02x01 - Arthur Meets Mister Rogers/Draw!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x01 - Arthur Meets Mister Rogers/Draw!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crashing )

Hey, everyone,
I have great... news!

Two things.

What, Arthur?

Mr. Rogers is coming
to school tomorrow.

Wow! really? Mr. Rogers?



What's the matter?

Do they think
we're babies or something?

Oh, I adore Mr. Rogers.

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood... ♪

What else, Arthur?

Um... nothing, never mind.

You look a little
sad, Arthur.

He always looks
like that

even when you're
staying with us.

let's sing
a song and
cheer him up.

No, no, it's all right.

( croaking and barking )

Wait! Come back!

( croaks )

( barks )

Arthur, maybe you're too old
for Mr. Rogers now

but you enjoyed him
when you were D.W.'s age

so let's not
spoil it for her.


My mom lived in your
neighborhood as a kid?

That's right,

I knew her when she was
just about your age.

Wow! That must
have been a
long time ago.

Will you be living
with us forever?

Oh, no, I have a family
who wants me back home.

When do you have to go?

Tomorrow, after I visit
Arthur's school.

Why have Mr. Rogers stay
at your house...


If you don't tell anybody?

Because we don't want
everyone coming over here

and asking for autographs.

You're doing that thing
with your glasses

that you do
when you fib.

Arthur? D.W.?

where's the
nearest mailbox?

I have some postcards
to send to my friends.

( gulps nervously )

♪ It's a beautiful day
here at Arthur's house ♪

♪ A neighborly stay
here at Arthur's ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

( laughter )

It's very easy,
Mr. Rogers.

No, no, it's not!

It's hard, complicated.

I'll do it.

Thanks, but
I can mail them.

No, I've got them.

You stay here, Mr. Rogers,
I'll do it.

Just stay here.

He's like this
all the time.

( both squeal )


what are you...?

Sorry, sorry, just, uh...
mailing a few postcards.

Wait a minute.

This isn't
your postcard.

It's signed "Fred."

That's because
I'm changing my name.

I'm sending these postcards
to try out new names.

Do you like Fred?

How about Jasper?

That's another.



( humming "It's a Beautiful Day
in the Neighborhood" )

What am I doing?

( piano playing )


Wow! That was great.

Arthur plays the piano, too.

Show Mr. Rogers, Arthur.

Uh, well...

Maybe Arthur doesn't
feel like it right now.

Maybe later.

You could take me
on that walk

around your
neighborhood, D.W.

( gasps )

I feel like playing!

I feel like playing piano.

( finishes playing
Beethoven's "Fur Elise" )

Very good, Arthur.

Let me see,
did I play

"The Happy Boat"?

Four times.

You could be
a fine musician

Come on,
Mr. Rogers.

I'll show you
my neighborhood.

I didn't play you my scales.

Arthur, Mr. Rogers is going
to die of boredom.

I promised D.W.
she could
take me around

before it got too late.

Maybe you'd come, too.

You can't go.


What if somebody recognizes you
from the TV?

They'll want autographs and...

A disguise! That's it!

I'll go get you a disguise.

I don't think I need a disguise

but I think you're not
feeling good about something.


( laughs nervously )

Wait, I have a better idea.

That's a very
impressive statue.

He looks like he's about
to say something very important.

( sneezes )

Arthur, this
beard itches.

Why do I have
to wear it?

It's so nobody will see...

So Mr. Rogers can...

You're touching
your glasses again.

( gasps )

Look, mom,
it's Mr. Rogers

and he's with two
of the seven dwarves.

I'm going to see them.

I want to show you

This way.

Wait for... ( sneezes )


( yells )

This way, Mr. Rogers.

Garbage? You wanted to show
Mr. Rogers people's garbage?

No, uh...

Mr. Rogers!

Is that really you?

It certainly is.

What's your name?

I forget.

Oh, brother.

( sneezes )

How do you know
Dopey and Sneezy?

