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01x30 - A Review Before the 'Martial Arts Match' – Who Are the Last Two Members?!

Posted: 06/28/22 09:21
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

I'd like to train, but we gotta
pick our remaining team members, too.

Two more, huh? There's no telling
what kind of matches these will be.

On what basis do we choose?

Good question.



Hmm? Kuririn!

"A Run-Through for the Competition!
Who Are the Last Two Members?!"

I heard you're having a picnic in outer space.

Thanks for inviting us.

A picnic in outer space?!

U-Um, we got a call from Chichi-san.

Goku-sa got an invitation
from Beers-sama to a picnic,

so we're goin' to outer space.

Hmm, that's nice.

Yay! Picnic! Picnic!

And so, we've decided to come, too.

Kuririn, you'll take some vacation time, right?

Roger that!

So I took some time off.

Hey, Kakarrot,

what did you tell your wife?

Huh? Well, um...

Hmm? You mean, that's wrong?!

Well, um, not exactly...

Vegeta, would you explain it to him?


Heh-heh, sorry.


Goku and Vegeta, having defeated Freeza,

who had come back to life
for revenge against Goku,

returned to Beers' world
and continued their training.

It was then that Beers' twin brother

and Destroyer of the th Universe,
Champa, showed up.

Yeah, and he looks just like Beers-sama.

Except he's fat,
and he gulps down weird drinks.

But then, he's every bit a Destroyer,

and when he started fighting Beers-sama,

we had no idea what would happen.

That is enough!

If they had kept on like that,
the universe would have been gone for sure.

The universe?!




Let me tell the story.

Oh, sorry, sorry!

By the way, what's this " th Universe"?

I was about to explain that.

There are universes in all,

and if you take any two universes
whose numbers add up to ,

such as the st Universe and the th Universe,

or the nd Universe and the th Universe,

those pairs of universes
are counterparts of each other.

I ain't too clear on
how that part works, though.

There's , and , and a whole bunch
of other numbers that come up.

What did I say?

Right! Go on, go on!

The th Universe,
where Goku and the others live,

is the counterpart to the th Universe,

and the two have a truly twin-like relationship.

Champa and Beers competed with each other

over which universe
had the most delicious foods.


Admit it, the th Universe
is a heaven of delicious foods,

far better than what is available here.

On this visit,

he again came to boast of
the th Universe's excellence, until...

What kind of food is this?!

Cup ramen.

Cup ramen? Where did you get it?

A planet called earth.


Champa has his attendant, Vados,
who is also Whis's older sister,

search for the th Universe's earth,

but humanity there had already perished

as the result of a foolish conflict.

Oh, yeah? The th Universe's earth, huh?

When I saw it, I didn't recognize it as earth.

Beers! Let's have a contest!

Unwilling to give up on earth,

Champa challenges Beers
to a fighting competition.

If he wins, the th Universe
and th Universe would exchange earths.

If Beers wins, Champa offered him
the "wish orbs" that he possessed.

"Wish orbs"?

The "wish orbs" were like Dragon Balls,

in that they grant wishes
when all seven are brought together.

They were as big as planets in size,

and were truly "Super Dragon Balls,"
which would grant any wish.

Champa has already gathered six of them.

Beers demurs, saying that having
only six would be meaningless, until...

Beers-sama, let's do it! Please?

You want to enter these matches?

Of course I do! Matches against
strong guys from other universes?

Gah! I can't wait!

Given Goku's persistent fervor
to fight the th Universe's mightiest...

Persistent? Persistent ain't right!

Given Goku's persistent fervor
to fight the th Universe's mightiest...

All right, why don't we do this?!

All right!!

The competition's format was
a five-man-team elimination tournament.

In other words,
contestants would fight one-on-one,

and the winner of each match

goes on to fight the opposing
team's next opponent.

The first team to defeat the other team's
captain would be the winner.

The rules are--

Ooh, I know what they are!

They're the same as the Tenkaichi Budokai!

Surrendering or falling
out of the ring means you lose;

k*lling is against the rules;

use of weapons
and doping are both prohibited.

Are you finished?

Oh, yeah.

Additionally, there was a simple--

Let there be a simple paper test, too.

We don't need anyone
bringing in any creatures

who don't even have the smarts
to understand the rules.

