03x15 - Arthur and D.W. Clean Up/The Long, Dull Winter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x15 - Arthur and D.W. Clean Up/The Long, Dull Winter

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Hi! I'm working on ideas
for a few changes to my room.

( elevator bell rings )

Allow me to show you around.

Here's the arcade.

( video games whirring )

The wobbly room.

( squishing and squeaking )

Good for bouncing.

And here's one
of my favorites--

the roller coaster room.

But the best part of all is...

it cleans itself.

( sighs )

Arthur? How's that
room of yours coming?

I'm working on it, Mom!



One more day until

the Happy-Crazy-Wow
Day at the park!

They'll teach you
how to juggle.

Let's go see if they've
started setting up.

Then we could
play soccer.

Go get your
soccer ball.


Going to the park!

What about your room, Arthur?

( grunting )

It's clean!

( grunts )

Kind of.

Soccer ball... soccer ball.

( Pal barking )

Pal! I was wondering
where you were!

( Pal barks )

Aha! Okay,
I'll be back later, boy.

Try to stay out of stuff.

( Pal whimpers )

I'll clean it tonight,
I promise.

Mom! Everybody's
waiting for me!


be home for dinner.

Then you're cleaning
your room--

No ifs,
ands or buts.

No problem!

Bring the intruder before me.

Ah, Dr. Brand--

nice of you to drop in.

I'm sorry if the accommodations
are less than commodious.


You must let me know...

Okay, Arthur,
enough dawdling.

Time to pick up
your room, remember?

But Mom, Alien Zoo Squad
has just started!

I'm sorry, but you said
you'd clean your room

if I let you go
to the park-- so go!

I will ask you to
show me more respect!

Go chase your tail.

I've got it!

Now what?

You can't stop talking.

What's happening?

Oh, no, it was behind
the scratching post.

What was? What is it?

What scratching post?

There are two of them!

Two of what? Two of what?

Oh, cool!

( groans )

( gasps )

( groans )

I see it, I see it!

Now, just put the phone
by the TV.

I won't fight you, Max.

I have something you'll like.

I might be as smart
as the Brain.

Back to the petting zoo
with you, kitty cat.


Ah! I'm drowning.

Help me.

Toys stay out
of the cereal, please.

I'm going to
Day with Buster.

You're not going anywhere
until you clean your room!

But I just told Buster
I'd meet him.

Then tell him
you'll meet him later.

You've put this off
long enough.

( chuckling )

D.W., as soon as
you're finished eating

work on your room, too.

It's messy, too.

But Mom,
that'll take forever!

I'll miss
Happy-Crazy-Wow Day!

I have an idea.

When I was little and
my brother and I had chores

we had a saying:
"many hands make
light work."

Honey, I'm not sure...

Hear me out on this.

In other words,
the more hands you had

the easier
the work became.

It does sound kind of cool.

It'll go more than twice
as fast-- trust me.

So you two can start
on Arthur's room first.

Wait a minute!

I don't think...

calm down.

Calm down.

Do me a favor
and just try it.

You'll be surprised
at how well it works.

( door creaks open )

Let's do this quick.

I'm going to be late.


Those are my postcards
from Buster when he was away.

Don't throw those out.

But he's back now.


It's not like he's
famous or anything.

Hey, don't throw
that away!

It's an empty bag
of cookies, Arthur.

Who keeps empty
cookie bags?

It's Muffy's cookies.

It has my picture on it.

Who would buy something
with your picture?

Hey! Where did you get
my light bulb costume?

And my moon boots!

Over there.

D.W., you're supposed
to be putting stuff away

not taking it out.

Can I at least throw

this dirty
popsicle stick out?

No, it's part of
my collection.

You don't have
a popsicle stick collection.

Not yet, but what if
I decide to start one?

( sighing ):

Here, just straighten
that stuff.

I'll do the floor.

Boy! Look at all this homework.

You must love to do homework.

Ooh! Look what I found!

Stop looking like that--
you can't read.

