02x05 - Arthur's Underwear/Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x05 - Arthur's Underwear/Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Have you ever had something
really embarrassing happen?

once, I was in a play,
and I forgot my lines.

And don't forget
me, broccoli

because vegetables
are a great source

of vitamins
and minerals.

( applause )

Hi, I'm, um...

uh, uh...

uh, protein and I'm
from the banana group.

I mean... I'm a fruit

from the
chicken family.

Uh... uh-oh.

Then there was the time

I said I could play
Rachmaninov blindfolded

and Ms. Krasny asked me
to do it.

What, no blindfold?

Sorry, can't do it.

And I'll never forget the time

I had to take D.W.
to my scout meeting.

Arthur, you're
tying it wrong.

It's not right.

Ask somebody
for help.

( quietly ):

Actually, the most
embarrassing thing

that ever happened to me
didn't really happen.

It was just a dream.

( barks )


Six times eight is ,
and you carry the four

so the answer is, um... .

Very good, Binky.



( ripping )

( laughing )

Go to the office

and Ms. Tingley will
sew them for you.

( class laughing )

All right...

settle down.

Yes, Binky is wearing underwear,
just like everyone else.

( laughing uncontrollably )

( laughing )

( Binky whistling )

( giggling )

Anything happen

at school today?

( laughing )

( choking )

( Arthur giggling )

( yawning )

( gasps )

Oh, no, I'm late for school!


( blows whistle )

I'm sorry I'm late.

My mom just forgot
to wake me up and...

( laughing )

Being late is one thing,
but not wearing any trousers--

that is
quite another.

( screaming )

What a horrible dream.

( ringing )

( kids chatting )

It was so scary
I hardly slept.

Quiet down, class,
and take your seats.

Today we'll be watching a film
about microscopic organisms.

Wow! Cool!

There are many life forms

that cannot be seen
without a microscope.

The amoeba is
a single-celled life form

found in moist dirt
and stagnant water.

The amoeba reproduces by
splitting into two equal halves

in a process known as fission.

( in a squeaky voice ):
Come back, come back.

( squeaky laughter )

Come back, come back...

Psst, wake up,
the movie's over.

( bell rings )

Twice in one day.

That's not so bad.

I had this dream
that there were monsters

shaped like tubes
of toothpaste.

I was so scared
I couldn't brush for a week.

What should I do about it?

I'm scared to go to bed.

I know-- don't sleep.

You can't dream
if you don't sleep.

Good night,

Good night, dad.

♪ And on his farm
he had some giraffes ♪

♪ E-I-E-I-O, with a... ♪

( disgustedly ):
Oh, forget it.

( sleepily ):
I'll get you, verminator

after I take a little nap.

Surrender, class.

There is no escape.

( chuckles evilly )

Don't! No!

( high-pitched scraping )

( all screaming in agony )

( kids screaming in distance )

( laughing evilly ):
Moan all you want.

No one can help you now.

( screaming )

Away from that blackboard,
verminator, before I...

( all laughing )

( gasps )

oh, no!

( laughter )

Must... find... my... pants.

Yes, you'll
want pants.

Now, shake a leg.

You're going to be late.

It even happens
when I'm a superhero.

( moaning ):
I'm doomed.

I know.


It's simple.

Just go to sleep in your pants.

Then you won't
forget them.


have you seen
Nadine's bear?

It's pink, about this big...

hey, why are you wearing
your pants to bed?

Uh... because
they're really stiff

and I'm trying to break them in.

Really? Cool.

Mom was going
to wash my pants

to make them softer

but I'll just wear
them to bed instead.

No, D.W....

My new boots hurt
a little, too.

I think I'll sleep
in those tonight.

They're going to call me names

like "Boxer Boy"
and "Artie No-Pants."

I'll have to change schools.

Arthur, how are you going to go
to school without your pants?

It's bound
to happen.

I keep dreaming
about it.

Not after today.

I know how to cure you.

I'll just
hypnotize you.

You are getting very
sleepy... very sleepy...

you are not afraid
of losing your pants...


Arthur, wake up,
you were asleep.

Did you have the dream?

No, I don't think so.

Huh! Then it worked.

Just like TV.

Wow, you cured
me, Buster.

I'm cured-- whoopee!

Hey, how did I do that?

Maybe your mom's been
using too much starch.

