03x13 - Arthur's Dummy Disaster/Francine and the Feline

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x13 - Arthur's Dummy Disaster/Francine and the Feline

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

I made a purse
for small change.

See, you open it
and close it with this string.

And there's a pocket
on the outside for credit cards.

It's a holder for paper napkins.

This was a napkin holder.

Now it's a coatrack.

This is, um...

a block of wood
with two nails in it.

I, um... This is my...

what I've been working on.

You made that
in arts and crafts?

( clears throat )

Of course, my dad
helped me a little at home.


He practically did
the whole thing!

Hey, aren't you
going to introduce me

to your friends?


I didn't see

George's mouth
move at all!

That's creepy.

I love it!

Everybody, this is Wally.

Pleased to meet you.

You'll have to
excuse George here.

I may be a dummy

but he's got
no manners.

Hey, what did the banana
say to the elephant?


Bananas don't talk.

( laughs )

( kids giggling )

Here's another one.

On which side of a cat
do you find the most fur?

The outside.

( laughing )

( barks )



I have never laughed
so hard in school.

Yeah, that was great, George.

Why are you
giving him

the credit?

I did all the talking.

Well, I got to go.

This stiff neck is k*lling me.

( laughing ):
Stiff... neck...

How come we don't hang out

with George?

He's hysterical!

He's always
been around

but I don't
know him very well.

I remember him
back in kindergarten.

I was just about to drink
my fresh mango juice when...

( grunts )

( crying )

And I didn't get
a chance to thank him.

I think
I hugged him once.


It was in the soccer

against Mighty Mountain.

The score was tied.

There was only a minute
left in the game.

( all gasping )

( kids cheering )

You did it!

You saved the game.

Weird, isn't it?

How can you know all
this stuff about someone

but not really know them?

It is weird.

You don't think
he's a spy

from a hostile
alien nation, do you?


Not everyone who's
quiet is an alien.

You're right.

I bet there are
some loud ones, too.

Hey, what's
for lunch, guys?

Any wood
polish there?

( sniffs )


If that's home cooking,
I'm checking into a hotel.

Hey, I bet you
can't talk and eat

at the same time.

Sure I can!

I'm eating,
I'm talking, I'm eating.

( laughing )

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

( laughing )

( kids cheering )

Oh, no!

Holy cow!

What a hit!

Yes, sir,
that's out of the park.

That's heading right this way!

All right, George!

( cheering )

Hey, I think I chipped a tooth.

Is there a dentist in the house,
or a carpenter?

Yes, sir,
out of the jaws of defeat

and into the jaws of a giraffe.

You know, victory tastes
a lot like shoe leather.

Come on, George,
how do you do it?

Teach us how to be

Well, first you got to get
a funny-looking dummy.

How's this?

That's not funny.

Rabbits are funny

Aardvarks are funny.

Mooses are not funny.


How do you know when
there's an elephant

in your

There's footprints
in the peanut butter.

( all practicing jokes
at once )

I'll just grin and bear it.

A car?

That's not a dummy.

That's just dumb.

Oh, yeah?

( imitating engine )

Hey, come on, Binky,
let go of Arty.

He'll tear.

( recording ):

I'm Princess Philomena.

Hip-hip, cheerio!

Wow, you're really
good at this.

You hardly moved your lips.

I didn't;
it's a recording.

See, there's
a tape in the back.

Hi, guys,
the name's Socko.


Change his name
to Stinko!

You like that.

I know how you like to be
petted, because I have fur, too.

( whimpering )

( as Arty ):
Tuna casserole? Ew!

Hey, I've got a great idea.

Why don't we start
with dessert tonight?

I've got a better idea.

Why don't we put
Arty away during dinner?

( as Arty ):
Hey, it's dark!

Who turned out the lights?

Is it bedtime already?

It sure gets dark
this time of year.

( growling )


D.W., what did
you do with Arty?

You took him.

Did not!

Now you know what it feels like.

Maybe you left him
with my snowball.

Arty couldn't have just
gotten up and walked away.

