03x08 - Popular Girls/Buster's Growing Grudge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x08 - Popular Girls/Buster's Growing Grudge

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

During spring vacation,
We get a week off from school

and we go to the community
center for day camp.

We do lots of fun, new stuff.

Our group did Shakespeare.

MacBeth finds

the witches
in their lair.

MacBeth, you're scared.

Witches, you're scary.

Bubble, bubble,
toil and trouble!

Buster's group collected
cool, ancient things.

"A look at...

( with difficulty ):


( record scratches )

( saxophone playing jazz )



Prunella was in the group
that did clay sculpture.

( clay squishing )

( Prunella yelps )

How did I end up
in this group?

And wait until you see
what my group is doing next!

( giggling )

Oh, no! Not that!

( gong bangs )

( metal clanking )

( metal rattles )

( both groan )

( maraca rattles,
tambourine jingles )

You'll make musical instruments
out of all this?

Sue Ellen says it'll be easy.

Our group will have
the best project.

Thanks, Dad!

( metal rattling )

What's that sound?

Stuff to make
musical instruments.

You're lucky
to be in a good group.

Sue Ellen likes
to do cool stuff.

Buster and I
want to make

a futuristic
suit of armor next

but Muffy and Jenna want
to weave baskets.


Wait till you see

how to make

( meekly ):
I think it might be good

If we read a poem
while we play the instruments.

No one would hear it
over the music.

Oh. I guess you're right.

Okay, here's
the stuff from my dad.

I've made my own home versions
of each of these.

It's really easy.

( rattles )

( peas clank )

( peas rattle )

Hey, this isn't my stuff.

These are Katherine's.

We took each other's backpacks.

What's this?

Popular Girl?


This is a teenage
girl's magazine.

They have
all sorts

of strange
and mysterious

"Get a prom date
in days or less."

What's a prom?

Are you reading
Popular Girl?

Not me.

I can't wait till
I'm old enough

so I can do
everything they say.

Then I'll be just
like that model.

( sighs )

Hey, is that
Popular Science?

Oh. Never mind.

here's a quiz.

"How likable
are you?"

Let's take it.

These tests
are scientific.

We don't need

some dopey test

to tell us if
people like us.

Come on, guys.

Question one--
"If you were a sandwich

"Your friends would be:
'A,' potato chips;

'B,' diet soda;
'C,' the plate;
'D,' hungry."



If we end up
eating our friends

do we fail
the test?

"Your idea of a fun is:
'A,' going to a big party;

'B,' going shopping;
'C,' going to
the library;

'D,' going
to the kitchen."

I like these tests.

Question ...

( wind blows )


( gasps )

Well, that's
the end of that.

That test
was weird.

Who thinks of their
friends as chips?

It's for teenagers.

They think differently.

It's kind of scary.

Sometimes I look
at Katherine
and her friends

and think about
being their age.

I can't fall asleep
for hours.

What are you doing?

I kind of
wanted to see

how likable I am.

Aren't you curious?


maybe a little.

Seven, eight,
nine, ten, ...

I scored !

"If you scored
less than

"you are too quiet.

"Nobody can like you

because nobody knows
you're there."

It's my worst nightmare.

Binky, Buster,

Where is Fern?

She's been absent
for days.

Here I am!

I'm going to have
to call her parents.

( kids all speak at once )

This is so depressing.

"The solution? Be strong.

"Say what's on your mind

whether anyone wants
to hear you or not."

My turn.

I scored .

"If you scored over ..."

You scored way over !

"You are too good
to be true.

"You frighten people
with your excellence.

Tone it down!"

You are good
at everything,
Sue Ellen.

( band playing jazzy tune )

( playing complex solo )


Oh, what's the point?

I'll never be
as good as Sue Ellen.

( keys bang and resound )

I'm frightened
by her excellence.

I might as well
stick my tongue
in a drawer

and never blow again.

But I don't get it.

We have friends.

Why do they
like us?

Well, this magazine
is for teenagers

So it must be
predicting the future--

our future!

