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01x19 - Despair Rises! The Emperor of Evil, Frieza, Resurrected!

Posted: 06/28/22 09:01
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Goku, together with Vegeta,

had started training
on the world that Beers lives on.

The two of them took on
the challenges given to them by Whis.

At that same time, far away in space,

a new peril, which threatened
to shake up the peace on earth,

was starting to go into motion.

Hmm... No doubt about it.

It's just as I thought. Vados!

Hmm, I guess I was wrong.

"Despair Redux!
The Return of the Evil Emperor, Freeza!"

All right, everyone, let's get started!

Come on, smile!

--Come on, come on!

--Come on, smile!
--Let's all smile!

It's fun!

Damn you!!

Status report!

Yes, sir. Our primary fighting force,

the st and nd Battalions, were wiped out.

Further, half of the rd Battalion
is missing in action.

Wha--? We've lost percent of our soldiers?

Any more would be bad news.

We won't be able to keep up
appearances as a fighting force.


At this point,

there is no other way but to
have Freeza-sama brought back to life!


Brought back?

Did you find the surviving Namekians yet?

No, sir, as before,
we have still not located them.




Supposing that Freeza-sama does return,

will he be able to change
our force's circumstances alone?

Tagoma, you don't
understand a thing, do you?


Freeza-sama placed the
greater part of the universe

under his control with his absolute power,

and was feared throughout
the universe as the "evil emperor,"

because of how merciless he was.

Well, shall we alleviate a little boredom now?

What pretty fireworks!

If he were to come back to life,

our force would definitely be revitalized.

Watch. This is a simulation of what would
happen if Freeza-sama returned.

percent of the universe would be ours.


But sir, are you sure it will go that smoothly?

Do you doubt me?

Who was it that kept the Freeza force
going after Freeza passed on?

That would be you, Sorbet-sama!

That's right, me! It was because
of my tactics, and my smarts!

Do not worry. There are
no flaws in my calculations.

Freeza-sama is sure to grant his approval.

All right, we're heading to earth.


But sir, earth is too dangerous, isn't it?

The woman who can find the Dragon Balls

is in league with the Saiyan
that defeated Freeza-sama!

Do you think that, right now,

we are in any position to
do things in a leisurely fashion?

As long as we can't find the Namekians,

we have no choice but to
risk the danger of going to earth.

Bring up the spy camera image!

It looks like that woman isn't
the only one who can find the Dragon Balls.

Tagoma, the two of us are going to earth!

--Yes, sir!
--Sorbet-sama, please allow me to join you!


The Saiyans on earth appear to have the ability

to detect large battle powers
without using Scouters.

If we take a large number of us,
we run the risk of being noticed.

Understood. Please forgive me
for speaking out of turn, sir.

In that case, wouldn't it be safer
if Sisami and myself went to earth

while you remained behind here, Sorbet-sama?

You expect me to sit here doing nothing?!

I will personally bring
Freeza-sama back to life!


Okay, stop, stop!

You two have gotten better
compared to earlier,

but you are still utterly lacking in speed.

Look, I even signed your tops.

Whoa! You really are awesome, Whis-san!

By the way, Vegeta-san...


You being a gifted fighter notwithstanding,

you always seem to lag one step
behind Goku-san, don't you?

Tch! Thanks for spelling it out.

Do you know why that is?

H-How should I know?!

Your nerves are always wound too tightly.

You cannot operate at full capacity
when you need to like that.

It is important to get enough rest
when it is time to relax.

The way Goku-san does.

Ha-ha, he's right, Vegeta.

But, on the other hand...

Being too relaxed is also a problem.

Also, your overconfidence in yourself
is another large problem.

No matter how strong you are,
if you let your mind wander,

your body becomes something fragile.

Goku-san, I see many occasions
when you are too sure of yourself

and let your guard down.

Hm-hmm, he's right.

Eh? That ain't fair!

Well, we are going to pick up
the pace of your training.


Peek-a-peek-a... boo!

Neener-neener-neener-neener boo!

I'm sorry, Piccolo-san.

We're a little late getting back.

G-Gohan... That was fast, wasn't it?

Here, Pan-chan.

Thank you for watching her.

Uncle Piccolo sure is very nice, isn't he?

Piccolo-san, what's the matter?

Don't you sense that?

There's an unpleasant power
on the move in that direction.

Eh? Ah, now that you mention it...

What could it be?

I don't know.

Almost there, almost there!
No doubt about it!

Just up ahead!

Gulp! We did it, Shou and Mai!

Yes, Pilaf-sama!

We have now gathered
all seven of the Dragon Balls!

Just think of all the hardship
we overcame to get to this point!

I know what you mean, guys.

After crossing vast seas,

scaling mountains,

and doing battle with many ferocious beasts,

we have finally achieved this!

Now, the world will
belong to me, Great King Pilaf!

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

You're going to give us the Dragon Balls.

Wh-Wh-Who are you people?!

Don't think you'll get the best of us!

No claim jumping allowed, you know!

I'm putting you to work for me.

O-Oh, no!

And after we finally got
all the Dragon Balls together...

I just cannot do it!

These belong to us, don't they?

