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01x59 - Protect Supreme Kai Gowasu – Destroy Zamasu!

Posted: 06/29/22 17:54
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Goku and the others went into
the future to defeat Goku Black.

However, Zamasu then showed up,
boasting an immortal body.

Goku and the others
barely returned home with their lives,

suspecting that Zamasu
may have used a time ring

and the Super Dragon Balls
to enlist Black to his side.

The life of Gowasu-sama, the th
Universe's Kaioshin, is in danger.

Goku and company head to
the th Universe to save Gowasu.

Gowasu-sama, I brought you some tea.

"Protect the Kaioshin Gowasu--
Destroy Zamasu!"

Why are these guys here?

Well, well.

The th Universe's Kaioshin-sama,
its Destroyer, Beers-sama,

along with Whis-sama and,
as I recall, Son Goku-san.


I was not aware that you were here.

Please excuse me for
not greeting you sooner.

So, what brings you by this time?

Previously, you were here to investigate

someone wearing a time ring
who appeared in the th Universe,

as you made the rounds
of all the universes.

Have you come to learn anything
as a result of your efforts?

No, this time, they are
here to see you, Zamasu.


Oh, you know, this idiot here

is insisting that he wants to
fight you once more, you see.


I tried to rein him in, myself,

but once the words were out of his mouth,
there was no reasoning with him.

I ain't never--

Ow! Again, Beers-sama?!

I told you to keep quiet, remember?!

Yeah, but you didn't
have to hit me. That hurts.

Go a little easier on me.

Shut up! That's what you get for talking.

Don't tell me they...

If you think I will do, I would be delighted.

In our last fight, I must admit,
I was somewhat reluctant.

Very well, shall we get started right away?

No, no,

there's no need for that. I'd hate
to interrupt your precious tea time.

I'll give this idiot here
a severe chewing-out, myself.

My, Beers-sama, look at the time already.

Is it not about time
that we took our leave?

Oh, and it's time for my nap, too.

I'm sleepy, I'm sleepy.

We're leaving?

Oh, yes, I very nearly forgot
to give you your present.


What is this?

Some tea leaves,
and sweets known as "daifuku,"

which we brought from
the planet earth in the th Universe.

Oh, daifuku, you say?

They are springy, aren't they?

Yes. It has a soft outer layer
that surrounds a sweet paste center.

Just take one bite, and ooh,

you will have such an
indescribable sensation in your mouth.

By all means, try them together
with some of this tea.

Well, now, we have a real
soft spot for tea and snacks.

Thank you so much for your precious gift.

Well then, if you will excuse us.

Let's go.

Are you sure we should
be leaving like this?

Just come with me.

Zamasu, this is a rare treat.
Let's have some.

Yes, Gowasu-sama.

Wah! Whis-san!


So, how about it?

It is as we thought.

No doubt about it.
He's planning to k*ll Gowasu.

For real, Beers-sama?!

His Ki reeked of the smell of bloodlust.

Almost as strong as when
Beers-sama breaks wind.

How rude! My farts
do not smell as bad as that!

His Ki reeked of it? I didn't sense it at all.

Beers-sama is a Destroyer, after all,

so he is especially sensitive
to these things. As am I, of course.

Is Gowasu-san aware of it, too?

He probably has not noticed.

I, myself, could not
detect Zamasu's bloodlust.

Then we gotta hurry back and save him.

Don't panic. If he is going to
k*ll a Kaioshin, I will destroy him.

But not until we have enough proof.

Proof is gonna be too late
if he's already been k*lled, Beers-sama.

Goku-san, I understand
what you are saying,

but we are talking about the next
Kaioshin of the th Universe.

We cannot destroy him simply
because he possesses bloodlust.

All we can do is watch
what happens for the moment.

Gowasu-sama, here is your tea.

Ho... This is unusual.
The tea is green. Hmm...

It has a natural aroma.

Ah! Could he have put poison in there?!


All right, I guess I will try it.

Ho, this has a gentle taste,
which soothes the soul.


Hmph. Son Goku... I was one step
away from claiming his head.

It doesn't matter, does it?

They have now seen
that they are no match for us.

Besides, if you k*ll Son Goku,

you won't have any fodder left
for elevating your battle power.

You can slowly, exactingly,
painstakingly k*ll him,

while savoring the experience.

Perhaps, as with me, we should have
used the Super Dragon Balls

to give you a body that was immortal, too.

Having an immortal body is nice.

I'm content with having
this much strength--

this ultimate battle power!

Simply having an immortal body
would not be enough.

I'm going to become much, much stronger.

This vastly heightened strength
is indispensable to our project.

Project Mortals. It's ironic.

Imagine, Project O Mortals
requiring mortal power to succeed.

How long can we hold out like this?



Yajirobe was hiding them!

Hey, c'mon! Knock that off!

--Huh? No, I'm fine. You two eat them.

Have one.



--Let's eat.


--These are good, huh?

I have to keep this up.
Even if only by myself.

To preserve these smiles.

The transfer mechanism is shot again.

I'll have to switch it out
for a stronger metal.

It could burn out next time.

I ran away.

I left Mai behind and ran away again.


He's been like that
ever since he got back.

He looks more depressed
than we thought, huh?

--Mai, this is your chance.

When people are depressed,
and someone is nice to them,

they get all woozy.

W-Woozy, you say?

Plant your hand firmly on his shoulder
like this, and gently say...

"Trunks-kun, it isn't your fault."

Then turn on the waterworks.

"I know how badly you must feel,
but don't blame yourself so much.

I know just saying so
doesn't do much good,

but Trunks-kun, when I see you
looking so sad, it makes me sad, too."

--"That's it, cry. Get it all out
until you feel better here in my arms.

