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01x33 - Behold, Universe 6! This Is the Super Saiyan? Son Goku!

Posted: 06/28/22 11:53
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

The day of the tournament had arrived at last.

Goku and the others, who had travelled
to the "Planet with No Name,"

witness the gigantic
Dragon Balls floating in space.


Those are Super Dragon Balls?

And so, awaiting Goku
and company at the arena

were the contestants
of the th Universe's team.

Is that guy allowed? He looks
like a robot, but could he be a person?


It's Freeza! He's in that universe, too!

They got a bear-looking guy, too!

The battle, with the earth at stake,
was about to get underway.

"Surprise, th Universe!
This Is Super Saiyan Son Goku!"

You got some nimble footwork
for someone as massive as you are.

Okay, the Destroyer Invitational
Combat Tournament has begun at last!

Both contestants are off to
a quiet start as they size each other up.

Watch out for him
coming up behind you, Goku!



That was your chance! Ain't you attacking?

Contestant Botamo is resting at ease!
Such a fearsome th Universe!

By comparison, Contestant Son Goku's
moves are not as confident!

Is something the matter
with the th Universe?!

Oh, my.

Exactly what we saw at Beers' castle!
What second-rate abilities!

We both may be Saiyans,

but is there really this much difference

between the th Universe
and the th Universe?

I heard from Champa-sama
that you weren't anything special,

but oh, man, you're worse than I imagined,

guy from the th Universe.

Eh?! What's the matter, Goku?!

I ate too much yakiniku.

A-one, two, three, four...

This ain't good. I've gotta digest
what's in my belly right away.


Contestant Son Goku makes
a shocking admission about overeating!

Just how delicious could this meat have been?!

Okay then, allow me to give you
a hand settling your stomach.

That's just what I need to settle it down.

Feel free to keep those coming, just like that!


For heaven's sake, he sure keeps me on edge.

What's going on here?

Botamo is just starting to
hit his stride. This is only the start.

All right!


He got him!

H-He's takin' Goku-sa's
att*cks and is still standin'!

What kind of body does that bear have?!

That's not all, either!
His feet haven't budged an inch!

He's sending all of the damage
he takes into an alternate dimension,

nullifying the effects of his att*cks.


Uh... probably.

Uh... probably, huh?

Son is the one getting forced back!

How do you like this?!

Oh, my, this is a somewhat
unwelcome development.

Hey! Don't let up! Keep hammering him!

I know, but...

If it ain't working one little bit...

...what am I supposed to do, here?

Hey, hey, hey!

Kakarrot! Use your head, would you?!


Got it!

That's not what he meant by
"use your head," is it?


Here goes...

Up you go...!

I guess you are pretty easy to knock down.

You count too much on att*cks
not hurting you and don't train, huh?

L-Let me go!

Let go of me!

It's over! Ringout! Contestant Son Goku
of the th Universe wins!


Attaway, Goku-sa!

That's right! There are rules to these matches!


Ringout or not, a win is a win! Way to go!

Whew! If this weren't a match,
I might have lost that one!

You coward!


You pretended you were weak
on purpose, to throw me off guard!

No, I didn't. I was just wearing the heavy suit

that Whis-san made for me
the last time we met.

And that huge beam-like light show!

I never agreed to the use of projectile att*cks!

That was not a w*apon, but a physical ability,

so it is not against the rules.
Contestant Botamo used one, as well.

In any case, it doesn't count!
This match has to be done over!

You're a disgrace!

Yeah! Yeah!

He followed the rules!

You're throwing a tantrum like a child!

And you call yourself a deity?

Please do not do that.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Damn it! Damn it!

Champa-sama, you need not
win every single match.

There are still four more
contestants on our team.

Furthermore, the next contestant is...

The victorious Contestant Son
will next fight... Contestant Frost!

There he is--the th Universe's Freeza!

Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this.

His face disgusts me.

Good day to you.

Whoa, even your voice is the same?

That was a nice fight.


I consider it an honor to be able to
fight against a warrior such as you.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Y-Yeah, my pleasure.

Ladies and gentlemen of the th Universe,

it is a shame that we must
be divided as friend and foe like this,

but this is, at the end of the day,
only a tournament.

I believe that in the end,
we will be able to clasp hands

and say to each other,
"This has been a nice encounter."