( barks )


Hey, Arthur.

Look what happened
to Socko.

My mom washed him.

Yeah, I think Pal
buried Arty somewhere.

But he was getting
kind of boring.

( faltering ):
Hip, hip, cheerio.

It's broken.

I can't get it to stop.

( voice grinds
to a halt )

( croaky voice starts up )

Oh, forget it!

Cheerio, cheerio...

she was beginning
to drive me crazy.

ladies and germs!


Gee, George, Wally's looking

a little beat-up.

You should stop playing with him

for a while.

I'm fine--
never felt better.

Fern invited me
to a poetry reading tomorrow.

Guess I'm a poet
and I didn't even know it.

So are my feet.

They're Longfellows.

Get it-- long fellows?

Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck...

Um, that's great, George...
or Wally.


A bit of green
to brighten the scene.

I've heard it said
that apples are red.

How about some orange to...

Orange, orange...

Has anybody
told George

that this isn't
poetry class?

Yeah, I can't

My bananas are starting
to look like giraffes.

Orange, sorange...

George, you might
as well stop

because there is
no rhyme for "orange."

Oh, well, then I'll use yellow.

Thank you, my good fellow.

Five times .

The answer?

Yes, George?


No, that's not correct.

Oh, well, what did you expect?

I'm a dummy.

( all gasp )

What's he doing?

Ratburn's going to destroy him.

Poor Wally.

I mean, poor George.

George, please
see me after class.

You're attached
to that puppet, but...

He can't bring the dummy
into class anymore.

Thank you, Mr. Ratburn.

I like George, but Wally
was getting on my nerves.

How did
it go,

Ratburn probably told you

not to bring the dummy
to class, right?

That's okay, George,
because we still...

can have lunch
together every day.

You know,
that Mr. Ratburn's
one to talk.

He's got about
a hundred marionettes

but I bet they can't do this!

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!

Whoo, whoo, whoo,
whoo, whoo!

And in the room

the children
come and go

talking of milk
and Oreos.

Thank you.

Next will be a poem called
"The Bowl of Fruit"

read by George.

( gasps )

( gasps again )

George, it's your... huh?

Hey, George, how's it going?

Uh, sorry, Arthur, can't talk.

George, what
happened to Wally?

Oh, uh... I guess I just
lost my head in there.

( laughs weakly )

It's no use.

It'll take forever to fix me.

We'll never be invited
to a poetry reading again.

Maybe you could read
your poem without Wally.

What? No one wants
to listen to him.

Well, I do,
and I never get
to talk to him.

It always has
to be through Wally.

But no one paid attention
to George

before I came along.

( groaning )

He was just that shy,
goofy kid with the big horns

always getting his head
stuck in his locker.

( sputters with relief )

Or knocking coats off the rack.

I never noticed
those things.

Of course you didn't.

Nobody ever noticed him at all.

We'd all like to get
to know him... you better

but how can we if you... he...
Wally is always in the way?

But what if you all
forget about me

when I put him--
I mean me-- away?

Just try it, George.

What's the worst
that could happen?

"An orange, an apple
and a banana

"this bowl of fruit
doesn't come from a can-a.

"It's real, it's fresh,
it's good to eat

the stuff from the can
is much too sweet."

Thank you.


I did it.

I really did it!


I heard George
was a big hit

at Fern's poetry reading.

And he did it
without the dummy.

Yep, I think we've seen

the last of
the dumb giraffe.

Think again, Arthur.

I knew

It wouldn't last.

What's he doing?

he'll hang out

with preschoolers
from now on.

Hi, guys, can I join you?

Sure, um...
what did you
do with Wally?

I gave him to a little kid
who looked shy.

Hey, Arthur!

Oh, no...

My name
is Dolly.

Now you have
three sisters.

Come play
with us, Arthur.

Yuck, yuck,
yuck, yuck!

And now...

My dummy's name is Bubbles.

"My name is Bubbles
and I like to watch TV."

( laughing )

Hi, I'm Evan.

Today we made
ventriloquist dummies.

