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01x14 - This Is Every Ounce of Power I Have! The Battle of Gods' Conclusion!

Posted: 06/28/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Goku had reached the limit of the time
he could spend as Super Saiyan God.


Apparently, your Super Saiyan God power
did not disappear when your time ran out.

The power has completely integrated
within you, and is now your own.

The godly red glow is even now within you,

burning brightly like a flame.

Am I wrong?

Well, darned if I know.

I am who I am. That's good
enough by itself, ain't it?

"This Is All the Power I've Got!
A Settlement between Gods."

Not good enough!

That was nothing!

If I don't do something, I'll run out of air...


You're wide open!

Right back at you!

I thought you were supposed to
have godly power within you, weren't you?

You can do better than this, can't you?

Why, you...!

That's better.

However, that will never reach me.

Have you forgotten?
I can neutralize any kind of energy.

Oh, no!

I've won!

Not yet, you ain't!



This is the power of Super Saiyan God?

The patchwork-like Super Saiyan God,

cobbled together from
the power of five other Saiyans--

You've taken it and mastered it as your own,

and made me use up this much of my power.

Just between you and me...

Just between you and me,

for a second there, I regretted
being so hung up on my premonition.

Heh, that's nice of you to say,
but it doesn't gratify me at all.

Damn it, I wanted to win this.

It ain't like I can
get you next time, after all.

You're gonna blow the earth away, right?

Do you remember this?
This is the move that started our fight.

So now, I'm taking the flood of emotions I'm
feeling and putting them into this one shot.

I really have won.

I ain't through yet!

Gah! This was ending
on such a terrific note, too!

Go down and stay down!

I still ain't leveled all the power
I got against you, Beers-sama.

I can't let myself go down just yet.

All the power you have, huh?

Okay, then, hit me with it.
And this time, it really will be over.


That doesn't look like it
will be cancelled out so easily, huh?




Wh-What is that?!

What is that?!

Their att*cks have been merged
into a high-energy body?

Oh, I shudder to think about it.

Just getting close to it
is liable to blow one away.



Not yet!

Hey, aren't even you
beyond your limits, there?

Shut up!

Shut up!

Hey, Beers-sama...


Just because you're a deity...
Just because you're a deity...

...don't go deciding for yourself
what other people's limits are.

A man's pride, huh?

Move! Get out of the way!


Thank you, man.

Keep quiet. After you
take my power away from me,

you go and get beaten that disgracefully by him?


Don't let your guard down yet!

Anyone who can't fight, get behind us!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Hey, can't you take a hint?!

Huh? But what about the press conference?

This is no time for a press conference!

I'm not sure I understand,

but the reporters say they can't wait around
anymore, and are headed to you.


As you can see, it is the
gallant figure of Mister Satan!

This is an ambush interview
to find out what exactly has happened!

This is the end...
This is the end of the world...

Kind of a small-potatoes ending, Father.

Nice fighting up there.


Well then, shall we head home?

You can have a bath in the castle,
and freshen up...

On the other hand,
I suppose that is too much to ask.

Yeah. We did have an agreement, after all.

If Son Goku won,
I would not destroy the earth.

However, if I won...

Stay out of it. I'll do this myself.

Is this any time to be so pigheaded?!

Right now, we need every last
bit of power we can get!

Shut up!


Don't do it, Beers-sama.

Don't go destroying the earth.

Is there no way... you can stop?

No, there's no way.

It appears that he is exhausted.

I cannot say I am surprised.

He is so idle, always sleeping,
eating, and watching TV anime,

so suddenly using his full power
without even warming up must take a toll.

My word...

He probably will not awaken for a while.

And when he does wake up,

he will have forgotten
all about destroying the earth.


I am afraid I cannot guarantee that.



I do not think he will
forget about the pudding.

If you would have some ready for the next
time we come to earth, that would be helpful.

I'll have a whole pool full of it ready for him.

But I won't have him telling me
it isn't any good after he eats it.

If it is not any good, he really is
likely to destroy the earth next time.

Shoo, shoo! Off you go, already!



Thank you very much
for playing with Beers-sama.

Someday, I shall repay you.


Well, take care, everyone.

How long are you
going to pretend to be asleep?

It is unlike you to go so far as to
produce a snot bubble, is it not?

Hmph, I really was asleep.

Right, right.

Earth sure is a strange world, isn't it?

It appears to have a strange power
capable of changing those violent Saiyans.

It has also changed you, Beers-sama.

Hm? Did you say something?

Oh, excuse me.

Acknowledging to Goku-san that
you were using % of your power

was a ploy to draw out his
full strength. It was not the truth.

You could tell that, couldn't you?

Whew, that Goku truly is something else.

He's finally wound up
making friends with a Destroyer.

He really is a wondrous fellow.

For someone who loves solitude
and fighting so much,

he sure does gain friends quickly.

Ugh, this is the worst birthday ever.

I'd just as soon pretend it didn't happen,

and say that I didn't
get another year older this year.

You must have been worn out, Father.




Ahem... Father, I'm sorry
this announcement is so late,

but I'm going to be a dad.


Make sure she gets plenty to eat!




How did it feel to become a god?

I didn't become a god.

Hmm, this won't do.

I didn't become any stronger
on my own, after all.

Besides which, I didn't win.

But Beers-sama is the
strongest guy in the universe, right?

It's amazing to be second-strongest.


It's your turn next time, okay?

What are you talking about?

I promised, didn't ?

The next one to get
Super Saiyan God power will be you.

I don't want any power that's
going to only make me second-best!

I'm going to get stronger
under my own power.

I will surpass Super Saiyan God, Beers,

and you, too!

You really are awesome, huh?

You think compliments from
a loser like you mean anything to me?

Come to think of it,
when you yelled, "My Bulma!"

You got mad and turned
an awesome level of Super Saiyan, huh?

Wha--?! I-I didn't say any such thing!

Hmph, I knew it!

Son, I know you can perform
your Instantaneous Movement.

You'd been here a while, watching how
things were going, hadn't you?


Sorry, sorry! I was watching Beers-sama's
moves, trying to put together a strategy.

Although I never did come up with anything.

That's a nice breeze, isn't it?

The food was delicious, too.

Wow, it feels like we
really got something out of this.

Cram a sock in it!

I won't let it end like this!

Dragon Balls, just sit tight!

Now I reminisce over my childhood

When both my tiny hands
were overflowing with dreams

Let's ride the wind blowing in the whole town

(A new chapter begins)

And go on a journey

Shining star

Night falls in an instant, like magic

The warmth I remember in my heart

Shining star

If I could scrape up sh**ting stars

I thought I would be a bit stronger

Heya! I'm Goku!

I'm begging you, Chichi!
Please let me go train!

You can't keep me here
just because there's a grandkid on the way!

Huh? Mister Satan, what are you doing?

A hero's medal? I ain't sure I get this,
but it's match time, right?

All right! Maybe I'll
show off some godly power!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Valiant Satan, Work a Miracle!
A Challenge from Outer Space.”

Be sure to watch, okay?