04x08 - 1001 Dads/Prunella's Prediction

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x08 - 1001 Dads/Prunella's Prediction

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )


Just one more pull.

Buster, your father's
on the phone.

I'll be right there!

Whenever Buster's dad calls

Buster drops everything
to talk to him.

His parents got a divorce
when he was four

and now he only sees his dad
a couple of times a year.

His dad writes a lot

and sometimes they go
on trips together

and Buster always
brings back something...


This is half
the sandwich

from the flight
to Mexico.

It's ham--
or jamon in Spanish.

This is a candy wrapper
from Hong Kong.


You can still taste
the radishes.

But sometimes I wonder

if Buster's sad
his dad isn't around.


This is going to be
the best Father's Day ever!

Is your dad coming?


Will you visit him?


So what's
so great?

I can't tell you.

You'll just have
to wait and see.

Something smells
fishy here...

And it's not
just the jamon.

is Sunday.
There it is in black and white--

The father's day picnic
is this Sunday.

I've been dreading it
for a week.

But I thought
you loved the picnic.

Sure, I do,
but Buster doesn't.

Last year
he didn't even show up.

his dad was away

and he wouldn't have had
a partner for the games.

The egg toss would have
been a k*ller all alone.

( pop )

Here you go, Buster!

Oh... I got it, Buster!

Aw, you didn't have
to throw it so hard.

Or maybe
he was afraid

Someone would find out
his parents are divorced.

Hello, Buster.

How about some
Haney Burgers
for you and your...

Wait a minute--
where's your father?

He couldn't
make it.

My parents
are divorced.

( gasps )

Your parents are divorced?!

Attention everyone:
Buster's parents are divorced!

Assemble at once
for a group hug.

( all talking at once )

I thought he didn't go

because of a cold.

That was an excuse.

Hi, guys!

( Arthur gasps )

Uh... Hi, Buster!

Are you stuck
to the wall, Arthur?


Why do you ask?

You could be.

These posters
for the picnic

still have
glue on them.


So, you're not
going again, right?

Yep, I've got other plans.

Hey, my sister
won't be home.

Why don't you come
with my family?

Thanks, but like
I said, I'm busy.

See you around.

( Pal growls )

( barks )


I wish we could
help Buster.

Why don't you
get him a new dad?

D.W., dads are not
like baby-sitters.

You can't just get another
when one is busy.

It's a good idea.

We could get someone
to be Buster's dad

just for that day.

But who?

Pal! stay away from that...

( man sneezes )

He always finds me.

He must know I'm allergic.


So, where could we find
a dad who's guaranteed

to be a lot of
fun at a party?

( clown sneezes )

( bell rings )

It's all set.

Buster will say yes,
they'll go to the picnic

and he'll have fun.

( Buster and clown
chatting and laughing )

I think
it's working.

Did he say yes?

Are you going
to take him?


He said he was busy,
but he wanted the balloons.

Oh, they cost
five dollars.

( laughs )

Well, maybe
the balloons

will cheer him up.

I guess not.

Buster wouldn't
go with a clown

because he'd stick out.

But if you had something
that looked like a dad...

( sawing )

Say hello to LAF--

The first
"lifelike automated father."

( beeping )

It's incredible!

I used
a store mannequin

and spare parts from
a mechanical cat.

He's coming!

( whistling )

( beeps )

( whirs )

( beeping )

( meowing )


Are you
okay, sir?

Oh, no!

I forgot to replace
the voice mechanism.

Oh, no! You must
have swallowed a cat!

( meowing )

( sproing )

Wait a minute!

Just trying out
my new toy.

Oops, guess it's broken.

Yeah, we better
go fix it.

See you!

( sawing )

He'd be perfect.

I wouldn't
want him as a dad.

It's too bad
Buster has no one

to go to
the picnic with.

If only some
nice grownup

with no kids
of his own

would take him.

Poor Buster!

I always had such a good time
at that thing with my father.

If Esther took four persimmons
and gave Ezekiel two

how many would
Obadiah be left with?


That is correct.

May we do
another, Father?

One math problem
is never enough.

Please, please, please?

( school bell rings )


I don't have anyone

with whom to go to
the father's day picnic.

Would you care
to join me?

The skin of
a marshmallow
turns brown

through a process
known as carbonization.

You should be
taking notes, Buster.

There will be a test
on this tomorrow.

I have other plans.

I mean,
I have other plans.

Thanks anyway.


( doorbell rings )

could I talk to you?

Everyone is acting
really weird
around me and...

Sorry, Buster,
really busy.

( rings bell )

I wanted to say

if you think I'm upset
about Father's Day...

Father's Day's
going to be great.

Can't talk now. Bye.


He's gone.

He looked
really sad.

The picnic is the
day after tomorrow.

We've got to do something!

I do a great
dad voice:

"Go to your room, Arthur!"

Uh, I don't think
Buster wants a puppy

for a father.

My sister Rubella
could hypnotize Buster

so he thinks this is his father.

Buster can't walk around
with a cushion!

Everyone will laugh
at him.

I've got the answer.