This is Boogly and he likes
sports and exercises.

"Hi, my name is Boogly.

Want to play some football?"

This is "Nonsense."

"Why did the turkey
cross the road?

Because he wasn't a chicken."

This is Ringo and he has
to put gel in his hair

every five minutes
to keep it straight up.

"I like my hair straight up
to make me look cool."

"Hello, my name is Mario

and I like running, doing sports
and going on missions."

This is Penny and she's too shy
to say anything.

This is Jennifer.

"I won a gold medal
in the Olympics."

This is Jay
and he's bungee jumping.

( yelling )

This is Pompon, she likes
to jump, skip and play around.

"Oops, I almost let go
of one of my balloons."

This is Mr. Gazooggleheimer.

"I enjoy contests
to pronounce my name."

Mr. Ga...

Mr. Gazooggleheimer.

Mr. Gazooggleheimer.

People are really learning
to pronounce his name.

Ga... Zooggle... Heimer.


And now...

I've never had a pet, but if
I did, I'd want a komodo dragon.

That or a narwhal

but I don't think
it will fit in my room.

No, wait!

I've always wanted
a pterodactyl.

It's like having a parrot

but it can give you
a ride to the movies.

Quick, only five minutes
Before Carpet of Doom starts!

The only pet to have is a dog...

Hey, I'm not done!

I always wanted an amoeba.

I've heard
they're real friendly.

Hey! Hi! How are you?

Nice to meet you!

As I was saying about dogs...

We've heard
about dogs.

Brain has
virtual hamsters.

But dogs are better
than virtual hamsters!

Arthur, this is
my opening scene

and you're
hogging it!

( gong rumbles )

( gasps )

( meows )



I have a surprise!

What is it?

Is it
a -inch TV?

Is it
a narwhal?

( meows )

A kitten!

He was at
the junkyard.

Poor little guy
wanted my lunch.

He hadn't eaten in a while.

Oh, sweetie, honey,
booboo face!

Aren't you the cutest
little snuggle muffin?

Katherine, stop.

You're making it
sick to its stomach!

Oh, nonsense,
cats love this!

They're cute and fluffy

and they sit and
they just look cute!


They run and hunt
and jump up high

and chase

Not this kitty!

Guess what?

We got a cat.

( all groan )


What's wrong
with a cat?

Cats are awful!

They're smelly and mean.

I heard about
this one cat

that bit
a kid's ear off.


They're cute
and fluffy

and they sit and
they just look cute!

Now, a dog,
like Pal

is loyal
and friendly.

He wouldn't bite
anyone's ear off.

And he's smart.

( barking )

Stop that!

You're interrupting
my tea party!

Hey! My cookie!

I suppose that shows
how smart Pal is.

Of course.

Pal is helping D.W. learn

that she shouldn't leave
food lying around.

( all laugh )

You wouldn't
see a cat

doing anything
that clever.

My cookie!

What have you done?

It's been

Don't be so

ruining its...

its cat-itude!

Good night, Rose Petal.

"Rose Petal?"

Oh, brother!

( alarm beeps )

( gasps )

How dare you try
to steal the affections

of my Rose Petal!


( meows )


What's wrong?

No! Bad sweetie,
Rose Petal!

( Francine laughs )

I don't

Cats are usually
so refined.

( meowing )

Ow, he punched me!

Why is my muffin sweetie-face
acting this way?

( laughing )


( gasps )

( laughing )

Just my luck!

We get a cat
that's exactly
like Francine!

You know,
that kitten's pretty clever.

It hit

after she made it
wear a bonnet.

Then it chased me
around the house.

It sounds vicious!

No, it was playing.

We had fun!

A sense of

and an ability
to plan strategy.

It does sound

No, it doesn't.

It's stupid.

All cats are stupid!

Have you ever
even known a cat?

I don't have to.

I know I don't
like them.

If you met one

you'd change
your mind.

It's almost

I better go.

There must be good
cats in the world.


There are
no good cats!

They bite kids'
ears, remember?

