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01x64 - Revere Him! Praise Him! Fusion Zamasu's expl*sive Birth!!

Posted: 06/30/22 04:32
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Trunks risks his life challenging
Black and Zamasu to battle

in order to defend the world of the future.

Trunks is wounded and falls.

However, just then, Goku and
Vegeta return to the b*ttlefield.

This will be your final resting place!

We even have your casket ready.

It's a bit small, so you'll have to make do.

Vegeta's expl*sive power
overwhelms Black.

Black takes a keen interest
in his dramatic power-up.

It's because I am the Saiyan prince...

...the great Vegeta-sama!

"Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me!
The expl*sive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!!"

Y-You lowly appetizer!
Stop pressing your luck with me!


I told you, you're gonna
have to take me on!

And I told you not to tell a god what to do.

These bodies are a gift
from the gods, as is their K,

and you mere mortals arrogantly act
as though they're your own.

Hmph, it will take more than
that to punch your ticket.

Come on out, you charlatan bastard!

I know what the source
of your runaway growth is.

It's anger, isn't it?

The anger of having your son
get hurt has made you stronger.

Now that I realize what it is, it's so simple.

You turn your anger into power.

It's a grotesque method that
only a mortal would come up with,

which is why I happened not to notice it.

So that's it--anger, huh?

Anger toward the mortals
that defile the universe...

Anger toward the other gods,
who tacitly approve of you...

As well as anger toward myself,

who was powerless to stop
a mere mortal from beating me...

A scythe?!

Heh, behold, appetizer.
By turning my anger into power,

I have acquired yet another new capability.

If anger can be a source of power,

then I, who bear an anger stronger
than anyone else, am the mightiest.

I will inscribe into that body of yours

just how powerful my divine wrath is.


Hmph, if you thought
that was too fast for me--


What is that?!

Good question. I'm not sure, myself.

Is that another universe that I see?
Is it the distant future, or past?

It may even be the profound anger
that I harbored itself.

My strength surpasses
even my own understanding

and extends to the summits
of peaks untrodden.

Fighting powerful foes
is carrying us to even greater heights.

This is proof of our divine work--
the power to judge all creation!

Don't you think so, Son Goku?

You're wide open!

Your immortality is making you
overly careless, ain't it?

You come at me even though
you know I am immortal.

It truly is just like a mortal--
the ugly act of one lacking intelligence.

Are you straining your absent wit
to come up with some strategy?

Could be. But where's the fun
if I tell you ahead of time?

You don't know when to give up.


That's because
I don't wanna lose to anybody!

Hey! What's going on?!

Th-That was a close one...

Mai! Are you okay?!

Yes! How about you?!

Terrific! You fixed it!

How is the fight going?!
What are Dad and Goku-san doing?!


O-Oh, no!

Why is Zamasu heading here?!
What about Vegeta and Son-kun?!

How is the time machine?!

No way, no way, no way!
This is going to take some more time!

Mai, you hold on to this.


I'm going to buy us some time.
I can handle Zamasu alone.

He's immortal!

There's no other way!

--Yes, there is.

The Mafuba.
Use the Mafuba to seal Zamasu up.

But without Goku-san here,
we can't do the Mafuba.

You're going to do it!


What's the matter, mortals?

Does this divine work
have you too scared to move?


Hey, Vegeta, not only ain't we
taking them out, they're multiplying, fast!

Where's all that enthusiasm
you had up to now?

You can't even go after Zamasu
with the level of power you have.

Damn it all!!

Damn, this is going nowhere!

Zamasu should be torturing Trunks,

and the other mortals with him,
to death at any moment now.

This is dirty pool, Black!
If you wanna fight, then fight us!

Oh, I will fight you.

After you are unable
to protect those in your care

and the power of your anger
makes you even stronger, that is.

Stop dawdling around, Kakarrot!

Lock onto Trunks' Ki, and use your
Instantaneous Movement, already!

I've been trying to! But you see,

all the other Ki around us
is throwing me off,

and I ain't able to find Trunks' Kl





Nothing happened with any of those poses.

Hmm... If it isn't one of those...

Oh, now that I think about it...

Here, play this back.

Ah, I'm zoomed in too close. Just a second.

Okay. Whenever you're ready.


And that is the Mafuba.

Thank you, Piccolo. This is a big help.

That's something
completely different, isn't it?!

Oh, it is? They're pretty close, aren't they?

W-Well, it's more instructive
than your example, Mom,

but just knowing the pose
doesn't show me how to use it, you know.


Here, take this, and look after Trunks.


I'm going to go buy some time.

Ten minutes--actually, four or five
is the most we can hope for.

In the meantime, you stay here
and master the Mafuba.

You can't! It's too dangerous!

Have some faith in your mom.



You're making a world of your own?
What large-scale thinking!

Tell me, if I were
to become the wife of a god,

could I have any wish I want come true?

Would people have to call me "Goddess"?

Ah, I'm about to fall into a forbidden love!


M-- M--


Wh-Why, you...!
How dare you... How dare you!

Hmm. There is nothing that
I can gain from you, but very well.

I'm going to do this! If I can seal him up...

You're not trying to buy some time
until help arrives, are you? If so...

--Take this!


What is this technique?!

Do you see this, Zamasu?!
This is the power of us mortals!

The power of mortals, you say?

Don't you, a mere mortal,
speak to a god about power!

What does a self-absorbed god
such as yourself know about mortals?!

Right! Don't underestimate... the power...

--...of mortals!
--...of mortals!

Here he comes, Mai!


It can't... It can't... It can't end like this!

You did it!



Thank goodness! You're all right!

I told you to have faith
in your mom, didn't ? But still...

I was so scared!

Mom... It's all right now.

Well, if Zamasu comes back out while
we're standing around, we're done for.

Mai, hurry up and seal
the pot's opening with the charm.

Right. Where is the charm?




"Daimao Seal"


You forgot something pretty important!


That idiot!

Mom, how could this happen
with you along?!

It's not my fault!

This is no time to be bickering!
We have to hold it down tighter!


Zamasu's Ki just disappeared,
then reappeared.

What's worse, it feels a lot weaker.

What in the world is going on over there?

They disappeared!

Kakarrot, now!
Use your Instantaneous Movement!




Are you guys all right?

Huh? Yeah...

Let us take it from here.

How could you disgrace yourself like this?
What exactly happened to you?

W-We seem to have been under
a terrible misconception.

Mortals are not just insignificant worms.

If we are not careful,
our ideal world will evaporate like dew.


That leaves us no choice.
We're through playing games.

It is time to show these mortals,

who in their ignorance
continue to profane divinity,

the true power possessed by gods.

You're saying that
the time is finally at hand?

Lowly mortals...

...bow yourselves before...

...our splendor...

Th-They wouldn't!

--So that's your play!

My form is justice.

My form is the world.

Worship me. Give praise unto me.
Me, the sublime, the beautiful,

the immortal, the almighty god...


Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!

Riding on a ladle
I don't even know its name

A four-thousand-year-old monster

Mixing it all up
And then it's finished in no time

Mysterious story

Softly sprinkling in the spices
It's the world's biggest obsession

Here, bon appétit!

My passion's on a rampage
A Chinese spoon in my right hand

It's time to finish them off!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!
Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Music!

Heya! I'm Goku!

Zamasu, what was that light?

Is this the pressure of divine Ki?

Still, it ain't over yet!
I don't care how awesome you are,

we just have to do you one better!
Ain't that right, Vegeta and Trunks?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Final Judgment?!
The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God."

Be sure to watch, okay?