( gasps )

We have to change now

Or we'll be friendless
for the rest of our lives!

This morning
we focus on karate.

Let's have
a demonstration

From our expert,
Sue Ellen.

Expert? Me?

I'm only average...

or less.

step up.

Me? Against her?

Well... okay.

( grunts )
( groans )

( all gasp )

I flipped Sue Ellen!

Wow! I flipped
Sue Ellen!

I must be good.

See? It's working.

If he can do that,
I can do that.

( groans ):

( groans )

This victory feels... hollow.

But don't you feel good?

You weren't even trying!

( sighs )

Try me!


( shouting calls )

( groans )

You flipped Sue Ellen,
but fern flipped you.

It feels like
the world's turned
upside down.

It's working.

Everyone's staring.

That means
we're likable.

I hope you're right.

I'm sore all over.


There's Sue Ellen.

She'll know.

Our group is weaving

A futuristic
non-rippable fabric.

You were in Belgium.

Do you know
looming techniques?

Well, what I saw...

( clears throat )

Oh. um... no.

Any ideas you
have will be

much better
than mine.


( disgusted ):

Go with red.

What's with them?

You heard Sue Ellen.

Our ideas are best,
so do what I say.

Sue Ellen, weren't you
going to show us

how to make idiot phones?


I mean, that's what
I thought the word was.

I'm probably wrong.

( metal pings )

( chuckles nervously )

is this right?

Uh... yes.


( rubber band twangs )


( boldly ):
Okay, potato chips

I've decided I'm reading a poem.

You can accompany me.

Wait. When did we decide that?

You didn't.

This group needs leadership.

I'm taking charge.

We don't need a leader.

Right, Sue Ellen?

Well, um...

We have agreed
that she has no opinion on this.

If you want to boss
people around

find your own group.

This used to be fun.

Do you think
I was strong enough?

Oh, yes.

They definitely know
you're there now.

This is working out
well, isn't it?

Who does that fern
think she is,

( grunts )

( hollers )


This is
Sue Ellen's fault.

We ask for a little help
and she sabotaged us!


( all groan )

Binky, move!

We have to finish
our Trojan horse.

Why did she do it? Why?

I don't understand.

( grunts ):
Sue Ellen wasn't
making fun of you.

Get up and help!

She faked a fall.

She doesn't even think
I'm worth flipping anymore.

( groans )

( groans )

We're so good
at being likable

everyone hates us.

We followed
what it said.

How come we're
not like this?

You did all this

because of that
stupid magazine?

It said we weren't likable.

Answering that
your friends are diet soda

would throw off your score.

That magazine
is just goofy.

So I'm not too quiet?

And I'm too good?


( both sigh )

Now, will you
please come in

so we can do
our project right?

( rubber bands twang,
drum beats )

( Sue Ellen screams )



( groans )


( happily ):
Let's finish
this horse!

How can we
split this up?

It won't cut!


( laughs )

Greeks rule and Trojans drool!

( homemade instruments
twang, bang and jingle )

I can't believe
we acted so dumb.

I like being good at what I do.

And I can't stand
telling people
what to do.

How could anyone

take a silly test
like that seriously?

"if you scored over ..."

Oh, I have a lot of work to do.

According to this, I don't
give out enough homework!

And now...

coffee cans...

( drumming lightly )


( strumming )

bottle caps...

( tapping )

pie plates...

milk cartons...

( sticks thumping, tapping )


and wood.

We're making
musical instruments.

Out of normal

everyday things.

You can make
a musical instrument anytime.

( wood scraping across nails )

( banging lightly )

( rubber bands twang )

( beads shake )

( all talking at once )

Going to have
a nice jam session here.

( twangs )

( beat in sync )

( twanging )

( percussion beats to twang )

( seeds rattle )

( seeds rattle in sync )

( jangling )

( rattling )

( jangling )

( banging )

( tapping )

( tapping in sync )

( all playing to beat )

( plays scratch solo )

( all scratch )

( solos )

( all scratch )

( all jam )

( playing final notes )


And now...

