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01x23 - The Earth! Gohan! Absolute Peril! Hurry and Get Here, Son Goku!!

Posted: 06/28/22 09:14
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Tagoma, who boasted overwhelming power,

stood forth to challenge earth's warriors.

But taking Tagoma's body from him was...

I am the commander
of the Ginyu Special Corps...


As this went on, Gohan, who had
been away from fighting for a long time,

once again transformed
to become Super Saiyan.

It looked as though the tables had turned,

but due to the unexpected
intervention of Freeza,

Gohan had fallen into a dire predicament.



"Earth! Gohan! Both on the Ropes!
Hurry and Get Here, Son Goku!!"

What are you waiting for, Piccolo?!
Hurry and get up!

Mama, I can't sense Piccolo-san's Ki anymore.





The sound of the desperation
filling your voice is very nice.

That is precisely what I was seeking.

Now, please entertain me even more.

It's because of me... that Piccolo-san...

--Whoa, there!

Piccolo is dead? He can't be.

I told you so. It's too dangerous
to fight against those guys.

The next time I go back, I'm having
earth removed from my patrol.


Y-You want to go at it?!

Geez, Son-kun and Vegeta,
what are you doing at a time like this?!




Mm, pizza sure is good, huh?

This gooey "cheese" stuff is really good.

It's a little pungent, but nonetheless...

Whis, another slice.

That was the last of what I had saved for you.


Beers-sama, I had a feeling
that you would like pizza,

so I asked Bulma-san for a great deal of them.

But I cannot retrieve
the rest of them without my staff.

So why don't you get it?


Beers-sama, you were the one who ordered me

to cast Son Goku-san
and Vegeta-san into that place.

My staff is currently in use.

Had you forgotten that?

Hmm? I haven't forgotten!


...nothing is more important than my meals.

Here, give me some pizza, right now!

My word.


Ow-w-w! What did you do that for?
We were just at a good spot!

Hmph, it looks like you had
some fairly fulfilling training, huh?


I have cleaned you up.


Yes, yes...

Oh, dear, nothing but empty boxes.

Yeah, thanks for the goodies!

Imagine, food coming out of your staff!

We were so hungry,
I thought we were gonna die!

You guys...! Don't tell me
you ate all my pizza!

You'll pay for this!

Yikes! Get outta here!

What's the big idea,
eating every last piece of it?!

What choice did we have?!

It was your ass that
sent us into that place, right?!

What do you mean, my ass?!
You address a Destroyer like that?!

Huh, I will have to
request some more pizza. Oh?

Do I have a message?

Hurry up, or this deluxe
strawberry parfait is going to melt!

Deluxe strawberry parfait?

My, what a colorful, delicious-looking dish.

Let me see!

Oh, my.

Oh, I wonder what that tastes like.

Still, it looks as though she is quite panicked.

I think I should contact her.



You sure took your sweet time
calling back, didn't you?!


Mm-mm, I don't care about the parfait!

Tell Vegeta and Son-kun
to come home, right now!


Who in the world could she be talking to?

You listen closely! That evil scumbag
Freeza has come back to life,

and right now, the earth is in a real mess!


Freeza-sama, if you like,
I will go and dispatch that woman.

Just a moment.

It would appear that
she has made contact, after all.

With him.


That Freeza?

What is going on?

It's not just that! He's also
gotten ridiculously stronger!

Piccolo died while trying
to protect Gohan-kun from him!


All right! We'll have
Whis-san bring us back right now!

It will take about minutes to reach earth.

--No way!

As I recall, you're supposed to
be able to use Instantaneous Movement.

Yeah, but...


Ugh, sure enough, it's no use.

Earth is too far away,
and I ain't picking up anyone's Ki.

This is no time to be saying that!

Put your back into it more, and find that Ki

Are you saying we have to wait
more minutes, in this situation?!

It would appear that Son Goku
will not be arriving soon.

Well then, Freeza-sama,
allow me to finish these others off first!

Very well. When Son Goku
does arrive here on earth

and finds that everyone is dead,

how much fun is that going to be?

I just remembered an
urgent matter I need to attend to,

so if you'll excuse me--

Wah! It's all over!

H-Hey, let me go!


After being away from fighting
for so long, and even losing my dogi,

I don't have the strength
to protect the others.

Hey, pal, what are you planning to do,
with that beaten-up body of yours?

If I had kept up my training, like my father,

then Piccolo-san wouldn't have had to die!

Pretty pathetic to start
whining about that at this point.

What you did wasn't wrong!

It was only natural to step away from fighting

for the sake of your family, wasn't it?!

Rest at ease. I will take
this beloved family of yours,

and in the blink of an eye...
k*ll all of them for you!

In order to protect my family
and everyone else,

I have to stop you, right now!

Ho... You still have that much power?

Wait, Gohan! Until Goku...
Until Goku gets here!

Such a reckless thing to try.
Do you think his body will hold out?

Who knows?


Gohan-san is gonna die!

Big Brother!

Gohan-kun! Don't be hasty!


There, you see?
Your body is about to fall apart.

Grab hold, Vegeta!

Stop dawdling around!

See you, Beers-sama!

It looks like he has finally had enough.

Well then, it is about time
for us to say farewell.

At last, we meet once again...

...Son Goku!

Vegeta... and Son-kun, too.


They finally got here!


