02x03 - D.W., the Picky Eater/Buster and the Daredevils

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x03 - D.W., the Picky Eater/Buster and the Daredevils

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )


I hope you got
the red freezy pops.

Orange are good, too.

But red tastes better.

Help me put groceries away;
then you can have one.



It's looking at me!

You're not going to feed us
a dead fish, are you?

You've eaten fish.

Well, it's never
looked at me before!

( taunting ):
♪ D.W.'s scared of a fishy. ♪

I am not scared!

I hate food that smells funny.

Are these green eyeballs?

No, they're olives

and they're not
looking at you.

Cucumbers-- yucky...
tomatoes-- yucky...

Mmm, peanut butter...

and jelly-- yummy.

Mmm-- white bread.

Eww... a yucky crust!

My sister D.W. is what you
might call a picky eater.

Yuck! Spinach! I hate spinach!

Spinach is the worstest,
most disgustingest food!


There's stinky cheese...

I never realized

how many yucky
foods there are

like tapioca,
lima beans

and did I mention


And this-- ugh!

D.W., you don't even know
what it is.

Okay, what is it?

Hawaiian shrimp.

It's a new recipe.




It's part of
the smelly fish family

and I don't like fish.

( sighing ):
You don't like

I like peanut butter and jelly
and strawberries

and chocolate, but not
with the nuts in it

and birthday cake and
chocolate ice cream

and, um...

Mmm, looks good!

Cucumbers-- yucky...
mushrooms-- yucky...

onions-- yucky and smelly.

Hey, this isn't lettuce!

What kind of a salad is this?

Uh-oh, she's going to pop.

This is spinach.

Is something
the matter?

This is spinach,
and I hate spinach!

( all gasp )


That's it! I quit!

Dora Winifred Read!

Back so soon?

Have a good time?

D.W. punched her salad
and it exploded...

and everyone
was staring at us.

They were not!

Everybody's making this
into such a big deal.

No more restaurants until
you learn to eat what's there.

Now, go to your room.

What about Grandma
Thora's birthday

at "Once Upon
a Restaurant"?

D.W. will not be joining us.

Wow, too bad.

Dinner without D.W.--

We'll just have
to suffer through it.

If D.W. can't come
to the restaurant

I could come over
here for dinner.

No Once Upon a Restaurant?

It just wouldn't be a birthday

if D.W.
wasn't there.

But that's
the best restaurant ever.

This isn't fair!

Am I supposed to do
everything with D.W.?

One minute to blast-off.

... ... ... ... ...

Captain Read,
how does it feel

to be the first
to go to Jupiter?

I've been preparing
for years and I'm excited.

Captain Read?

Isn't your sister D.W.
going with you?

Why would she be going
into space with me?

D.W.'s not with him.

She's not going to be going
up to space.

Scrub it.

There's been a mistake.

This mission is being canceled.

What's going on?

You know the rules--

you don't do anything
without your sister.


Only six days to
Grandma Thora's
birthday, Pal.

That doesn't give us much time.

If only D.W. knew

what she
was missing.

That's it!

Want to ride bikes
with me?


Hey, wait a minute.

What are you trying to pull?


It's Once Upon
a Restaurant.

Look, D.W.,
there's a princess.

A princess?
where? where?

And is that a unicorn?


Wouldn't you like
to see the unicorn

at Grandma Thora's
birthday party?



But how are we
getting it home?

It's no use--

D.W. won't eat anything new.

I'll never go to
the once upon a restaurant.

My cousin said
they have boats...

( kick )

Ow! Hey!
Why did you...

Oh... I mean

you're probably
not missing that much.

I just have to figure out
some way to get her to eat.

I only have five days left.

Hey, why don't you
just trick her?


Buster, that sure is

the best peanut butter and jelly
sandwich I've ever tasted.

But oh, look--
I've made too many.

What are you doing?

Hey, I'll take one.

I don't know, D.W.

You don't like anything

and Mom didn't make
them, Buster did.

Let her have one.

You were wrong,

she loves it.

There's nothing
that perks up
a p.b.j.

like spinach.


What's wrong?

You look worried.

I only have
three days left.

D.W. has to see

someone she admires
eating spinach.

That's how our
butler got our dog

to try
new dog food.

It just might work.

But who does she admire?

Thank you.

Spinach is my
favorite food

in the whole wide world

and sometimes
I just crave it.

( insect buzzing )

( gasping )

( Muffy screaming )


Seeing as you only have
two days left

it's time you called
in an expert.

You have an expert?


Baby Kate is
such a big girl.

She loves her spinach,
yes, she does.

Don't you, Katie-Watie?


