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05x08 - Return to Ursalia

Posted: 06/27/22 07:50
by bunniefuu


This is gross.

I know, Sunni, but Grammi needs
this milkmoss for her stew.

Maybe I'll just skip dinner tonight.

You can't catch me.

- What was that?
BOY: You missed.



Quick, get down.

- Tag, you're it.
- Hey.

Tag, you're it.

- Oh, yeah?
- Sunni, wait.

You're a Gummi Bear, remember?

I know, Zummi.
Gummis can't play with humans.

It's not fair.

Well, maybe someday
you'll find friends of your own to play with.

Where will I ever find any friends?


Oh, my stars. Look.

SUNNI: What is it, Zummi?
ZUMMI: It's incredible.

We've got to tell the others.

By Gumm,
it looks like Zummi was right.

Let me see, let me see.

OnIy a Gummiscope
could flash a beam like that.

Wow, I'll bet it's some kind of message.

It is, and I think I've figured it out,
thanks to this old signal manual.

It's a message from Sir Thornberry.

He says,
"The bears have returned to Ursalia."


See that light, Toadwart?

Do you have any idea what it means?

They're having another grand opening
at the fish market?

No, you hopeless half-pint.
It means there's another Gummiscope.

But I thought pesky Gummis
destroyed the onIy one.

Obviously you were wrong, as usual.

Gather the troops, Toadwart.

- Once we find that Gummiscope,
- Aah!

I'll demolish Dunwyn
with a single blast of its mighty beam.

I can't wait to get to Ursalia
and see Sir Thornberry again.

Aw, who cares about him?

I wonder
what the other Gummis will be like.

Not like you, I hope.

Oh, yeah?
Well, I bet they're more fun than you.

Now, now, you two, no squabbling.
It's not Gummi-like.

That wouldn't happen to be lunch,
would it, Grammi?

Sorry, Tummi, it's a welcome-home
present for the Gummis in Ursalia.

Hmm. When they get a taste of that,
they'll probably wanna leave again.

Oh, yeah?

Well, how'd you like a taste of this,
Mr. Not-So-High-And-Mighty?

Is that a short joke?

Oh, get in, Gruffi.
At this rate, we'll never get to Ursalia.

Is something wrong, Zummi?

Huh? Oh.

Oh, nothing.

It's just that the Great Gummis
aren't supposed to return

until humans and Gummis learn
to live together in peace.

Well, maybe they know something
we don't.

ZUMMI: Oh, my stars,
I never imagined Ursalia was so big.

Or so beautiful.

Looks like it could use
a little spring cleaning, though.

I wonder where everyone is.

- And where's Sir Thornberry?
- He must be up there.

After all, the Gummiscope
doesn't just flash on its own.

Hmm. Looks like that batty bear's
been seeing things again.

You mean after we came all this way,
there's no one here?

I'm afraid so, kid.

Then I guess we'll have to eat
these welcome-home treats ourselves.

- What's going on?

We've caught the trespassers.

You're the trespassers.

Ursalia belongs to the Gummi Bears.

We are Gummi Bears.


The Gummis from Barbic Woods.

Well, we're Gummis too, just like you.
Uh, sort of.

How come you wear
such funny clothes?

What's wrong with our clothes?

Stay back, Buddi,
they don't look too friendly.

Say, what's all the hubbub here?

Sir Thornberry.

Where? Where?

Uh, don't you remember us?

Didn't we go over Funston Falls

No, you darn fool bear.
It's us, Gruffi and Cubbi.

Cubbi? Gruffi? Hmm.

Oh, yes. Now I remember.

These friends of yours?

Well, I wouldn't exactly call them friends.

- Thornberry.
- Right. Of course, they're friends.

Well, then...


This calls for a celebration.

Oh, boy. I really like them.

Yeah. Hey, I kind of like what--

Glad you got my message, Gruffi.
These fellas are trouble.

You can tell by that funny look
in their eyes, if you know what I mean.

I know just what you mean.

Bring on the food.

Woo! Now, that's what I call service.

Hope it's hot enough for you.

It's an old Barbic recipe.

Mm. Not bad, Grubbi.
But it could use a pinch more pepperroot.

Then, single-handedly, I sent
the scoundrels fleeing from the forest.

Wow, Gritti, you're so strong.

I bet you don't even need Gummiberry
Juice to keep you out of trouble.

Juice? Never heard of the stuff.
All I need are my muscles.

Gee, Buddi, do all you Barbic Bears
wear such neat jewellery?