Everybody's gotten really upset
by something at least once.

Like the time D.W. lost
her blankie

or when D.W. lost her
C.D. of "Crazy Bus"

or when D.W. lost
her snowball.

( D.W.'s loud voices
overlapping )

Okay, maybe D.W. is upset
more than most people.

Bad example.

A good example is Francine--

that time she hit a high fly
with three men on base--

it looked like a grand slam
and she'd won the game for us.

Then the wind shifted.


She was really upset.

I can't believe this... ugh!

And when the brain got
so excited

about the space probe
headed for Saturn.

Is something wrong, Brain?

The probe won't get to
Saturn for seven years!

How can I stand waiting seven
years to see photos of Saturn?

But I know one person
who's always happy.

He's never been upset
for more than three seconds--

Buster Baxter

the happiest,
most fun...

what's wrong?


What is it?


If I don't get free,
I won't be able

to deliver Aunt Bob's
medicine in time.

Buster, did you write your
report before watching TV?

Yeah... almost...
well, actually, no.

You know our homework policy.


Aw! How'd he get out?

How did Bionic Bunny get free?

I was busy working
on my history report.

Mine's kind of weak.

I... I did it sort of fast
after Bionic Bunny.

But I wrote
a great joke for it.

For your
history report?

Yeah-- on TV,
this ad said

that the difference between
a successful speech
and a failure

is to start with a joke.

I wish I had someone
to try it out on.

Binky, can I try
a joke on you?

Sure, I like to laugh
as much as the next guy.

( distraught ):
Oh, dear... oh,
my... oh...

Okay, the guy
after the next guy.


What did King Tut say
when he got scared?

"I want my mummy!"

( all laughing )

You made that up?

Good one.

This is going to be
my best report ever--

Guaranteed "A."

Do you want a joke
for your report?

No, thanks.

Are you sure?

I could help you
get an "A," too.

Christopher Columbus got lost,
but did something great anyway.

That's why he's my favorite
historical figure.

I'm next.

Wish me luck.

Oh, you know
what King Tut said

When the Sphinx
scared him?

( gasps )

"I want my mummy!"

( class laughing )

He told my joke!

I can't believe...
I... he...

It... my... he...
he told my joke!

Quiet, please.

Mr. Baxter

Please read your report.

It was mine... my joke...
he told my joke.


Uh... my report is
about King Tut.

Hey, what do you call
two banana peels?

CLASS ( unamused ):

My sister can take us
skating tomorrow.

He told my joke!

That was mine!

I made it up!

shouldn't have.

He was wrong
to do it.

So, want to go
skating tomorrow?

He told my joke!

You'll have to work
a little harder next time.

( Buster gasps )

( groans )

No matter how fancy
you make a "D"

It's still a "D."

"D" for "disaster."

"D" for "deadly."

"D" for "Binky told my joke"!

That joke was the difference

between a success
and a flop

just like the TV said.

I win again.

Are you paying attention?

IT was my joke.

( movie playing )

Binky's report was
about Columbus!

( shouting ):
Who ends a Columbus report

With a joke about King Tut?!

( whispering ):
Binky does.

Now, shh!

( kids cheering and shouting )

I just found out

Ratburn gave Binky a B-plus!

"I want my mummy!"

( laughing hysterically )

I was going to give you an "F,"
but that joke...

You deserve a higher grade!

My joke got him that B-plus!


Great shot,

Aren't you happy you won
the game for us?

Binky told my joke.

Why do you keep
telling us?

Talk to Binky
about it.

You think I won't?

Just watch me!

Hey, Binky!


( chuckles nervously )

Did you tell him?

Have you ever
noticed how
large he is?

I'll never get payback

for that joke.


( Buster laughing )

Oh, I feel better already!

Now he'll know how it feels
to be embarrassed.

( laughing )

( all laughing )

What's wrong?

Everyone's laughing

just like when
he told the joke.

everyone thinks Binky's funny.

So what if people think
Binky's funny?

Binky doesn't care about funny!

It's me who cares about funny!

It's me who memorizes joke books
and practices

making faces
in the mirror!

