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01x07 - How Dare You Hurt My Bulma! Vegeta's Sudden, Angry Shift?!

Posted: 06/28/22 07:57
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Beers the Destroyer,
having defeated Goku on Kaio's World,

had come to earth in search
of the Super Saiyan God.

Beers the Destroyer...

Tell me, have you ever
heard the name "Super Saiyan God"?

Super Saiyan God...?

Sounds like you don't know about him after all.

Thank you for waiting!

A pyramid of takoyaki!

Vegeta takes extreme care
to keep Beers in good spirits. But then...

Would you mind sharing
one of your puddings with us?

Beers finally becomes angry while
competing with Majin Boo over pudding.

It's over.

It's utterly over now.

Is the earth now on course to be destroyed?

"How Dare You Do That to My Bulma!
Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury?!"

H-Hey, Vegeta...

He's one of your friends, right?

Papa, be strong.


So many stars...!

Hey, now, what's going on here?



Vegeta! What are you waiting for?!

Go teach that hooligan a lesson!



Beers-sama, please... please, remain calm.

I will give that insolent buffoon
the tongue-thrashing of his life.

Out of my way.



L-Listen... If it's pudding that you want,

I will have some made at once, so please...

I said move it!

I don't like the way Vegeta is
cowering to him... Who is that guy?

Dende is also quaking in his boots.

Dende, what is it that you're so afraid of?


Is there something off about him?

I'm sensing a Ki unlike any other
I've ever felt before.

A Ki unlike any other you've felt?


You're gonna pay for that. You're gonna pay!

Is something the matter?

N-No, nothing at all, sir.

I have to admit,
your workmanship is excellent.

Th-Thank you very much.

I haven't found anything
on the Super Saiyan God,

and I didn't get to eat any pudding, either.

Hey, Whis! Let's destroy the earth
and get on out of here!

Beers-sama, please wait just a moment!

No way. Let's go, or else
I'll destroy you right along with the earth.

Let's go, Goten!

Okay, Trunks-kun!

Fusion! Ha!

Enter the super hero, Gotenks!

Trunks! Goten! Stop!

Hey, hey, hey! What are you
doing to our nice party?!

If you keep acting out however you please,

you'll have to answer to me,
the great Gotenks-sama!

You're in the way. Beat it.

What's the use? I guess I'll just
have to play your game for a bit.

Ultra Megaton Special Guru-guru Punch!


Did you need something from me?

I, Gotenks-sama, will protect
the grand-prize Dragon Balls from you!

Dragon Balls? Are they tasty?

C-Can't move...! You bastard!

What kind of food is a Dragon Ball?

They're not food, you dumb-ass!

Whoa! Ow-w-w-w...!

Act like a jerk with me, will you?!

I am in no mood to be
the playmate to a little child.

Says you! You're acting like
a big brat, aren't you?!

Throwing a huge fit
over a little thing like pudding?!


A little thing like pudding?

You all may be used to eating it,
but I've never had any!

What does pudding taste like?!

How sweet is it? Is it rich?!
Is it plain?! Is it smooth?!

What does it smell like?!
Is it artistic?! Exquisite?! Fantastic?!

How savory is it?! Is it subtle?
Superb? Splendiferous?!

What is its texture like?!
Is it moist?! Soft?! Springy?!

Is it luxurious?! Is it charming?!

This was going to be
my first time trying pudding!

You're a foul one! Now you've made me mad!

You can go ahead
and eat cat food for all I care!

A boy with a smart mouth
needs to be disciplined!


Ow! Ow! Hey!

He's pushing Gotenks around
like he was a child.


Gah! I'm sorry!

Get on out of here!

On the other hand, this world
you call earth will soon be gone, so...

The earth will soon be gone?
We can't let that pass unchallenged.

That's enough out of you!
There are little children here!

Who the hell are you?!

You don't need to know.
I will destroy everything.

We won't let you!

Ah, No. -san!

I will restore you, right away!

That much damage,
without even laying a hand on us?

Those idiots!

Hey, Whis! Whis!

Here you are.

Thank you.

My word!

Oh, my, so this is sushi?

Yes. Please dip it in
this soy sauce here and eat it.

What is this orange spongy stuff here?

That is a sea urchin battleship roll.

