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05x03 - Bridge on the river gummi & Life of the party

Posted: 06/27/22 07:47
by bunniefuu



SUNNI: I wish we didn't have to come
all this way just to get flax.

I know, Sunni dear, but Cliveden Meadows
is the onIy place it grows.

We need the flax to make our clothes.

I just wish we didn't have to cross
this old bridge.

I know what you mean.

Well, the bridge isn't getting any younger
and neither am I.

Come on.



Why can't we just buy new clothes
like everybody else in Dunwyn?

Don't look down, sweetie.
It onIy makes it worse.

Oh, no.


Quick, your Gummiberry Juice.


GRAMMI: Well, that was the last time
we'll see Cliveden Meadows.

And that old bridge too.

Hey, Gruffers, don't you ever get tired

of fixing these old,
ancient Gummi things?

GRUFFI: Are you kidding?
They made this stuff to last forever.

It's an honour to repair their plumbing.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but wouldn't
you rather create something new

and original for a change?

Why? The ancient Gummis left us
everything we'll ever need.


There she blows.

Did the ancient Gummis
happen to leave a towel?

Very funny.

GRAMMI: What's going on here, Gruffi?
You're a mess.

Well, you don't exactly look like
you stepped out of a picture book yourself.

I don't know. I kind of like that look.

Yeah, if you're a scarecrow.

If you had the morning we had,
you wouldn't be laughing.

Why? What happened?

Oh, nothing.

Except the old Cliveden bridge collapsed
right out from under us.

Simmer down. I'll go fix it.

Good luck.

Here's what's left of it.

Gee, thanks.

There's nothing I can do to fix this.

I'll just have to start from scratch.

Open your eyes, Gruffi.
Opportunity's knocking at your door.

Instead of merely rebuilding
someone else's bridge,

why not create
your very own modern-day masterpiece?

Well, Gruffilangelo, what do you think?

I think you're a couple of Gummiberries
short of a load, Gusto.

Now, stop goofing off.
We've got work to do.

Aha! It works.

Ooh! Can Toadie have a turn too? Ah!

This isn't a toy, you mental midget,
it's the ultimate w*apon.

That's what you said last week.

True, but with this,

I can finally decimate Dunwyn,
defeat Gregor and--

Have a dandy weenie roast?

Onward to Dunwyn.

Nothing can stop me now.


Hm. Looked smaller in catalogue.

I will not be stopped at my own gate,

Get this blasted machine out of here.

As you command,
oh, commanding one.

Okay, on the count of three, push.

One, two...


Aha! Where there's a wall,
there's a way to get through it.

GRUFFI: Good thing
this old crane's still working.

It's gonna be a pretty big bridge,
huh, Gruffi?

Well, since I had to rebuild it anyway,
I thought I'd make a few improvements.

Oh, I almost forgot.
Grammi sent you these muffins.

Sorry, no time to eat.

There's always time to eat.

Not when there's work to be done.


Keep pushing.


Don't stop now, you weaklings.

Perhaps load too heavy for weary ogres.

You might be right, Toadwart.

Let's lighten it up.


Toadie wish Dukie would lighten up.


Now, was that so hard?






Just what I needed.

Oh, Gruffi, I'm glad I caught you.

The kitchen sink is
acting up again and--

I haven't got time for that, Grammi.
I've got a bridge to build.

Don't you think you're getting a bit
carried away with this bridge business?

GRUFFI: Hmph. It's just like you
not to get the big picture.

I'll give the big picture, Gruffi Gummi.

Pipe down. I'll fix your stuff.

After I've finished my bridge.


Ah. I love the smell of mortar
in the morning.

Gruffi, we have to talk.

Not now, Zummi.
Can't you see I'm busy?

Oh, dear.

Why couldn't he build it closer
to the ground?

Gruffi, I just had to ask you,

all this rock and mortar,
what's the point?

Stone lasts longer than wood
and I want this bridge to last forever.

But, Gruffi, it's nor than we meed--

Uh-- Uh-- More than we need.

It's the way the ancient Gummis
would have done it.

But it's too big.

Listen, Zummi,
I'm not stopping and that's final.


We're sinking in the bog.

Do something, you ninny.

Loyal Toadie go down with ship.

