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01x49 - A Message from the Future – Goku Black Strikes!

Posted: 06/29/22 17:36
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Earth, in the future...

In this era, when despair alone rules all,

Trunks continues to fight, all alone.

Are you finished yet?

For the end of your proud warrior race,
this is a pretty poor showing.

Away with you.


However, the wounded Trunks
leapt into the past.

Where did you run to?


I will not let this one-way-trip's
worth of energy go to waste!

His destination was years earlier,
in the present day.

As Trunks awoke, standing before him was...

"A Message from the Future--
The Incursion of Goku Black!"


What's the matter, Trunks? It's me!

Why, you...!

What do you think you're doing?!

Goku-san? Huh?

Is it really you, Goku-san? Alive?

I thought you and Cell were both...

Oh, yeah, a lot has happened.
I came back to life.


I'm sorry about that--
suddenly taking a swing at you.

That surprised me.
Still, it has been a while, huh?

Hey, Trunks, what's going on?



This is a to-do, a to-do! This is a big to-do!


This goes beyond scandal.



What's the matter, Trunks?

What on earth happened to you?

Hey, kid...


I seem to remember your name
being Trunks, right?


I see. He tampered with time.



I managed to get here... To the past.


Have you calmed down now?

Yes, I'm fine now.



I smell something complex going on here!

He's an illegitimate child, all right!

We'll uncover their secret,
no matter what it takes!

Hey, grown-ups!

Look at how the young lad is trembling!


The young lad is Trunks.

And this guy is Trunks, too!

Their mom and dad is the same,
and they're both named Trunks!

We children don't know
what is going on here at all!

Sheesh, put a sock in it.

They're both me and Vegeta's child, so drop it!


I mean, this one... the future version of this one.

I knew it.

You mean...

...they're the same person?!

This man... is the future me?

Nice to meet you.

N-Nice to meet you.

You don't need that now, right?

It's comforting to keep it on me.

I see.

A time machine?

It doesn't seem real.

I'd like to go somewhere in it.


To tell you the truth,
this time machine is one of my products.

Which is to say that it's
one of my greatest inventions.

What do you think? Amazing, right?

It's the real thing.

Actually, I already met you once,
when you were a baby.


Oh, yeah, that's right.


They are absolutely full of surprises.

Imagine, a time machine
actually existing. Hmph.

I thought it would be impossible
for a mortal to build one.

Hm-hm, how do you like me now?

It is amazing, to be sure,

but were you aware
that going into the past or the future

and manipulating time constitute grave sins?


What is going on?

No matter where I search on this world,

I'm not picking up even a hint of his Ki.

Where are you, Trunks?

It was that moment...

...when he disappeared.

In this space...

Hmm? My time ring...

What's this?

If I may repeat myself,

manipulating time
and going into the past or future

are very serious offenses.

Time is something that
only flows in one set direction.

If you back it up
and change something in the past,

supposing you were
to pick even a single flower,

the history that comes after
could be affected, cities can change,

and whole civilizations
can be significantly altered,

resulting in entire worlds
vanishing from the universe.

I understand that it would be serious.

As such, unfettered movement
through time is something

that is strictly forbidden, even among deities.

That is correct.


These two both come from the world of deities.


You'd have no leg to stand on
if I chose to destroy you.

Destroy us?

You have to be kidding me!

I'm the one who built the time machine,

but it's not even the current me!

It's all the same.

It's not the same!

N-No, p-please wait, God!

Hey, over here...

He is the god.


He may be a god,
but only a god of destruction.

I am nothing more than his attendant.

Oh... I thought for sure that you were the god.

Um, that is... God...

...the real God, my mother is not at fault.

If you must judge someone, it should be me.

Hey, come on, Beers-sama!

Let him off the hook. Okay?

What will you do, Beers-sama?

Hmm, well, let's see...

What should I do to him?

Got it.

Give me something out-of-sight delicious
that I've never had before,

and you have a deal.

We're in!

If you'd like a snack, I have this fish sausage.

What have we here?

What could it be?


This is quite good!

Our lives hang in the balance with sausage?!

Th-That is incredible, huh?

Here, for you, as well.

This sure reminds me
of my training with Muten Roshi-sama.

Son mentioned that, actually.

Well, we worked up quite a sweat, huh?

You could say that.

Hey! Bad news! Bad news!


What is it?

Has something happened to Son?

A time machine just arrived!

A time machine, you say?

So that's it. It's Trunks.


Yep. They're carryin' on at
the Capsule Corporation somethin' fierce.

We got word that Father
and Vegeta-san are both there.

Something could have happened
in the future again.

Which means we can't just sit around here.


We're off!

Ah! Wait up!

No, you don't!

Goten-chan, you have studyin' to do!

But this could be a critical time for the earth!

Your upcomin' test
is even more critical than the earth!

My future self is so far beyond genius!

There are a ton of design concepts
that I don't understand here...

Hmm? Hmm? Hmm?

What's that? You don't understand
how it works?! Have you tried this?


You're not thinking of using
the time machine for yourself, are you?

O-Of course not...

If I could go back into the past
to before I dropped that zeni...


Wait all you want;
we're not going into any other time.


Why not?

