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01x47 - An SOS from the Future! A Dark New Enemy Emerges!!

Posted: 06/29/22 17:35
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

"SOS from the Future!
A Dark New Enemy Appears!!"




Thank goodness. You're looking well.


Mom, you're the same as ever.

This is enough for one way.

You've spent a whole year,
and that's all there is?

Don't make that face.

As long as there's enough for one way,
we'll manage something.

But with only one way,
I'll only be able to get there.

There is a way for you to get back.
It's a bit of a gamble, though.

You've been stuck down here
all this time, haven't you?

Please, take a little break.

Never mind about me.
There isn't a moment to lose.

We have to take this and hurry back
to the Capsule Corporation.

I'll run it there.
Mom, please stay here and get some rest.

You haven't slept at all, have you?

I'm coming with you!

Something might happen, you know.
Suppose you go alone, and he att*cks...

If something happens
and this t*nk gets destroyed,

this whole last year will have been for nothing.

All right.

Also, Trunks...

...don't forget how many lives
were lost to create this energy, okay?

This is something you have to see through,

even if it means
throwing everything else away.

You are everyone's hope.


Okay, let's go. Mai is waiting for us.


The machine...!

Trunks! Get going!



Get going!

Go! Hurry!



I swear, I'll make it back here.

I'll save this world, no matter what!

Man, bumper crop, bumper crop!

This is amazing, Father.

Yep. You raised them up good.

Heh-heh, I wanted to feed you guys
something good to eat,

so I worked like crazy on this.

Why did you call me?

For training, of course.

I'm just asking this to be clear,
but what training?

We're gonna harvest all of this, in one day!

That's work! You can't call it training!

That ain't true. Way back when I trained
with Old Man Turtle Hermit...

...we delivered milk,
and plowed fields, and lots of other stuff,

and me and Kuririn built up
our muscles that way.

Work is training.

Hmph, it's all in how you say it.

It doesn't matter! Hurry and get started,
or you're never goin' to finish!

With that in mind, Piccolo and Goten,

let's have a contest to see
who can pick the most.

--All right! Let's do it!

Goten-chan, you've got studyin'.


What do you mean, "huh"?!
Everyone knows that a child's job is studyin'.

Aw, man...

You have a test next week, you know.

Okay, it's just the two of us.

Hold on! It's not as though I ever
agreed to do this! You can't just--



Crap! I got roped into it!

On the other hand, I get it.
This really does work.

My legs, my back, my shoulders, my arms...

I can feel them all getting a workout!

Not bad, Piccolo!
This will be a close contest, huh?

Heh, who knew you could train like this?

Oh, they're fast!

Okay, Goten-chan, you get to studyin'.

Oh! Looks like they're at it.


It's finally harvest time, huh? Then again,

is Goku okay with this?

What do you mean?

I went over to Bulma-san's place earlier,

and heard that Vegeta
had gone to Beers-sama's place.


I thought for sure that Goku
would have gone with him to train.

Is something the matter?

Are you not going to be able to score
a single strike on me again today?

I got you!

And there he goes...

Okay, Kuririn, you get
in there and take his place!


Piccolo is happy to be doin' it.


Wah! Ow-w-w-w!


No fair, Vegeta! You can't go off
and train by yourself!

Hmph! You're just too slow to keep up!

Oh, Beers-sama!

Didn't you bring me any kind of gift?

Oh, here.

What kind of ball is that?

It's called lettuce.
I just picked it out of my field.


You might say it is this morning's crop.
Freshly picked, Beers-sama.

Oh! It has a nice sweetness
to it, doesn't it? Huh?

But as an offering to me, a deity,

something this small comes up a little short.



Welcome back.

Where is Bulma-san?

She allowed me... to get away.

Oh, no...

That Black bastard... He's gotten
so that he can sense my Ki.

Mom's plant was destroyed, as well.

But even so, Mai...

This is the energy that
Mom risked her life to extract.

This means we can go...

...into the past!

... ... ... ...


Five minutes have passed. They are ready.

Thank you for this meal!

Mmm, I've never smelled this one before.

How is it, Beers-sama?

Mm, rich and truly delicious.
What flavor did you say this was?

Miso butter flavor.

Kakarrot, you should have
brought some of this with you.

I got lettuce if you like. Want some?


Okay, maybe I'll give it
to Zeno-sama sometime.

All you did was say his name...

Now that you mention it,
Beers-sama, you were spooked, huh?


It is only right that
Beers-sama should fear him.

Zeno-sama is the greatest
higher-up in the whole world, you see.

There is no other higher than him.

Does that mean he's
the strongest guy there is?

Hmm, judging everyone
only by how strong they are

is a bad habit that you Saiyans have.

Zeno-sama doesn't fight.

But he is the mightiest. So much so,
you wouldn't believe it.

What does that mean?

Beers-sama told you why
at the tournament, remember?

Zeno-sama is able to annihilate
anything in an instant.

Bad people, of course,

to say nothing of stars,


even whole universes.

When he wants to, he can eliminate
the whole world as we know it.


Has that ever happened?
When the whole world has been wiped out?

Yes. At one time, there were universes.

So you're saying that six universes...

If you displease Zeno-sama
even the slightest little bit...


Now you know why everyone
was on the edge of their seats

over your exchange with Zeno-sama, right?

Kakarrot is an idiot, after all.

Heh-heh. But he promised me
that we'd have more matches like those.

Strong guys from all the universes
are gonna come together.

You sure are taking this easy.

Hey, what is this?

Fish paste.

Mmm! This is good!

Ah, I hope we do it soon!

Strong guys from all of the universes
will get together there!

Like the st Universe, and the th Universe!

I wonder what kind of guys they have!

Just thinking about it gets me excited!


Want to get a little rest?

I'm fine.

Look, I found something great.

Isn't that amazing? It's not dog food.

That's okay. I have some for you, too.

Eat up.

Do you think he can get by on his own?

He'll be fine.

I've heard that cats will forget
their master's face after three days.


What? I'm fine. Go on and eat it all.

You eat, too.


So, how far can it take us?

One way.

One way?! We can't get back?!

Right now, the most important
thing is that we survive.

Besides, Mom said that
there would be a way to come back.

What is it?

That I don't know.

But I... I believe Mom.

Mm-hmm. First, Metro West.
Then, years ago.


In the world that I went to back then...

...I have friends.

Can you sense Black's Ki?

No. Let's go.


Go on ahead!


Stay back! You get going!

What are you talking about?!

I'll act as a decoy!

You're the one who has to survive!



Why, you...!

It's time at last.

Today is the day when
the life is choked out of you...




It's hard to say
Don't wanna stay

twist and fight, can't find my way

I must believe that fear and trouble
can even be fun if you think the right way



I don't want to draw the line
I gotta see it through some way

Fight for what I know is mine
The dream I had of me that day



Don't care if they call me greedy
If they hate me, make me blue

Don't care if they laugh at me 'cos
I will make the dream come true



Heya! I'm Goku!

Whoa! Future Trunks is
getting beat up by a guy named Black,

who looks just like me!

He comes back to our world
in his time machine.

If that's the way it is,
this ain't no time to be taking it easy!

All right, me and Vegeta
are gonna hurry out there!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Hope!! Redux--
Awaken in the Present, Trunks."

Be sure to watch, okay?