03x07 - Arthur Rides the Bandwagon/Dad's Dessert Dilemma

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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03x07 - Arthur Rides the Bandwagon/Dad's Dessert Dilemma

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Is it a toy?

Is it a pet?

Is it an alien?

No, It's my Woogle.

♪ Oh, they bounce like a ball ♪

♪ They stretch like a snake ♪

♪ they wiggle and waggle
and shimmy and shake. ♪

♪ They smile
when you hold them ♪

♪ and cry when you don't ♪

♪ They're Woogles,
Woogles, Woogles. ♪

♪ They say something cute
when you give them a squeeze ♪

♪ like... ♪

Can I have a hug, pretty please?

♪ You can put them in hats,
or even a dress. ♪

♪ And they're better than pets ♪

♪ because they don't
make a mess. ♪

Woogles come in every color
of the rainbow.

And then some.

So collect them all.

Take me home today.

Ha! "Woogles."

Who would ever buy
something so dumb?

Hey, Buster.


Oh, brother.


I can't believe
you bought one
of those things.

They're so dorky.

Yeah, you're right.

But I really
like it anyway.


I don't know.

( giggles )

( giggling ):
His name's Bilbo.

You got Bilbo?

That's the only Woogle

I didn't get.

Say hello
to Snuffles.

( in baby voice ):
Hi, Snuffles.

( sneezes )

( Buster and Muffy giggling )

This is a joke, right?

You guys don't really think

those things
are cool, do you?

Come on, Buster.

He just
doesn't get it.

Does your Woogle like
to sit under lamps?

Mine does, but
I was worried

about him melting...


You won't believe what
Buster and Muffy...

( cries out )

( Francine
giggling )

You should have seen
your expression

when you sat on Archie.


You mean you
bought one, too?

Sure, why not?

It was worth it
for that gag alone.


You look so...

I got two Archies.

Have one-- here.

No, no, thanks.

I don't need one
of those dumb things.

( gasps ):
If you don't want it, okay,
it's a free country

but don't take it
out on my Woogle.

( in a baby voice ):
Did that mean boy hurt
Archie's feelings?

Hey, Brain.

I'm glad I'm
not the only one

who's not playing
with a Woogle.

Why are kids so
into those things?

It's a fad-- a popular fashion

that briefly captures
the imagination of a community.


Maybe Tiny Einy
can explain it better.

( with German accent ):
Fun equals you times me squared.

( groans )

( groaning and mumbling )

Woogles... why...?

Let's make this
a great class picture.

Big smiles.

Wait a second.

Where's your Woogle?

Yeah, you, bow tie.

( gasps )

Um... uh...

I don't have one.

Oh, this is a disaster.

Let me think, let me think...


You sure I don't look doofy?

No, kid, you look great.

No one will notice
the difference.

After that, everyone called me

Father, do you mean you don't
have a Woogle to give me?

Every other kid in my school
has their parents' old Woogle.

No, I don't
have one, sorry.

( crying )

It can't be true.

Oh, the shame.

I only hope
there are

some kind grown-ups

with extra Woogles
who will take us in.

( gasps )

( chanting ):
Broccoli-Head, Broccoli-Head

Broccoli-Head, Broccoli-Head,

Broccoli-Head, Broccoli-Head...


No! No! No!

( groggily ):
No... no... not Broccoli-Head.


Sold out?

There was a huge box of them

Yup, they went
like hot cakes.

"No Woogles."

"Sold out."

"No more you-know-whats."


There isn't a Woogle left
in any store in town.

You have a lot.

Can I buy one, please?

Sure-- I have
four "Gogoes."

You can
have one cheap.

That'll be $ .

You said cheap.

That is cheap according to the
official Woogle price guide.

I only have five dollars.

Then you don't
have a Woogle.


I'll take one! I'll take one!



Hi, guys.

Mind if we join you?

What's that?

It's my Woogle.

His name is...



I don't think so.

Okay, I don't know his name.

But it's
a Woogle

So I can
play, right?

Arthur, Woogles stretch
like a snake.

And they shimmy and shake.

And they bounce

like a ball.

( clunk )

And they say
something cute

when you give
them a squeeze.

( giggling ):
I wuv you.

( Poogle wheezes )

Hey, Arthur, you bought
one of those Poogles?


I knew it was a
Poogle all along.

I meant to buy a Poogle.

( wails )

Everyone has one but me

and I don't know

I just feel
really left out.

That's how fads work.

Everyone just
has to have it now

but soon no one
will even care.

But it's not
soon now.

It's now now

and everybody cares... a lot.

I wish I could help.

I remember
when your father...

Wait a minute!

I bet I still have it.

Have what?


Your father's pet rock.

They were all the rage
years ago.

Here, you can have it.

( gasps ):

I can't let him
see me with this.

He'll laugh at me.

( gasps )

Hey, Arthur, what's
in the cage?

Has your Poogle
been bad?

It's not a Poogle.

It's a pet rock.

What's it do?


It rocks.

Get it?


Poor Arthur--
not having a Woogle

has messed him
up bad.

Hey, Arthur.

Cool rock.

