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01x45 - Vegeta Disappears?! The Threat of Duplicated Vegeta!

Posted: 06/29/22 17:30
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Trunks and Goten had ended up
on Planet Pot-au-feu,

as a result of Monaka's
package delivery service.

It has been so long! Have you been well?

Upon learning of this, Bulma sends
Vegeta and Jaco to pick them up,

but when they arrive, Trunks and
the others are being att*cked by someone.

Vegeta rescues Trunks and the others
in the nick of time. However...

This is why you are weak!

What appeared before Vegeta
was a being that looked just like him.


"Vegeta Disappears?!
Menace of the Duplicate Vegeta!"

Who the hell are you?!

How dare you transform yourself
to look exactly like me?!

Not exactly like you.

I have taken all of your power.
As of now, I am Vegeta!

You are nothing more than my cast-off shell!

Cast-off shell, you say? What kind
of nonsense are you talking about?!

You imposter!

I'm sending you to hell, right now!


What?! I can't blast him!

Is this what you were trying to do?

I-It can't be!

Gyallic Ho!

What the hell is this?

Do you see now? I am the real Vegeta.

What power you have!

Who would have thought that
anyone could have this much power?

N-Now there's an even stronger one!

Now, absorb the others' power, as well.

What do you say about that one?




Do it! Absorb all of their power!


Hmph! Saving others in the nick of time--

That's what a super elite does!
Leave it to me!




These are the moves
of the Galactic Patrol's super elite!


You'll pay for what you did!

What the--?!

Whew! I'm saved!

Huh? Oh, no! I can only
use that technique once per day.

But if I hadn't used it, I'd be dead for sure.

Gah! We will absorb
their power, no matter what!

Hmph. I saved their lives,
and they left me behind?

Are you okay?


So, what exactly was that imposter?

With that Gyallic Ho of his,
I doubt he's just an ordinary copy.

Ahem... Allow me to explain that.

What att*cked us was the Superhuman Water.

What?! Did you say Superhuman Water?!


You know what it is?

Before I answer,
there's something I have to say.

I am a super elite of the Galactic Patrol.

What do you mean by leaving me behind,
after I saved your lives?!

I asked you if you knew what it is?!


A-As I recall, it is miracle water

that makes you hundreds of times
stronger when you drink it.

Who knew that it really existed?

Hmph. There's no such thing as miracle water.


Then, what is Superhuman Water?

Superhuman Water is...

...a name given to it
by people from another world,

but its real name is Comméson.


It's a w*apon that we Pot-au-feuans
created in self-defense.

A w*apon?

Yes. A terrible w*apon.

We were powerless people long ago
and discovered a liquid

that would soak up
another's power, neutralizing them.

We started using it
to protect our world from invaders.

The Commeéson's
ability to absorb was unlimited.

It absorbed the power of countless enemies

and turned into duplicates of them.

But when the Comméson absorbed
too much evil power from the invaders,

it also started to possess evil intentions.

It didn't just exactly duplicate
its subjects' personalities and abilities;

it became a life force that did nothing
but continuously absorb others

for a single purpose--
to simply seek out more power.

Since it so completely
looked like a powered-up version

of the person whose form it took,

word started spreading of miracle water,

which ended up
drawing even more invaders here.

So that's what happened.

But that's where the real legend begins.

If the Comméson's power
were to keep multiplying as it had,

it could destroy not just
Planet Pot-au-feu... but the whole universe!

With that in mind, we Pot-au-feuans

decided to sacrifice ourselves
to contain the Comméson.

And so I, the only one still remaining...

...have preserved that seal
ever since, for over years.


Aren't I great?!

Legendary! Legendary! I truly am legendary!

That is the truth of the Superhuman Water!

Over years?

Potage-san, how old are you?

Appearances aside, I still look
years younger than I am.


But then these guys showed up.


Gryll and the others,

who believed the rumors saying
their powers would increase a hundredfold,

went and broke the seal.




Let's go!

We have to lock the Superhuman Water
away again, no matter what.

Without fail.

I understand the situation.
But there are two things I need to know.


That imposter has the same appearance
and abilities that I do.

Meaning that the Superhuman Water
has as much as h*jacked who I am.

That is correct.

However, back there, he hesitated a moment
when it came to absorbing Trunks.

Why is that?! He's supposed to be
made of Superhuman Water!

That is the doing of
the Pot-au-feuans' technical skill.

It's because your psyche
has also been faithfully copied!

My psyche? That makes sense.

I don't want to get stronger
so badly that I'd steal another's power.

However, his mind is being controlled
by the Superhuman Water.

That bastard. So while he is me,
he's still the puppet of some monster?

There's one other thing.

What happens to those whose power
is stolen by the Superhuman Water?

W-Well, um... Hmm...

What happens to them?

They die, don't they?


And so will I.

When your body starts disappearing,

you have five minutes left,
or maybe only three.

The others are probably about gone by now.

W-We're disappearing!

Save us!

This is bad! Gryll may be one thing,
but if Vegeta dies,

Bulma will definitely blame me for it!

Isn't there any way to save him?!

