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01x34 - Piccolo vs. Frost – Put It All on the Special Beam Cannon!

Posted: 06/28/22 11:56
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

The fighting tournament between
the th Universe and th Universe

had at last begun.

It's over! Ringout! Contestant Son Goku
of the th Universe wins!

Goku had handily
obtained victory in the first match.

"No matter what happens,
don't give up, and get back on your feet."

Yes, I have the same duty that
I have been telling to the children...

You're wide open!

But in an upset defeat, he falls out of the ring

after taking a shot
from his next opponent, Frost.

What is next for the Destroyer
Invitational Combat Tournament?

"Piccolo vs. Frost!
Stake It All on the Makankosappo!"

That's the match! Ringout!

Contestant Frost of the th Universe wins!


Oh, dear, he lost.

Kakarrot did?

He let too many enemy att*cks get through.

He must have taken
a shot to the brain or something,

and temporarily lost consciousness.

What does that idiot think he's doing?!


You said you didn't know
who you should be cheering for,

and that's why Son-kun lost, you know!

Huh?! But Bulma-san, didn't you...



Goku-sa! Snap out of it!




Oh, I lost...

Goku-sa! I thought maybe you were dead!

Everyone's looking at us.

Are you all right?

You ain't bad! I couldn't tell
what move you used on me!

I do not know, myself. I was desperate.

However, there is one thing
of which I am certain.

You raised the bar on what my limits are.

While it may have been hard,
I thank you for an enjoyable fight.

I ain't sure what to say!

Way to go!

Nice fight!

Thanks for the thrill!

You were both pretty cool out there!

Incredible. If only this group
were in the Galactic Patrol.

My turn is all over now, so sit here
and watch without worrying.

Man, am I ashamed!

Y-You're ashamed?

Do you think that gets you off?

If you had gone all-out,
you could have beaten him easily!

Th-That may be true, but I thought
I could take him at Super Saiyan,

and even at that, I lost. What could I do?

The next time we go at it,
there's no way I'm losing!

Next time?! It's this match
that was the important one!

If I lose this contest, then from now on,
that bastard Champa will--

Hey! Beers!

You're not mad, are you? Are you mad?

N-No, I'm not especially mad!

That wasn't, by any chance,
your team ace, was it?

Feeling the pressure? Feeling the pressure?

Beers-sama, control yourself, control yourself.

You gave a good fight, with all you had!

It's not important who won or lost!

Nice fight, there, Goku!

Moving along,

the next contestant from
the th Universe to fight Contestant Frost... Contestant Piccolo!

Do I have any chance of winning?



You bastard. Way to bottom-line it.

So, should I forfeit?

Nah, Vegeta is gonna fight him next,

so if you wear Frost down even a little bit,

I think that will help later on.

That's all I'm good for here?

Are you planning to fight in your final form?

Why don't you ease off a bit?

Do not worry.

I do not have the power it would take
to k*ll you remaining anymore.

Even so, I am not planning to lose, either.

I can't get a fair shake from anyone.

J-Just a moment, please!

There's no way Kakarrot was
knocked out by an attack that weak.

I'm sensing something else is at work here.

What do you want?

Oh, it's just easier to see from here.



You have already
seen everything up my sleeve.

All I have left at this point is my zeal.

But I will fight with that as my w*apon!

Oh, I know that stance!
It's his Makankosappo! Awesome!


Looks more like
a two-bit technique from someone

who's embracing his weakness to me.

It looks like you are planning
to use some grand technique.

It also seems that it requires you
to build up considerable Ki.

Yeah, that's the thing of it.

Anyone can see that.

That's it! Keep it up!

Whoo! Ain't seen that in a while!

Hmph, his foe isn't someone
those puny moves will work on!

Techniques like that won't work!

Such concentration!

However, with that wound, you will not
be able to go around dodging--


That guy has just been running around
all over the place, right?

Referee! Yellow card him! Give him a warning!

Better yet, disqualify him!

This is a tactic. It is not against the rules.

You're just a referee!
You dare to contradict a Destroyer?!

Shut up! During the match,
the referee outranks even deities!

Do you actually believe that?

No, of course I don't.

Come on, enough already!
He can take him now, right?

No, he's still planning on charging it up.

He's trying to win the match
with one shot, beyond his limits!

The fact that he is stalling for time,

and that I cannot see his face
through all that light,

are both somewhat unacceptable to me.

He cannot use a projectile attack like that.

Give yourself some more space, Piccolo!

Aw, crap!

I am victorious.


What is this?!

You fell for it, Frost!

In addition to, "How do I charge up my Ki?"

