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01x71 - The Death of Goku! The Guaranteed Assassination Mission

Posted: 06/30/22 04:38
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away



Stay with us, Son!

H-He's dead...


"Goku Dies! An Assassination
That Must Be ex*cuted."


Lunch is ready!

I ain't sensing it...

I ain't sensing his Ki...

No... maybe he's making it
so I can't sense it.

Chichi, there are
three roaches behind the fridge.

How can you say that while we're eatin'?!

You've been actin' weird lately,
haven't you, Goku-sa?

Eatin' your food slow,
and wearin' your dogi since you got up?

Oh, yeah, there's a reason
why I've been like this.

Oh, s-s-sorry about that.

Y-Your mail...


Hey, Whis...

Good morning to you, Beers-sama.

Good morning.

Is Son Goku getting any stronger?


He hasn't been coming around
to train lately, has he?

What exactly is he doing?

Who knows?

Don't you "Who knows?" me!

We could be starting a
martial arts tournament at any time

at Zeno-sama's whim!
Goku is the th Universe's anchorman!

Kakarrot is the anchorman?

Well, I wonder if he is not
training at home on earth.

How can you be so
happy-go-lucky about this?!

If his fighting falls short of expectations

and ends up disappointing Zeno-sama,

do you have any idea
what will happen to us?!

Whis! I'm making you responsible
for getting Goku into shape!

As you wish.

He knows something, huh?

All right, Vegeta-san,
let us continue our training.

You know what's really
going on with Kakarrot, don't you?


No, I do not.

I see. Very well. I will apply myself

so as not to be outdone
by Kakarrot's harsh training.

Yes, indeed. It is quite remarkable.


So he is doing some kind
of special training!

Don't try to laugh it off!

Give me the same kind
of training that he's getting!

You have only finished a handful
of your sparring drills.

In that case, it's just a matter
of speeding through them!

Is this all the stuff that Chichi asked for?

He's had his eyes closed the whole time.
Something's weird, huh?

But Father is always
doing something weird, isn't he?

I'm sure he must have thought up
a new kind of training.

A-Ah! Let's go after him!

Goten! Just a minute!

Huh? What?

We'll give ourselves away dressed like this.

We have to disguise ourselves.


Here, Goten, you, too.

That looks lame. I'll just take these.

Huh? You used to say
that this looked cool...

Hmm... My instincts say this way...

--Focusing my Ki... it's this way...

--What do you think you're doing?!
--Focusing my Ki... it's this way...

We're watching a movie, here!

You're getting in the way!

--We can't see!
--We're sorry!

--This is a touching scene!
--E-Excuse us.

--You're ruining it!
--E-Excuse us.

--You're ruining it!
--Begging your pardon...

No, no, this way.
I am sensing something...

Oh, no!

What a weirdo!


What are you doing?

Ah, jeez, I can't take this anymore!
I'm opening my eyes!

This ain't at all right, is it?!

E-Excuse us, just passing through.


Where are you?!

Where are you?!

Where are you?!

It sounds like he's looking for someone.


Where are you?! Up there?!

Move it!

What the...?

Man...! Son-kun, why did you
dash out in front of me like that?!



Hey! Why did you sidestep me like that?!

Oh, sorry, sorry!

--Usually, he doesn't
dodge Bulma-san's fists.

--Usually, he doesn't
dodge Bulma-san's fists.

Mm-hmm. It's weird.
I'm going to ask him directly,

even if I have to
invite him over for supper.

Woo-hoo! This looks super delicious!


This tuna is fantastic!

Piccolo, hurry on over here
and eat with us!

Shut up! I still have
my hands full over here!

If you don't hurry, I'm gonna eat it all!

Wow! That was so good!
I hope they grill some more soon.


Do you have a minute?

Come to think of it, you were
following me around town, huh?


So then, you knew?

Of course I did.

In that case,
who was it you were looking for?

Tell us, Father!

Hmm... Boys, whatever you do, do not
tell Chichi what I'm about to tell you.

Very well, we'll keep it a secret.