( pants growling )


Yep, those pants need
a lot of fabric softener.

They're trying to eat me!

Snap out of it.

You are now...


Great-- now
I'm not afraid of
losing my pants;

I'm afraid of being
eaten by them.

Promise you'll never
tell anyone about this.

Your secret is
safe with me.

Cross my heart
and hope to die.

( whispering )


( giggling )

What? What's so funny?

( giggling )

Hey, Arthur...

do you have your pants on?

Of course I have
my pants on.

Why shouldn't I?

You might have forgotten them.

Buster told us
about your nightmares.

What? Well,
it's not true.

( laughing )

Oh, hi, Arthur.

I'm glad you're here.

Buster told me
about your nightmare

so I took out some
books on dreams.

You fear embarrassment.

This can't be happening.

I must be dreaming.

Wake me up.

I'm having a nightmare.

You don't look
like you're asleep.

Everyone knows about
my underwear dream.

Not everyone.

I just told a few kids.

You did?
How could you?

You promised.

Because I needed some advice.

This is so embarrassing.

Everyone is
laughing at me.

That's what I was
afraid of... ow!

( gasps )

( kids laughing )

Come on, Arthur.

To the kitchen.

I'm sorry, Arthur.

I shouldn't have
told anyone.

I feel terrible.

It's okay.

I just don't know
how to tell mom and dad

I have to change schools.

Well, here they
are, good as new.

Even better--

your pocket was
missing a button.

Thanks, Mrs. McGrady.

Is there a back exit
I could use?

Nope, but there's
an old Zen saying:

"a banana without its peel
is still a banana."

Huh? What does that mean?

It means people
get embarrassed
all the time.

Grown-ups, too.

You're still Arthur--
a smart, kind young man--

with or without
your pants.

It's been one week

since I had
a nightmare.

That's great, Arthur.

I didn't know ripping your pants
would cure you.

Now you'll know what to do if
you ever have the nightmare.

( slurping drink )

Um... Buster, I think
you forgot something.

( screaming )

Oh, here we go again.

I want everyone to think
about a special dream they have

and then draw it.

I think it's pretty easy
to figure out

Buster's special dream.

Buster... have you
done your homework?

Oh, no!

Robot, I almost forgot!

Don't worry, master,
robots never forget.


And I know the kind of dream
Muffy would like.

More tea?


I adore your dress.

Thank you.

You have
wonderful perception.

( humming to herself )

But what Francine wants
is the most obvious of all.

Don't forget your lunch, honey!

Thanks, dad.


No matter
what anybody says

my bike is
the most powerful.

How many speeds does
your bike have, Brain?

Mine has .

Mine, with its
half-horsepower assist

is far superior.

all I can say is...

( horse whinnies )


Hi, guys!

A horse?

You've never
even been on a horse.

( laughing )

Just wait, Binky Barnes.

Just you wait!

( gong bangs )


I did it.

I saved
whole dollars.

Great, honey.

Is it for something special?

For riding lessons.

You said if I could
save the money

you'd take me.


I told you,
I'm never eating again.

We'll keep our promise.

If we said you
could learn to ride

we meant it.

But the lessons

are when we're at work.

You're too young to go

by yourself.

Hi, guys.

But if someone older

someone kind and generous
was willing to take you

then that would
be another story.

No way!

Whatever it is, I'm not
doing it, and that's final.

I can't believe
I have to do this.

Quit moaning.

Mom and dad
are paying.

That's the point.

There goes my
new fall wardrobe.

I could have gotten
my ears pierced

or at least I could
have had some say

in how they spent
their savings.

I'm mad

that they
never ask my...

Don't look now but...
you have a hole in your pants!


( laughing )

( birds chirping )

I told you this
place was creepy.

Hey, are you here for lessons?

( gasps )

I'm Stanley, the instructor.

Ready for fun?


( giggling ):
Of course!

We love fun.

Right, Francine?

You can't have too much fun.

That's what I always say.

Would you relax?

It's only a boy.

Now, the first thing
is to meet the horses.

Here's Bronco.

Can we pet him?

Sure, just remember,
horses spook easily

so you want to be very gentle.

It's just
like velvet.

Or a really nice
cotton-poly blend.

That's it, nice and easy.

Let me try.