Look, the joke shop.

And that's where
Grandma Thora parks her car

when she goes to bingo.

You can't keep secrets

but don't tell anybody

Mr. Rogers is
staying with us.

I never tell secrets.

Hey, there's Prunella
and the Brain.

Where are you going?

I want to tell
everybody about...

Hey, you're right
about me--

I cannot keep
a secret.

Arthur looks
with facial hair.

He's been acting
weird all day.

He wanted me
to call him Fred.

Arthur's suffering
from psychological stress

brought on by homework.

It even happens
to me sometimes.

No, no, that's not it.

What is it, Rubella?

Do you see something?

It's just as I feared-- zombies.

Zombies are here
in Elwood City.

I don't think...


Hush, Brain.

Your friend Arthur is
under a hypnotic spell.

It's up to us to break the
trance before he turns us all

into zombie slaves.

It looks so good.

Would you like
a roll, Buster?

Does King Friday ever
get in the trolley

and come out to see you?

Oh, brother.

King Friday usually stays
in make-believe

except when he flies
in the purple jet.


What about
Daniel Striped Tiger?

Look at his drooling,
idiotic face.

They've done something
with his Brain.

I don't know,
Buster always looks that way.

If we don't do
something soon,
we'll all be...

You're both
acting silly.

I'll prove it to you.

I'll ask Arthur if he needs
help with homework.

You watch.

No, go away.

I mean, thank you.

Buster can help
with homework-- bye.

Buster helping
with homework?

Those zombies must
take us for idiots.

We have to take quick action

if we're
going to save
your friends.

One time on your show,
you learned a dance

and I learned it, too.

Wow, you remembered
that really well, Buster.

Soon we'll all be
making fools of ourselves

for their stupid
zombie entertainment.


Arthur, I wonder
if we could talk.

If I'm embarrassed
about something...

( gasps )

Excuse me.

Down, down.

Quickly, we must find
another window.

I know, grace,
I said the same thing...

Wait a minute.

What have we here?

Oh, my gosh, grace!

Burglars at the Read house.

Got to go.

♪ In the long, long trip
of growing ♪

♪ There are stops
along the way ♪

♪ For thoughts of
all the soft things ♪

♪ And a look at yesterday... ♪

Aw! He was just getting
to the good part.

Go home now,
but you can't tell...

( sirens blaring )

Are those sirens?

Sounds like they're
right outside.

( tires screech )

It was a strange day
in the neighborhood

when Mr. Rogers came to visit.

The suspicious goings-on
turned out to be nothing more

than a visit from
an old family friend.

I wondered where
you were hiding.

I think maybe I'm sick.

In fact, I may be too sick
to go to school tomorrow

or even ever again.

If I'm feeling mad or sad
or glad about something

I try to tell
somebody about it.

I just don't want everyone
to think I'm a...

that I like... I mean...

That you're
a little kid anymore.

Yeah... I mean, no offense.

Sometimes you feel
you're too old
for certain things.

I don't want people
to make fun of me.

Real friends don't make fun
of real friends.

And your friends seem

like real

They all seem
to be concerned
about you.

At least nobody at school
watches the news.

Arthur, I saw your house on TV.

I have a tape
if anyone didn't see it.

Did Mr. Rogers really
stay with you?


Did he change his shoes?

Did he bring

Mr. Rogers?
He's just for babies.

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A lovely day ♪

♪ For a neighbor... ♪

M... m... mister...

You must be
Binky Barnes.

Arthur's told me
about you.

He did?

I mean... can I have
your autograph?

I just want to say

how much I've
enjoyed my time

here in Elwood City.

Now, does anybody have anything
to ask or tell me?

Mr. Rogers...

did you stay
at Arthur's house


I think Arthur can
answer that, Binky.

Well... that is, uh...

I mean...

yes, Binky, he did.


Can I have
your autograph, too?


And now...

I'm Max--
this is my kindergarten class.

How did Mr. Rogers
get to be on Arthur?