Please enjoy yourself as you watch our bout.

Thank you for your attention.

This Freeza seems
quite a bit different, doesn't he?

I ain't even ever imagined
a good Freeza before.

This is throwing me for a loop.

Very well then, begin!

Okay, how's he gonna start?

What kind of technique was that?
It surprised me!

Hm-hm, please excuse me.
I would like to exchange blows head-on,

but given the difference in our sizes,

a lightweight like me must fight
in my lightweight way... Hmm?

Is something the matter?

You seem to be sizing up my capabilities,

but transform already, into your final whatsit.


Hmph, he may be from a different universe,

but he's still the counterpart to our Freeza.

You're planning to check me out
while transforming in stages, right?

How would you know that?

I fought someone
exactly like you back in my universe.

I see. Is that the way it is, then?

If you twiddle your thumbs,

you're gonna get beaten
before you can use your full strength!

Thank you for your advice.

In that case, I will now assume my final form.

This is my final form.

He can transform?

That bastard! Who does he think he's fooling,

saying that's his final form?

Will this do, then?

Well, okay. It's different
from the guy I know, though.

By the way, did the me
on your side win against you?

That's probably something
you don't wanna ask.

Is that right? I do hope
things go differently for me.

I'm hoping for that, myself.

Here goes!


Th-This is amazing!

According to information that I just received,

Contestant Frost's transformed state
is called his "charging form."

To root out the tragedy of the wars

that were rampant
throughout the th Universe,

Contestant Frost took the lead
of a peacekeeping force,

and dove into w*r-torn hotspots.

On those occasions,
he used this "charging form."

Contestant Frost devotes his efforts
to postwar reconstruction aid,

as well as to assisting children,

and has received
the Universe Peace Prize three times.

He's an ultra-great guy, isn't he?

When I scouted him, I told him
that if he won the tournament,

you would support his activities, Champa-sama.

And if he loses, I won't support them?


Isn't that cruel?

That is not something
that a Destroyer should say.

Man... He may look the same,

but imagine, in a different universe,
he's that completely opposite!

Now I'm not sure who I should be rooting for.

Isn't that obvious?!

Goku! Don't let him beat you!

Father! Hang in there!

Well, well,

it appears that this Frost person
from my universe is winning.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Whoops, maybe I overdid it. Hmm?

Thanks to that, I'm finally getting revved up!

I'm a slow starter, you see. Thank you!

You mean, that wasn't your full strength?

I am positively astonished.

You really are a nasty jerk, ain't you?

A nasty jerk?

You're still hiding one more stage
of transformation, ain't you?

You're worried about later matches,
and saving it, right?

On what basis do you say that?

Because that's what /"m doing, too!


What?! Hey, you!
Are Saiyans able to transform?!


I have never seen
nor heard of anything like this.

Hey, th Universe! This is called Super Saiyan!

From here on, no more holding back!

Let's both go at it
with the limits of our power!

Now, you bring on your final form, too!

The reason why I was
concealing my true final form

was not, as you said, to save it for later.

What?! What?!

Controlling my power
in my final form is difficult.

As such, only one other time
have I subjected someone

who was not a villain whom it was
necessary for me to k*ll to this.

Ever since then, I have
kept this final form locked away,

but Goku-san, I have the feeling
that you can take this form on.

Yeah! Don't hold back--bring it on!

Mm-hmm. I am glad
to have met you. Now then...!

This is my full power!

Oh, my. Just like that, the tables have turned.

It can't be... How are you this strong?

That's the limit of your power, huh?

You seem like a good guy,
so I don't wanna hurt you too much.

I recommend you give up.

I appreciate your concern.

But I am afraid that I cannot do that.

In order to rid the world of w*r,

I must win this match,
and gain Champa-sama's assistance.

I can't bear to watch!

Frost, don't give up!


I'm just saying...

"No matter what happens,
don't give up, and get back on your feet."

Yes, I have the same duty
that I have been telling to the children...

You're wide open!



Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

What? What? I ain't got any idea
what kind of move he used on me.

Beers-sama may be smiling,
but the look on his face is terrifying!

When Piccolo takes off his cloak,
he's a cut or two above!

Oh, it's that technique!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Piccolo vs. Frost!
Stake It All on the Makankosappo!"

Be sure to watch, okay?