The competition was set up
to take place in five days,

on the "Planet with No Name,"

floating in space neutral to
the th Universe and th Universe.

Hey, are you upset about something?

Ahem... Meanwhile, on earth, Beers--

Thank you for explaining!

Ergh... for crying out loud...

So that's it. Huh?

But if there are teams of five,
who are the other three?

The fifth man is apparently already chosen.

Who's this Monaka guy?

Monaka, you see, is the strongest
guy I've ever fought against.

There's someone
even stronger than you, Goku?

Yeah, he said I was second-strongest.

To tell you the truth, I thought
I'd gotten pretty far along, myself.

The universe sure is a big place.

So, who are you picking for the other two?

There's no way we can leave Boo out.

The bad Boo has been
taken out of him, but are you sure?

Now I'm really mad!

He was taken out with one shot
while fighting Beers, right?

Even so, when he means business,
he can be ridiculously strong.


Fine, then.

By the way, did you hear?
The evil Boo has been reincarnated.

Into a good human child.
Can't wait to see that, huh?

Yama-sama told me so.

Hmph, I doubt he was simply reincarnated;

I'm sure you asked that he be reborn, right?

But, since he has just been born,
he can't compete, huh?

Not really. That leaves...
I guess it would have to be Piccolo.

What about Gohan? Frankly, he has
the most latent ability of anyone.

No good. All he does is study,
and he's even misplaced his dogi.

That's a shame.


Boo, would you come compete
in the matches with us?

Mmm... I hate him.

Oh, don't say that. Come on.

No, huh?

In that case, we'll let you have
one wish. What do you say to that?

Let him have one?!

Yeah. The Super Dragon Balls
might be able to grant several wishes,

like the earth and
Planet Namek's Dragon Balls do.

Boo! The Super Dragon Balls,
unlike the other Dragon Balls up to now,

are able to grant any wish!

Are you sure you can
make that kind of call on your own?

If Beers finds out...

Don't worry, don't worry!

So? You'll compete with us, right?

They can grant any wish? Hmm...

Okay. I'll compete.

All right!

Just a minute, please!

What's the matter, Satan?

What are you planning to wish for?

--Make sure you don't wish for anything bad--
--I don't have any wishes.

I get everything I want from you, Satan.

When I win, you wish for
whatever you want in my place.

You mean, you're doing this for me?


--You really are a kind-hearted,
nice Majin, just like I thought!

--See? It worked out, right?
--You really are a kind-hearted,
nice Majin, just like I thought!

--Majin Boo! Boo-san!

Okay, next up... is Piccolo!

Done! Ah! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Mmm... That smell...! All right!

Most unbecoming.
Please offer your thanks before eating.

I know! Thank you for this food.


Now then...

Mmm, this is an absolutely wondrous food!

Every so often, I get the craving to eat this!

Every so often... you say?

Beers-sama, you are acting quite different.


Goku-san saying that
he wants to fight notwithstanding,

I am surprised that you accepted
a competition that gains you nothing.

You're wrong! It's something I wanted to do!

Not to mention the Freeza matter.


You brought this on yourself
because of your leniency.

Send Freeza back to his flower garden.

You rather easily gave
your blessing to that do-over.

Whis, it was your idea, wasn't it?

Do not tell me that when you
awakened with your premonition,

you expected it to end up like this.

It was a premonition.

The ultimate warrior,
who is yet to be seen by anyone.

Super Saiyan God.

Our search for the
Super Saiyan God then began.

That hurt!

R-Right. Hello, and good morning.

I'm--I mean, I am Son Goku,
and it is honorable to meet you. Sir.

I thought that he was an interesting fellow,

but when he asked if he could test my strength,

I have to admit, I was a little annoyed.

Just for a minute is all, but would you
mind sparring with me? Sir?

I have lived for hundreds of millions of years,

but this is the first time I've heard
anyone say anything so unique.

At the time, Goku-san was all enthusiasm,

and could not hold a candle to you, Beers-sama.

But then, with the assistance
of the other Saiyans,

he turned Super Saiyan God,

and it was astonishing
how strong he became, was it not?


Sorry about this.

Apparently, your Super Saiyan God power

did not disappear when your time ran out.

The godly red glow is even now within you,

burning brightly like a flame.

Am I wrong?

Well, darned if I know.