I have to work at it.

You know how long I worked
on that King Tut joke?

Longer than
on your report.

Yeah, but Binky...

( mimicking ):
Haven't you noticed

That anything he does
seems kind of...


wasting time

about Binky.

It won't matter after
the talent show tomorrow.

I'll show him.

He'll be sorry he stole my joke.

( gong bangs )


( screeches )

( applause )

Thank you

Sue Ellen, for
that demonstration

of pumpkin kicking.

And now the comedy stylings
of Buster Baxter.

At least while
he's telling jokes

he won't talk
about Binky.

I think he's
gotten over it.

Hi, everyone.

There's a kid in my class
named Binky Barnes.

Oh, no!

Nobody has a bad thing to say
about Binky

because they don't want
to get pounded.

Binky wrote a history report
about Columbus.

Columbus-- that's Italian
for "Boy, am I lost."

I wrote a report about king tut

and I wrote a good King Tut joke
to open my report with

but Binky told my King Tut joke
in his Columbus report!

Everybody laughed, but you know
what the real punch line was?

He told my joke that I wrote,
and I got a "D"!

I don't get it.

I think
it's a pun.

Well, it wasn't
very "punny."


( laughs )

And the winner is George!

( applause )

( boinging )

I can't believe I didn't win!

Win? You
didn't tell
a single joke!

That was the comedy of truth!

All the greats do it!

Aw, I should have
just told jokes.

This is all Binky's fault.

I don't think buster's ever
going to stop holding

this grudge against Binky.

Our first day
of college, Buster!

Isn't it exciting?

Is Binky here?

He told my joke.

It was a good joke.

( groans in exasperation )

Ladies and gentlemen, the
President of the United States.

Binky told my joke.

It was in Mr. Ratburn's
third-grade class

And he...

( crying )

Oh, dear.

If I make this shot

it's the best game of my life!

He told my joke!

It was a good
King Tut joke!

( straining )


( groaning )


You can't stay mad
at Binky forever.

It doesn't do any good.

If I keep it up,
I'll make sure
Binky gets a "D"

and is totally

That's what's
happening to you!

Don't you see how
holding a grudge

is only hurting you?

You've been mad since
Binky told the joke.

I know what
you're saying.

You're saying the only
way I could be happy

is if Binky never
told that joke in
the first place.

Yeah, and it's
too late for that.

So to stop him

I must travel
back through time

and change the past.


I need a time machine

or a rocket
that can travel

faster than light speed
around the sun.

You can't change
the past, Buster.

Oh, I can't,
can't I?

You can't change
the past, Buster.

Oh, rats!

I understand, Buster.

I was mad when i didn't
get a green ice-cream cake

for my fourth birthday.


And I'm going to stay
mad until I get it.

That's silly.

Staying mad

won't get you
what you want.

But you think that way.

After all the work
I did on that report

Binky ruined it.

Buster, you hardly did
any work at all!

Your whole report was
about eggnog.

That's not my fault!

They put it right next to Egypt
in the encyclopedia!

I guess it was my fault.

I deserve a "D."

Binky! Hey!


I just wanted
to tell you I'm
not mad anymore.

You were mad?

Yeah, about you
stealing my joke.

What joke?

What does
King Tut say

when he
gets scared?

"I want my mummy."

( laughs )

That's funny.

I think I've heard it
before, though.

You heard it

when you stole
it from me and
told the class!

When somebody
tells you a joke

you're supposed to
tell it to someone
else, right?

But I made it up
for my report

and then you used
it without asking.

That's like

Well, I didn't mean to steal it.

Here's um... ... cents

and sticker of a cool
car and a button.

That's all I have... sorry.

What did he say?

He gave me

a sticker of
a cool car

and a button for my joke.

I got paid for writing a joke!

I'm a professional!


With your being
naturally funny

and me making up
good jokes

I bet we could
really go places.

Like my own tv show?

Sure, you and me
and Arthur.

Us maybe, but I
don't think Arthur.

Who would want
to watch him on TV?

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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