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01x08 - Goku Arrives! A Last Chance from Beerus Sama?!

Posted: 06/28/22 07:58
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

After being given over to anger,
Beers the Destroyer begins rampaging.

Enough, already!

Bulma, having had her
birthday party ruined by Beers,

slapped him across the cheek.

Leave here, right now!


What the hell did you do... to my Bulma?!

Will Vegeta, in his frenzy
of anger, be able to stop Beers?

Why, you... Beers...

I swear you'll pay for that.

"Goku Makes an Entrance!
A Last Chance from Beers-sama?!"


A Destroyer, are you?! Why don't you
quit screwing around, already?!

I'll blow you to bits!

You dirty bastard!

It's blinding!

End of the line, is it? Damn!

What, was that what a Super Saiyan God is?

It wasn't, was it?

It was too weak to be called
any archrival of mine.

Papa! But why?! He was winning!

Delicious. Ah, could you put this
in the souvenir sampler, too?

It's been a long while, you know,

since anyone got ten percent
of my full power out of me.

Though, you were more
entertaining than that Saiyan

that was at Kaio of the North's place.



Vegeta, stay with me!

It's all over.
The earth is going to be destroyed!


I will now destroy the earth...

...or so I was thinking,

but perhaps destroying it
would be a waste, after all.

This planet "earth" of yours
has the most fantastic food, you see,

compared to other worlds.


Doesn't it? It would be a shame to destroy it.

And there are still lots
and lots of delicious foods, too!

Huh? There are still lots more?!

That's right! You've just tasted
a tiny fraction of it.

So will you hold off
on destroying the earth for us?

I see.

Well, let me offer you another chance.

W-What do you mean, chance?

One-two, one-two, one-two,
one-two, one-two, one-two...

Hey, you guys! Can't you row any faster?!

This is the best we can do.

That's right, Pilaf-sama.

You could switch with one of us any time.

Stop your whining!

"Stop your whining," he says to us. Right?

Aww, it's such a shame
about that delicious feast.

Hey, what do you mean, exactly?

Gah! Don't tell me!

You didn't forget to bring that
leftover bundle of food, did you?!

Pilaf-sama, you were the one that rushed us.

We fled from there in a huge hurry.

I mean, we only barely found
this boat in a trash collection spot!

That has nothing to do with this!

How could you forget
those delicious leftovers?!

Ah, you should be ashamed
of yourselves as my subordinates!

Hmph. Let's go back to that ship, Pilaf-sama.

You're absolutely right, Pilaf-sama.

The Dragon Balls are aboard that ship.

Hold on, hold on, hold on!
You don't believe me, do you?!

Even if they aren't,
I'm sure there must be lots of treasure.

That has nothing to do with this!

Now I don't want to hear
another word out of you!

Do you want to get caught up in a fight
between those monsters and die?!

You there, the pink pig trying to hide,

take one step forward.

Eh?! M-Me?!

You're the only pink pig here, aren't you?

Wh-Why me, though?

H-H-Hey, g-g-guys!

You're the same species as that pig

that wouldn't share
his pudding with me, right?

N-No, I'm not! You're making a mistake!

It's just a coincidence that
we're both pink and chubby!

I'm offering you a chance.

Huh? A chance?

Yes. A chance. You can at least
play rock-paper-scissors, right?


Like in rock-paper-scissors?

Yes, that rock-paper-scissors.

Huh? He wouldn't!

If the pink little pig beats me
at rock-paper-scissors, I will leave.

If win, you'll go away?



If win, I will destroy the earth. Understand?

Now, as open-minded as I am,
I am offering you a chance.

Let's begin before I change my mind.

If I'm dreaming this, let me wake up!

If you'd rather not, that's fine, too.

I'll just destroy everything right now.

Good luck, Oolong!

Oolong-san, it's all or nothing now.
You just have to do it.

Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!

For real?!

This is the most important game
of rock-paper-scissors

in the history of the earth.

Don't go adding any more pressure!

I'm not up to carrying the weight
of the fate of the earth on my shoulders!

Hurry it up! I hate being made to wait!

A-All right!

But if I lose and the earth is destroyed,
don't hold it against me!

Okay, let's play.

All right, here we go.

Okay, bring it!

Could I have some of that conger eel next?

Rock goes first!

Rock, paper, scissors!

I-It's a tie!

Th-That was close!

A tie between a Destroyer and a pig, huh?

Are you sure you didn't throw late just now?