No. Get some logs. We'll pry it out.

It not gonna be easy. Oops!

She loves me,

she love me not.

Hey, no time to stop
and stomp the roses.

Gad never have any fun.

Ooh. Lookie, pretty castle.

That no castle, it bridge.

Big bridge.

Yeah, big bump too.

Better tell Dukie.

TOADIE: Heave.

TOADIE: Heave.

- Heave.



I just want to conquer
one itsy-bitsy kingdom.

Is that asking too much?

I finally have the ultimate w*apon
and there's no way to get it to Dunwyn!

We know way.

You do?

How nice of those Gummi bears
to provide us with a shortcut to Dunwyn.

Clever bears think of everything.

Quiet, toad breath. Someone's coming.

GRAMMI: Gruffi, the washing machine
is broken again.

And so is the Gummiberry masher.

And the hot water heater.

TUMMI: And I hate to bring up
my broken bagpipes.

Then don't. Leave me alone.

I already said I'll deal with all
your problems after I finish here.

I just have to put this keystone
in place.

Then you're all invited
to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

I know I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I've got to admit, Gruffi, this rivals anything
the ancient Gummis built.

Gruffi, on behalf of all the Gummi bears,



Guess I'm a little nervous.

That's not nerves, it's Igthorn.



We can't let Igthorn get across.

How can we stop that juggernaut?

Gruffi, you have to destroy the bridge.

Nothing doing.

But there's no other way.


Thanks to your bridge, dummy bears,
nothing can stop me from taking Dunwyn.

He's right, Gruffi.

Maybe I made it too big, too strong.

I just wanted to be remembered.

And here's a taste of my gratitude.

Gruffi, look out.

That tears it.

Stop him!

If I can just remove the keystone...

Say goodbye, Igthorn.


Oh, no. Toadwart!

Oh, Dukie, you do care.

There. That ought to last for a while.

I guess it was foolish to try and outdo
the great Gummis.

- What do you mean, Gruff?
- If we'd really needed something that big,

they would have put it here
in the first place.

Oh, come on, Grufferino.
That was a great bridge.

And you made a big sacrifice
by destroying it.

The ancient Gummis
would have been proud.

You really think so?

Absolutely. Say, I've got an idea.

Just picture this: Mount Gummore.

Huge Gummi heads carved
in the side of a mountain.

One bear could look just like you.

No thanks, Gusto.

My head's not that big anymore.

Well, how do I look?

Dukie look spiffy,
but you sure this good idea?

Don't be such a coward.

Why not? Toadie so good at it.


How come we moving,
but feet not walking?

This is what we came for.

Remember, let me do the talking.

No problem. Toadie just stick
to screaming and pleading.



Yoo-- Whoo-whoo-whoo!

You, ogre, why are you here?

- And who's the village idiot?
IGTHORN: Uh-- Uh-- Uh--

Well? Speak up.

Psst! You're on, lightning lips.

Lady Bane, I am Igthorn,
Duke of Drekmore, and I--

BANE: You have a proposition for me?
- My request is simple.

With my battle savvy and your magic,
together we could conquer Dunwyn.

Ah, Dunwyn. Quaint little place.
Ruled by King Gregor, isn't it?

Yes, that nauseating do-gooder.

Ooh! Lookie, pretty bookie.

Well, to be candid-- You.

Me? Yow! Ah!

No one touches my things. Clear?


As I was saying,
your offer is of no interest to me.

I want real power. The power of magic.

Now, if you could unlock the secrets
inside this, we might have a deal.

A Gummi medallion?

Then you know of these bears?

Oh, they tremble at the sight of me.

Then how come
Gummis always turn--?

Like he said, them sitting ducks.

Duke Igthorn, if you help me steal
the Gummi's magic books--

You'll help me demolish Dunwyn.

With pleasure.

But first, we will need to iron out
the details at your place.

My place?

Yes, a summit meeting.

Something tasteful, elegant.

Because if I get what I want,
you get what you want.

Trust me. It'll be perfect.

I'm gonna find the jiffy tree first.

No, you're not. I am.

I found it last year.

Big deal. I found it the year before.

So today, I'm gonna break the tie.

- Will not.
- Will too.

- Will not.
- Will too.

