05x08 - The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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05x08 - The Last of Mary Moo Cow/Bitzi's Beau

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

D.W. ( scolding ):

: is my TV time.

Your time is...

I don't watch Mary Moo Cow
on a clock.

It says : .

Lucky for me
I can't tell time.

Mom, Arthur changed
all the clocks again!

Kids ( to "Frère Jacques" ):
♪ Mary Moo Cow, Mary Moo Cow ♪

♪ We love you, Mary Moo ♪

♪ When you're
with a moo cow... ♪

There's no fooling D.W.

when it comes to Mary Moo Cow.

Mom, it's : !

Oh, no! It's : !

Oh, you're too slow!

♪ ...Mary Moo ♪

♪ When you're
with a moo cow... ♪

If she couldn't
watch this show

she'd go crazy.

Well, crazier.

Thank you, boys and girls,
that was fun!

Will you sing it again?


What are you waiting for?

Quick, go to the title card!


( D.W. shrieking )

D.W., what's wrong?

She's coming.

So remember, boys and girls

I'll see you real soon
when I visit...

TV announcer:
Thursday at the Mill Creek Mall,
Elwood City.

Friday, Petie Pete's Pizzeria.

And I can hardly wait!

Moo... to you!

To you, too!

Mary ( to "Frère Jacques" ):
♪ Oh, D.W., oh, D.W. ♪

♪ I love you... ♪

♪ Really, Moo? ♪

♪ There is no one smarter ♪

♪ Yeah, tell that
to Arthur ♪

Arthur! ( gags )

( to Barney's theme music ):
♪ I love you... ♪

Mary and D.W.:

I've figured it out.

I can live in Mary Moo Cow's
barn in the summer

then live here
with you, Dad and Kate
the rest of the year.

You are insane.

They won't put you
on their show.

Not "they."

"She," Mary Moo Cow.

This one.

Honey, there'll be
lots of kids there
to see her.

I know, that's why
you can't tell her

I'm related to Arthur.

Do you think

Mary has spinach
for dinner?

I could eat it once
or twice maybe

just to be polite,
but not every night.

Oh, and do you
think she...

Well, she's gone.

That means...

Dark Bunny!

And I know Mary loves babies
so Kate could come and visit

when Mary and me have
our days off.

( bunny crying )

( aardvark crying )

I'm sorry.

Mary can't take everybody.

Oh, my.

I'm sorry, honey.


What's it say?

No Mary Moo Cow today

I'm afraid.

They canceled it.

( gasps )

TV announcer:
In the rain-drenched streets
of Dark City

where the sun never rises

only one person stands
between crime and humanity...

Mary Moo Cow!


Mary couldn't come.

Okay, the party's

It's my turn.

Mary Moo Cow:
This is an extra-special episode

and do you know why?

Because it's our last episode!

That's right, boys and girls:
L-A-S-T, last.

Let's sing it!

( to "Yankee Doodle" ):
♪ L-A-S-T, that spells... ♪

All right!

What? What does that mean?

Mary Moo Cow is history!


♪ L-A-S-T, that spells last ♪

♪ No more Mary Moo Cow. ♪

I'm sorry, D.W.

but that's what happens
to all TV shows eventually.

They get canceled.

You mean
it'll never be on again?

I know it seems awful
right now, honey

but think of all
the other fun things

you can do now at : .

And you do have
a few videotapes.

Mom? Dad?

You'll punish Arthur, right?

Good night, D.W.

Think of all
the other fun things

you can do now at : .

Come on, we're
supposed to have fun.

( moans )

What's fun about it?

Without Mary Moo Cow...

There's only Dark Bunny.

( everything gags )

D.W. ( scolding ):

It's still my TV time.

And welcome to the first
afternoon edition

of Stock Market Today.


It's useless, Arthur.

She said I could keep this time
until I recover from my trauma.


Come on, D.W.,
this is so boring.

Let's go out and play.


It's not fair.

If I can't have
Mary Moo Cow anymore

he can't have Dark Bunny.

There was a commotion...

( to "Frère Jacques" ):
♪ Hey D.W., hey D.W. ♪

♪ Let's go play, right away. ♪

I said no, Nadine.

This historic building
was saved from demolition

when concerned citizens obtained
signatures on a petition.

It's called a petition.

If enough of us sign it

then they must bring
Mary Moo Cow back.

Why would we do that?

Because you can sign
with finger paint!

Sign a petition
to bring back Mary Moo Cow.

Only five cents!

You don't charge
to sign petitions!

Grownups always think

something's important
if it costs money.


Okay, I just need
one more signature.

If you sign it

I'll let you watch
Dark Bunny.

I couldn't stand it

if I'm a part
of bringing back Mary Moo Cow.


Mom, I'm ready to mail it!

Mail for Mary Moo Cow.

Boys and girls,
do you know what this is?