It's a trick.

Don't eat it!

No, Kate is
a big girl--

not like
some sisters

who throw
their food

and have
like a baby.

I'm not a baby!

Are, too.

Am not.

Are, too.


If you're not
a baby, prove it.

( gurgling )

I'm not
the only one

who's got taste
around here.


looks like you've lost--
we've tried everything.


Everything except plan X.

Oh, no,
not plan X!

What's plan X?

Oh, Grandma, I'm so glad
you changed your mind.

We're going to the restaurant
after all.

Hey, what are you
telling Grandma?

Nothing, D.W., leave me alone.

What's that?

Yes, it'll be just as much fun
without her.

Without who?

Let me talk to her.

D.W., isn't there some
dancing vegetable on TV?

Give me the phone!

I can go
wherever I want.

You said you didn't
want to go, remember?

Tthis restaurant
might have spinach.

Grandma, I'm coming
to your party

and I'm going to be
lots of fun!

Ha, so there.

You're not the boss
of me, Arthur Read.

Well, I guess
there's nothing I can do.

We're going to have
to take D.W. with us.

That's right.

Mom, Dad, I want to
go to the restaurant.

I'll try new food
and eat it all.

It worked-- thanks.

( as Grandma Thora ):
Glad to help, Sonny.

Wow, this is going
to be great.

the princess?

( festive music playing )

This place is excellent!

Look, there's the princess.

Your waiter will be appearing
in a moment.

I hope they have peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches...

without spinach.

You were going to
try something new.

Oh, yeah.

Your wishes
have been granted.

Tweedledee and
Tweedledum lobsters...

Wicked Witch weenies
for the young sultan...

and for the princess...

Little Bo Peep
pot pie.

( sniffing )



Hey, this is delicious!

( Mom sighs )


I love this
Little Bo Peep pot pie.

I'd eat it every day
if you made for me at home.

Excuse me, it is possible
to get the recipe?

It's very simple--

You take a pie pastry
and fill it with lots of...


Why is everyone looking at me?

I love spinach!

Everybody knows that.

And now...

A banana.




Hot dogs and chocolate chips.

( kids shouting )

We are taking over the kitchen
to make crazy sandwiches.


That's all I had.


How's this for a great sandwich:

ice cream and chocolate chips.

Here's an old family favorite:

popcorn, macaroni salad
and chocolate chips.

If you have a sweet tooth,
you'll love my sandwich:

chocolate chips and sprinkles.

It's delicious!

I need some chips.


This is Sam's
flying saucer sandwich:

pizza, pasta, hot dogs,
chocolate chips

corn, pickles, cookies...

apples and ice cream.

I shall bring this
back into space.

They will love the recipe.


And now...

Ladies and Germs,
gather round!

Our good friend
Buster the brave

will now do something
so incredibly amazing...

something so
shocking, horrible

and embarrassing...

Whoa, wait a second!

Stop everything!

Something is very wrong

with this picture.

First of all,
he called Buster "brave."

Buster, brave?

You should have seen him
on Halloween!

( gasps )



Buster, it's just a costume!

Oh, yeah, I forgot.


Arthur, pirates!

Oh, brother...

Second, if Buster's
their "good friend"

why does he look
so nervous?

And what's in
this bag, anyway?

Oh, no!

( roars like a lion )

( chuckles )

You can't hide forever,
Captain Asteread!

nd when I find you, I'll...

Eat my boots,

( yelling )

Escape! Escape!

( Arthur imitating jet engine )

( imitating beeping
and whirring )




Righteous skating, Toby.

land-surfing, Slink.

That was great!

Will you teach us
that sometime?

Aren't you kids
a little young?

After all,
you are playing

in the sandbox.

Oh... I was
just looking

for something I lost.

I found it!

Here's your penny.

I'll jump over the bench.


Oh, no! come back!

( thud )

At least it didn't
hurt too much.

How am I doing?

Great! Just don't...

( crash )

Let go.



( groans )


Nice moves, buddy.

You, too.

( yelling )

Boy, I wish
Toby and Slink

could give us
some pointers.

You don't
need pointers;

you need
an emergency room.

( chuckling )

Come on, Slink, let's go.

You aren't
skating today?

Are you kidding?

Comicmania just opened.


How uncool!

Hey, Arthur, I've got an idea.

Let's go to Comicmania.

Arthur, look!

It's the very
first issue

of Bionic Bunny
versus Techno-Turtle.

( gasps )

Be careful!

It's probably worth
a thousand dollars!

You couldn't
pay me

to take that
baby comic!

If you
kids want

a really cool comic

check out Peabrain
and Nuthead.