Hey, Vegeta!

How long were you going to
leave your beautiful wife to herself?!

Your husband has quite the
villainous-looking face, doesn't he?


Goku is here...

I get it. This is what Gohan was after.

Freeza-sama, that one is the Saiyan
that defeated you before, is he?


There is no way that I would ever forget...

...the despicable face of Son Goku!

I owe you one, Gohan.
Your Ki got all the way through to me.

Nicely done.

I'm sorry. Just calling you was
the most that I could manage, Father.


Piccolo-san had to defend me...

That's okay.

Piccolo can come back to life
with the Namekian Dragon Balls, can't he?



I swear we'll bring you back to life.

What the...?

Instantaneous Movement that
he picked up from the Yardratians.

He would not run away, would--

You see? He is back.

The Saiyans even know
that kind of pesky technique?

Then we should call our soldiers back here.

Well, this might make for
an interesting test of strength.

Goten! Trunks!

I left Piccolo's body at Dende's place!

I want you to go
explain to him what happened!


But Father, you're just about
to defeat Freeza, aren't you?

We can at least watch, can't we?

Don't disobey me!

What's about to happen here
ain't gonna be fit for children!

U-- Uh-huh...

Yeah, but...

Trunks! Do as he says!

Papa! A-All right.

All right! In that case,
I will escort you to a safe place!

You're going to stay right here!

I'm more scared of Bulma than I am of Freeza.

Make sure you beat Freeza, okay? Promise?

Gohan, here's a senzu. Eat up.

Thank you very much.
But what about the rest of you?

We'll be fine.

Besides, it's best to keep one in reserve.

I'm sorry.

Anyhow, even if we do get healed,
it won't help out much here.

I tell you, Goku always shows up
with this kind of timing.

All we can do now is
put our faith in Goku and Vegeta.

Son Goku-san,
I have been waiting a long time...

...for the moment of
my vengeance against you!

Although I am somewhat surprised
to see Vegeta-san with you.


It really does seem to be you, Freeza.

How did you come back to life?

They used the Dragon Balls.

Isn't that right?

That is correct! I have come back!
Out of that damnable hell!

That hell where I was strung up
like a bagworm moth

and left to hang there
over a field of flowers forever!

While I was there, I was continually subjected

to watching dances and parades,
every single day!

Do you have any idea
how much anguish that caused me?

That ain't on me. You're the one
who came to earth on your own

and got yourself k*lled by Trunks, ain't you?

Everything had its beginning
with you, Son Goku-san.

You see, just having you still be alive
is unbearably irritating to me.

I, Ginyu, am painfully aware of how that feels.

Ginyu? You mean him?

He's the guy who stole my body
on Planet Namek, ain't he?

You're Ginyu? I thought you were
turned into a frog way back then.

Do you have any idea
what I went through after that?

I mean, of all things, a frog!

Do you two realize how miserable
and cruel that was for me?!

That's a real shame.

Wh-What the...?


If you had stayed a frog,
I doubt you'd have to die.

Wait! Vegeta!

C-Commander Ginyu!

Vegeta! You didn't have to k*ll him, did you?!


I just got rid of someone
who would interfere with our fight.

Vegeta-san, it appears that you
have grown much stronger, as well.

You need not rush; I will k*ll you
once I have finished with Goku-san.

Hmph, I'll k*ll you
before Kakarrot gets the chance.


Judging by appearances, Freeza,
you've gotten a lot stronger, huh?

That is correct.

Following my resurrection,
I have undergone considerable training

in order to fight you.
Such efforts were a first for me.

Me, of all people.

As a result, I have obtained
a power that far exceeds

anything that I had imagined.

Sure, you may have gotten stronger.

But don't you think I've gotten stronger, too?

Then I shall have to give you
a proper demonstration of my power.

The last time, I honestly admit
that you took me by surprise.

So this time, I will take my final form at once!

Freeza-sama! You wouldn't!

Yikes! Guys, get out of here!


How can this be?! All the other soldiers...!

Did he wipe out all of his men?

He took out all of his own soldiers
just to show off his power.

I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Now, I am all ready
to take my revenge against you.

That was awesome!

Just how much training
did you go through, anyway?

Hey, Vegeta...

I hate to do this to you,
but I'm gonna take him.

What did you say?

You defeated that Ginyu guy, didn't you?


This time, it's my turn.

Suit yourself.

You ain't no pushover, that's for sure.

If you weren't rotten to the core,
you would have made a good rival.

More of your usual utterances
that irritate me so, I see.

Oh, are you not going to turn Super Saiyan?

Nah. Right now, I don't even
have to resort to that.

Ho, you do seem sure of yourself.

Well then, how about
I begin exacting my revenge?

Now I reminisce over my childhood

When both my tiny hands
were overflowing with dreams

Let's ride the wind blowing in the whole town

(A new chapter begins)

And go on a journey

Shining star

Night falls in an instant, like magic

The warmth I remember in my heart

Shining star

If I could scrape up sh**ting stars

I thought I would be a bit stronger

Heya! I'm Goku!

Impressive power, Freeza!
I get excited when I meet strong guys,

but in your case, things are different.

You make me sick to my stomach.

So I'll show you my new power
that goes beyond even that of a god!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Clash! Freeza vs. Son Goku--
This Is the Result of My Training!"

Be sure to watch, okay?