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01x79 - Universe 9's Basil the Kicker VS Universe 7's Majin Buu!!

Posted: 06/30/22 04:43
by bunniefuu
Get excited! To space, let's go!

The latest obsession! Join the flow?

I'll hold it in my hand

I wanna laugh like crazy!

I'm used to bein' confused!

I can't get no satisfaction


Becomes a stone

Before it gets too heavy and falls
(Let's fly high)

Let's spread

Our wings of excitement

Let's go to the next world

The door of possibilities is still locked

Oh well, I'll break through the wall again

Now! sh**t past the limit
Shout! "It's a piece of cake"

The invincible me is waitin' there

Dragon Ball Super
Even Zeno-sama will be blown away!!

As a result of Goku's personal negotiating,

Zeno decides to hold the Tournament of Power.

This was a giant tournament

to determine the mightiest warrior
in all of the cosmos.

The Super Dragon Balls would be awarded
to the most valuable player.

And to the winning universe...

The prize is nothing.

What do you mean, nothing?

Zeno-sama says that the universes
that lose are to be eliminated.

The universes will be wiped out?!

The universe was at risk of destruction.

Before the Tournament of Power began,

Zeno decided to hold an exhibition round,

which he called
the Royal PreZence Matches,

pitting the th Universe and the
th Universe against each other,

in order to raise expectations
for the tournament.

Yeah, I'm the one going first!

You're up first, Boo.

Let the first match begin!

What will the outcome of this bout be?

"The th Universe's Kicking Basil
vs. the th Universe's Majin Boo!!"

Wow, are you ever weak!

You're not even worth goofing off
with just for fun!

Oh, no. How can Majin Boo
be done in so easily?

What do you think?

These are the th Universe's baddest,
most powerful warriors!

Their name is...

...Trio de Dangers!


"Trio de Dangers"?

How lame.

The one fighting right now
is the youngest brother,

b*llet-sh**t Basil!

Just give up.

There's no way the likes of you can beat him.

What an utterly low-class Kaioshin.

It reveals a lot about the th Universe.

Why is he enjoying himself so much?
He's getting beaten up.

He's laughing, huh?

He's having a good time, huh?

That was really fun!

Do it to me again.

Don't be ridiculous!

Good one! Good one! Do it some more!

Boo-san is just playing around.

He came to enjoy himself,
just like I told him he would.

He enjoys this?

Whoo! Now I wanna play!

You're just a little bit amusing.

Hmph, I'm not anything close to amusing.

That was amazing, huh?

It's about to get a whole lot more amazing.

What should I do this time?

I hope Boo-san is all right,
thinking he's here to play around.

Ordinarily, he would be.


But this opponent is a little unusual.

Unusual? What's so unusual about him?

Satan, you probably couldn't tell,

but I ain't sensing anything like Ki
from this th Universe bunch.



They may look ordinary enough,
but we cannot sense any Ki from them.

We cannot tell an opponent's strength
if we cannot read their Ki.

Which means that for us,
this is a tough opponent.

What's so funny about that?

I'm just excited.


These are guys that our conventional
practices ain't gonna work against.

I wanna have awesome fights against
these guys from other universes

who I ain't ever seen before.

That's the reason why
I asked the two Zen-chans

to throw this Tournament of Power.

Now I'm excited to see what kind of guys
the other universes have got.

He has no sense of the gravity of this.

This is no time to be getting excited.

The reason why Zeno-sama has taken
such a liking to Goku-san

may be because he embraces
the same feelings of excitement.


Hey, th Universe!


It's gonna take more than that
before Boo is finished playing around.

Come on, show us what you really got!

Huh? What did you say?

Now he's asking for it.

No, Kaioshin-sama, he's right
that Basil isn't giving it his all.

It looks like that man will have
quite a lot to offer.

--Hey, Basil!

Lay into him with your secret w*apon!

Hmph, you don't have to tell me
what to do, Brother.

Don't hate me later for this.

It's one of your own that asked me to go
all out, so you can blame him.

Here I go!

Shining Blaster!


th Universe, you're no match for us!

That's the Trio de Dangers' hotshot,
Basil, for you!

Keep that up and finish them all off!


Th-Thank you very much.

Hey, you.

That was a little bit fun.

What the...?


Wh-Why aren't you a goner?

