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01x62 - I'll Protect the World! Trunks' Furious Super Power Explodes!!

Posted: 06/30/22 04:31
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Black and Zamasu
att*cked Goku and the others

when they returned
to the future once again.

Their power far exceeded
that of Goku and company.

Trunks attempted to stand up
to Black and Zamasu. However...

Trunks! You are a sinner!

It is your foolish decision...

...that sparked my sense of justice
and launched Project Mortals!

As such, it is the same as though
you k*lled all the earthlings.

These merciless words of
condemnation set Trunks' fury ablaze.


I--- I---

I will k*ll you!

"I Will Defend the World!
Trunks' Furious Burst of Super Power!!"

You're going to defeat me?

I'd like to see that,

you foolish Saiyan!


Is he serious about
running each other through?

What the--?!

He's giving as good as he's getting!

You impious sinner!

Away with you!


So what if I am a sinner?!

I'm still going to defend this world!

Whoa, there.

I'm not letting you help him.

Kiss it goodbye!

He did it!

He ain't croaked!

Who would have guessed
that you'd have this much power?

It makes for a perfect dessert.

What's the matter? I thought
you were going to defend this world.




That just leaves you.

Once we finish off the Saiyans,

we'll k*ll all of the remaining mortals, too.

--He can still get back up?


Now! Dad, please take Goku-san
and return to the past!

I will hold them back!
In the meantime, Dad,

find a way to defeat these guys!


You dumb-ass! You expect us to run
and leave you here all on your own?!

It's the only way to save the future...


Dad! Hurry!

Get the time machine ready!



The senzu beans!

I will make sure Trunks makes it!


Hmm? You're not getting away!

Oh, no you don't!

Here we go!

Don't you die!

They got away, did they?

Oh, we'll see them again very soon.

You'll have to go through me!

They came back!


Papa! Mama! Goku-san!

Okay! I'm not in there!

Which must mean...

...the future has changed, hasn't it?

--We don't have to die!
--Hooray! Hooray!


Didn't I tell you to have
some faith in divine power?

You big liar!

"Have faith in divine power," my foot!

--Huh? B-Bulma-san?
--And "when a god eliminates a god,

there's no way it doesn't
affect space-time,” my eye!

Absolutely nothing
has changed, you know!

It hasn't changed?

The city is in shambles,
while Black and Zamasu are running riot.

We came this close
to being done in, I'm telling you!

Then, where's the big me?

He's still fighting.

He stood alone to give us
enough cover to let us escape.


You don't say. It hasn't changed, then?
I thought that might be the case.

Huh?! You thought
that might be the case?!

Trunks-kun gave
a pretty convincing speech.

Beers-sama, you are
not making a very good case.

How dare you so shamelessly shrug it off!

Don't do it, Bulma!


Right now, we have to come up
with a way to defeat them!

Don't waste this time
that Trunks is buying for us!

Yeah, I know, but...

--You guys!

Take him on inside.

That smarts, Vegeta...
Can't you treat me more gently...?


--He's beaten up badly!
--Stretcher! Stretcher!

He's been worked over again, but good.

Now then, regarding the Kaioshin
in the other world...

Yeah, they did mention that.

They said that
they k*lled all the other gods,

and that in their future,
they are the only ones left.


Moreover, Black is not
some puppet created by Zamasu.

The Zamasu in this world
stole Kakarrot's body, becoming Black.

The Zamasu in the future
gave himself an immortal body.

So that is why Black had
the same Ki as Zamasu.

That answers all of our questions, then.
We're leaving, Whis.

Hey, are you running away?!

I already did away
with the Zamasu of this world.

The Zamasu of any other world
is none of my affair.

You guys do whatever you want from here.

Why, you...!

Well then, ladies and gentlemen,
good luck in your battles.


--Don't follow me. I have some thinking to do.


Huh? Goku?

He hasn't come home in a good long while!