I don't have to read
to know what this is.

It's a note from Francine.

I knew it!

♪ Arthur has a girlfriend ♪

♪ Arthur has a girlfriend. ♪

"Dear Arthur...

I love you."

It says, "Arthur,
don't forget to bring

"your baseball mitt
to school on Monday.


Arthur and Francine!

Arthur loves Francine!

I'll do this stuff--
you... go get everything

out from the
under the bed.

If you don't
love her

then why is
your face red?

That just proves
you love her.


( vacuum whirring )

I'll take care of it.

Look, Arthur,
it's very simple--

the less time you spend
fighting with D.W.

the faster
you'll get to the park.

But she keeps bothering me.

Who-- me?

If you both work as fast
as you can, and talk less

you'll be done in no time.

I will if she will.

There! Now, why not see
how fast you can go?

( Pal barks )

( toy squeaks, Pal barks )

( D.W. humming )

( D.W. panting and grunting )

( sighs ):

We did it!

I just hope I
didn't miss Happy-
Crazy-Wow Day.

But we're not
done yet, Arthur.

( door creaks )

You still have
to do my room!

Ah! What are you doing?

We have to hurry.

Mr. Hippo can't sit
next to Ms. Monkeyhead.

He'll squish her.

They have to go
in a certain order.

It's okay, I'm here.

D.W., we can't spend all day
arranging your stuffed animals.

They have to be just right
or they're not happy.

( groans )

Arthur, that's my button
and stone collection.

Don't tell me-- the buttons
will be sad, right?

I spent all week
arranging them.

You're ruining everything.

Go do something else.

( groans )

I think your clothes have
really, really shrunk.

They're for my dollhouse.

They go on special hangers.

Here's one.


Forget it!

I'm supposed to be
helping you clean

not playing dolls!

They're put away.


The important thing is
to try to work together.

That's the only way
this will work.

But she won't let
me put things away.

Can I say

Arthur, D.W. helped
you clean your room

so now it's up to you
to return the favor.

I have something to say!

But I'm missing Happy-Crazy...
Whatever-It-Is Day.

If you'd cleaned
your room

when you were
supposed to, Arthur

you wouldn't have
this problem.

I have something
to say.

What is it, D.W.?

Is it okay if
I just clean my room myself?


Could I just clean
by myself, please?


I don't want Arthur
touching my things.

Well, I think...

Yes, D.W.,
that's a wonderful idea!

Thanks, D.W.!


D.W., are you sure
you don't need any help?

No-- first of all,
you have cooties.

Second of all,
I think you'd be sad

if you didn't go to the park.

And third of all,
you have cooties.





( machine whirs and beeps )


Yay, Arthur!

Once I did it
for a long time.

Why were you so late, Arthur?

You almost missed it.

It was all D.W.'s fault.

She... well, I guess
it's kind of my fault.

I hadn't cleaned my room
for a while.

I've done
that, too.

One time my mom
wouldn't let me do

any extra credits
projects until I
cleaned it up.

Why can't I have
your mom?

Hey, nice of you kids
to stick around.

You know-- "many hands
make light work."


It's not what you think.

Working together

will make things
go a lot faster.

( sighs ):
So I've heard.

And now...

This is the Schooner Ernestina.

The Ernestina was once
a fishing vessel.

Now the Ernestina is
a floating classroom.

The Ernestina helps teach kids
about the sea.

Today we're going to use

to work on the schooner.

We're going to swab the decks.

We're going to set some bunks.

This is your room
when you're on a boat.

And we're going to make up
these bunks.

I think it's called
"setting a bunk."

You don't have much head room.

So when you wake up and
you put your head up

you'll bump your head.

You go... kaboom with your head.

We're also going to clean
the galley.

We can get the job done faster
with teamwork.

Ready on the pull?

Ready on the pull.

( people cheering )

I think the kids did
a good job today.

And now...

Now I'd like you all to take
down the follow equations

( voice slowing ):
which you will have to solve
for tomorrow's homework...