I am who I am.
That's good enough by itself, ain't it?

Good grief, if I keep talking to you any longer,

your stupidity will rub off on me.

No, I think it long since has rubbed off.

He never gives up, he is stubborn,
and when it comes to fighting,

he romps about like a little child.

As it turns out,
the two of you are peas in a pod.

Would you mind not lumping me
in with someone that crude?

I, at least, have the class
to show respect toward others.

You do destroy them
at the drop of a hat, though.

On another matter, Whis, there's something
I've been wanting to ask.


What made you decide
to let those two train here?


You deliberately
allowed Vegeta to train here first,

then when he had increased his level,
you brought in Son Goku, right?

I wanna get strong like Beers-sama, too.

Come on, please, Whis-san? I'm begging you.

That is fine by me.


--You're sure?

I was thinking the time
is just about right, after all.

The time is right?

You're not building them up

and seriously thinking
of having them fight me, are you?

Hmm, no, I am not thinking that.

Hmm. Well, no matter.
That would be fun, too, in its way.

Well, I've eaten my fill.

How about we go and get Monaka?


Oh, Goten!


Papa, you guys are going to compete
with the th Universe guys, huh?


All right!

You mean it's not a picnic?

Let us compete, too!
We'll take those th Universe guys

and kick their butts!

No way!

--Why not?

You're probably thinking
of undergoing Fusion and fighting,

but that's against the rules.

If you really want to compete,
go get enough strength to fight alone.

Huh? Aw, man...

Vegeta, you didn't have to say it like that.

I'm just telling it like it is.

Ah! Vegeta!




Fighting matches with the th Universe?

And Piccolo, we wanted you to compete, too.

In that case, please let me compete.

But you're...

It's all right. I'm having
Piccolo-san re-train me from the top.

You are? So that's why...

I realized when fighting with Freeza

that in order to
protect what's really important,

I had to get stronger.

Fighting warriors from the
th Universe is a good opportunity.

Please allow me to participate, too.


Heh-heh, you got it.
We're counting on you, Gohan.


Okay then, Whis-san will be
coming in four days to pick us up.

Four days?!

Four days...

What's best for Videl-san? What should I do?

Four days... Four days, huh?

I still have to attend that academic conference.

But there's my training efforts, too...

No, this isn't going to work.

I'm sorry, Father, but I can't go after all.

There is a conference that day
that I cannot miss for anything.

Ha-ha, don't worry about it.
You leave the matches to us.

Your studies are important, too.

I really am sorry!

Thank goodness!

Then our team members are settled.

I'd like to get a little more information.

In that case...

What's keeping him?!

What is that hack
galactic patrolman doing, anyway?!

You mean Jaco ain't here yet?

This is the Super Dragon Radar, huh?

Hey, Vegeta...

You're planning on going to
the Room of Spirit and Time, aren't you?

Heh-heh, I heard that Dende is fixing it all up.

Yeah. He'll be finished tomorrow.

Piccolo, come with me.

No, I'm good.

Keeping company with Saiyans
is hazardous to my health.

I'd rather concentrate quietly
and compose myself.

Vegeta, you're coming, right?

Not if I'm stuck in there with you.

Oh, don't say that.

We've got three days, so we can
get three years' worth of training.

You don't want me
leaving you in the dust, right?

Why do you want to go so far?

We're already pretty near
the limits of our strength.

Frankly, if we train any more,
there's very little room for growth.

What are you talking about?
Monaka, the strongest guy, will be there.

Even if we do only improve a little bit,

we've gotta try, or we ain't ever
gonna narrow that gap, are we?

If you don't wanna, that's fine.

I'll train by myself for three years,
and get even stronger!

Three years, huh?

What the hell, I'll go, too.

All right!

He can't bear falling behind.
Who'd have thought?

With the two of us,
we can do some sparring, after all.


Beers-sama, we are almost there.

Monaka, huh? It's been a long time.

Are you really sure about this?
Because I am not.

It's all right. Let me handle this.

Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

Hey, Jaco, the center of the universe,
and that stuff Bulma said--

you understand all that, right?

Huh? There's an awesome guy
who knows everything there is,

and the two of you are going there?

Oh, yeah? You and Bulma? Be careful, okay?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Off to See Zuno-sama!
Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are!"

Be sure to watch, okay?