07x08 - The World of Tomorrow/Is There a Doctor in the House?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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07x08 - The World of Tomorrow/Is There a Doctor in the House?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( blows whistle )

( shouts )

Arthur, quick, wake up!

It's time for school.

( groans )

She does that about once
a month, always on a Saturday.

( sighs )

A brand-new day.

But what if it wasn't a new day?

What if every day of your life
was exactly the same?

You could get stuck
in a really bad day.

Like that day we went
to Mary Moo Cow on ice.

Dad, you said
we could go

to the new
Bionic Bunny Store.

But you told me we'd see
"Mary's Ice-cow-pades."

Well, we can't do both.

We'll have to flip a coin.



Sorry, Arthur.

( groans )

( coughs )

( yelps )

And no matter what you did,

the same thing kept happening,
over and over again.

We'll have to flip a coin.



Sorry, Arthur.

( groans )

( Pal retches )

( gasps )

( Mary Moo Cow
theme music playing )

( shudders )

Boy, good thing
that'll never happen.

( yawns )

( blows whistle )

Aah, D.W.!

Remember, this Friday is
our sleep-over field trip

to the Museum of Science.

Raise your hand

if your parents have signed
your permission form.

Binky, if you don't bring in
your permission form tomorrow,

you won't be able to join us.

Is that a promise?

What's the matter?

Don't you want to go
to the museum?


I did this exact same
field trip last year.

It was just one boring science
exhibit after another.

First there were the magnets.

All right, class,
let go of your washers.



The magnet attracts the washer

by pulling on the tiny atoms
in the washer

that act like magnets, too.


Then came static electricity.

( electrical buzzing
in background )

( crackling )


Then after more sciency stuff,
we finally had dinner.

( groans )

I hate macaroni and cheese.

But the worst part was sleeping
on that hard floor.

( groans )

Binky, something fun
must have happened

on the field trip.

Well, there was one thing.

( alarm blares )

Did they throw him

in a pit full of snakes
and spiders?

No. Even when it was exciting,
it was boring.

I hate repeating third grade.

Whoa, this is so cool!

Was this exhibit
here before?

That's the coatroom,

All right...

Let go of your washers.


That's so neat!


( yawns )

( electrical buzzing
in background )

( crackling )

( flatly ):

And it runs entirely
on energy from the sun's rays.

Okay, class,
now we'll visit
the chicken hatchery.

( alarm blares )

( groans )

Even this is exactly
the same as last year.

Stupid museum sleep-overs.


This wasn't here last year.

"The World of Tomorrow."


Welcome home, Binky.


Hey, boy.

I got a ton
of homework today.

Homework is complete.

you did very well.



Nachos, please.

Extra cheddar,
easy on the salsa.

, channels and there's
still nothing to watch.

There is a live
wrestling match

on the planet Shmekee:

Hydrozor versus Multitasker.


There is?

I'm there!

( crowd shouting )

( bell dings )

( growling )

Go, Multitasker!

Put him in a headlock!

Mr. Ratburn,
we got to go back.

We got to go see
The World of Tomorrow.

I'd like nothing
better, Binky.

But as you can see,
it's not open today.

Not open?


That really stinks.

Oh, well, there's
always next year.

Oh, not again!

, ...




Binky, you made me
lose count again.

One, two...

Do you read me,
Agent Baxter?

Loud and clear,
Agent Read.

Come on.

What's taking him so long?

Lights out, everyone.

No talking.

Sleep well.

( Buster makes scary sounds )

( kids laugh )


The man said
no talking!

Now, everybody
get to sleep!

( kids snoring )

( rattling )

Aw, come on, do something!

( space ship rattles )


( Binky grunting )

( groans )

This is even worse
than the floor.

Whoa. I never knew
there was anything in here.


Boy, am I glad to see you.

How long was I stuck
in this thing?

Hey, why are you wearing
those weird pajamas?


This is my genetically
altered skin.