( Ratburn's voice slows
almost to a stop )

Ever have one of those days

When it feels like time
is passing really slowly?

Is it just me?

I mean, only two seconds
have gone by

but it feels a lot longer,
doesn't it?

Okay, three seconds.

Big whoop.

Has this ever happened to you?

( Ratburn droning on )

Am I bored?

No, I know what bored
feels like...

That's like when D.W. watches
Mary Moo-Cow.

Three fuzzy,
cuddly kitties-- three.

Let's count them again.

That reminds me.

There's hockey
on channel three.

No! Mom, Arthur's
trying to change
the channel

when the baby's

the educational
show that's good
for her brains!

Let's count them
one more time.

One, two, three
fuzzy, cuddly kitties.



That's boring.

So what is this?

What's happening to me?


I thought school

was never going
to end today.

It felt like time
stood still.

What's wrong with me?

Maybe it's an


of the time-space

That's the next
big thing.

It's so obvious
what's wrong.

Boys are too
thick to know.

What? What is it?

You're in love!

What? I... don't be...
that's just wrong, uh-uh.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Just tell me who it is.

I am not in love!

Say the name!

Say the name!

Get away
from me!

Ha, got his swing.

( girls straining )


Hey, Arthur

I know what's
wrong with you.

You do?

Here, have my apple.

My mom says lack of roughage

can make you cranky
like that.

It's a good source of roughage.

I don't even know
what that means.

( yelling ):
And I'm not cranky!

A big bowl of oatmeal
is good, too!

Keep trying, girls.

I got all day.

It's not
just you,

I've felt
it, too.

Lately I haven't
even wanted

to double-check
my sums.

And I haven't had
the energy to shop.

Now that I think about it,
I haven't felt like eating.

( all gasp )

It's like the whole world's
messed up.

We have to figure out
what's happening.

Remember how happy
we used to be?

Yeah, you know what was great--
that TV special...

Hairy Mary's Scary Hairy
Halloween-a-rama, Boo!

Another great show was
A Blunderbuss Thanksgiving.

And what about The Kid
who got Clothes for Christmas?

( sniffling ):
That was one of the saddest
shows I ever saw.

It was great.

That's what's
wrong with us!

We're not sad enough?

No, those were holiday shows

but there hasn't been a holiday
in a long time.

Yeah-- no preparations,
no special store displays

no seasonal songs...

no days
off from school

no assemblies,
no decorations...

And it's cold out
and the sun goes down early.

It's like being dead,
only with homework.

You know what we need?

Less homework!

Uh, no.

We need to invent a new holiday!

BUSTER ( whispering ):
I told my mom your idea.

She says
if it's a good one

she'll print it
in the paper.

That's great!

Uh, do you
this movie?


Let's go tell everyone.

Why do you want to tell everyone
we don't understand?

No, we'll tell
them about creating
a new holiday.

Oh, that's a
much better idea.

Arthur, that is
the greatest idea!

I bet we can think
of a perfect holiday.

( all agreeing )

( silence except cash register
beeping in background )

Anybody got
one yet?

Maybe this isn't going to
be as easy as I thought.

Let's approach this logically.

What makes a holiday?

an important
past event.




Honoring a
great person.

Now we have guidelines.

Let's think about it

put all our ideas

and we'll be done.

This is going to be so terrific!


Did anything ever
happen here?

like what, dear?

Like a big battle

or the biggest thing
that ever happened.

When I was a girl,
everyone was very excited

when the Graf Zeppelin
flew over the town.

Was there a big battle?

No, it just flew over.

It was very quiet.

Hot ziggety!

Not that that's not
exciting, Grandma

but I need
cool enough

to be a brand-
new holiday.

Pony Day!

I don't think so.

People would love Pony Day.

Just saying it is fun--
Pony Day, Pony Day, Pony Day.

( groans in
exasperation )

Po....ny Day!

I haven't found
a good event to
celebrate yet.

Stop thinking.

I've got our holiday.

Are you ready?