( groans )

...and after school

you'll get to visit Muffy
and all her Woogle pals.

We can sit
by the pool.

Won't that be fun?

Oh, hi, Buster.

I'm going to talk
to Arthur for a sec

Okay, Bilbo?

Bilbo says hi.

I was wondering,
do you think it's possible

that Woogles aren't
good for you?

What do you mean?

Well, you spend
all your time with it.

We haven't played
hockey in days.

It's just Woogle,
Woogle, Woogle

day and night

like you can't
help yourself.

I can help myself.

I don't need it.

I could get rid
of it at any time
and not care.

Are you sure?

( gasps )

Let go.

It's mine.

( straining ):
You put it in the trash.

It doesn't count.

You tricked me.


Poor Bilbo.

Can I just see it
for two seconds?

I've never even held one.

All right.

Just two seconds.

One, two.

Time's up.

What did you think?

It wasn't so great.

Can I have it
another two seconds?


How about one?


Can I sit with you?

You're the only one

who doesn't have
one of those dopey toys.

Yeah, those things are so dorky,
you couldn't pay me to have one.

Hey, Binky.

I finally got another
chartreuse Woogle.


( burps )

( guffawing ):
It burps!

Check it out!

( groans )

ARTHUR ( in deep voice ):
Have no fear, Bionic Bunny
is here.

Keeping the world safe
from... from...

There's nobody left
to play bad guy.

Arthur, you're sitting
all by yourself.

I have an extra Archie.

Take it and come
play with us.

Gee, thanks.

But first, you have to admit
you were wrong

and that you always wanted one.


Just say it.

Say, "I always loved Woogles,"
and it's yours.

Okay, I've always loved...

No, I can't say that...
but, okay, okay...

No! I still think
they're dweeby.

I don't even know why
I want one.

I bet...

I bet even this is
more fun than a woogle.

( clicks bottle cap )

Like anybody could think
that old cap is more fun

than a lovable Woogle.

( Arthur clicking cap )

Hey, cool!

Wow, where'd you get that?
I want one.

Here, Arthur.

This is for doing
so well

on your report card.

Gee, Grandma, thanks, but...

You were right about
these just being a fad.

Now it's juice caps.

They're really fun.

( everyone clicking furiously )

And now a word from us kids!

Hi, I'm Kathy.

This is my class.

We designed and made
our own toys and games.

Pom-pom bugs.

This is a spider.

And its name
is Spot.

Because it
has a big spot
on its back.

This is their home

and it's like sort of
like an apartment house.

Tim the Tennis Ball Head.

My name is
Tim the Tennis Ball Head.

I cut open his mouth
so he can talk.

Your head is
nothing but hollow,

We invented pencil people.

We made them with clay.

Elastic ball.

It bounces.

We made it with rubber bands.

You can definitely bounce it.

Tennis ball animals.

This one can spin.

This one
can bounce.

Space station claw
with pipe cleaner people.

This is basically a space
station made from paper plates.

These are two people
from the space station.

The XL Thruster ' .

the Interstar.

This is a game called
"Flying Saucer Knockout"

and we try to knock the cans
down with our flying saucers

that we made
out of paper plates.

Here are different ways
to set up the cans.

And now, back to Arthur!

Oh, hello,
are you looking for Arthur?


He must be doing his homework.

I'm working
On my latest creation.

It's bold, risky.

No other chef has dared to
combine what I have combined--

cinnamon toast souffle!

The only problem is getting
them out of the toaster.

( whooshes )

Hmm, like all great inventors--

Galileo, the Wright brothers--

I'm used to setbacks.

I'm also used to my experiments
being misunderstood.

For dessert...
chunky pudding balls!


Anyone for cranberry
prune crumble?

I don't like broken food.

Shouldn't you encourage us
to snack on vegetables?

Oh, it's delicious!


Oh, well, if Da Vinci
could deal with it, so can I.

Oh, Arthur, just in time.

I need someone to taste this.


( cries )

And so in

Galileo built the first
astronomical telescope.

Tomorrow is the birthday
of this great Italian scientist.

We'll celebrate by studying
his theory of the solar system.

If it's his birthday, we should
have a birthday party!

That would help
us learn better.

And every birthday party
needs cake and ice cream.


To celebrate someone's birthday
and not have cake

Seems... disrespectful.

We can't disrespect Galileo!

All right,
a birthday party it is.

My mom can
make ice cream.

My mom can make cookies.

Excellent-- my treat to you is

I'm cutting five questions
off your quiz about Galileo.

I wish he was giving us
peanut brittle instead.

We're having
a class party tomorrow.

I said you'd bake cookies.

Oh, honey, I have
three deadlines

I'm trying to meet.

Did someone
mention baking?


I'll bake something.

You're not going to make
anything... weird, are you?

When have I ever
made anything weird?

( watch beeps )

Got to check
my turnip muffins.

( moans )

Don't worry, Arthur.

Your dad will come up

with something
very unique.

That's what
I'm afraid of.

And here it is!

W-what is it?

Honey cake in the shape
of the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Galileo, Italy-- get it?