( to "Alouette" ):
♪ A petition ♪

♪ Here is a petition ♪

♪ Spell "petition" ♪

♪ P-E-T... oh! ♪

♪ Something, something,
something! ♪

♪ Now we can get out of here ♪

♪ D.W., you've
brought us cheer! ♪

♪ P-E-T... ♪

♪ Something-something-
something ♪

♪ P-E-T... ♪

♪ Something-something-
something ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

What's it say?
What's it say?

That the person
in the Mary Moo Cow costume

is really happy
you made a petition:


But the show
is still canceled

so you should let your
brother watch Dark Bunny

because it's still
on the air.

( giggles )

You're funny.

"Dear D.W.,
Mary Moo Cow is very happy

"that you cared enough

"to circulate a petition
on her behalf.

Can you spell 'happy'?"

Oh, no!

He's not right,
is he, Mom?

No matter what the letter says

you should be proud
of taking the action...

Just read it, Mom, please.

( clears throat )

"While Mary cannot make
more shows at this time..."



"...she would like

"to personally thank you
by inviting you

to the studios of Channel ,
home of The Mary Moo Cow Show."

Hooray! It worked!

It didn't work.

The show is still canceled.

You just wait until I have
a little talk with Mary.

Dad, I think you made
a wrong turn somewhere.

This isn't Mary's barn.

No, it's the
studio where the
show is filmed.

The barn is inside.

( chuckling ):
Oh... that Mary.

Textile up /

while pork products
continue to fall...

And this is
where Mary Moo Cow

always had her Moo Cow
sock puppet shows.

Have we given you a Moo Cow
sock puppet yet?

This is all
very nice, ma'am

but I do have a lot
to discuss with Mary

so if you could
take me to her...

I'm afraid Mary is very,
uh... busy right now, D.W.

Busy? But that's the whole
reason I came out here!


I already have
all this stuff.

Arthur was right.

He said you were
just inviting me here

to tell me it was
still canceled!

Mary! Mary!

Come back here!

Mary, where are you?!

Are you here?

M-O-O spells... MOO!


( gasps )


I'm sorry.

Isn't this... ?


You're not Mary.

the boring woman.

Well, I...

Oh, you're
the little
petition girl.

Mary likes you very much.


Why have you taken
Mary's place?

Where did you
put her?

I didn't put her anywhere.

Mary just wanted a change.

Everybody needs a change,
don't you think?




Don't worry.

She might very well
turn up again someday

and you'll have the
satisfaction of knowing

your petition had a lot
to do with it.

Well, good-bye,
little girl.

There you are!

D.W., you don't just burst in

on people's dressing rooms.

all right.

I was pleased to meet her.

( in Mary's voice ):

( gasps )

( in normal voice ):
I mean, good-bye.

Come on, D.W.,
it's time to go.

Mary Moo Cow:
♪ Oh, D.W., I love you ♪

♪ Yes, I do... ♪


News anchor ( on TV ):
Bulk Foods down / ...

Don't worry, I'm not
even going to ask.


That's okay.

You can watch your show.

I'll see Mary...
some other time.

Dark Bunny, here I come!

...of Dark Bunny
have been canceled

so that we can bring you
the original classic episodes

of every boy and girl's
favorite series

The Mary Moo Cow Show!

( screams )

Yeah, let's go.

( kids exclaiming )

Hey, Mom.

Up high.

Down low.

In the middle.

And away we go.

( both giggle )

Buster and his mom are
really good friends.

They do everything together.

They go to movies.

The animation is terrible,
the plot is dumb

and the songs give you
a headache.

That's what we said after
the first time we saw it.

I know, once more and
I'm sure we'll be cured.

They do chores together.

Detergent, sponge, soap,
paper towels...


( carriage screeches to halt )

and seconds!

A new record!

Sometimes they just go out
for lunch together.

But all that might change
when Buster meets...

My boyfriend.

Girl ( on TV ):


Bionic Bunny, where are you?

Someone's in trouble!

Never fear!

Bionic Bunny is here!

Oh, thank goodness!

I have the most
terrible splinter.

( weeping ):
Could you please
take it out?

Don't do it!
It's a trap!

( alienators beeping )

I'm in the red zone!

Me, too!

She is such an alien!

You're no little girl!


( laughs demonically )

Kodo, from the Crab Nebula!

Prepare to be neutralized!

( both gasp )

( telephone beeps )

Oh, hold on,
that's call-waiting.

( touch tone beeps )


Just a minute.

Mom! It's for you!

Thank you, dear.


Well, hello!

( giggling )

Why, thank you!

( Bitzi continues giggling )

You never came back
from call-waiting.

I was on the phone
for minutes!

Sorry-- my mom took
the phone and went
into her room.

She's been acting
really weird lately.

How so?

Well, she smiles all the time.

And sometimes when she's on
the phone, she gets all giggly.



My mom does not
have a boyfriend!

Any unexpected deliveries
of flowers lately?

