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01x29 - The Martial Arts Match Has Been Decided! The Team Captain Is Stronger Than Goku

Posted: 06/28/22 09:20
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Champa, another Destroyer,
had arrived from the th Universe.

Beers! Let's have a contest!

A contest? What kind of contest?

A fighting contest, where if I win,
we trade each other's earths.

Champa proposes a
five-against-five fighting competition,

declaring that he is offering as a prize

the "Super Dragon Balls" that he has collected.

All right, why don't we do this?!

And now, a new battle for
Goku and company is about to begin.

All right!!

"Combat Matches Are a Go!
The Captain Is Someone Stronger Than Goku."

Hmm, now as for
the competition venue... I know.

Let's make it the "Planet with No Name,"
floating in neutral space.

That's fair to both of us.



That planet only has a small sun nearby.

There is not much else there at all.

Not even an atmosphere.

It was your idea.
You figure out how to deal with it.

All right.

Hey, it's a simple matter.

You want me to set up
the competition rules while I'm at it?

Whoop... We should make it
like the Tenkaichi Budokai.

Tenkaichi Budokai?

If you surrender,
or fall out of the ring, you lose.

k*lling is also against the rules.


Weapons and doping are both prohibited.

Let there be a simple paper test, too.

We don't need anyone bringing in any creatures

who don't even have the smarts
to understand the rules.

Indeed, that's not bad. How about it?

How about it? Sir?

Hmm, well, fine.

Okay, one week from now,
by the th Solar Calendar.

We'll start the matches at : .

By your calendar, that would be in five days.

All right!

Champa, this competition
was your idea. Don't skip out on me.

Don't be silly.

You just make sure
you keep your promise, Beers.

That goes double for you.

Oh, by the way, here.

Whew, that was close!

A parting gift. Keep it.

Thank you, Champa-sama!

Are you sure about this? If you lose,

the six wish orbs that you
worked so hard to collect will be...

Hmm-hmm, you saw that guy
fumbling about just now, right?

That Goku fellow has some pretty slow reflexes!

That's the level of contestant
he's working with, so no sweat.

The th Universe's earth
and its delicious goodies

will belong to the th Universe!

Things are getting interesting now.

Whoo! That was heavy!

The competition is
nothing more than a waypoint.

What I'm really after
is the title of "Number One."

Someday, I'm going to take Beers,
Whis, Champa, and Vados all down!

Yeah, me and you both can't stand
being runner-ups to them, huh?

By the way,

these matches are five against five, right?

I wonder who else Beers-sama is gonna choose.

Hmph, it doesn't matter who they are.

Not if I defeat all of
the th Universe's team by myself.

You don't get to monopolize them.
All right, I've made up my mind!

I get to be our leadoff contestant!


There's no way I'm letting that happen!


Hey, you two!

Get a move on, or we'll leave you here.

Y-Yes, sir!

Coming now!

Huh?! How did that end up happening?!

It's just the way things turned out
under the circumstances.

Which means that we require a device

that can find the remaining Super Dragon Ball.

Do you think you can make one?

Well, sure, if the Super
Dragon Ball is really that big.

If I revamp the Dragon Radar
and increase its sensitivity,

I think I can come up with something. But...


There's an easier way to do it, isn't there?

Gather the earth's Dragon Balls,

and have Shen Long tell us
where this Super Dragon Ball is.


--That's it!
--Oh, yeah!

Nice. I'm impressed.

You really aren't
just a strong-willed old biddy--

Oh, my...

I have never seen a human
strike Beers-sama before.

Hey, you!

Well, never mind. In light of
your nice idea, I'll let it pass.

Hey, Vegeta!

Y-Yes, sir?!


Yes, sir!

Bulma, the Dragon Radar!

Huh? Oh.

Say, was that Vegeta just now?

My word, transporting these
Super Dragon Balls is quite a chore.

We have arrived, Champa-sama.

Hmm? That was quick.

The Planet with No Name, huh?

Okay, I'll think up a name
for this nameless planet!

That name will be...

The Nothing Planet!

You very much have the k*ller
naming sense befitting a Destroyer.

Do I really? Don't flatter me so!