( whinnies )

Whoa! Is he, like, a wild
stallion or something?

He's usually gentle.

He's all yours.

All set?

Left hand on the reins

left foot
in the stirrup.

And up.

Don't feel bad.

This'll be a lot easier
in a few years

when you're taller.


This is really, really... high.

Hey, whoa!

How do you make him stop?

Come on, Bronco.

How do you make him go?

You have to show him who's boss.

That's right, Francine.

Did you hear that, Bronco?

I'm the boss.

( whinnies )


Okay, no pressure.


So, how'd it go?

Are you the queen
of the wild frontier?

I'm kind
of tired, Dad.

Can we talk

Sure, kiddo, anything you say.

Well, I'll talk about it.

It was really great!

We mostly
walked today

but Stanley might
let me trot tomorrow
or the day after.

Are you scared, Francine?

I was born to ride.

You're going to have
to open your eyes, then.

I promise you won't fall.

I'll be right here.


Stop, it's too fast!

Next time we'll take it
a little bit slower.

This is easy!

I could do it forever!

( quietly ):

You've seen her demolish
the competition at bat

you've thrilled
to her skill at the plate

and now the ruler of the ring--
Francine Frensky, Olympic rider!

All you folks out there who
thought Francine was too bossy--

yes, Muffy, that means you--

and all you people

who didn't believe she could
even ride a horse-- Binky--

well, eat your hearts out

because Francine's
in the Olympics and you're not!

But wait...

Look! Over there!

It's Francine's sister,
who's not only older and taller

but a better rider!

Get out of here!

This is my dream.

Not anymore.

Let the games begin!

Yay, Catherine!

Go, Catherine!

( crowd cheering wildly )

( sighs happily )

Much better!

Even Bronco's
starting to notice!

( snorts )

Even though
I dropped the reins?

Don't sweat it.

That happens to everyone.

Okay, Bronco,
back to the barn.

And no more leaves.

We need some extra help.

If you work a little

I'll give you
free lessons.

You're kidding!

What about Francine?

Well, Francine's not
quite at your level

and we usually only offer
this to our best students.

Oh, no.


I just don't like
horses anymore.

They're for babies.

You're quitting your lessons?

You have another week.

It's boring;
I'd rather ride my bike.

Stanley said you were improving.


I thought he said

that I wasn't quite
up to your level.

May I be excused?

( TV playing, Francine humming )

Are you sure you
don't want to come?

Nah, I'm going to hang out with
my friends and have some fun.

What do you want to do?

I don't know.

What do you
want to do?

I don't know.

What do you want to do?

What do you
want to do?

What do you want to do?

If you're not
doing anything

we could
play covered wagon

and you can be
the horse who dies.

Sorry, uh...

I have to go
sort through my socks.

That sounds fun.

We could get them
sorted in no time.

I'll play horsey with you.

It's not called horsey.

It's called seven
days in the desert

with wild horses
who run free
as the wind blows

and a little girl...


Aren't you
going to ask me

to come along?


Hey, Francine

do you want to come today?

Well, if you're going to bug me,
I guess I'll have to.

Remember, I don't
feel like riding.

I'm just going to watch.

Suit yourself.

( sighs )

Your sister looks

like she's going
to be stubborn.

I guess she's
a little jealous

that I'm a better
rider than she is.

She needs to get
back on a horse.

I have an idea.

Hey, Bronco.

Did you miss me?

I said, did you miss me?

( whinnies )

That's better.

Oh, hi-- I was just going.

Before you run off

you might want
to hear Catherine's idea.

I was thinking

that it is a lot
of work for me

to take care of
all these horses.


So maybe you could help me out

and I could give you
a riding lesson.


Teach me?!

Okay-- deal.

( coins jingling )

This is my favorite picture.

You can have it.


Hey, I've got $ .

If we add in your $

and if I baby-sit every night
for the next... three years

we could buy a horse of our own.

I guess we could keep
him in the basement--

in the storage bin.

It's like a stall.

We could
call him "Stanley."

Not my horse!

Your horse?

It's our horse.

In fact, it's really my horse

since it will be
mostly my money.

I'm not riding
in the Olympics
on "Stanley."

Who said you're
going to the Olympics?

I'm the better rider.

Only because you have

longer legs.

The older you get,
the older I'll get.

Wait till
my acceptance speech.


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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