Just the really brave ones.


Wow, thanks.

Ursa, this is truly a great day
for the Gummis.

And I hope that someday,
all Gummis can freely live together again.

- Hear, hear.
- So, what brings you to Ursalia?


After they invaded Barbic Woods,
we could no longer live there.

They cut down our trees.
And what they didn't cut, they burned.

There was nothing we could do.

Until now.

According to legend, the ultimate
Gummi w*apon is here in Ursalia.

And when we find it,
we'll wipe out the entire human race.


She's kidding, right?

Join us now, brother bears,
as we seek this ultimate w*apon.

Yeah, wipe them out. Yeah.

Uh, I'd better go.

Buddi, wait.

I guess the party's over.

Please, can't we stop and rest,
oh, compassionate one?

What? We just rested miles ago.

But frostbitten Toadie
can't feel his toes anymore.

Oh, stop whimpering.


Aha. According to my calculations,
the Gummiscope should be over that hill.

According to my calculations,
I'm over the hill.


Ah, this is even better than I dreamed.

We came for a Gummiscope,
but instead we found a whole Gummi city.

See? I told you those bears were trouble.

Yeah, but they can't be serious
about wiping out humans.

I don't know, Gruffi,
they looked pretty serious to me.

Then we've got to get our hands
on that w*apon before they do.

We'd better not tell them
about the Gummiscope.

That thing can really pack a wallop.

Really? Oh, well. I suppose
we could check the weapons room.

The weapons room?

I can't believe
those Glen Gummis wouldn't help us.

Grr. Doesn't surprise me.

They're nothing but a bunch
of mamby-pamby old fraidy-furs.

Well, we don't need anyone's help.

We'll find the ultimate w*apon,

even if we have to turn the whole city
upside down.

Hey, what's in here?


Looks like we hit the jackpot.

Good work, Gritti.

The ultimate w*apon must be here.

- But which one is it?
ZUMMI: Stop!


Whoa! Those deapons are wangerous.

Uh, those weapons are dangerous.

And so are humans.
They destroyed our home, remember?

But not all humans are bad.

That's right.
Some of my best friends are humans.

Then you've got a lot to learn.

And so do you, lady.

How can you call yourselves
Gummi Bears and act the way you do?

At least we don't run around
like a bunch of w*r-crazed barbarians.

What's the use?
It's obvious we have nothing in common.


These scooters you found are great,

Yeah, watch this.

Careful, don't get too close to the edge.

That sounds just like
something Ursa would say.

Really? Ha, ha. Gruffi would too.

And does he always say,
"Get home early"?

Yeah. And, "Eat all your vegetables."

And, "When I was your age,
I wouldn't be caught dead doing that."

Yeah. I guess all grown-ups
are pretty much alike.

Yeah, I wish they'd lighten up
and have more fun.

Maybe they've forgotten how to.

But I haven't.


How nice, a welcoming committee.

Hey, who invited you?

Dukemente needs no invitation.
He goes wherever he wants.

Run, Buddi. Igthorn's bad news.

After them, you brainless buffoons.

Okey-dokey, Dukie.

- Get Gummi. Get Gummi.
- Yeah.

We've gotta warn the others.

But they could be anywhere.

Maybe we can warn them with that.

Harder, you dolts. Harder.

Here goes nothing.


"Nothing" is right. Blow harder.

Hey, it's not as easy as it looks, okay?



What in the world is that?

What's that noise?

Huh? I can't hear you.
There's too much noise.

Great galloping Gummis,
it's an earthquake.

No, it's the ultimate w*apon.

Seems to work too.
Just look at that human run.


That's no human. That's Igthorn.

Oh, great, what's he doing here?

No wonder no neighbours living nearby.

Gummis play music too loud.

Ah, but it was music to my ears,

That magnificent horn is far more
destructive than a mere Gummiscope.

And when night falls, we will take it.

So there you are, Buddi.

Were you kids messing around
with that horn?

Yeah, but we didn't know
it was gonna do that.

Honest. We were just trying
to warn you about Igthorn.

Now, now, there's no need to apologise.

Right. Thanks to you, we can finally
put an end to those wretched humans.

You can't use that horn on humans.
You've got no right.

Ha. We've got plenty of right.

Yeah, the right to arm bears.

After all, don't forget what the humans did
to our ancestors.

Yeah, but that horn's
much too cowerful to pontrol.

Uh, powerful to control.

We've all seen the damage it can do.

I think they're right.
Somebody could get hurt.

And I think you've been spending
too much time with these human lovers.