Mai, stop being selfish!

That's right! These guys
are definitely bad news.

What are you doing?!

Get started, already!


Come forth, Shen Long,

and grant me my wish!

The sky has gotten dark.

Don't tell me this means...

Shen Long!

That's Shen Long?

Now, speak thy wish.
I shall grant thee any wish.

G-Go ahead. Please, just spare our lives...


It's possible that I may
still have a use for you later.

Sorbet-sama, quickly!

A-All right.

Okay, here goes.

B-Bring Freeza-sama back to life!


What's the matter?
You will grant any wish, right?

Of course, it is possible.

However, that being's body
was cut to pieces long ago,

and cannot be regenerated.


There is little point in bringing
his soul back like this.

I-Is that right? That would be bad, huh?

Even dismembered,

with the latest regeneration machine
our forces now use,

it may be possible to restore him.

Oh, yeah! You're right.
Knowing Freeza-sama, definitely!

Hey! It doesn't matter if he's in pieces.
Bring him back to life now!

You certainly are bossy.

B-Bring Freeza-sama back to life... please.

What's the use? Very well.

Now then, speak thy remaining two wishes.

Two wishes? You can still grant more?

Yes. When earth's Kami changed,
I was also renewed.

However, a wish that
requires a great deal of energy,

such as bringing everyone
on this world back to life,

will consume two wishes' worth at once.

I-I didn't know that.

Two more, huh? Maybe we should
bring Papa Freeza-sama back, as well.

You are asking me?

I-I want , , zeni!

I want the best ice cream in the world!

Ow! Huh?


"World's Best Gem Ice Cream"

Your wishes have been granted.
And now, farewell.


Huh? Why, you little...

I was going to keep you around

to have you search for
the Dragon Balls again, but...


We must hurry. The Saiyans may be coming.

I knew it! That's Freeza-sama for you!

With his life force and our technology,

we can definitely bring him back!

Okay, let's head back.

Yes, sir.

Excuse us...


You forgot something.

R-Ribbit... Ribbit...?


Hmm, good work. Well then,
I will be back here again shortly.

This time with Freeza-sama, and my soldiers.

Pilaf-sama, who exactly
might this "Freeza-sama" be?

How should I know?! Whoever he is,
it doesn't sound good for us.

I know!

We'll build a spaceship,
and escape to some other planet!

Huh? Do you think we can
really build a spaceship?

We can manage something
with the , , zeni that you got.

Nice going, Shou!

Hey, you! You could have
asked for even more money,

like a hundred million zeni,
as long as you were asking!

Well, why did you ask for ice cream?!

Once it melts, it's all gone, isn't it?

W-Well, I've been patiently
going without for all this time!

Hey, you two!

I didn't... I didn't...

...even get to make a wish!

Pilaf-sama, now that we have this much,

we can all eat pretty well for a good while.

And look! We have the world's
greatest ice cream, too.

I guess that's true, huh?

All right, first, we'll have some
luxurious ice cream,

and then we'll go fill our stomachs!

Yes, sir!

What should we eat after the ice cream?

--What? I'm going to have
Mongolian barbecue, of course!
--What should we eat?

It's gone. I wonder what that was.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Sorbet-sama, we managed to get away
without earth's Saiyans finding us.

Like I said, there was no flaw in my plan.

However, I still am a little concerned.

About what?

About whether or not reviving Freeza-sama

is something our force really needs.

Are you still on about that? We need him now!

The moment it got out that Freeza-sama

and his chief lieutenants had been wiped out,

our force stopped being taken seriously,

and more than just a couple
of our planets staged uprisings.

On top of which, there has been
discord among our own leadership.

I have only had glimpses
of Freeza-sama in the past,

but he was so small, I did not
think he was that impressive.

Ha, I only met him on a few occasions,

but his frightfulness
came across and left me rattled.

Are you sure? If he lets us down,

he will be nothing more than
a pathetic dictator in name only.

What is this contemptible nonsense?!

Tagoma! Do you think the revived Freeza-sama

needs officers with
spineless thoughts such as yours?!


Once Freeza-sama is back,
you will all understand!

Now, come back to life!

What is it, Kakarrot?

Hmm? Oh, I ain't sure why,
but I just got this super-icky feeling.

No goldbricking.

Hmm... Maybe I'm just imagining it.

What an unusual feeling this is.

Imagine, me... coming back to life.

The evil emperor, Freeza,
has completed his surprise resurrection.

His revenge against Goku and the others,

against whom he once engaged in fierce battle,

is about to unfold.

Now I reminisce over my childhood

When both my tiny hands
were overflowing with dreams

Let's ride the wind blowing in the whole town

(A new chapter begins)

And go on a journey

Shining star

Night falls in an instant, like magic

The warmth I remember in my heart

Shining star

If I could scrape up sh**ting stars

I thought I would be a bit stronger

Hello. I'm Goten.

A strange spaceship arrives,

and someone I've never seen before
says to bring Bulma-san to him.

He sure has a funny mask, huh?

Does he really know Bulma-san?
He seems to be in kind of a hurry.

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"A Warning from Jaco!
Freeza and , Soldiers Close In."

Be sure to watch.