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01x46 - Goku vs. Duplicated Vegeta! Who's Gonna Win?!

Posted: 06/29/22 17:31
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

While playing around in the back
of Monaka's delivery truck,

Goten and Trunks were locked inside
and taken to Planet Pot-au-feu.

The Superhuman Water,
which is able to absorb a person's power,

perfectly duplicating them,
had been locked up on Planet Pot-au-feu...

...but the seal had been broken
by Gryll the Sautéan.

Vegeta saves Trunks in the nick of time

but in turn has all of his power
sucked out by the Superhuman Water.

Those whose power is drained will die

unless the Superhuman Water
is defeated before they disappear.

An all-out fight with Vegeta,
with our lives at stake?

That sounds like a ton of fun!

For me, too, Kakarrot.

Will Goku be able to defeat
the duplicate Vegeta, thus saving Vegeta?

"Goku vs. the Duplicate Vegeta!
Which One Is Going to Win?!"


There's no time! Hurry and take care of him!

Here I come!

Bring it on, Kakarrot!

Kakarrot... are you able to defeat me?


An honest-to-goodness fight
between those two?

Whatever happens, it's not going to be on me.

Wh-What is happening?

What are you doing, Kakarrot?!

Do you think att*cks like those will defeat me?!

Not good enough, Kakarrot!

Is that all you have?

Father's losing ground!

Damn it!

Take this!

What?! Why, you!

I can use it this way, too!


Over here!

Got him!


Go! Go!

Let that big phony have it!

Hey, you! If you're me,
can't you even take a hit like that?!

You call yourself me?!

All right!

Papa! Unless Goku-san wins,
you're going to die!

Yeah, I know that!

That idiot! Not again!

Kakarrot! Why are you having
so much trouble with an imposter?!

Can't you dodge an attack like that?!

Damn it!!

Vegeta has gone and gotten even stronger.

Hmph, you think you're
the only one who's progressed?

They both know everything
the other has up their sleeves, huh?

There's no telling which one
is going to win this fight.


I can't stand it anymore!


I'm going to defeat Kakarrot!

Get the hell out of my way!

Wh-What the...?

Hmph, do you still not understand?

You are already nothing more
than a hollow shell.

As a shell, you should
act like a shell, and sit back and watch.

Shut up! You're putting up a spineless fight!

And you still claim that you're me?!

Hey, now, Vegeta! If I don't win,
you're gonna die, right?

Shut up!

I know that much! I know it, but still...

...if it means losing because I fought
like a chump, I'd rather be dead!

Hey, imposter! Listen up!
Hurry and defeat Kakarrot, already!

And Kakarrot, that goes for you, too!

Don't let yourself get beaten
by this imposter! Hmph!


Whose side is he on?

I know! Don't say anything!

Hmph, imagine,
being called out by a hollow shell.

I wanted to enjoy this a little longer,

but maybe we should
bring this fight to an end.

Yeah. There ain't no time.

What is it this time?

The Super Saiyan of a Saiyan
with Super Saiyan God power.

Super... huh?

You've turned at last, huh? Then, so will I.

Super Saiyan Blue!

Huh. I didn't figure you could
turn Super Saiyan Blue, too.

Like I told you, I am Vegeta.

Are you ready for this?

Are you?

Hmm? Vegeta!

Have you gotten even paler?

Hmph, it looks like
his death is finally at hand.

But don't you worry.
I'll let him see you being defeated

as a parting gift before he crosses over.


Put this in your mouth!


This is the key that locked away
the Superhuman Water.

It may be able to buy you a little bit of time.



I swear I will see this fight
through to the end.

I'll never see a sight like this again.

How can my battery
be dead at a time like this?!

Vegeta, I promise I will
defeat you, so I can save you.

It's too dangerous here! Run for it!


Is it really safer here?

The fight has just gotten more intense;

there's still no telling
when it's going to be over!

What can we do to save Papa?!

Ah, I just remembered!

You could just defeat the main body!

The main body?