It's not moving anywhere with zero fuel.

Then, does that mean that
the big Trunks can't go back into the future?

Poor guy.

Can't you do anything about that?

Ah! I can't do anything when there's
so much about it I don't understand!

I wish I could take a peek around
inside my future self's head!



What could that be?

Is this...?

This is my handwriting! These are my notes!


What's happened in the future?

Is it Majin Boo?

No. The appearance of Majin Boo...

The fight was extremely difficult.

But I received some instruction
from Kaioshin-sama.

Somehow, I managed to
defeat Dabra and Babidi,

thus preventing the appearance of Majin Boo.

It was after that, when an
even more terrifying foe appeared.


What kind of enemy was it?

I am so sorry for suddenly
trying to hit you earlier, Goku-san.

That's fine. Don't worry about it.

No, I thought that my time travel had failed,

and that he was standing before my eyes.

Huh? You mean...

What's going on?

He said his name was Son Goku.




In other words, the enemy says
he is Son Goku and looks the same as him?

Yes, that's right.

Ain't that a slap in the face?

He dresses himself in black clothing,

so we called him "Goku Black."

What gives? That's even
cooler than me, ain't it?

What a clichéd name to give him!

Uh... But Mom in the future gave it to him.

I may have been the one to say it,
but then again, I wasn't.

And this guy...

The day this guy showed up on earth,
he looked at us and said,

"I will now exterminate
all earthlings, for justice's sake."

He said he had already destroyed
a number of other worlds,

as well as the people
who lived on them.

I fought him for a year after that,

but there were barely any people
still surviving on earth.

And Mom--just before I came to this time...

Huh? I-l died?

So then, you just tucked tail
and fled to this time, did you?


You can't say it like that, Vegeta.

You keep your mouth shut!

You're saying that you, a proud Saiyan,

turned your back to the enemy
and ran away, didn't you?!

That's not true!

Stop trying to make excuses!

Don't get the wrong idea, Vegeta.

The answers are all written inside here.

In a message from my future self.

A message from Mom?

Look. This disc is maintenance software.

I can perform maintenance or repairs with this

if the time machine becomes damaged.

And these notes here are even more important.


It has theories and formulas
regarding how to travel through time

that haven't yet been established
in this time period written in it.

What is this?

Messy handwriting!

As long as I can read it,
it's fine. What's more,

my future self has something else to say.

She wants me in this time
to refuel the machine,

perform maintenance on it,
and go back with you into the future.

She's telling me to come defeat
Kakarrot in the future, right?

It ain't me. We have to defeat
someone who looks just like me.

Mom said this would be a huge gamble.

But if I entrusted
the time machine to you, in this time,

you would make sure
to send me back into the future.

Relax. I'm coming into the future.

You can leave the Kakarrot-defeating to me.

Like I said...

All right, I'm in!

Let's go into the future and avenge me!



These guys think of time
in all-too-simple terms.

I must admit, though...

Mmm, these sure are good!


Trunks, spar with me for a bit.

I wanna get a sense of how strong
this Black guy is supposed to be.

Very well.


Heh-heh, Super Saiyan ,
right off the bat, huh?

Okay, me, too.



This could be trouble.

Hold on, you two! Wait before you go all-out!

Now you can fight as hard as you like.

--All right, bring it on!

Good luck, future me!


Whoo! Goku-san is losing ground!

Heh-heh, you're pretty good, ain't you?

No. Even at this level,
I could not stand up to him.

He powered up steadily, every time we fought.

Heh-heh. Okay, about like this, then?

Super Saiyan . How does this grab you?


Surpassing the level of Super Saiyan

that already surpasses Super Saiyan?
Leave it to you, Goku-san.

In that case, I will also
increase myself to the max!

Yeah. Come at me with everything you got.

Hmph, that kid is pretty good, isn't he?

But apparently, not even he could
beat this "Black" fellow, could he?

He stopped my full-power strike
with only his fingers...?

Are you okay, Trunks?



That was awesome, Trunks.

I'm impressed you improved
that much by yourself.

Thank you very much. However...

Black is even stronger than this, huh?

You were an equal match--
no, he might still be even...

Oh, yeah, he's even stronger?


Ha-ha-ha! This Black guy's
got some sizeable strength, ain't he?



Long time no see, Trunks.

Oh, Piccolo-san and Kuririn-san!

Yo! How have you been?

Trunks, has something happened in the future?

Oh, yes. Actually...



What is this place?


Trunks... So this is where you are. Hmm?

Hmm, Son Goku, huh?

You're Black, are you?!



It's hard to say
Don't wanna stay

twist and fight, can't find my way

I must believe that fear and trouble
can even be fun if you think the right way



I don't want to draw the line
I gotta see it through some way

Fight for what I know is mine
The dream I had of me that day



Don't care if they call me greedy
If they hate me, make me blue

Don't care if they laugh at me 'cos
I will make the dream come true



Heya! I'm Goku!

This guy's Black?
He really does look just like me.

How did he get here from the future?

Hmm, I don't get anything about this,

but let's start by testing out
how strong you really are!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Goku vs. Black!
A Closed-Off Road to the Future!"

Be sure to watch, okay?