Maybe that was
one of those made-up stories

like the one
about the teenagers

who got
a hook in their
fried chicken.

Oh, can't we have one minute

without someone
talking about stupid cats?

I can't believe
Francine likes a stupid cat.

What if she gets more?

Thanks for picking up
my uniform.

I was so busy

I didn't
have time.

Aren't these shelves great?

My dad built them for the cats.

Cats are so smart

they need very
creative play tools.

( screaming )

Leave my ears alone!

Oh, Arthur, they like you!

( screaming )

( meows )

( gasps )

Hi, Arthur.

I brought
the kitten over

to meet
you and Pal.

Pal, this is
Rose Peta...

Uh, this is...


He's your
new friend.

Pal doesn't need
any cats for friends.

I'm his friend.

( hisses )

( yelps )

What's he doing?

That's a very normal
cat reaction.

Look, they're playing!

Your cat is
trying to k*ll Pal!

He is not!

having fun!

Get your k*ller cat
away from us!

After a few
more meetings

you'll all be
great friends.

Huh! I don't
think so.

( door opens and closes )

It's okay now,
the evil cat is gone.

wrong, Pal?

You're just upset

because you
almost got k*lled.

Come on, I'll give you a treat.

Then it tried
to k*ll Pal!

It's like an
Edgar Allen Poe cat!

And it's black...


Pal looks fine to me.

He's just being brave for us.

Inside he's
scared and upset.

Hey, look!

Francine's cat!

Oh, no!

He's going to
the vet for a checkup.

Wow, he walks
on a leash?

pretty cool!

He's like a dog.

He's not
like a dog!


He's like himself.

He's unique.

He also
must be hungry

because he just ate
Arthur's sandwich!


Why are you
rewarding him?

He just ate
my sandwich!

Maybe he's
teaching you

not to leave your food
lying around.

( all laugh )

Ha-ha, very funny.

Francine's coming
over to study

but I told her not
to bring her stupid cat.

( whimpers )

Gee, even mentioning
that cat scares you.

( doorbell rings )


( meows )

You didn't mean
what you said

about not
bringing Nemo.

You and Pal like him.

You just don't
realize it yet.

( barks )

( meows )

Should we study
for math first

or spelling?


Francine, get him off Pal!


He'll hurt him!

He will not.

Nemo wouldn't
hurt anyone.

Are you crazy?

He's vicious!

( gasps )

He is not!

They're playing!

That's not how
nice animals play.

You wouldn't
know a nice animal

if it bit you!

If my cat isn't
welcome here

then I'm not, either.

Good-bye, Arthur!

( door opens )

For good!


( Pal whimpering )

He's probably just
not hungry, Arthur.

No, he's upset.

Francine's stupid cat

tried to k*ll him
again today.

Francine got a cat?


It jumped on Pal
and they rolled around

like something
in a nature special.

It was scary!

( whimpers )

Pal doesn't seem upset, Arthur.

That's how animals play.

Maybe everyone else likes cats

but we know
how bad they are.

( whimpers )

A nice, long walk
will make you feel better.

( gasps )

( gasps )



How dare your dog
kidnap my cat!

How dare your cat
bully my dog!

( both grunt )


( crash )

Ow! Ouch!


Arthur, you okay?


Did he bite you?

No, it tickles!

( laughing )

I knew
you'd like him

If you just gave
him a chance.

Yeah, he seems
almost as smart as Pal.


He's smarter than any dog!

No one is
smarter than Pal!

You haven't seen
Nemo in action!

I don't have to!

No cat is
as smart as a dog

and Pal is
the smartest
dog on earth!

Well, Nemo's
the smartest animal

in the whole

Wrong! Wrong!
You are wrong!

Oh, yeah?


And now...

Ooh, ahh!

When I draw Baby Kate,

I do sort of a miniature version
of Arthur.

I start with an oval
for her head.

I always do the eyes second.

And let's give her a little bit
of hair here.

Give her those two little dots
for her nostrils.

And she smiles a lot.

And we'll add her ears...

and there's Baby Kate.

( giggling )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪
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