There was something else I was thinking--

"How do I hit him with it?"

I was taken in entirely
with you elevating your Ki.

So I was convinced that the moment
your Ki dispersed, I had won.

That's when you opened yourself up.

Are you saying that getting
shot in the leg was part of your setup?

You got me good.
This literally was "up your sleeve."

I will certainly not be able
to get out of your finishing attack.

Despite appearances, I do pass
for resourceful in the th Universe.

Not knowing how I fight will prove
to be the cause of your defeat.

Take this! Makanko--

You're open!

Damn it!

Oh, no!

If I had taken that, I would have lost.

You have fought admirably.

My hyper-sturdy dome!

I will repair it.

The winner is Contestant Frost!

Aw, man...

He lost?!

My goodness.

I don't get it. What kind of move
is he using to do this?


Huh? What is it, Jaco?

I call foul play!

Huh? In what way?

Contestant Frost is using a w*apon!


Check out his right arm. He has
a needle-like object concealed there.

You can't fool my eyes!

What?! Mudslinging is undignified!

That's right! I fought alongside
Frost-san on Planet Mayonnai!

He is a hero

who risked his life to rescue
the citizens there from space pirates!

He wouldn't play dirty!

Jaco, Frost ain't the kind of guy
to do that, right?

You saw him, then?

If you underestimate these eyes,
you're going to get burned.

Referee, do a body check!


Slinging ridiculous mud at him
just because he lost, are you?

Okay, fine.

But if there's nothing there,
I'm destroying you.

Th-Then, never mind...

No, check him out.

It's no skin off my nose
if you get destroyed, after all.

No skin off of mine, either.

Referee! Check him, already!



The whole world is spinning!

Wh-What is the meaning of this?!

This is not a w*apon!

It is a part of my body!

N-No, there are clear signs of trickery here!

Contestant Frost is disqualified
due to rule violations!

The winner is... Contestant Piccolo!


Nice going, Jaco!
For the first time, you seem pretty cool!

You're kidding, right?!

But why?! Why would someone like you
do something so underhanded?!


There is no "why" about it.
This is who Frost-san really is.

The space pirates
that att*cked Planet Mayonnai

are an underworld syndicate
of which he is the leader.

What did you say?

That is a terrible thing to say,
isn't it, Vados-san?

I start my own wars, then resolve them,

and buy up all the
w*r-ravaged lands at bargain prices.

Then I make a k*lling on redevelopment
and post-reconstruction profits.

That is the business scheme
that I have invented.

What do you know?
That's pretty similar to what Freeza did.

He fully portrays himself as
a good man to camouflage his foul play.

Hmph, even in a different universe,

there's no way Freeza could be the good guy.

So it wasn't me
that got taken to the cleaners--

it looks like it was you!

Not knowing the way /fight...

...proved to be the cause of
your defeat, Mr. Resourceful.

Why?! Why did you choose that guy?!

You never ordered me to
take their conduct into consideration.

In fact, your words were,
"I don't want to deal with it. You go ahead

and bring in some guys who will win,
no matter what," Champa-sama.

Well, please do the best
you can in the next match.

You've brought an intolerable
amount of shame on me!

I'll destroy you!


There's no need to destroy him,
nor any need to disqualify him.

My turn is next.

I will defeat that bastard personally.

However, Contestant Piccolo's loss
has been reversed.

As such, he will fight in the next match.

Piccolo says he forfeits.

Yeah. I think I'll do that.

Just a minute! I won't rest until I destroy him!

Don't go making plans of your own!

Why not let them do so?
The disqualification is reversed,

and the competing contestant has forfeited,

which means a win for us.
We do not lose anything by doing so.

Yeah, that's true...

Do you want to lose to Beers-sama?


If you win the next match,

I'll wipe the slate
of the shame you brought upon me!

Then if you win the next match,

I'll consider that matter of
the financial aid! You can win, right?!

How annoying.

That's the laugh of someone
who takes everything too lightly.

Much like yours, Beers-sama.

Hey, Vegeta! Put this guy away,
hands down, and ease my mind!

Got that?!

It's up to you, Vegeta!

You want my win to stand?
You must certainly be sure of yourself.

Don't blame me if you end up regretting this.

Your voice is grating on my ears.

What did you say?

Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

What do you know?
This Frost guy is a real bad guy, ain't he?

He had me completely fooled.

But Vegeta, that ain't gonna
happen to you, huh?

You ain't gonna let him use his dirty tricks!

Blow him away at full power!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Turn Your Anger into Strength!
Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle."

Be sure to watch, okay?