Could he still be involved with Black?

I thought Goku-sa might be feelin' hungry,

so I made bento boxes for mornin',
noon, and evenin', and waited for him,

and ended up makin' this much!

Ah, yes, I see.

I can't get through to Bulma-san,
so do you know where Goku-sa is?

No, I don't know!

Are you sure?

Come on, Chichi-san.
Say what you will, I am still a policeman.

If I knew, then of course, I would tell you.

The police are on the side of the citizenry.


U-Uh, I have to go out on patrol.

Ah! Wait!

Okay, Chichi-san, I'll see you later!


Let's go home, Mother.

You don't have to worry;
he will come home before long.

Yeah, but...


Trunks-kun and... Goten-chan?

Just sit tight, Trunks.
I swear, I'll find a way to defeat them.

That's out of the question, obviously!

These aren't the sort of foes
that you can beat!

Not even Son-kun could beat them!

But we want to go!
We want to go and be of some use!

There's nothing you two
could do if you did go there.

You just let Son-kun take care of this.

But the big me is fighting them!

I can't just wait around doing nothing!

Even so, do you have
any idea what will happen

if Chichi-san finds out that you
took Goten-kun along with you?

Son-kun will somehow
defeat the both of them for us,

so you two just wait right here.

But Mom...!

--Shut your--


Ugh, now, of all times...

You two go hide. And don't come out.

Oh, what brings you by here so late?

Do you know where
Goku-sa has gone off to?

Son-kun? No, I don't know.

Sorry to suddenly barge in like this.

Father hasn't come home
in quite some time, and we're worried.

Ah, y-you don't say...

I was thinkin' he's gone off
fightin' against some idiot again.

Fighting? Ah-ha-ha, oh, I doubt that.

Are Goten-chan and Trunks-kun around?

U-Uh, no, they aren't. Why do you ask?

I saw them flyin' around together.

I reckoned they might be foolin' around
after dark, turnin' delinquent.


The doctor said that he succeeded

in increasing the efficiency
of the time machine fuel production.

Time machine?

Oh, um, it's our newest model...



What do you think you're doin',
goin' out as late as this?!

--Ah-ha-ha, well, you see...

You still haven't managed to defeat them?

Piccolo! Kuririn!

Bulma-san, what are you hidin' from me?!

Well, um, actually...


You got anything to eat?

Now that the pain is under control,
I'm suddenly hungry.

--Aw, jeez...
--Hey, Chichi.

Goku-sa, what are you doin"
all bandaged up like that?

Oh, this? I got my butt kicked by me.

By you?

Gohan, are those bento boxes?
Is it okay if I have them?

Huh? Of course it's okay.

All right! Thanks for feeding me!

Chichi, your bento boxes sure are yummy!

They restore my power in no time flat!

Never mind that,
about what you were sayin' before...

What I was saying before?

You know, about how you got hurt!

Ugh... The truth is, in the
future world where Trunks lives,

something really awful is happening.


The world in the future
where Trunks-kun lives?

There's a fake Son-kun there
that's running wild.

Or, to be accurate,

it's Zamasu, a Kaioshin-in-training
from the th Universe

who went and possessed Son-kun's body.

I'm gonna make
absolutely sure that he pays.

Not only did he take over
my body without asking,

he then went and k*lled
Chichi and Goten with it!

Eh?! Goten-chan?!

Goten-chan, did you get k*lled?!
Does it hurt?! Are you bleedin'?

Wait, he's still alive, isn't he?

Ah, you see, this happens in the future.

This trainee, Zamasu, kills his Kaioshin,
becomes the Kaioshin,

and uses the Super Dragon Balls
to get his hands on Son-kun's body.

Could you dumb it down a little, please?

The point is, this Zamasu guy
takes on Son-kun's form,


goes to Trunks' world in the future,


So then, Trunks took his
time machine here seeking help,

and the reason why
Son-kun never went back home

is because he went into the future
with Vegeta to fight against them.

