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01x36 - An Unexpected Desperate Battle! Vegeta's Furious expl*si*n!

Posted: 06/28/22 11:58
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away


Now then, let me give you a good, hard look

as we begin our blood-soaked showtime--

You scumbag!!

With one merciless blow, Vegeta defeats Frost.

Way to go, Vegeta!

However, a new rule is put in place
for the following matches.

This is a cubic barrier
that has just been newly created.

The moment a contestant touches this,

even if they are in midair,
it will be considered a ringout loss.

Vegeta's next opponent,
the Metalman Magetta,

with his tough body and variety of att*cks,

comes after Vegeta hard.

Vegeta turns Super Saiyan,
endeavoring to reverse the situation,

but suddenly, he is stricken
by an unusual physical affliction.

Is this... heat?


"An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle!
Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury!"



What could be happening now?

Suddenly, Contestant Vegeta
has stopped moving around!

What the hell is going on?

There's no question that he's emitting heat.

But there's something else, too...

Champa-sama, your chuckling is in poor taste.

Leave me alone!

Something's fishy. The disgusting
way that Champa is laughing

is the same as the time
he snitched that steak I was saving.

Vegeta! Get down from there, now!

Do what?!

What's going on, Son?

Vegeta-san is unable to
breathe sufficiently at the moment.


Because of that barrier.

The oxygen inside that barrier
appears to be getting unusually thin.

Sure enough! This is all because
of that weird rule he put in!

Hey! Champa!


You've done something
to that barrier, haven't you?!

Hey, come on,
let's not make false accusations!

Nothing has been done to the barrier.

The hell it hasn't!

Look closely down there!


The ring is constructed so that
air can be exchanged just fine.

Then again, Magetta's
tremendous combustive force

might be exceeding that capacity.

You went along with
this rule change, remember?

Hurry, Vegeta! The way things are going,
you'll be overcome first!

Shut up!

I don't need any advice from you!

The point is,

I just have to settle things here right away!


Just talking makes this
smothering feeling even worse.

Come on, why won't Vegeta
listen to what Son-kun is telling him?!


If he doesn't do something,
Vegeta is going to lose!

--Don't let him beat you, Papa!
--S-S-Stop! Please stop!

Whew... A fighter needs
the kind of flexibility that I have.


Uh-oh, Contestant Magetta

once again targets
Contestant Vegeta with his lava saliva!

Hot-hot-hot-hot! This is getting dangerous!


I knew it! The top of your head is hollow!


What the--? It's just hot water vapor?



Oh, my! Contestant Vegeta is safe
by the narrowest of margins!

You've got to be kidding me.

Tch, he's a tough one.

That was a close call.

Hey, Referee, isn't that
kind of attack against the rules?!

It's legal! That expl*si*n was simply the result

of Contestant Magetta igniting one of his farts!

It was not a w*apon!



He's making a complete mockery of me.

They haven't bought off
the referee, have they?

No, Beers-sama. The referee
is making extremely fair judgments.

I gotta say, this Metalman guy
sure does fight in an interesting way.

I wonder how I would fight him.

Even up close, that ironclad body of his

isn't affected by penny-ante att*cks.

Now that his stamina is being drained,

thanks to the heat and the lack of oxygen,

I'd at least like to
take care of that saliva of his.

But with that barrier behind him,
the options are limited.

Even the great Vegeta-san
might be in trouble this time.

Hey, Vegeta! If you lose, you'll answer to me!

Everybody keeps running their mouths!

I'll finish you with this!

Oh! That stance!

Oh, my! Contestant Vegeta is building up
an enormous amount of power!



Hot! Hot-hot-hot!

Meanwhile, Contestant Magetta
turns the heat up even higher!



That's hot!

If it's spreading out this far, that means...

...the temperature must be
hellishly hot inside there!


Papa, hang in there!





Tch! That won't work!

Vegeta! Heads up!

--Oh, crap!



Damn it!

You're kidding, right?


...has lost!

For real, Vegeta?!

All right!

Safe! He's safe!

Wha--?! Referee! How is that possibly safe?!

He fell completely out of the ring, didn't he?!

Please look at this!

What Contestant Vegeta landed on
was a fragment of the broken stage!

This is still considered to be
on top of the ring!

It is not a ringout!

All right! That was a narrow escape!

Referee, nice judging!

That's my papa, all right!

Gah! For Pete's sake, who brought in
that quack referee, anyway?!

You did, Champa-sama.

I-I did?!

Champa sure does
look like he's hating this, huh?

It looks like Vegeta was
the one saved by the rules this time.

You all may be celebrating this...

--...but what do you suppose
Vegeta-san thinks of it?

Oh, wow...


I mean, me...

Me, of all people...

...having to be saved by some rule...?

The hell with that!

This ain't gonna be pretty...

Hey, you!

What is it?

We just have to avoid
touching the barrier, right?


You don't say.




So that's a th Universe Saiyan!

He's being an idiot. He flipped his lid,
and now he's out of control!

Not very cool!

The one being an idiot and
not very cool is you, Champa-sama.


What the...?



There's the guy Beers-sama considers
the strongest man in the universe!

He didn't even flinch!

Incredible! What tremendous power!

Hey, Vados! Why didn't you build it
so it couldn't be broken?!

Champa-sama, you were the one who said,

"You idiot! That doesn't
really matter!" were you not?

Aw, me and my big...

As long as I can at least
breathe sufficiently, this is in the bag.

That's it! Get as mad as you have to!

Go get him!

Just you watch.

That technique?!

Here?! Are you serious, Vegeta?!







Shoo-po! Shoo-po! Shoo-po!
Shoo-po! Shoo-po! Shoo-po!

Shoo-po! Shoo-po!


Just a little farther for a ringout!

Keep on pushing him all the way out!


Shoo-po-po-po? Shoo-po?

You're finished now!


Why, you...

You rattletrap!

Po?! Po-po-po-po?!

Po-po-po-po po!

Ringout, Contestant Magetta!

The victor is Contestant Vegeta!



Papa is so cool!

No, not Magetta, too!

We should have increased
the strength of the barrier, huh?

Oh, shut up!

That was a very good, spirited match.

I will have to rebuild the ring now.

Give me some water.

Well done, Vegeta.

I didn't expect him to
destroy the ring while he was at it.

With an opponent as sturdy as that guy,

fighting regularly ain't gonna beat him.

It never had to go that far in the first place.


Shoo-ku shoo-ku shoo-ku shoo-ku... shoo-ku...

Huh? Is he...?

Shoo-ku shoo-ku shoo-ku...

It almost don't seem like he was
that strong just a moment ago.

That "rattletrap"” that Vegeta-san
leveled at the end must have hurt.


Metalmen like Magetta-san
are emotionally weak,

so much so that a single insult
can make them incapable of fighting.

Hey, Whis, why did you keep something
as important as that a secret?!

Beers-sama, it wouldn't be
any fun if we knew that, would it?

Quite right, Goku-san.

Not to mention, Vegeta,

if you'd gone all-out on him,
you could have won sooner, right?


Yeah, you're curious
about him, too, huh, Vegeta?

Next is my turn!

Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

It looks like the Saiyans in
the th Universe are different from us,

but they're still a warrior race!
Nice going, Cabba!

Wait, Vegeta, you didn't
forget the rules, did you?

You ain't gone back to your old self, right?!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride!
Vegeta vs. the th Universe's Saiyan."

Be sure to watch, okay?