It's a virtual-reality toy.

You slip it on
and put a disc in it.

This one is
called "Daddy."

Hello, son.

Want to play catch?

This is so cool!

On second thought

I think I'll
use the helmet

and Buster
can have my dad.

Maybe I could be Buster's dad.

I'm older.

Only by one year.

Well, I don't see

a lot of other fathers
lined up behind me.

Here are the books
on how to be a parent.

Thanks, and tie
your shoelaces.

"Once upon a time

there was a cow, a spoon,
a fork and a knife."

( growling )

( grunts )

Ah, isn't it nice

to have some
quality time together?

Hot chocolate,
my boy?

Ow! Watch it!

Why don't you take
those glasses off?

Quit moving
the cup!

I mean... watch it, my boy.

This is
a hot beverage.

Binky, why do you keep
calling me your boy?

Um... uh...

Uh, "Starve a cold
and feed a fever."

Is this some crazy plan
Arthur cooked up

to keep me from feeling
like I don't have a dad?

Uh, yes...


Just play along, doofus.

It's for your own good.

Well, you can tell him
I already have a father

and I'm not sad!

Yes, you are.

You're miserable.


Huh-- some son!

I bet he doesn't even get me
a tie for Father's Day.

Well, I wonder who
my father is today.

Is it the cashier?

Oh, is it that piñata?

Don't worry--
I've stopped trying

to find someone
to go to the picnic.

Now you believe
I have something else to do?

No, but I've decided not to go.

I won't have
a good time

if you're sad your
father's not around.

Arthur, you're
a really good friend...

I know.

But you don't
always listen.

I admit it:
sometimes I do get upset

that my parents aren't together.

Once in a while

I just really want
to see my dad, but I can't.

I have to call him instead.

But I really enjoy the time
I get to spend with him.

And even though my parents
aren't together

We're still a family.

It's just different than yours.

So stop
worrying about me.

Okay... so, will you
come to the picnic?


I have plans!

Come on, be honest.

If you had plans,
you'd tell me.

I'm your best friend.

You'll find out soon enough.

( men and kids
shouting playfully )

Okay, Arthur.

Get ready,
here it comes!

I got it!

( splat )


And up there is
a bay-breasted warbler

Gimme! Gimme!

It's a dragon!

No, it's a U.F.O.

No, it's...

Buster Baxter?!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

( crowd cheering )

Look, it's Buster!

it's Buster!

( applause and cheering )

Buster, this is incredible!


My dad rented
balloon rides

for the whole

See, Arthur?

I wanted it
to be a surprise.

Now, who wants a ride?


what's wrong?

Aren't you coming?

Of course
I'm coming.

But I have to clean up.

I have egg on my face.

Well, hurry up!

( witch cackling )

ARTHUR ( with vampire accent ):
Welcome to the house
of fashion horrors.

Step inside and see clothes
that will curl your hair

and hair
that will curl your toes!

Here lies a girl
who did her own hair.

Keep your eyes open--
that is, if you dare!

Behold the boy
who dressed himself.

Nice outfit.

Now his only friends are
a skunk and an elf.

There's bathing-cap boy--
it's his mother's rule--

and the absent-minded genius
who wore P.J.s to school.

( yelling )

Now it's time to be scared.

This is the worst.

Prunella finds out what
it's like to be cursed.

It's not what she has, it's
what's missing that's scary.

Hold on to your hats,
she's in the library.

( in normal voice ):
Hey, where'd she go?


Hey, Prunella?

And now back to Silver Hills.

Oh, Tiffee,
I can't go to this dance.

I look terrible.

Come on, Cali,
you look fine!

Just go
and have fun.

I don't know.

What are you wearing?

Oh, nothing.

Just these.

Those are Flash Pants!

Look, Rubella,
there they are.

That's what you want
for your birthday?


Wouldn't I look great in them?

Jake won't care
what you're wearing.

Oh, yes, he will--
don't go!

( as in trance ):
I have a prediction.

Jake is going to dump her
just like in the previews.

( normally ):

That's tiring.

I need a snack.

Hold on, Mom.

It's okay,
it's Rubella.

It's a wonderful idea
for a birthday gift.

They're so into
what they're wearing.

( grandmother chattering )

Yes, I think

that's what she
was hinting about.

Yes, that's right--

She'll be
so surprised!

( grandmother chattering )

I'm sure the postman
will bring it this week.

What will you bring me?

Do you want me
to guess?


Here's our number

and you know
the emergency numbers

are on the
fridge, right?

We're all set.

Don't worry about a thing.

You go and have
a good time.

I knew you wouldn't
know what to bring me

so I made this.

You can choose
anything you like.

( car starts up )

With the full moon
eclipsing in your sign

your planetary
forces will align.

You got me in here
to read me that?

Wait a minute.

I think I'm getting
a prediction of my own.



Something for you...

In the future.

A gift of some kind.

Something to do with
the day you were born.

The sweepstakes?

I'll win the sweepstakes?

Prunes, are you
even listening?

I said the day
you were born--

Your birthday!

Oh... right.