Huh... Now that
you mention it...

When she's doing something

does she stop suddenly,
stare into space

and sigh like this?

( makes lovelorn sigh )

Well, just
once or twice.

I rest my case.


Maybe she does
have a boyfriend.

But who?

Your book reports were
all satisfactory

with a few


another F.


This can't be mine!

( gasps ):
It is!

That's my pizza stain!

I'm telling you,
Arthur, it's him.

Mr. Ratburn's
my mother's boyfriend.

That's ridiculous!

Oh, yeah?

Well, look at this.

When was the last time
I got an A in his class?


He probably gave it to me
so I'd like him better.

Oh! This is the end!

I'm doomed!

First, he'll come over
to dinner.

( giggling )

Delightful dinner,
my dear.

Well, Buster, only
one slice left.

Guess the number I'm thinking of

between one and ten,
and it's yours.


No, it was .

also known as "pi".

Get it--
pi... pie?

( laughs
hysterically )

( slurps )

And then they'll get married!

Do you,
Nigel Charles Ratburn

take Bitzi Lynne Baxter

to have and to hold

for better or for worse,
through sickness and in health

from this day forward

( sings as Elvis ):
♪ till death do you part? ♪

I do.

But I must tell you, sir

that's a run-on sentence.

Try breaking it up
with a few periods.

Then they'll have... ( gulps )

Read to me.

Read me a big book...

in French!

Let's play algebra!


( smashes )

Daddy! Buster broke
my chemistry set!

( screams )

Keep it down!

He's coming
this way.

Arthur, you've got
to do something.

Tell him my mother's
ugly and crazy.


Buster... Arthur.

Um... Mr. Ratburn

did you know
that Buster's mother...

has giant lizards

that she feeds rats to?

Really? I love lizards.

I had a gila monster
named Morty

but I never fed him rats.


Oh, great!

Now the house is going
to be full of lizards, too.

Thanks a lot.

I couldn't think of anything.

Dinner on Friday sounds great.

Just let me run it by Buster.


( giggles )

( hangs up telephone )

( grunts )

( begging ):
Please don't marry
Mr. Ratburn, Mom!

He'll give you homework.

He'll make you
redo your pies.

Marry Mr. Ratburn?

Buster, what are you
talking about?

Well, all those flowers
and phone calls.

That's him, right?

That's not Nigel Ratburn,

That's Harry Mills.

It isn't Mr. Ratburn?


( laughs
happily )

Would it be all right with you

if he had dinner with us
on Friday?


Wait a minute.

Who's Harry Mills?

All I know is that
he writes about sports
for the newspaper

tells jokes
and loves kids.

He sounds great.

Yeah, too great.

Arthur, what if he's...

one of them!

What do you mean?

You know.

( whispers ):
An alien.

( robotic whirring )

You'll just love
what's for dessert.


( low grunt followed
by whooshing )

( all scream )

Kodo, my Lord, I bring you
two fresh earthlings!

Good work, Horseshoe!

( both scream )

Buster, he's not
an alien!

Do you have proof?

I don't need proof!

Well, you're probably right.

But it doesn't hurt
to be sure.

( static )

Is that your
final answer?

( alienator beeping )

It works.

( doorbell rings )

Buster, could you get it?

I'm not ready yet.

( gasps )

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Venice who?

Venice you going
to invite me in?

Hi, Buster.

I'm Harry.

( crunches )




And by the time the batter
slid into home

all he had on
was his boxer shorts!

( spits, then laughs )

Buster Baxter!
Where are your manners?

( laughter turns to coughing )

It wasn't my fault.

He's making me

He's right.

I'm sorry.

I tell funny stories
when I'm nervous and...

Harry, your tie.

Actually, it looks better
with crab chowder on it.

( all laugh )

That was delicious!

Now, how about
a little dessert?

( laughs evilly )

( all scream )

I'll get
some plates.

Let me help you.

( gasps )


You do like
Boston Cream pie,
don't you?


Actually, it's my favorite.

Mine, too.

Thanks for having
me over, Buster.

I had a great time.

Me, too.

I'll tuck you in
in just a minute.

Buster ( thinking ):
Well, even if he is an alien,
he sure is a nice one!

( both giggling )

So, what did you think
of Harry?

He's okay.

You didn't like him, did you?

( sighing ):
Well, we don't have to see him
again if you don't want to.

No, I did like him,

It's just that you
and I won't hang
out as much

because you'll be
spending all your
time with Harry.

That's not going to happen,

You're always going to be

the most important person
in my life.


I promise.

Up high.

Down low.

( crowd cheering )


Did you see that?

What a shot!


I just wanted to let you know

I've done some research

and you shouldn't
feed big lizards

It makes them sluggish.

What on earth is
he talking about?

Who knows?

Maybe he's...

One of them!
one of them!

( alienators beeping )

Yep, definitely
an alien.

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


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