--"That's it, cry. Get it all out
until you feel better here in my arms.

Right now, all I can do for you
is to take on your sadness, Trunks."

"H-Huh? Mai!"




Go away!


Sheesh, they don't understand
how Trunks feels at all.

Hey, me!

Oh, it's you.


What do you mean, "Oh, it's you"?

You got a little bit beaten,
and now you're moping around!

And you call yourself me?!

Huh? H-Hold on, Trunks...

Hey! Are you listening to me?!

Sorry, but could you leave me alone?

Aww, how disappointing to find out
that my future self is so gutless!

I guess that explains why
you weren't able to keep Mai-chan safe.

How could he say that?

Are you mad about that?
It's the truth, after all!

What's the matter?
Doesn't that bother you?!

If so, then come and get me!
Go ahead and try to take me down!

I'll take you on!

Well, come on! Come get some of this!

If you won't come to me, I'll take it to you!

What's the matter?! Get up!

You call yourself a Saiyan?!

These daifuku treats and green tea
truly are an exquisite pairing.

Zamasu, you go ahead and try them, too.

No, thank you anyway.

Never mind me, Gowasu-sama, you have
white powder around your mouth.

Hmm? How could I let that happen?

He has not made a single move, has he?

Are you sure Zamasu is after Gowasu-sama?

Yeah, positive.

He sure looks like he's enjoying those.
It's kinda making me hungry.

Goku-san, just hold on
a little while longer.


Hmm? What is it?

It looks like... I was mistaken after all.


I considered once again
what you have said to me.

About the balance between good and evil.

"Justice can be brought about
from within by being swayed by evil."

You may indeed be right about that.

I must have been looking
at only one side of things.

Zamasu, knowing you, I was sure
that you would understand.

Yes, indeed...

He wouldn't...!


Whoo, that was close.

Daifuku, huh? I must be
more careful when eating these.

I will admit, however,
that they are quite a delicious snack.


We gotta hurry and get back,
or Gowasu-sama is gonna get k*lled!


A do-over.

A do-over? Oh, yeah! Whis-san,
you can turn back time, can't you?

Now we have made certain.

Shall we go, then?

Ho, is that a new
shoulder-massaging glove?

Er, no, this is...

Aw, too bad.

How long have you been here?

Oh, I thought that you all had left.

We remembered one other errand
we needed to see to.


You were about to be k*lled by Zamasu.

Me? By Zamasu?

Here is the proof.


Without the glove that I placed on him,

you would definitely
be off to the afterlife.

Zamasu, explain to me what is going on.


Allow me to explain.

Zamasu's objective
is to k*ll you, Gowasu-sama,

and then steal your time ring.


With you out of the way, Gowasu-sama,

there would be no one left
to interfere with his plans.

What plans?

He is going to use the power
of the Super Dragon Balls

to obtain an immortal body for himself,

then create a counterfeit Goku-san
and destroy the mortals.

But I thought you turned over
a new leaf, didn't you?


A new leaf? Who ever said that?

I was just following divine justice.

The justice that says to destroy evil!


Still, I am impressed
that you figured out my plan

from just my intention to k*ll Gowasu.

That much was easy.
I went to the future and saw it myself.

Th-The future?!

Yeah. Thanks to you,
the cities are in shambles,

and a whole bunch of people got k*lled.

You don't say. Then my dream
has come true, hasn't it?

In that case, it's all the more
reason why I can't fall here!

Don't push your luck.



Hey, what's the matter?!

Bring it on!
This fight is just getting started!

Who ever heard of a person
encouraging themselves?

That's enough. I get
what you're trying to tell me.

I will win, you'll see.

No matter who the foe might be.


Thanks, teeny me.

You finally figured it out, big me?

Whis! You did it again, didn't you?!

Oh, excuse me!

This is why I said we should
have Kaioshin-sama send us back!

Ooh, that smarts.

You destroyed Zamasu?!

Yes. Beers-sama did, in one shot.

And now, Black is gone,
and the future is back to normal.

Hooray! That's a huge victory!

This means that we won't
have to die in the future, too!

All right!

Are you sure things
have gone back to normal?

When the Artificial Humans were defeated,

my future remained unchanged.


Not to worry. That's according
to your mortal reasoning.

When a god eliminates a god,

there's no way it doesn't affect space-time.


You're sure that the future
has changed, then?

Because if it hasn't changed,
you'll hear from me!

Don't you believe what I'm telling you?

Well, sure, I'd like to believe you!

It's okay, Trunks.

Beers-sama says so.
Ain't no way he's wrong.

Right. I sure hope so.

Shunshushun, shunshunshu, shunkan

Put my finger between my eyes

DANdaDAN, my hair stands up!

I'm Saiyan and I'm full of power

My shining heart sparkles

(This is awesome!)

I'll time travel and
greet you in the future

I shouldn't worry about
what you think of me

I need to trust my intuition

Keep going for as long as I can

I'll be dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing

(Ooh HEY!)

Just dance! (HEY!) Just dance! (HEY!)

Just just just just dance!

Just dance! (HEY!) Just dance! (HEY!)

Dance! Dance! Dance!

Dancing makes me smile

Because I'm dancing I can smile
(Just dance)

No matter how hard life gets,

as long as you smile,
everything will be fine!

So grab your friends,

and dance with all your might!

Heya! I'm Goku!

Trunks, let's go
into the future one more time

to see if it's peaceful or not.
And don't worry.

If Zamasu is still there,
I'll defeat him for sure this time!

Huh? Goku Black
ain't a fake version of me?

What is that supposed to mean?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Into the Future Again--
Goku Black's True Identity Revealed!!"

Be sure to watch, okay?