And who is Buster?

My name is Thruster.

Yeah, right.

And my name's
Engelbert Humperdinck.

Hi, Engelbert.

Are you part
of the exhibit?

"The World of Yesterday."

That's supposed to say
"The World of Tomorrow."

( laughs )

You're a funny exhibit,

How can this be
The World of Tomorrow?

This landing craft
is years old.

It is?

Then what's the date?

March , ,
of course.

You mean I've been
asleep for years?

Ah, no wonder
I feel so refreshed.

I've got to find the others.


You can't leave if you're
part of the exhibit.

I'm not part
of the exhibit.

I'm a kid, like you.

What's a kid?

I'm an immature
artificial life-form--

IALF, for short.

I'm here
with my class.

See? We're on a field trip.

One night a year
we stay at the museum

and all get our batteries
recharged together.

I snuck out to see
The World of Yesterday.

Don't tell.

( screams )

You're all robots!

Oh no! You've woken up
Mr. Rocketburn.


Why are we running?

If Mr. Rocketburn
catches you,

you'll be put back
in the landing craft

And I'll fail history.


We've got an
escaped exhibit.

Hey, a car.

We can get away in this.

Where's the on switch?

It's a solar-powered
car, Engelbert.

It needs the sun's rays to work.

Oh, right. I remember
something like that.

( groans )

I want to go home.

Freeze, exhibit!

Raise your fleshy appendages
and step away from the car.

Follow me.

I have an idea.

What's this place?

The time travel exhibit.

You mean, this thing
will take me

to any time I want?

Yep. All you have to do

is answer a question
about science.

This way!

Hurry up!

Hello, and welcome
to the time travel machine.

If you know the time
you'd like to travel to,

please say it now.

March ,
years ago.

You have selected March ,
years ago--

the information age.

Here is your science question.

What tiny particles attract
a washer to a magnet?

Oh, I know this one!

You have five seconds... four...

It's... it's...

It's time to go back
to the exhibit--


No... no... no!

No. Let me go.

Binky, wake up.

Wake up.

Thruster, it's you!

Where's Mr. Rocketburn?


Mr. Ratburn,
but he's a robot.

Mr. Ratburn is a robot?

I knew it!

Wait a minute.

Where's your robot suit?

I do have robot pajamas,
but they're in the wash

so I wore
the cowboy ones.

"World of Tomorrow."

Hey, I made it back!


From where?

From the future.

You were a robot
named Thruster,

and I was going
to be locked

inside that landing
craft forever

because I didn't know
how magnets worked.

Never mind.

Let's get back
before Mr. Rocket...

I mean, Ratburn
catches us.

I was a robot?

Did I do cool stuff?

Did lasers come out
of my eyes?

Did I drink motor oil?

( Ratburn clears throat )

I hate to pull
you away, Binky,

but everyone else is
already on the bus.

Just one more second.

The atoms in the washer
are attracted to the magnet.

The atoms!

Okay. All done.

Do you feel
you got more

out of the field trip
this year?

Yeah, but
I should come back

a few more times.

This science stuff
comes in handy

when you're being chased
by robots.

And now...

I'm Hunter, and this is
my second-grade class.

This is what we think
the future will be like.

This house does housework
for you.

It's a smart house.

It paints itself and it gets
the newspaper for you

and it waters the flowers
for you.

This is the future.

There's a new neighborhood

and easier ways to get around
by hover cars.

They can hover.

These cars will not pollute,
so people can breathe better.

This is a hospital
of the future.

Robots will be doctors,
and they'll be able

to tell exactly what's wrong
with you right away.


And the ambulances will fly,

so that you can get people
to the hospital faster.

In the future, I think that the
president's house will be so old

that they'll have to rebuild it.

A sun-and-moon symbol
on the president's house

will stand for peace.

In the future,

instead of it raining raindrops,
it rains money.

This way, everyone can get
everything they need.