How do you think
they turned me, Mr. Rogers

into an animated character?

Tough question.

They put him in the tub, and
then he, like, goes under water

and then he turns,
like, into a cartoon.

Put him inside a box

and then the guy taps
the box two times

and he changed
into a cartoon character.

Film him like Arthur

except, like,
with a different animal.

The picture was
in Marc Brown's head

and it turned out that
he created an aardvark for me

and then the animators took that
and made a lot of pictures

so that together it looked
like they were moving

through animation.

You have to animate him

with a character with a voice.

We're in the recording studio
to add the voice to the picture.

Fred, number b--
take one.

"I wondered where
you were hiding, Arthur."

So the aardvark has
Mr. Rogers' voice.

"You don't want them to think
you're a little kid anymore."

that's a wrap.

Anybody could make animation.

My class is real

but we could be animated.

And now...

Francine's my friend, but she
can be hard to get along with.

Anybody can be a sore loser

but Francine can be
a sore winner.

Oh, that makes me so mad!

But you just won.

I should've won by more!

And she likes to argue.

Is not.
Is, too.

Is not.
Is, too!


Give up.

You can't win.

Yes, I can.

No, you can't.

Yes, I can!

No, you can't.

Can, can, can!

Can't, can't, can't!

And this is what she's like
in a good mood.

( gong bangs )

( screams )

( loud audio feedback )

( kids cry out )


Oh, thank you.

Attention, students.

( clears throat )

Exciting news.

This is the week of the
teachers' charity carnival.

Fun, fun, fun.

See your teachers perform

and don't miss my fabulous
magic and sleight of hand...

( feedback )


That is all.

The carnival
should be fun.

As long as Ratburn doesn't
do another puppet show.

( as Ratburn ):
Laugh or you'll get
extra homework!

( laughing )

I disagree.

I like
Mr. Ratburn's shows.

Anyone smarter than a rock
knows those puppet shows

are boring
kid stuff.

Guess she didn't want
her dessert.

Are you going to
apologize to Fern?

Apologize for what?

You hurt her feelings.

She'll get over it.

Aren't you worried
she'll get mad?


That mouse?

What's she going to
do, be quiet at me?

Ooh, I'm
so scared!

( laughs )

( all laughing )

Hey, get out of
my way, Buster.

( snickers )

( laughing )

What are you laughing at?

( chuckling )

( laughs out loud )

( gasps )

What's that?

It's my cartoon.

"Out of my way.

"I'm better than everyone.

I'm better than people
who are better than me."

( laughs )

( growls )

( gulps )

Is this cow supposed to be me?

How could it be?

Frank is a boy.

Admit it,

It is, too, Francine.

Frank is loud and rude
and insulting...

Stop helping me, Muffy.

Cows are females
and bulls are males.

A cow wouldn't
be named Frank.

It would be
named Franc...

( all laughing )

That's as funny
as biting an apple

and finding
half a worm.

( mugs break )

Good morning.

Mr. Haney wants to know
what you're doing

for the

A puppet show--
"The Many-Headed Hydra

Versus Sinbad the Sailor."

I'll conduct a happy sing-along

with a prize for the
happiest singer-alonger.

♪ You don't look very happy. ♪

I think I need
to sing someone
a song right now.

I think not!

Oh, come on,
let's sing!


♪ I like fudge, I like fudge ♪

♪ If you ask me what I like,
I say, "I like fudge." ♪

What will you do
for the carnival?

My famous
fortune-teller act.

"You will be taking a trip."

♪ I like fudge,
I like fudge... ♪

I didn't mean right now.

Ms. Tingley,
a little song is

just what you need!

Ms. Tingley?


Just in time to rehearse

my grand finale:
I saw you in half.


Oh, it's foolproof.

Here, let me demonstrate
with this board.

It only looks
like I'm cutting it

but in reality...


Ms. Tingley! Wait!

Your comic was so
good, I drew one.