( cartoon figures
chuckling stupidly )

( imitating
stupid chuckling )

( forced laughter )

( whispering ):

But I don't get it.

Neither do I

but they don't
know that.

( forced laughter )

That peanut sure cracks me up!

He's not a peanut; he's a pecan.

I think they're really
starting to like us.

We just need
one more thing

to make it perfect.

I don't know,

These are
my Dad's shorts.

I'm afraid
they'll fall down.

Trust me, Arthur--
this will work.

Just let me do the talking.

All right, how do I look?

Great! At least... I think so.

I can't really see anything.


Hey, fresh dudes!

Mind if we chill
your crib?


Me and my
home-fry here

would like to be
in your possum...

I mean, posse.

What's he trying to say?

He's asking if
you could show us

some cool skate tricks

and let us hang out
with you guys.


Come on, Buster,
let's go.

( whispering )

Wait, you guys!

We changed
our minds!


Yeah, you two
seem pretty cool.

But we'd like you
to do one thing

just to make sure
you're cool enough.

Sure, no problem!

What is it?

Nothing really.

Just a little... dare.

Buster, what if someone
we know sees us?

These guys are
making fun of us.

Come on, Arthur,
it's just a dare.


All right.

♪ Mi, mi, mi, mi... ♪

( clears throat )

( gasps )

Oh, no!


Sorry, Buster,
I gotta go!

You can't let me
do this alone!

in time.

We're going shopping
and you need pants.

Great! Let's go now!

Mom, I think Arthur's sick.

He hates clothes-shopping.

♪ Mary had a little lamb ♪

♪ Little lamb, little lamb... ♪

( Toby and Slink snickering )

♪ Whose fleece was
white as snow... ♪

Something weird is
definitely going on!

♪ Everywhere that
Mary went... ♪

Buster, you know
what to do.

After this, you'll let me
hang out with you, right?

Sure! It's just a little dare
to prove you're not chicken.

Hi, Buster.

Did those guys
teach you

cool skate tricks?

Excuse me, Arthur.

Binky, I have
a message for you.


Um, let me think...

Oh, yeah.

Your mother eats gym shorts.


( gasping )

Phew! That wasn't so bad.

Mmm! Strawberry!

( laughing )

Oh, Buster.


( whispering )

Come on, just
this one last dare.




I, uh...
I need advice.

Why does he need advice?

He just has to run home
as fast as he can.

( smooching loudly )

( gasping )

Where's he going?

He's running home
as fast as he can.

Buster Baxter,
I'll pulverize you!

I think I have
to talk to Buster.

Hi, Buster!

Have Toby and Slink asked
you to do any more dares?

What is it this time?

"I am not allowed to talk
for the whole day."

That's crazy!

You can't let
them make you do

all these
dopey things.

Are you sure they'll
really let you

be their friend?

You're right, Arthur!

( chuckling stupidly )

( video games blaring )

I just wanted to let
you guys know I won't...

Hey, we told you
not to talk.

I... I'm tired of doing
dopey, embarrassing things

just so you'll be my friends.

Game over.

( game "laughing" stupidly )

But Buster, we
can initiate you

into our
of daredevils.

And teach you skate tricks

passed down by the masters
for centuries!


( gong sounding )

( eastern music playing )

You have completed
the training

long-eared one.

Show us what
you have learned.

The salamander!

The boomerang!

And "crane flying over water."

( gong sounds )

Honk! Honk!


If you want our
secret knowledge

you're going to have to do

a really
special dare!

Must escape!

( beeping )

I added special
features to mine.

Wow! Cool

Can I see?

Sure, Buster,
try it out.

Come on, it's time
for the big show!

Uh... maybe later.

There's something I have to do.

Ladies and Germs,
gather round!

Our good friend
Buster the brave

will now do something
so incredibly amazing...

something so shocking,
horrible and embarrassing.

He's going to eat this bug!

( gasping )

Go on, buddy,
they're waiting.

( cricket chirping )

You eat it!


I dare you to eat the bug!

Come on!

How stupid do you think he is?

Yeah, how stupid
do you think I am?

Oh! You're saying it's
stupid to do something

just because somebody
dared you to do it?

That's right!

Thanks for telling me.

I won't eat it then.

Wait, I mean... Slink?

Nice work, Einstein.

Aah, take this thing!

You take it!

No, you!

You may be tricky, Brainbot

but I bet there's one thing
you can't transform into.

I can transform
into anything!

I dare you to turn
into a washing machine!

Captain Asteread!

Put your dirty laundry in him!

You shouldn't
do something

just because somebody
dares you, Brain.

Don't you know that?

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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