I-I-I did nothing of the sort!

Seems shady...

I-If I had thrown late, it would
be weird for me to tie, wouldn't it?!

There is that, I guess.

Thank you for waiting.
Here is your take home souvenir sampler.

Thank you.

I found it extremely satisfying.

I-I look forward to your patronage again!

"Again," you say?
I wouldn't be too sure about that.

I suppose it's a fifty-fifty proposition.

Okay, let's do it again.

Rock goes first!

Rock, paper, scissors!

I can't bear watchin' anymore!


You're a stubborn one, aren't you?

S-So are you!

Ah, this is starting to get annoying.

Not good.

If this keeps up, the earth
is going to be lost either way.


If you win, I'll give you any present you want!

Let me use this--

Wh-What do you mean by "this"?


All right, I've decided.

Then, watch me!

All right, got it!

They're both going old-school.

Yeah. I wasn't expecting that.

Rock goes first!

Rock, paper, scissors!

H-He lost!

Dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Why would you
throw the same thing three times?!

They say the third time is lucky, don't they?!

No, they say he who
knows nothing soon repeats himself!

Who are you calling a know-nothing, you jerk?!

Are you saying you would have beaten him?!

--Just use your head for once!
--Cut it out, you two!

--Say what you will, but I...
--Calm down, guys!

Beers-sama, thank you for waiting.

Whis, don't you think
you were being a bit too greedy?

Ah, yes, apparently, this will not
keep long, so let us hurry on back.


Say, Piccolo, even if I were
to join in with all the rest of you

and we jumped him all together,
we still couldn't take him, could we?

No. It would be futile to even try.

People of earth, farewell forever.

Hold it!






Hmph, you finally showed up, did you?

You always come at the last minute!

Bulma, congratulations on your birthday.

This is not the time to be saying that!

Oh, sorry! I forgot to bring you a present!

By the way, how old are you now?

Like I said, right now, my age doesn't matter!

Don't get so mad.

You again? What do you want?

Did you uncover who this
Super Saiyan God is supposed to be?

No, that's still a mystery to me,

but please don't destroy this world!

No way. I won the game
of rock-paper-scissors.

Beers-sama, you decided the fate
of the earth on something like that?

So, what, are you going to
fight me once again?

Hmm, you got me there.

To be honest, Beers-sama,
there ain't any way I can beat you.

Ah, Beers-sama! How about we
take a chance and test something?

What do you want to test?

This Super Saiyan God--
there's a chance we can seek one out.

Let me have a little bit of time.
Just a little bit.

Okay? That's fair, right?

Just a little bit.

Just a little bit, that's all.

Thank you, Beers-sama!

Kakarrot, what are you planning to do?

I'm gonna turn to Shen Long for help.

Beers-sama, I thought you had
given up on the Super Saiyan God.

I woke up after only years,
just to meet this Super Saiyan God.

Yes, indeed you did.

But this really will be the end of it.

If this doesn't work, I'll destroy
the earth--no, the whole solar system.

Bulma, let me use the Dragon Balls.


Goten, Trunks, the bingo grand prize
Dragon Balls are here, right?

Yes, they are!

"Grand prize" "Secret"

Mm-hmm. All seven Dragon Balls
are hidden within this ship.

Trunks! You didn't, did you?!

Heh-heh, I went to see them,
together with Goten.

Bulma-san, we're sorry.

For crying out loud, you boys!

Hey, you!

How long have you been watching us?!

Don't try laughing this off!

Vegeta, let's worry about details later.

Okay, Bulma? I need to use the Dragon Balls.

If it's to clean the clock
of that big dummy who hit me,

then feel free to use them.

You can't call him a big dummy!

That man is Beers-sama,

god of destruction,
and strongest guy in the universe.

God of destruction,
and strongest guy in the universe?

Kids carrying backpacks in various colors
pass me by

Which color would I have chosen in my childhood,

And where would I have run to?

Hello Hello Hello

What do I look like now?

Hello Hello Hello

Do I look proud?

I keep messing up, but

I'm waiting for a moment to shine

This is an anthem for my youth

Heya! I'm Goku!

Please, Shen Long, conjure us up
this Super Saiyan God guy!

Huh? You can't?!

Beers-sama is glaring at us, and
Shen Long is trembling in terror!

This is a mess!
And this is our last chance, too!

What are we supposed to do?

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Thanks for Waiting, Beers-sama!
A Super Saiyan God Is Born at Last!"

Be sure to watch, okay?