It appears to be
from someone older.

From that sweepstakes guy?

I give up.

From Mr. Ratburn?

I didn't have time to have
the invitations printed

but I'm inviting everyone.

Can you come?

I'll ask.

Grandma Thora,
can I go skating

at the rink tomorrow
with everybody?

It's snowing!
It's snowing!

Can we play outside?

Yes and yes.

More people
should be like you.


Arthur's coat shrunk!


Arthur's coat
hasn't shrunk.

Arthur's grown.

Is he going to have to
stay inside all winter?

No, we'll
have to find
a bigger coat

until your parents
get back.

I think I have just
the thing at my house.

I've got it!

Your prediction--

it must be Grandma
and Grandpa.

They haven't sent my present.

What is it?


Let's look at the cards.

I see
something shiny.

The color is
hard to make out.




( gasps )

Flash Pants?

Here it is.

Your dad used
to love this coat.


It's a Mr. Puffy coat.

Remember him?

Mr. Who?

Maybe he's
before your time.

He was one of
the terrific three.

That's landfish
and the legal eagle--

Half lawyer,
half bird.

But your dad's favorite
was Mr. Puffy.

Arthur looks like
a big green marshmallow.

Nothing could hurt
Mr. Puffy.

He was super soft.


Let's go
to the park.

Arthur will make
a perfect snowball target.

Even I couldn't
miss him!

Maybe we better stay at home.

My parents
were in Paris

and they saw Flash Pants
months ago.

Oh, that's nice.

I'm going
to wear mine
skating tomorrow.

do you really
have Flash Pants?

Of course.

My grandparents
are sending them

for a late
birthday present.

I don't know
how anybody could
go skating tomorrow

without Flash Pants.

( robotically ):
Must... buy.

I mean

I just remembered
something I have to do.

I better go
check the mail.

Did the mail come?

Uh-huh, and there's
something for you.

It's not the Flash Pants, is it?

Maybe they folded
them up super small

so you'd be surprised.

Really? You think?

What is it?

It's a watch.

I don't believe it!

( phone rings )

At least I knew
it was silver.


( voice chattering )

Yeah, she's here.

Guess what
I'm wearing, Prunella.

Flash Pants!

We're going to look
so great together tomorrow.

How do yours fit?

I... got to go.

( crying )

( Arthur groaning )


I'll race you
across the pond!

Ah, skate away, children.

Enjoy your party.

Only you forgot
to invite one person:

Mr. Melt!

That's me.

I'm Mr. Melt,
and I wasn't invited.

Let's see how you like
your little skating party

when it becomes a pool party!

( laughing evilly )


The ice--
it's breaking up!

Ha! Everyone into the pool!

Not so fast, Meltface!

Mr. Puffy!

Guess what!

You're going to
the party after all.

( yelling )

Hey, everybody,
I float!

Jump on!

Who are you?

Mr. Moldy Marshmallow Man?

I'm Mr. Puffy!

( kids laughing )

But I saved you!

I-I saved you!

( whimpers )

I can't let anybody
see me in that coat.

You'll look fine.

Just go and have fun.

Nobody's going to be
looking at your pants.

I want to look at your pants.


I have to see
your outfit.

I'll send the chauffeur over
to pick you up.

Muffy, I can't.

I got to go.

Okay, okay.

See you at the rink.

We'll be the only ones there
in fashion.


Now what are you doing?

I'm stocking up.

I'm not leaving
my room this winter.

Oh, come on.

You can't just
sit in your room

and eat peanut butter
and soup all winter.

No, you're right.

I'll need some crackers.


Crackers, crackers.



Oh, hey, Prunella.

Is this your hair?

MAN ( on P.A. ):
Cleanup in aisle three
near the puffy green boy.

( groans )

Hey, isn't that
a Mr. Puffy coat?



I love that comic!

It's hilarious!


And Landfish is
always eating bugs.

It was
a great TV show, too.

So it was supposed
to be funny?

Could you hand me
some crackers, please?

What are all the crackers for?

Well... I was going
to stay home this weekend

but maybe...

maybe I can
go skating.

Guess i don't
need these.

I'll take them!

I was afraid
that people would think

my coat was weird.

Dumb, huh?

( weakly ):

Well, I better get
over to the rink.


Arthur, wait up.

Sorry, I don't
want any of these.

I'm going skating.

I can't go skating.

Don't you know how?



Look at Muffy.

She's wearing Flash Pants.



I told everyone
I would wear them.

You can't turn back now.

And look at what
everyone else is wearing.

My mom made me wear this helmet.

But I don't know why...

( groans )

Come on, you guys.

Why wait?

You're missing the fun!

Yeah, what we are waiting for?

What the matter with Muffy?

She's afraid of ruining
her new pants.

Hey, where are
your Flash Pants?

I didn't wear them
because I never...

I'm only wearing them
because you were.

I'm tired
of standing around.

I'm going to go change
into some old clothes

so I can skate.


I told you
you shouldn't worry

about what
you're wearing.

Well, actually,
I told you first.


Cut it out!


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! W♪ Hey! ♪n
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