Mine's called "The Big,
Clumsy Moose with Big Feet

Named Franny."

Her feet are named Franny?

I'll do one.

Me, too!

I can do a better one.

Oh, yeah?

Ready to sing?

♪ Why not smile?
why not smile? ♪

♪ Do you think you're
gonna break your face? ♪

♪ Why not smile? ♪

Come back, Ms. Tingley!

Look, "Franny Foghorn."

( laughing )

"Fran-tic Frog"...

"Fran the Stinky Sneaker"!

( laughing )

Brain, did you do this?

It's funny!

I think maybe this is
bothering Francine.

She'll get over it.

Francine, uh...

Go eat an
ant sandwich, Arthur.

Cartoons and stones
can't break my bones.

Wait, you haven't
seen mine!

Give it to me,
I want to read that.

"The Giant Slime
that Came to School."

( laughs )

, , ,
divided by , .

Quickly! Quickly!

"All the kids were at school
learning math

and then it happened."

( rumbling )

I'm here!

"A giant slime..."

( kids scream )

"came to school."

Do the math or
begone, large slime.

Oh, yeah?

"The big slime ( slurps )
our teacher!"

( screams )

( cheering )

"It wasn't all good.

"The slime made everyone
do its rotten bidding

like play only games
it was good at."

( screams )


I win again!

This rots.

"Bionic Bunny told it
to leave."

Slime, go away!

"It ( slurps ) him, too."

Know how to
play Go Fish?

"The slime was
unstoppable, until..."

Boy, I'm hungry.

"It was dark...

so the boy didn't realize
he was eating slime."

Mmm... lime!

( munching )

( gulps )


Cut that out!

"The boy who would eat anything
chased the slime."

Come back!
You're delicious!

"And he... ( slurps )
the whole thing."

( munching )

Thank goodness
you eat like a pig.

You're welcome.

( burps )

I would eat
a giant slime--

if it was lime slime!

( trumpet sounds )

The teacher charity carnival
is about to begin!

( kids cheering )

Boy, Francine, you left
your comics everywhere.

( sighs )


( kids shouting and laughing )

Finally, great art
you can eat.

( growling )


I was reading these comics.

That Francine sounds
just terrible.

She's the worst.

If you get all the kids
who drew these

I have a way to make her look
really silly.

Sure, I'll be back in a sec.

It's all in fun.

When you pull the rope

that green gloop I made
will pour on her.

Here she comes.

Be very quiet

and wait till I say
"green gloop."

That's your cue

to pull the rope
and dump the gloop on her.

This is going
to be great!


Ah, someone who wants
their fortune told.

Sit down, please,
and concentrate.

I see... a cow

and a foghorn.

( sighs )

That's me.

( giggling )

What's that?

Uh, the spirits
are restless.

And I see a bully bulldozer!

I never saw
that one

but it's probably me.

That's you?

And a stinky sneaker?

That's funny, yes?

I guess.

But I see that you
are not laughing.

Mrs. McGrady, I wish
they'd stop making fun of me.

I shouldn't have
called fern a mouse

but why are
they so mean?

Did you hear that?

I can't believe it.

Francine has


Tissues to
your left, dear.

I see one
more thing.

Ah, yes, here's a cartoon of you
as... green gloop.

( clears throat )

I said there's a cartoon
of you as green gloop!

Green gloop!

I just wish
they'd stop.

I think you came to the right
fortune-teller, dear.

Thank you,
Mrs. McGrady.


It was such fun
making fun of her

we didn't think
how it made her feel.

I always say,
never serve anyone

a stew that you wouldn't
want to eat yourself.

Wait up,

Wait up!

Oh, by the way--

you better think first

before you dump
gloop on somebody.

It might hurt
their feelings.

Maybe you're right.

I learned
something today.

Better catch
your friends.

Wow, way to go,

Come back!

We're about to begin!

For the hundredth
time, Ms. Tingly

you have nothing
to worry about!

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪
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