
almost up to .

No, not .

It's like more like .

Well, which is it, or ?

A hundred.

A hundred.

They come here
to learn,

they come here
to do homework,

they come here
to study

and they come here to do art.

I also think they come here
so they can enjoy their lives

while they're a little kid.

Yeah, instead of just
growing up too fast.

Hey, I wonder if these guys
have any tips for me

on how to film.

Right here.

And what did you
decide to go with?

Buster, turn
your camera off.

Your dad got us
some food!


Mmm, this is the best hot dog
I've ever had.

Me, too!

And wait till you see
what's for dessert.

I picked it up
at the Valencia Bakery

while you
were looking around.

This is turning
into a great day.

Well, there is
some bad news.

Los Viajeros are late.

We might have to wait here
a while.

That's okay;
I love this place.

I could stay here till...

( gasps )

Oh, no!

The musical starts
in minutes!

Maybe we can
get you there

by the second act.

( music playing )

That's it?!

That's the flying unicorn?

I can barely see it!

( music ends )

What a rip-off!

Sorry I dragged you

all the way from
home, Nadine,

but we had
an extra seat.

That's okay.

It's boring living with people
who don't believe in you.

Sorry you missed
the show, Arthur.

I guess we ruined things
for you.

We got lost in Chinatown,
lost in El Barrio

and lost in the Bronx.

I bet you never want to go
on another trip with me again.

Are you kidding?

If we hadn't gotten lost,

I wouldn't have seen
so much of New York.

I really feel
like I'm starting

to get to know
this place.

Me, too.

But next time we go
on a trip together,

I think we should bring
better directions.

And now...

The idea for Pal came

when we wanted to get a pet
at our house,

and I invented a pet
that Arthur could have.

I start with this oval shape,
and then I give him eyes

and a little triangle
for his nose.

And Pal's a pretty happy dog,
so we'll make him smiling.

And we'll add his ears.

Now we'll give him his collar,
and he's off for an adventure.

( kids laughing )

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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