Whenever you think of something like that,

your brain consumes
a vast quantity of calories,

so it is very good for your diet. Here.

Hmph! Again with the diet talk, huh?

That contains % juice squeezed

from the niganiga bittergreens of Planet Yago.

Bitter! Bitter! Bitter!

Now then, to make the "nothing planet”

into the "competition venue planet."”


This is about the right size, I would say.

Let's see...

It would reflect badly on me
if it broke during the matches, and all.

Oh, no damage at all. Nice going.


Next up...

Mmm, sweet air!

I tried to reproduce the fresh air
of the high plains of Planet Sorert.

Okay, next...

The ring.


What size?

meters square should be good enough.

If you make it too big,
you can't watch the match as well.

Now then, next...

Vendors! That's one thing
I refuse to leave out!

Okay, okay. Well...

That's it, that's it!

My goodness. Now...

Come forth, Shen Long,

and grant me my wish!

You really do quick work, huh?

That's what I expect
from my own personal gofer.

You can't call him that!

Good work, Vegeta.


Wh-Why, you! What's the big idea,
making a sneak attack?!

I shall grant thee any three wishes.

Now, speak thy wish.



Y-You do seem to be on
the earth regularly these days.

Right now, the earth is an ultra-critical site

for both the th and th Universes.

Is that right?

We need to have some of your help today,

so I'll forgive you for being a little pompous.



Right, right.

Say, Shen Long,
tell us where in the th Universe

the last Super Dragon Ball is, will you?

I can't.

You can't?

The universe is vast.
My powers are not so almighty

that I can locate one thing out of all of it.

Let alone find something
in a different universe.

I see. Such are the limitations of
the earth's Dragon Balls, are they not?


I guess it's not going to be that easy. Well,

I'll make the Super Dragon Radar,
like we planned at first.

Sheesh, you are so useless.

I am sorry. Ahem... Have ye another wish?

Go away. That's my wish.

Shen Long sure has grown cheap, huh?

Seems like I'm forgetting something...

Ah! I forgot to get
Kaio-sama brought back to life!

You can do it next time, can't you?

Hmm? I guess.

Sure is relaxing, going into a contest
you can't lose to begin with.

I could put away ten helpings of rice,

just imagining Beers weeping in frustration.

By the way, have you decided
on our five contestants yet?

Those two who were at Beers' place
were probably Saiyans, right?

We can't leave Saiyans out on our side, then.

Once you fix that, we'll go out scouting.

Fix that, you say?

Make me look more handsome!
I am not that fat, after all. Urp...

Good grief.

Metro West-style beef stew.

Earth food certainly is a delicacy.

There's no way we can give away the earth.

That was delicious.

Well then, we should be getting back.

We need to tell Monaka-san
about the competition, and all.

Who's this Monaka guy?

A contestant that Beers-sama
has chosen for the th Universe's team.

Oh, yeah?

You guys choose the remaining two
and give me a holler. Got it?

Hey, is this guy... really strong?


Yeah, he's incredibly strong.

What kind of guy is he?

Is he an earthling? Some other planet?

He's not, by any chance, a deity, or something?

Stop pestering me!

Monaka, you see, is the strongest guy
I've ever fought against.

H-He's what?!

For real?!

What's the matter? Don't tell me,

you thought you were
the strongest person I've ever faced?

Son Goku, you're second-best.
Does that disappoint you?

Did you hear that, Vegeta?
That's awesome! I can't wait!

You sure are happy-go-lucky about it.

Hey, I'd like to practice
sparring against this guy.

You can't. Your opponents
are the folks in the th Universe.

Concentrate your focus on them.

But I ain't sure what sort of guys they are.

Besides, now that
I think about it, even if we lose,

and the whole earth ends up
moving to a different universe,

nothing really changes, does it?

What did you say?!

Have you forgotten your debt to me
for not destroying the earth?!

If you don't fight all-out, you'll answer to me!

Okay, I get it. No matter what else I do...


I always fight with everything I got!

Give Monaka my regards!


You're sure up early. What's that?

The Super Dragon Radar.

Really? Wow!

I can't believe you made this all in one night.

How can you be so laid-back about this?!


You haven't forgotten what Beers said
when he left yesterday, have you?