This is certainly a surprising creature.

Hmph! Don't let it scare you.

There are any number of folks
like that in the cosmos!

Shake it off, Satan!

Satan! Are you hurt?!

I-I'm all right...

I'll fix you, Satan!

I will be fine...


Never mind me; please let that guy have it.

Do it... for me...


He just passed out, that's all.
Please don't worry.

How dare you...

How dare you!

How dare you do that to Satan!



Amazing! Amazing!


I'll just blow another hole through you!


Leave it to me.

It is disrespectful to do that to gods!

Huh? Who is that guy?

That appears to be a warrior
for the th Universe.

I'm gonna make you pay for that.

How dare you do that to Satan!

Oh? That's our Majin Boo!

All right! We win!

Aw, it's over?

Huh? How come?

Is something the matter,
gentlemen of the th Universe?

Both of the Zeno-samas
have yet to be satisfied.

Listen, Zen-chan!

In our Tenkaichi Budokai, if you fall out
of the ring, the match is over.

Which means that Boo just won.

That is a th Universe rule.
These are the Royal PreZence Matches.

You will keep fighting
until Zeno-sama is satisfied,

or until one of the fighters
is unable to move.

Basil! You'll answer to me if you lose!

Cram a sock in it.

Give it to me! Let me have it!

Don't come crying to me
over the consequences!


How entertaining!

A drug-based power-up?
What do you call that?!

Violation! That's a violation!

This is surprising. What about your side?

Your fighter recovered, didn't he?

That's Boo's ability!
Don't try to equate the two!

Violation! You lose by violation!

Huh? That's no fun.

We want to watch more.

Gentlemen, please continue the match.

We will draw up proper rules in time
for the Tournament of Power.

This is for Zeno-sama's benefit,

so please go forward with
the understanding that anything goes.

You know what that means, Basil.

There is no room in the th Universe for losers!

Boo! Above you!

Are you sure he isn't overdoing it?

Wolfgang Pressure!

L... win!

You see that, th Universe?!

This is the power of the th Universe!



You're a strong one.


...I am even stronger.




That was an earnest attack by Boo-san.

He took that and is still standing, Father.

Yeah. That's surprising.

It does not appear that this fight
is going to be easily won.

Then again, it looks like that's all he's got.

That was fun!

That was fun, huh?

Zeno-sama has delivered his words of joy.

The first match is hereby concluded.

The winner, from the th Universe,

is Majin Boo.

Satan! I won!

All right!

He did it! He really did it!

Yeah, but that was exhausting.

My goodness.

How did you like that?




Wake up, Satan!

It's all right.

I'll fix you right now.

What happened to me?

Satan, I won.

Oh! That's my Boo-san!

Good work! That was outstanding of you!

Mm-hmm. So keep on complimenting me.

Good, good, good, good boy!
Good, good, good, good boy!

Now, will the contestants for
the second match please enter the ring?

Basil, that was pathetic.

We underestimated
the th Universe somewhat.

Lavender, you're not going to lose, are you?

Not if it's okay to k*ll my opponent, I won't.

k*ll them! Indulge yourself.

In that case, I'll win. I'll win, I'll win!

By all means, eat it all!


I'm up next.

Just watch what kind of power I have now.

We don't know anything about
this th Universe crowd. Be careful.


Okay, Gohan, off you go!


Son Gohan... I understand that he
is Son Goku's son.

Goku's son?

Is his son strong?

The Royal PreZence Matches' first match
ends with Majin Boo victorious.

What moves are possessed by
the th Universe's warrior

whom Gohan must face in
the subsequent second match?

Keep a close eye on Son Gohan's fight!

An angel and a demon
are sitting together like friends

I'm in the middle
Which way do I face?

Either destroy myself
or destroy everything else

They scream it in my ear all night

Is there a right answer to this???

Demons wearing the masks of angels

They beckon to me and say to me

"For the sake of justice
destroy all evil right now"

They say the world is waiting for me

Heya! I'm Goku!

Get yourself fired up, Gohan!

This Lavender guy from
the th Universe is a little creepy.

He's sure to pull some kind of trick.
Don't let your guard down.

Yes, I know. Look at the kind
of power I have now.

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Awaken Your Dormant Fighting Spirit!
Son Gohan's Fight!!"

Be sure to watch, okay?