But I said I'd bring cookies,
not a whole tower of pizza!


It's nice,
Dad, thanks.

What is it?

It seems to be glorifying
poor architecture.

Finally-- something
I don't want to eat.

I give this cake
and its owner a "D."

"D" for disgusting!

( kids jabbering )

Your mom's ice cream
is great, Brain!

Yeah-- weren't you bringing
something, Arthur?

( mumbles )

Oh, my.

( gulps )

I've never seen
anything like this.

FRANCINE ( echoing ):
What is it?

"D" for disgusting!

This is delicious!


Mmm! Who brought
this cake?

I did!

My dad made it.

I want some!

Is there a party?

Try the cake Arthur's
father made.

Oh, yummy! I'd love a cake
like this to serve my class

after our sing-along.

My dad can make it, no problem!

Oh, Arthur,
you're a sweetheart!

Everyone loved it!

I brought the most
popular dessert.

That's great, Arthur.

I told Miss Sweetwater
you'd make one

for her class sing-along.

wonderful... what?

Why didn't
I get cake?

I'm in school, too!

Giving some students
cake and not others

is against the law!

If you want a cake
for your school, D.W.

I'll make you one.

I'm a hit!

Ooh! Wow!

This beautiful cake was brought
to us by Arthur Read

in Mr. Ratburn's class!

Thank you!

I have an important
note to deliver.

Be right back.

Arthur, what are you doing?


I thought you might want to see
the spring reading list...

Oh, are you having cake?

Please, join us!


( gasps )

Everyone wants
my cake.

Hey, what else do we do around
here that needs cake?

Dad, you can make dessert

for our band recital
tomorrow, can't you?

Another dessert?

Performing is hard;
we need the kind of energy

you can only get from sugar.

I have tons of orders
to fill today.

Please-- everyone
wants your desserts.

You're more popular
than Bionic Bunny!


Well, then...

there are of us in the band.

That's probably one cake.

And maybe two more
for the audience?

Thanks, dad!


He's getting a bit carried away.

I suppose... it's just that

a couple of days ago,
I couldn't even get him

to take one bite
of my chocolate-dipped ham.

Now... it's only
a few more desserts.

I can handle that... I guess.

Arthur's three cakes and
the Elks Club beef stroganoff

and raspberry jelly rolls.


Beef roll and raspberry
stroganoff... great.


This is the best dessert ever...

or since Monday, at least.

I just wanted
to drop off

the spring class list...

Oh, are you having cake?

Your desserts have made you
the most popular kid in school.

Hi, how are you doing?

Good to see you.

Excuse me, I'm really busy.

I've got to go.

Catch you later!

You've got a birthday
coming up?

Cake? No problem.

Oh, please.

When your mom
puts together

the next bake sale,
have her call me.

Got a little
carried away

with the
rocky-road mix.

I'd hate the surplus
to go to waste.

You can bring your extra
ice cream here anytime.

Even if it's just
one tablespoon...

one teaspoon.

Even one molecule...


Ice cream is

the best dessert
ever discovered!

Oh, no!

( watch beeps )


Is Dad
in the house?

Why? What's wrong?

I need desserts, fast!

Brain's moving in
on my dessert turf!

Arthur, you can't keep
asking your father

to make desserts
for you.

Why? Dad loves it.

He said so.

He's been working really hard.

He wants to do
all these things for you

but is it fair
to ask him to do

so much extra work?

No-- I'll wait a while

before I ask him to make
any more desserts.

( smooches )

I've waited an hour and a half;
that should be long enough.

Four cakes, six pies
and a sacher torte.

That'll stop old Brain's
ice cream dead in its tracks.

You said the food for our party
would be ready at : .

It's : --
I don't see any food.

I'm running a little
behind schedule, Ed.

I had a special
cake order to do
last night.

I'll have
everything done

in two hours,
I promise.

I hope so.

Otherwise, I'll have to take
my business elsewhere.

What's wrong?

Dad got behind
in his work
doing my cakes

And now
Mr. Crosswire's mad.

Dad might lose
his business.

Lose his business!?

We'll have
no money!

We'll end up
on the street!

Mr. Crosswire's business,
not Dad's catering business!

We'll have almost no money!

Our furniture will be
on the street!

What will I do?

I need these desserts.

Throw it away!

Your crazy demands
will destroy us!

Give it back!

What's going on?

( tearfully ):
Arthur ruined your business!

Put him on the street first!

I was just using your desserts
to make everyone like me.

I'm sorry I made you
get behind in your work.

You know I'll do anything
to help you if I can.

But I'd prefer
if you ask me, not tell me.

That's how a family works;

we cooperate
with each other, right?

You're right, Dad.

I wish there was a way

I could make it up to you.

Well, actually, I could
use a hand right now.

Do you have time to help me?


Me, too, even though this is

all Arthur's fault!

( coughs )

( baby coughs )

All done!

( groans )

I never knew cooking
was such hard work.

Thanks to you, I could make
a second cake for us.

Arthur, I thought I'd better
bring you the spring reading...

Oh, are you having cake?

Oh, brother.

Brownie cake!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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