Sea urchin?!

What is this here, that is sparkling
as brightly as diamonds?

That is a tuna-belly nigiri.

Tuna belly?!

And this?

That's egg.

And this?

Salmon roe.

And this?


They all look so delicious!

Well then, I think I'll have some.

This is delicious!

Heh-heh, thanks a bunch.


Didn't you hear me, Whis?!

Yes, coming.

You called, Beers-sama?

I've been calling you for a while now!

I told you we were going to
destroy the earth and head back!

You do not care about
the Super Saiyan God any longer?

Apparently, the Seer and I
got the wrong impression.

How truly delicious this is!

You've been keeping it
all to yourself, too. No fair.

Rest at ease. I am having
a souvenir sampler set made now.

That's unusually thoughtful of you, isn't it?

So please, wait just a little bit longer.

Okay, then. I suppose
I could wait to destroy the earth

until the souvenir sampler is ready.

Papa, are you okay?

It's just a scratch.

I'm amazed that even Piccolo-san was beaten.

Is everyone holding back because
he's one of Vegeta-san's friends?

No, nobody is holding anything back.



...may have picked a fight with
an opponent that's out of this world.

Now I'm really mad!

Damn it!

Aren't they getting out of hand?

What is happening here?


Your wife went out and fought,
so what are you doin', sittin' around?!

I've retired from being a martial artist.

Is this any time to be sayin' that?!

Besides, I've got Marron here.

Kuririn, I would protect Marron
with my life for you!

Go and fight as much as you want!

Huh? Hmm... Mm-hmm...

Don't bother. You'll just
end up dying for no reason.

Could it be...?

Th-That Ki of his...

...could be that of a deity!

What did you say?!

Are you saying that guy is a god?

Gohan! Stop!

Enough, already!



Gohan was beaten that easily?

Is that guy really a god?

Whis! Isn't that souvenir set done yet?

Oh, my, that is delicious!
This is shrimp, right?

I was curious, since it is used
in some of the other dishes.

Imagine, it also being
this delicious in sushi form!

I wonder if you would put some
of these in the souvenir sampler, too!

Okay, you got it.

Thank you.


I--- I---

Are you all right, Trunks?


This is what you get
for a[:tin' like a delinquent.

Aw, Mother...

What the hell am I doing?!

The proud Saiyan prince, reduced to this?!

Damn it! It's all or nothing!

I see you haven't learned, either.

C-Can't find any strength...!

Hmph, what was it
that you wanted to do, exactly?

Absolutely pathetic.

This is what you call a warrior race?

It's because you Saiyans peter out
when it really counts that you disgust me.


Your father also wimped out all the time,

and while he made a big show of his fists,

he couldn't even so much as scratch me.

You are exactly like your father.

You're just a weakling.

Ah, geez...

There's no pudding here,
and there's no Super Saiyan God here.

Which means...

...the existence of this world you call earth,

as well as yourselves,
no longer has any meaning.

Hmph, if it comes down to
perishing at the hand of a Destroyer,

I suppose that could be called
meeting a proud end.

My, how pleased I am to hear you say that.

Hey, that's quite enough already, you!

Stop ruining my nice birthday party, will you?!

Leave here, right now!

Wha--! B-Bulma!

What?! If you've got
something to say, then say it!

H-Hey! Beers!

What are you going to do?!
Don't do it... Don't do it!

Don't do it!!


Mama, are you okay?!

W-What... What...

What the hell did you do... to my Bulma?!

Why, you... Beers...

I swear you'll pay for that.

Kids carrying backpacks in various colors
pass me by

Which color would I have chosen in my childhood,

And where would I have run to?

Hello Hello Hello

What do I look like now?

Hello Hello Hello

Do I look proud?

I keep messing up, but

I'm waiting for a moment to shine

This is an anthem for my youth

Heya! I'm Goku!

Vegeta's got some awesome power,
like nothing I've seen before.

We might actually see
Beers-sama take things seriously.

But don't make it so terrific
that it wrecks the earth, okay?

Huh? What's that, Beers-sama?

The one who holds
earth's fate in his hands is Oolong?!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Goku Makes an Entrance!
A Last Chance from Beers-sama?!"

Be sure to watch, okay?