If you smash the core
of the Superhuman Water,

all of the duplicates become weakened!

Why didn't you say so sooner?!

Why? Because it was a hundred
years ago, and I forgot about it!

The main body...

You must mean that one.

That's correct. That is the core
of the Superhuman Water.

That way!

Potage-san, you come, too!


Let's go, Goten!


That way does seem safer.

Papa, I promise I'll save you.

He's gone!

It looks like he went somewhere.

Heh, you guys are lucky.
I'm a Galactic Patrol super elite.

Conducting investigations is my specialty.

Don't panic.

The Superhuman Water
surely wants to obtain that power.

No doubt it is lying in wait nearby,
waiting for an opportunity.

Good. That's a pretty good deduction.

Nearby, you say?


It didn't work!


This isn't funny!
That creature is indestructible!

Wait up, Jaco!

Buzz off! I don't want to die!

It absorbs your power, just by touching you!

We could easily defeat your duplicate, though!

What did you say?!


Eep! Spare me!

Wah! It's coming this way!

Hurry and get out of here!

How do we defeat that thing?!


How rude! Are you saying
you're not interested in my power?!

Hmph! Die!!


That was a close one. I came
this close to getting done in, there.

But it's funny. Me being beaten
by you would mean I'd be dead,

but right now, I'm as excited as all get-out!

So am I, Kakarrot.
But this will be our last fight.

It's a shame to think that
I'll never be able to fight you again.

That is too bad, huh? If I defeat you,
I can still fight the real Vegeta.

Here I come!

Let's go, Kakarrot!

Damn it!

Why? Why am I not over there?

I am the one to defeat Kakarrot!

I am!

We have to hurry and smash the core,
or Papa will disappear!

Papa's... Papa's Ki...!



Ah, wait up! Don't leave me behind!

Are you really, really sure
you wanna settle this here?

Hmph, I could say the same thing.

Papa! Papal!



Thank goodness! We're in time!

This next blow will decide it!









The core is broken, but I guess
it didn't happen in time! I'm sorry!






My body...

Thank goodness, Papal

Even though the core is broken,
it's still a dangerous entity.

That should do it.

Thank you, Monaka-san.

Thanks to you, the Superhuman
Water is once again locked up.


Trunks-kun, Goten-kun,
if it weren't for you two,

the Superhuman Water
would have been taken by that Sautéan.

By all means, come visit me again sometime.



So Monaka took care of
the Superhuman Water stuff, huh?

He really is strong, huh?

Still, I was so close!
I very nearly got to beat Vegetal

What was that?!

Oh, come to think of it, Vegeta,
you're supposed to be a grownup,

and you had a pacifier in your mouth, huh?

Hmm? What do you mean?

Pan-chan, I think it's about time
you moved on from your pacifier.

Goten-chan! My Goten-chan has come back!

Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere?


You should know better, Trunks--

getting inside someone else's
spaceship without asking.

Do you have any idea
how worried we all were?

We're sorry.

Mm-hmm, now you know better.

Th-That's what a pacifier is?!

You didn't know?

Of course I didn't!

If I'd known, I wouldn't have put it
in my mouth, even if it k*lled me!

Don't say that, Vegeta. If you'd died,

we'd never be able to fight
with our lives at stake again.

We ain't settled who would win yet, either.

I'm the one who would win!

You ain't beating me.


"Next time: A new chapter breaks!"



It's hard to say
Don't wanna stay

twist and fight, can't find my way

I must believe that fear and trouble
can even be fun if you think the right way



I don't want to draw the line
I gotta see it through some way

Fight for what I know is mine
The dream I had of me that day



Don't care if they call me greedy
If they hate me, make me blue

Don't care if they laugh at me 'cos
I will make the dream come true



It has been too long. I am Trunks.

Earth's future was supposed to be
peaceful after Cell was defeated.

Until he showed up, that is.

Mom, please, sit tight.

I will win back a peaceful world,
no matter what it takes.

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"SOS from the Future!
A Dark New Enemy Appears!!"

Be sure to watch, okay?