"Give-Me-Candy" Day.

"Give-Me-Candy" Day?

Not you, me-- me-me.

"Give Me--
Buster Baxter-- Candy" Day.

On "Give-Me-Candy" Day

everyone dresses up
in costumes

and rings my doorbell.

You mean just like Halloween?

No, they don't ring every
doorbell, just my doorbell.

Then they give me candy.

It's a holiday about giving.

About giving to you.

No, because after
I've eaten all I can

I share the rest with
all the little children.

Great, huh?

It would be, only my
idea is much better.

A holiday should be
about relaxing.

Eating candy is relaxing.

Picture this: you turn on TV

and see our big,
holiday special.

( in melancholy tone ):
♪ Oh, the weather outside
is crummy ♪

♪ And you feel as lively
as a mummy ♪

♪ Then there's nothing
to do or say ♪

♪ It's "There's-Nothing-
To-Do-Today" Day. ♪

( music becomes more lively )

♪ Don't you know
when there's nothing to do ♪

♪ You can do anything
that you want to ♪

♪ You can go to sleep,
run and play ♪

♪ On "There's-Nothing-To-Do,
Nothing-To-Do-Today" Day ♪

♪ "Nothing-To-Do-Today" Day ♪

♪ "Nothing-To-Do-Today" Day ♪

♪ "Nothing-To-Do-Today" Day ♪

♪ "Nothing-To-Do-Today" Day... ♪

I've heard enough!

So let's get it in the paper
and make it a holiday.

That's better than
"Give-Me-Candy" Day?

I don't think so.

Holidays are
about relaxing

and having fun,

They're also
about something

Not nothing--
that was about nothing.

Maybe you
didn't get it.

♪ Oh, the weather outside
is crummy... ♪

Stop singing!

No more singing!

Igneous Rock Day?

Yeah, a holiday is
about something

that will last
for all time

and what lasts longer
than a big igneous rock?


Psst, hey, Arthur.

About this whole
holiday scheme...

It's not a scheme.

It's an attempt
to do something

Blah, blah, blah, right.

Look, whatever it is

a holiday needs
one thing--


As soon as midnight hits

we have hours of solid,
non-stop fireworks.

( clock chimes )

( fireworks whistling
and popping )

But you can't see fireworks
during the day.

So what? With non-stop

We wouldn't be able
to hear Mr. Ratburn.

Couldn't that hurt our ears?


Think about it, my man.


I don't care what
the holiday is

I just want to
sell the t-shirts.

Just sign here to make me
the official seller of stuff.

We don't even have a holiday yet
and already it's too commercial!

I'm calling a meeting!

( kids yelling holiday ideas
all at once )

If we put all
our ideas

We'll have
the greatest
holiday of all.

What's it about?

Taking gifts

TV specials,
cheap songs

parades, fireworks


That's not what
a holiday's about!

I never heard
of a holiday

that stuff.

Sure, but that's extra.

Isn't it still your birthday
even if you don't get presents?

We should use our holiday

to honor something
or someone who is important.

I think Arthur's right

even if it means
I don't get candy.

Let's start working really hard
to come up with a great holiday.

( everyone agreeing )

and this all started

because I thought
Arthur was in love.

Love? Oh, no!

It's almost Valentine's Day!

I haven't bought
any valentines yet!

Me, neither...
I completely forgot!

Wait, hold it!

Where are you going?

The dry spell is
over-- it's a holiday.

I've got to go
buy candy hearts!


Have you seen the paper?

I sent in my idea
about Pony Day.

Mommy wrote it up

and they put it
in the paper!

Hey, I thought
it was real cool

how you got
everybody excited

when we were
in the dumps.

But I didn't think
of a new holiday.

You got a whole year
to think of one.

You're right!

Here-- Happy
Garshmalterer, Arthur.


That's my name for it.

There will be fireworks
all day and night...

Well, we'll need
something more than
just fireworks.

Free soft pretzels!

Picture a sky
full of fireworks

and soft pretzels.

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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