All right, I will be back to pick you up
in five days of your time, at : .

See you!

I have to say, that Destroyer,
Champa, is a fool.


I mean, if the Super Dragon Balls
really can grant any wish,

he wouldn't need the fighting competition;

he could just reproduce
another duplicate earth, couldn't he?

Or even wish, "Give me something
delicious every day," or something.

Hmph, no matter how smart you may be,
you still think like a human.

What's that supposed to mean?!

To deities like us, the Super Dragon Balls

represent little more than
an excuse to start fighting.

Think about it.

The th Universe and
th Universe are counterparts.

If you look in this universe,

you might find Super Dragon Balls here, too.

Deities don't make wishes.

If we had to wish for something,

"Wipe out all of existence!"


...or something like that might
be fun enough to provide a thrill.

Do that, and there ain't gonna be
anything yummy left to eat.

Where's the fun in a world
where nothing exists?

True enough.

Let's go, Whis.

Yes, sir.

Give Monaka my regards!

The look on Beers' face when he said that...

Look, we don't know
what kind of wish Beers might make!


H-He was just joking!
You don't have to get so worked up!

Joking? How can you be so sure?!


If our th Universe might have
Super Dragon Balls, too,

then let's use this and collect them first!

Then, we might be able to negate Beers' wish!

Tch! Calm down, Bulma!

What do you mean?

Look, Beers may be the God of Destruction,

but he still acts on his own sense of logic.

...but there is one thing
that I absolutely cannot put up with.

The callousness of those who
do not pay me the respect I am due.

Beers is not going to wipe out
all of existence for no reason!

Yeah, right. Say whatever you will,

but he left us here
without k*lling us, after all.

Hmm? Bulma?

If you're not going to help me, that's okay.

I have other ways available to me.

Hey, who are you calling?!

Ah, Sis?


Ah, Bulma, long time. What is it?

It's about Jaco.

Didn't he say that since he helped
put down the Freeza force earlier,

he had his spaceship traded in
for the latest model?

Mm-hmm, he was really proud of it.

So did you ask how long
it would take for him to get to earth?

I believe he said it was minutes.

He said that it would be
so much quicker, it was nauseating.

What a laugh.

Listen, would you ask him if he could
come to my house, right away?

Mm-hmm, okay. Now, stay on
the line for a second. Let's see...

I see. The angle at this point is crucial.

That was close!

I'm an elite patrolman, busy with duties!
What do you want, Tights?!

Bulma says she wants you
to come to her place right away.

What? Bulma?

Whenever she's involved,
nothing good comes of it.

Tell her you couldn't
get through to me, or something.

I heard that, Jaco!

I spent a whole day on that!

Quit your whining and come here at once!

Or I'll have my husband
attack Galactic Patrol Headquarters!

But with all the time it will take from here...

Vegeta, you're on!

Hey, hey, hey! Hold on, Bulma!
All right! All right!

That's that.

Don't go using me
as a way to implement threats!

But Bulma, what good
will calling Jaco here do?

I'm not telling you that.

Now, why don't you scoot off
for some of that training you love?

Why not?

Be careful.

H-Hold on! Are you really going to leave?!

We haven't even tested the
Super Dragon Radar I worked so hard to make!

What is this?

It's not reading anything at all.

What's going on, Bulma?

Wouldn't you like to know?!

Wouldn't you positively love to know?!

You can be such a pain!

Listen up.

We're on the edge of the universe,
so we can't search everywhere.

I can't make the Radar any more powerful,

so to find the Super Dragon Balls,

we're going to have to
go to the center of the universe.

The center of the universe?

In any case,

I am not letting Beers get away
with whatever he wants.

I am going to get the
Super Dragon Balls first, no matter what!


That's fine and all, but don't let it
interfere with our competition, okay?

You guys are more worried about
the competition than the universe?!

I definitely wanna meet this Monaka,
who's the strongest guy around.

Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

I can't wait for these matches!

The th Universe is putting together

an astonishing team of awesome members!

Please?! We really want you to compete!

We'll let you have one of
the Super Dragon Balls' wishes!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"A Run-Through for the Competition!
Who Are the Last Two Members?!"

Be sure to watch, okay?