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05x07 - Beg, burrow, and steal

Posted: 06/27/22 07:49
by bunniefuu


No, Cubbi! Bear to the right!

But this Mole Machine's hard to steer,

You're doing fine.
Just watch out for that--


CUBBI: Aw, there's gotta be an easier way
to fix Quicktunnels.

Listen, kid, if the Great Gummis looked
for the easy way out,

they never could have built all this.

But I bet they would've had
more time for fun.

Fun does not repair Quicktunnels.

Like the ancient Gummis used to say:

"Though the first step is the hardest
and the last step ends the quest,

the long steps in between
are certainIy the best."

Sounds like something
an old fuddy-duddy would say.

Complain all you want, Cubbi,
but hard work is the Gummi way.

Luckily, getting out of a mud jam
is no big deal

thanks to the four-paw drive.

See? That wasn't so hard.

Now let's go forward.

Aye, aye, Captain Gruffi.

No! That's the emergency-eject button!

Wow, that's a neat gimmick.

Why do I bother?

And if anyone so much as thinks
of following us, you'll be eating pod.




All right, Tuck, let's count the booty.

- Uh, one--
- When will you get it straight?

"Booty" means treasure, not "shoes."

We've gotta pull us a really big job.

Yeah, let's roll a pedlar.

Now let's stash our loot
in the treasure trove. Who's got the map?

He does.

I thought you had it.

Me? I thought you had it.

You pea brains.


Nothing like the old pea-pod jig
to improve the old memory, eh, boys?


Map or no map,
you're going to find that trove.

All Gruffi thinks about
is work, work, work.

I wanna have fun and adventure.

Hey, what's the big idea?

Wow, a treasure map.

CALLA: And I hope you all can come
to my royal confirmation tonight.

It's a big ceremony and Father's going
to present me with the crown jewels.

Wow, Calla, they must be priceless.

Oh, I feel so lucky.

Me too. Look what I found.

A map. And it's gonna lead us
straight to treasure.

Treasure maps, treasure hunts. Ha.

But, Gruffi, the treasure could be a chest
full of diamonds and rubies and gold and--

Gummis don't care about riches, Cubbi.

The Great Book of Gummi,
the search for knowledge, friendship,

those are the things of true value.

And who cares about
some silly old treasure hunt anyway?

There are more important things
to worry about.

Like what am I gonna wear
to Calla's ceremony tonight?


Who needs these stick-in-the-muds?

Sorry, Cubbi, looking for treasure
is not high on my list of things to do.

But, Tummi, aren't you even curious?

The treasure could be anything.
It could even be food.

Food? That's ridiculous.

Why would anyone wanna bury food?

Unless they're trying to age it for flavour.

Yeah. There could be barrels of fish cakes
and cheese balls,

and even pickled peppers.

Oh, you wouldn't want all that food
to go to waste, would you?

Good point.
Where'd you say this treasure was?

Trust me, mate, the trove's this way.

I thought it was that way.
Or is it this way?

Listen, mates, I've been thinking,

we need to take in
some really big booty.

Is a and a half double-E big enough?

What is it with you and footwear?

For once, try to think big.

- Big!
- Oh!

You mean like the crown jewels?

Yeah, the crown jewels.

Good news, Tummi.

According to the map,
the treasure's that way.

Faster, Tummi, faster.

We're getting closer.
I can almost smell it.

All I can smell is mildew.

Uh-oh. Make that trouble.


We could've been flattened
like pancakes.

Pancakes, now there's an idea.

Let's go home and have breakfast.

It's the most important meal of the day,
you know.

If someone went through all the trouble
to lay this trap,

they must be protecting some treasure.

In other words,
we're too close to turn back now, right?


Aw, I was afraid you'd say that.

Watch your feet, Tummi.
We don't wanna trip another trap.

Don't worry,
I'll be really careful this time.



Aw, nuts.

CUBBI: This is no time to think about food,



I think I've had enough fun for one day.

I'm through.

Not so fast, Tummi.

We're gonna find that treasure
if it's the last thing we do.

Oh. That's what I'm worried about.

Come on, Cubbi, I'm pooped.
Can't we even take a break?

Not now.
The treasure's right around that bend.

That's what you said an hour ago.


Run, Tummi! Run!

Oh, this isn't fair.

Well, I guess that's that.

No, it's not.

Look, the trove. We found it.

OnIy problem is,
looks like someone else got here first.



- What was that?
- A weasel?

- Mongoose?
- Muskrat?

- Mink?
- Mouse?

- Grouse?
- No, it's a-- What you call it?

--one of those animals
that stores things in its cheeks.

Yeah, it's one of those.

Follow that mouse. Uh, rat.
Uh, whatever!


It was sure nice of Gruffi
to lend us the Mole.

Yeah, but you told him we were gonna
practise clearing out tunnels.

Well, we did clear out this tunnel,
didn't we?

- Yeah, but--
- The treasure.

It's all ours.


Paws in the air,
or I'll pump you full of legumes.


Who were you expecting,
the Dunwyn Croquet Club?

Keep them covered, boys.

Ooh, and I was so close.

Well, well, what have we here?

- A badger.
- A beaver.

A bandicoot.

No, you grubworms.

This is our means
of pulling the ultimate heist:

the crown jewels.


Thanks for the help, saps.

Snatching the crown jewels will be easier
than stealing candy from a baby,

now that we have this little beauty.

When I get loose,
you wartheads are gonna regret this.

Save your breath, squirt.