You have to... You have to
defeat the Superhuman Water.

You mean him?

Vegeta's duplicate?

Which means the same thing as defeating me.

Where did they go?
We'll find them, no matter what.


If you're looking for us, we're right here!

There they are!

Coming forward to fight,
even knowing he will lose--

that's my son for you.

But do you think you can possibly defeat me?


Trunks-kun, let's let that imposter have it!


Let's do it, Goten!

Okay, Trunks-kun!




Gotenks has arrived!

They joined together?!


I'll let you take it from here.

You phony! The great
Gotenks-sama will defeat you!

Here we go, phony!

Say your prayers!

Go ahead! Come at me any way you like!

All right!

Miracle Punch!

Miracle Kick!

Hmph! You call that attacking?!

Ow-w-w-w! I guess
that didn't work. In that case...

Ta-da! Enter Super Gotenks !



First they join together,
then they power up, huh?

Now I want that power even more!

Gotenks! Go and fight him, now!

Yeah, I know. Here goes!

I'll defeat you with my fast att*cks!


Great Special Rolling Kick!

Hmph. That didn't hurt.

Hmm, in that case...
Super Special Crush Hammer!!

Bring it on!

Well?! That one hurt, didn't it?!

Hmph. Did a mosquito
land on me, or something?

Hmm! In that case...

Finish Special...

Flash Strong...



Got you!

Hmph, that's just kid stuff.

You think that will work on me?!

Huh? It had no effect at all!

It's no use! The difference
in their power levels is too great!

I'd like to help out,
but that would put my life in danger.

Ah! Vegeta, your body...

--Oh, no!

We're starting to see through your body!

Hmph, cast-off shell.
Go ahead and vanish, already!

Now, hurry up and absorb Gotenks' power!

Hmph, you won't beat me!

All right, I'm back in shape!
I think I'll have something to eat!

Whew, are you finally finished?

Kaio-sama, I ain't eaten
your cooking in a long while!

Oh, yeah?

Can't say much about the taste, though.


Gah! You make me cook for you,
and that's your attitude?

Though, you are back in the pink, it seems.




Huh? Vegeta's Ki is there, too.

That Ki--is he fighting?


Oh, no...

Hmph. I should expect as much from my son.

I admire your backbone,
at least. But this is where it ends.

Stop that, Vegeta!


Are you trying to k*ll Goten and Trunks?!




That one is an imposter!

Two Vegetas? And, um...

...this one's a weird reddish-purple Vegeta,

and that one's a weird see-through Vegeta.

What exactly is going on here?

Father, hurry and defeat this one!

If you don't, Papa is going to die!

Huh? Wh-What? What do you mean?

You wouldn't understand it
if we explained it to you!

--In any case, you have to defeat that one,

or I, the real one, will die!
That's all you need to know!

And it has to be in the next three minutes.

But that's an exact duplicate of me.
I doubt you can defeat him.

Huh? I ain't sure what's going on,

but I just have to defeat this guy, right?

Kakarrot, I never dreamed
that I would be able to fight you here.

I'm kinda getting excited, too.

Yeah! Someone else with
off-the-charts power has shown up!

Father, be careful!
This guy is able to absorb your power!

I'm not going to do that!

This is a life-or-death fight
with the gloves off.

Kakarrot! I am going to defeat you!

What are you talking about?!
Absorb that guy's power!

If you interfere, you'll get no mercy,
no matter who you are!

You're not going to
obey my orders, huh?! Well then...!


The Superhuman Water is
trying to make the duplicate obey.

It's trying to give me orders?!

I don't take orders from anyone!


Away with you, small-timer!

How could this be happening...?

Unbelievable! He broke free
of the Superhuman Water's control!


There's no one to stand in our way now.

Let's get this started, already!

I'm ready any time you are.

Bring it on, Kakarrot!

Heh, I ain't gonna hold back, neither!

Monaka is watching. I don't wanna
let him see me fight badly.

Fight like you mean it, already!


Ee-yow! It really is like fighting Vegeta.

You're right. That thing
stole all of my power from me.

Oh, yeah? Is that right? Which means,

it's the same as fighting you yourself
at your current strength?

Hey, Vegeta! You're sure
it's okay for me to defeat him?

Of course it is.
That is, if you can defeat him.

An all-out fight with Vegeta,
with our lives at stake?

That sounds like a ton of fun!

For me, too, Kakarrot.



It's hard to say
Don't wanna stay

twist and fight, can't find my way

I must believe that fear and trouble
can even be fun if you think the right way



I don't want to draw the line
I gotta see it through some way

Fight for what I know is mine
The dream I had of me that day



Don't care if they call me greedy
If they hate me, make me blue

Don't care if they laugh at me 'cos
I will make the dream come true



Heya! I'm Goku!

For real?! This guy's an imposter,
but he has the same strength as Vegeta!

Leave this to me, Vegeta!
I'll level him like I really, really mean it!

Huh? Even though he's an imposter,
you ain't gonna let him lose to me?

Whose side are you on?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Goku vs. the Duplicate Vegeta!
Which One Is Going to Win?!"

Be sure to watch, okay?