In the future, there'll be
a new kind of merry-go-round

that makes you older
and younger.

This merry-go-round makes you
one year younger

every time around.

If you're old
and you want to get younger,

you'll live longer.

And this merry-go-round makes
you one year older

every time around.

If a one-year-old wanted to
drive a car like his big brother

you could go on it

and you'd grow a year older
every time you went around.

This is the way it'll be
in the future.

And now...

( music playing on radio,
tea kettle whistling )


( whistling )

( clears throat )

Ooh, my throat.


Where's my stripy shirt?

Your what?

My shirt with
the green stripes.

The one I always play
softball in.

Uh, check the dryer.

( crying )

It's not in the dryer!

Check the washer.

It's all wet!

( Kate crying )

What do I wear
to the softball game?

( phone rings )

Sorry, Arthur,
I forgot to dry it.



Hi, Mrs. Tibble.

( growls )


Oh, I completely

Can I wear Dad's
Parents' Day shirt?



Tell D.W. I'll be there
in five minutes.

( coughs )

( sighs )

( Pal barks )

( cries )

Then I hit the ball
over the fence.

I've never done that!

Your shirt's lucky.

You wore my
Parents' Day shirt?

I thought my shirt was lucky.

You wore my shirt?

I hope you wash it.

Your shirt is way lucky.

It's a nice shirt;
it's pima cotton.

Timmy and Tommy have
Paper Bag Puppet Friends.

You can color them--
they're educational.

Can I have one, please?

( Pal barks )

Can I, please?

( everyone making noise )

Please? Please? Please?

Can't we just have a little
peace and quiet for once?!

( yipes )

Oh. I'm sorry.

I don't know what's wrong.

I just haven't been
feeling myself all day.

( coughs )

Yep, you've got a fever.

Congratulations, Mrs. Read,

you've earned yourself
a couple of days
of bed rest.

I'm sure I'll be
fine by the morning.

I know you're catering
that tea tomorrow.

You just concentrate
on getting better.

Yeah, Mom.

We'll take care
of everything.

( yawns )

( coughs )

I call this one Baganini.

He sings.

( wailing )

♪ La-la-la... ♪


Hey, look who's up.

How'd you sleep?

Are you feeling better?

Mom, want a maple doughnut?

Look what I made.

Isn't it good?

( sighs )


Don't worry.

As soon as I get
back from catering,

I'll clean this house.

Kate, time to nap.

Arthur, I'm worried
about Dad.


He's not sick.

Yeah, but he can't clean
the whole house by himself.

It takes Mom almost all day
to clean the house,

and look,
it's already that time.

What if Mom is sick
for a couple of days?

The house will
just get dirtier.

There'll be
no clean dishes.

The dust bunnies
will be hopping
around everywhere.

We'll be living
in a pig stew!

It's "pig sty," D.W.

But you're right.

He could use some help.

I'm leaving.

I'll be back in a few hours.

Stay out of trouble.

Wait. Mom always folds
the laundry first.

I have something
to confess to you.

I'm not Sheldon.

You're not?

Then who are you?

I'm Shelby,
Sheldon's twin.

I should have told
you sooner, Karen.

I'm not Karen;

I'm Kara.

Karen's my undercover name.


Yes. I'm with the police.

I'm supposed
to arrest you,
but I can't.

I love you, Sheldon.

I'm Shelby, Karen.

Kara. Call me Kara.

All done with
the vacuuming.

How's the laundry going?


( growls )



( Kate crying )

( crying )

( Kate crying )

What's wrong with Kate?

I don't know.

I was just making Daddy's
pajamas stay on the hook

and she started crying.

( Arthur sniffs )


That's your job.

Why is it my job?

You've seen Mom
change her

just as much
as I have.

But you're older.

So? You're closer
to Kate's age.

You probably remember
how it's done.

( wailing )

Okay, we'll sh**t
for it.

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

Rock, paper, scissors...

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

Paper beats rock.

I win again.