Uh-huh, we promise.


As it happens...

...somebody is out to take my life.


In other news, the wanted criminal
Frost remains at large.

Additionally, according to
a statement from Cabba-san...

What a beautiful city.

So anyway...

What's the matter?

Were there any visitors
scheduled at this hour?

No, none that I've heard about.

There's nobody in here!

Keep looking!

They have to be nearby!

I've come to k*ll you.


Who are you?

My name is Hit.

D-Did you say Hit?!

The legendary assassin?!

What are you waiting for?! k*ll this guy!

Can't you all hear me?!

It's no use. Time has stopped
for everyone except you and me.

Damn it!

Your resistance is pointless.

I have money! How much do you want?

In fact, you can have my whole fortune!
I'll even give you this castle!

Don't want it.

--Hey, the boss is down!

Boss! Please wake up, Boss!

Damn it, what the hell just happened?!

What are you just standing there for?!
Hurry and call an ambulance!


My next target...

Whew! Wow, did I eat too much!

That isn't the appetite of someone
whose life is in danger.

That's Father for you.

What's the matter, Gohan?

--You've been out of sorts all evening.

Wh-Who, me?

Why are you so concerned about Goku?

Gohan, there are no secrets from me.


What happened?

The truth is...

He's finally coming.

I don't want to let anyone
interrupt this fight.

Follow me, Hit!

You say Goku's life is in danger?

That's right.

But there aren't a great deal
of people who could take his life.

The one who is after him is Hit-san.

What? Did you say Hit?!


Where is Goku?



All right, how many more?

How many, indeed? I was certain
that you were counting, Vegeta-san.

Yeah, I actually was counting.
It's three more.

No fair cheating. It is more.

Tch, so you were counting.

Okay, come on out, Hit!

Behind that rock...

It's faint, but I can
sense Hit's Ki over there.

Come on!

I can't sense Goku's Ki all of a sudden!

He must have turned Super Saiyan Blue!

Father's Ki just disappeared!

He must be planning to fight him.
Piccolo-san, we should go, too.

I doubt it's what Goku wants,
but we ought to go.

I have a strange feeling about this.

Goten, you stay here.

Don't treat me like a child! I'm going, too!


All right, both of you, follow me!

- Right!

I have been hired to k*ll you.

You got behind me
as easily as this, did you?

And I've been training
pretty hard this last year, too.

Leave it to you, Hit.

“I'll say that I've k*lled you instead,
so make yourself scarce.”

What would you do if I were to say that?

I would say "no, thanks."

Knowing you, I figured
you would answer that way.

Now then, to get to work...

Face me.

You can't k*ll me
with my back turned, huh?

People brace for death when
they easily get taken from behind.

That is the reason
why I stand behind them.

I've made up my mind that my strike
will be a single one head-on.

A single strike?

Long time no see, Hit.

This is farewell.

Your technique ain't
gonna work on me anymore.

Do I look so cordial that I would
use time skipping on you again?

So that's it.
If we go at it like we did before,

it will mean a lot of pain, won't it?

No pain. It will be over in one strike.

I ain't going down so easily.

I didn't hit him?!

This ain't the same as time skipping.

If punching won't work, how about this?!

No, that wasn't his att*ck.

A punch ain't gonna hit me
from that distance!

Oh, no!

I'll be back.

Once your grave is finished.



Stay with us, Son!

H-He's dead...


Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!

Riding on a ladle
I don't even know its name

A four-thousand-year-old monster

Mixing it all up
And then it's finished in no time

Mysterious story

Softly sprinkling in the spices
It's the world's biggest obsession

Here, bon appétit!

My passion's on a rampage
A Chinese spoon in my right hand

It's time to finish them off!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!
Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Music!

Hello, this is Gohan.

Father being k*lled like this--

while it's not the first time,
it's still a shock.

Father! Father!
Are you really dead? Darn it!

How on earth was he able
to defeat Father like that?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Will He Strike Back?!
The Unseen k*lling Technique!!"

Please be sure to watch.