Come on, Sunni, it's obvious these
barbarics won't listen to anything we say.

We've listened, all right.

Now you listen.

Clear out
because we're taking the horn.

If you want that horn,
you'll have to get past me first.

This'll be a cinch.


Head for the tower!

Wow, how's he do that?

Must be that juice.

Wait, where's Sir Thornberry?

Now, where'd those fellas run off to?

URSA: Let's show those bears
what we're made of.

Look out!

Uh-oh. These guys mean business.

I'll stop them.



Let me try.


Oh, no, here comes another one.

Ha, ha. I always land on my feet.

I hope so because it's a long way down.


Thanks for dropping by.



- Strike.
- I thought Gummis weren't supposed

to fight among themselves, Grammi.

That's true,
but these Gummis are different.

Oh, this is stupid.

I gotta do something, but what?

Well, I always say
you should follow your heart.

My heart? Thanks, Sir Thornberry.

Or is it your gizzard?

Buddi and I found that dumb horn

maybe we can stop this mess together.

By the Great Gummis,
give them no quarter.

But, Ursa, somebody's gonna get hurt.

Psst. Buddi, over here.


Oh, boy, those Gummis sure know
how to throw a party.

Ah, this sneak attack won't be as easy
as I thought.

Dukie, look.

On second thought...

But what can we do, Sunni?
No one even listens to us.

Oh, why can't we all just be friends?

Ah, but who needs friends
when you have enemies like me?



Uh, Gruffi, I don't think this door's
gonna hold much longer.

Well, I'm not giving up yet.

I'll just tell the others you're here.

After him.


Stand aside, that horn is ours.

Fellow Barbics,
the ultimate w*apon now belongs to us.

- Oh, no, it doesn't.
- Give it back, loser, it's mine.

- Says who?
IGTHORN: Attention, Gummis.

I believe these belong to you.

- Sunni.
- Buddi.

You're gonna regret this, pal.

Somehow I doubt it.

You have until dawn
to hand over that horn,

or I'll turn your little ones into earmuffs.

thr*aten our kids, will he?
Ooh, I'd like to blast that human.

Wait, you might hurt Sunni and Buddi.

So, what do you suggest we do,
just give him the horn?

That's exactly what we're gonna do.

Toadie, can you picture the look
on Gregor's face

when I huff and puff
and blow his kingdom down?

Vividly, oh, vociferous one.

I can't believe we're doing this.

Just keep pushing.

Okay, Igthorn, here's your horn.
Now give us our kids.

Oh, but I've grown rather fond
of their endearing little insults.

Let us go, you big-nosed lug.

See? Ogres, fetch that horn.




- What?
ALL: Charge!

Double-cross a Gummi, will you?

Me squash Gummi good.

Gritti, here.

Thanks, kid.



Pretty nifty move.

There's onIy one problem.

How do I stop?

Don't worry, Gritti, it'll wear off soon.

Sunni, Buddi,
thank heavens you kids are safe.

Now everybody back inside the city.

Barbics, retreat.

You lazy louts.
I'll take care of this myself.

Intrepid Toadie right behind you,
oh, fearless one.

Together, we will forge into battle.

Laying waste to all who stand in our--

- Quiet, you worthless windbag.
- Aah!

Action speaks louder than words.

That's right.

Ursa, don't!



Dukems, wait for Toadie!

Look out!

Gritti, help!

I got you, kid.



Ha. Did you see the looks
on their faces?


That sounds like Cubbi.

Get us out of here.

I can't hold on much longer.

Oh, Cubbi.

Now look what you've done,
you primitive prima donna.

Who are you calling primitive?

Hey, this is no time to quarrel.

Sunni's right. We gotta work together.

Uh, they've got a point. Truce?


Well, it's about time.

Come on, Cubbi. Reach.

I can't.

Gotcha. Okay, bring us up.


URSA: I hate to admit it, Gruffi,
but you were right.

This horn is much too powerful
for our own good.

But without it,
we can't return to Barbic Woods.

Say there,
why don't you just stay here in Ursalia?

There's plenty of room. Plenty, plenty.

Say, that's not such a crazy idea.

At least we'd be safe from humans.

Yes, and we could share
each others' knowledge

of Gummi history and traditions.

And together,
we could even spruce up the old place.

This is great. Maybe the grown-ups
will even learn how to have fun.

Wanna show them some real fun?

Tag, you're it.

Ha, ha. Not for long.

You know, it looks like there might be
some hope for us Gummis after all.