Come on, best of .

Hey, D.W., look.

We can't change
her now.

It'll wake her up.

ARTHUR ( whispers ):

Doing all those chores
wasn't so bad.

I don't why Mom and Dad
are always complaining

that they're so busy.

It only took us
a few hours.

I can't wait to see Daddy's face

when he sees
all the work we did.

Why was my shirt buried
in the yard?

Oh, that's
where it was.

Arthur's dog
must have stolen it.

I couldn't find it

when I put your
clothes away.

You were putting
my clothes away?

Uh-huh. We did all
the housework for you.

D.W. did the laundry,
I did the dishes...


( sniffing )

Is something burning?

Oh, that's just
the vacuum cleaner.

Something happened
to it when I

You have to pick up
the big pieces by hand

before you vacuum.

( Dad sighs )

( groans )

I'll fix it in the morning.

( grunts )

( groans )

Did you scrape the dishes

and close the detergent door
in the dishwasher?

Um... I'm not sure.

( Kate crying )

We were going to change her,
but she fell asleep.

That's okay.

It was nice of you two
to try to help.

( coughs )

I don't feel so great.

Think I'll change
and hit the hay.

What about dinner?

There are sandwiches
in the fridge.

( sneezes )

I guess we didn't do
as good a job
as we thought.

You mean you didn't.

Daddy didn't say
anything about
the laundry.

DAD ( angrily ):
Who cut a hole in my pajamas?

( thunder booming )

( screams )

I'm scared.

Can I get in with you?

I don't want to wake
Mom and Dad.


But not with the cow.

Mary's scared, too.

( sighs )

Arthur, what if Mom and Dad
aren't better by tomorrow?

You heard what Mom said.

Grandma Thora is coming.

She'll help with the housework.

But what if they
don't get better
for a long time?

Grandma can't
come every day.

She's got bingo,
and her aerobics class...

Go to sleep, D.W.

Hi, D.W., I'm home.

I'm at the computer.

How was the wedding?

I was fired again.

Boy, the catering
business is tough

when you can make only
peanut butter and jelly

Hey, you think it's easy
being an accountant

when you can't count past ten?

Are Mom and Dad feeling
any better today?

( Mom and Dad coughing )

Does that answer
your question?

Oh, by the way,

I sent Kate
to the orphanage.


We just couldn't
take care of her, Arthur.

She deserves to be in a place
that can change her diapers.

That's true.

Besides, it's
one less mouth to feed.

But I sure will miss her.

Me, too.

( cries ):
If only we had
paid attention

to all the work
Mom and Dad do,

maybe we could have
run the house better.

( cries ):
I know!

We're terrible

( both crying )

I had the weirdest

Me, too.

( Kate cries )


Should we get
Mom and Dad?

I don't know.

If they don't get enough sleep

they might not get better,
and then...

I'll get the clothespins.

( Kate babbling )

This isn't so bad.

( babbling )

I'll clean the dishes.

No, no, no.

( gasps )

I'll get the sponge mop.

I'll bring Mom and Dad
breakfast, and then we'll...

Why do you get
to take it?

Because it's
too heavy for you.

No, it isn't.

( door opens )

Let go.
You let go.

Why don't we all
take it up to them?

But first, let's just see
the state of affairs here.

Your father said there was
a load of dirty dishes.

Yeah, because I forgot
to scrape the plates

and close the detergent door.

So, where are they?

We washed them this morning.


Okay, well, let's just
give Kate a fresh diaper.

We already
did that, too.

They folded
the laundry,

they emptied
the trash,

and the house is

I don't see
why you two felt

you needed to call
in the reserves.

Arthur and D.W. run
a very tight ship.

I guess we've
trained them well.

Yeah. We should get
sick more often.

Wow. It's not even noon
and I'm already wiped out.

Me, too.

Running this house is hard work.

At least we only have to deal
with two sick people and not...

( sneezes )

Oh, no!

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

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