And don't do anything rash,

or you might fall
and turn into bear kebabs.


I never thought
I'd find a food I didn't like.

All right, Nip, full speed ahead.

I said, ahead!

CUBBI: This is terrible.
- I know.

You were so close
to finding out what the treasure was.

That's not what I meant.

If any humans see the Mole
and figure out it's a Gummi machine,

they'll know we exist.

We'd better chew our way out of here.

Ugh, yuck.

These ropes are kind of tough.

Just pretend they're Grammi's noodles.

Too bad we don't have any
Grammi's tomato sauce.

CLUTCH: Who taught you to drive,
your grandmother?

How'd you guess?


What in the--?


Darn field mice get bigger every year.

How do I look, Father?

Like a treasure, Calla.


What in the world is that?

- Run! It's a giant mole!
MAN: Mole?


No, it's not. It's a wart.

I always thought it was a pimple.

Put a cork in it.


You lugs get the crown jewels.
I'll be the lookout.

Right, Clutch.

Ha! No one can stop us now.

Hurry, Tummi. We gotta stop them.

Uh, Cubbi, I don't feel so well.

Don't look down, Tummi, just follow me.

Okay, Cubbi--


Phew! That was close.

Yeah, too close.

Come on, there's no time to waste.

Next time you wanna have fun,
let's go to the beach.

Wait, what about the treasure?

Shouldn't we get
the Mole Machine first?

Oh, yeah. I guess you're right.

- Aw--
- Phooey!

It's locked.

Maybe we should come back
during visiting hours.

No, let's bust the door down.

With this.

There's the beast, men.


I'll teach those canned sardines
a lesson they'll never forget.


Give it all you got.




Don't know our own strength.

Hey, look, the crown jewels.

We got them, Clutch.

Good work. Now get inside.

- There's the castle.
- I just hope we're not--


--too late.

I can't understand why Cubbi and Tummi
didn't come home.

I hope they didn't have trouble
with my Mole Machine.

Oh, I'm sure they're all right, Gruffi.

I just hope we're not late.
I don't wanna miss any excitement.

Run for your lives!

WOMAN : It's a monster!
WOMAN : Call for the royal exterminator!

That enough excitement for you?





I told you numskulls
to watch where you're going.

How'd they get their hands
on our Mole Machine?

And where's Cubbi and Tummi?

I don't know, but we've gotta get
that contraption before the humans do.

Time to hog-tie that Mole.

Unh! Whoa!




TUXFORD: Hurry, men.
- Oh, my stars.

The beast's over here.

Humans. Oh, do something, Zummi.


I'll make the Mole disappear.


Hey, what was that?

I don't know, but you look different.

Oh, dear, why didn't it work?


Come on, we've gotta help Gruffi.

Gruffi, take my hand.

Nip, look out for that wall.

- Gruffi. Gruffi!

Hurry, Tummi,
we've gotta find that Mole.


We found it. Now what?

Well, what would Gruffi do
if he were here?


Oh, something like that.

Gruffi, are you all right?


I suppose you have an explanation
for all this, Cubbi.

Uh, no time for that now, Gruffi.

Come on, Tummi,
those trolls are getting away.

Cubbi, wait!

Jump on board.


Hold on, we gotta get inside.

Now, this is what I call booty.


Eh, what was that?

Well, if we can't get in,
maybe we can get them out.

- Hey.
- Nyah, nyah, nyah!

Your mother wears chain mail.

Tuck, go wipe that bug
off our windshield.

Right, Clutch.

Hey, we don't give free rides.


Nip, go check on Tuck.

Sounds like he's goofing off.



Tuck, stop playing around.

Look out behind you.

Ha! You think I'm dumb enough
to fall for that old trick?


Unhand that Mole.


There they go.

Oh, no, they're heading straight
for Baleful Bog.

- Let go.
- No, you let go.

It's ours.

Uh, I hate to interrupt,
but have you looked out the window lately?



Beat it, kid.


I'm getting out of here
while the getting's good.

Hey, what gives? It's stuck.

No, we're trapped like rats.

How do I get out?

- Easy.
- Unh!


Make haste, men.
That monster mustn't get away.



By Jove, trolls. I should have known.

Train innocent moles
to do your evil bidding, will you?

You look splendid, Sir Tuxford,

but the crown jewels
are really much more fitting for a princess.

Wouldn't you agree?

The beast, sire. Look.

Poor simple creature.

Cubbi, Tummi, no.

The four-paw drive, Cubbi.
Use the four-paw drive.

I know the captain's supposed to
go down with the ship, but I--

Don't worry, Tummi, Gruffi showed me
how to dig through mud.

Thattaboy, Cubbi.

As soon as we hit bottom,
we'll dig to safety.

Back to Gummi Glen?

Are you kidding?
There's a treasure, remember?

I gotta find out what's in that chest.


After all this,
I just hope it's something to eat.




It's about time you two got home.

GRAMMI: We've been worried sick.
Where have you been?

Looking for treasure.

Yeah, but we didn't find any.

See? I told you looking for some
silly treasure was just a waste of time.

But, Gruffi, it wasn't the treasure
that was important.

- It wasn't?

It was the adventure of finding it.

It's like the ancient Gummis said:

"The long steps in between
are certainIy the best."

Still, it would've been nice
to find something.

Maybe next time, Tummi.


Next time?

You know, I think I finally got the hang
of driving this thing.

Wanna dig some tunnels, Gruffi?

Now you're talking, kid.

- Move over.
- Uh-uh!

This time, I'll drive.