I never imagined something
like this was happening.


So, did you defeat them?

Actually, we got beat
and came back here twice.


What are you doin', losin' twice
to the guy who k*lled Goten-chan?!

As his father, isn't that
an embarrassment to you?!

He didn't look like the kind
of opponent that was strong enough

that you would come back
in defeat from him twice.

--Their power is the real deal.

Not only can Goku Black turn Super Saiyan,

but every time we fight,
his battle power increases.

The future Zamasu has also
used the Super Dragon Balls

to gain an immortal body.

And since they're
the same person to begin with,

their two-man combos
are second to none.

They are not the kind of foes
we can beat head-on.

Then, how are you going to defeat them?

The whole reason we came
back here again was to figure that out!

Take it easy, Vegetal!

But we have to do something fast,
or the bigger me will be done for!

You mean Trunks-san?

He's fighting them on his own right now.

Father, isn't there anything we can do?

I've been thinking about it, too,
but they attack as a pair.

We can at least
keep them bottled up, though.

There is one way to get them.

--Piccolo-san, what is it?

The Mafuba.


It's a move that Muten Roshi
and company once used

to try to seal away the Daimao,
who was out to conquer the world.


Piccolo Daimao!

If you can keep
your opponent from moving,

you should be able
to use the Mafuba on them.

That's right, there's that move, ain't there?

We don't defeat them--
we just seal them away.

And you're sure that will work?

Yeah. As long as the seal isn't broken,
they'll never emerge again.

Meaning that once you seal them up,
peace will return to the future!

Those people won't
be k*lled anymore, right?


Bulma, when can we leave?

I doubt it will take half a day.

You're heading to
the Room of Spirit and Time?

We may be sealing them up,

but not until I pay them back
for everything they've done.

The Mafuba, huh? So, how do you do it?

Muten Roshi-sama knows how, right?

Oh, yeah!

Allow me to give you
a little demonstration.

I'll go ask old man Turtle Hermit.


Go right on ahead. We'll all watch you.

What? The Mafuba?!

Yeah. We're gonna need it.

Just who is it he's fighting
that he needs to rely on the Mafuba?

Come on, teach me.

Well, there's no reason
for me not to teach you...

...but you do understand
how dangerous a technique it is, right?


You're ready to face the risks, then?


Huh? What? What? What? What?!



I missed!

Please stop me!

Sorry, sorry!

You need more focus. Try again.


Hope you don't mind.


--One more time!


Please, have mercy on me!

He went in! I did it!

Mm-hmm. Then just put the lid on the jar,

tie a cord around it, affix the charm,
and the seal is complete.

Hang on. I'll go make the charm for you.

Thank you, Old-timer!

You can take me some place
with spunky girls sometime.

So then, the future remained unchanged?

Let's change the subject!

Did I say something out of place?

Everyone has been
condemning him over it,

and uncharacteristically enough,
he now feels responsible.

Shut up!

Let's talk about Zamasu.

I could easily destroy him
if I went to the future,

but a Destroyer can't very well
travel through space-time.

I understand. I will do what I can.

This all came about because I chose
Zamasu as my Kaioshin trainee, after all.

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!

Riding on a ladle
I don't even know its name

A four-thousand-year-old monster

Mixing it all up
And then it's finished in no time

Mysterious story

Softly sprinkling in the spices
It's the world's biggest obsession

Here, bon appétit!

My passion's on a rampage
A Chinese spoon in my right hand

It's time to finish them off!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!
Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Music!

Heya! I'm Goku!

Sorry to keep you waiting,
Zamasu and Black!

This time, I'm gonna defeat you for sure!

This world is going to be
your final resting place.

Heh-heh, Vegetal! Black is all yours!

Show us the results of your training!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Don't You Disgrace Saiyan Cells!
Vegeta's Fierce Battle Commences!!”

Be sure to watch, okay?