Will you two settle down?

Now listen, kids.
The Jiffy Tree Hunt isn't just a game.

That's right. We need the sap
of that crazy tree to seal the skylight.

And if you don't find it,

this place is gonna be swimming
in anchovies.

Yeah, and today's our onIy chance.

We know, Zummi.

The jiffy tree comes once a year

In different places, it appears

But once it settles, grab it quick

If skylight glass you wish to stick

And don't forget, the one who catches
the jiffy tree this year

will win lots of prizes.


- Hey, what are we waiting for?
- Let's go.

SUNNI: Get out of my way.

SUNNI: I'm gonna get it this time.
You just watch me.

I hate this holiday.

Please, your smittenness, it be impossible
to get dilapidated Drekmore

in tiptop shape for nitpicky lady.

Toadwart, I must impress Lady Bane.

I want her to see
that I'm a man of elegance and style.

Toadie's point exactly, your obtusity.

Ogres knows zilch about elegance
and style.

- Then it's your job to teach them.
- Argh!

Enthusiastic Toadie can hardly wait.

All I need is one final touch
that will win Lady Bane's heart.

Gifts of flowers usually do trick.

Perfect. Gad, Zook.

- Hail, Dukie.
- Hail, Dukie.

Men, you know what flowers are?

Those delicate things
you usually stomp to bits?

- Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Grand. I want you to gently pick
the most beautiful flowers of the forest

and bring them to me.

Gentle? Us? No way.

Just do it or you'll be piranha chow
by sundown.

Dukie gonna hear from ogre's union
about this.

Out of my way, slowpoke.

I'm gonna find the jiffy tree first.

You don't have a chance.

Wanna bet?

There it is. It's mine.


Ow. You know, this game isn't
as much fun as it used to be.

- Out of my way.
- Coming through.

SUNNI: Me first.
- Eat my dust.


Need more power.



Sorry. Got hairball.




This plenty flowers.

Good. Smell making Zook sick.

- Let me go. I found it.
- Uh-uh.

SUNNI: Did not.
- Let go.

SUNNI: You let go.
- No, that isn't--



Ooh. Nifty plant.

Dukums be tickled-pink over this.

Tickled me pretty good too.

Looks like this game's over.

No way. I'm not gonna let those g*ons
steal my prize.


There it is.

At least it's staying in one place.

Yeah, but fat chance of us getting to it
with all those lumpheads running around.

Would you look at that?

Well, I must say Drekmore
has never looked cleaner.

Because Drekmore
never been cleaned.


It's her. How do I look?
Where do I go? What do I do?

Help me, Toadie. Do something.
Do Something.


Oh, thank you, Toadwart.

I don't know what came over me.

Same here.

Wish me luck.

Go get her, oh, irresistabilitude.

Ah, my dear Lady Bane.

Drekmore is honoured
by your presence.


Your cue, Toadwart.


At once, your austentaciousness.

Take lady's coat.

- Me got it.
- No, me.


You've ruined my cloak!

Be careful with that,
you inept ignoramus.


Apologies, milady,
it won't happen again.

You got that right.

IGTHORN: Come, my dear. Let us toast
the impending defeat of King Gregor.

Sounds delicious.

CUBBI: That's Lady Bane.
What's she doing here?

Igthorn and that sorceress
are gonna attack Gregor.

And if there's no Gregor...

Dunwyn will be doomed.

Guess we better drop the Jiffy Tree Hunt
and stop those two.

- Truce?
- It's a deal.

Now, let's crash this party.

Now, where were we?

I think you were up to the part

where we make life miserable
for the Gummi bears.

One of my favourite pastimes.

Your attention, please.

Chateau Drekmore presents
the house speciality.

Wild boar flambé à la Toadwart.

It's showtime.

Ugh! Whoa!


Ay. Ay!

That does it.

No one makes a fool out of me!



BANE: Hmph!
- Don't go.

Wait for Toadie.


Looks like we both won.

Well, we'll both be losers

- if we don't get out of here fast.
- Good point.

Don't go, my dear. It's not my fault.

Then whose is it?

Well, if-- That is, it's...

Their fault. Those Gummi bears.

Gummi bears?

What Gummi bears?




No. No.

There, there, Dukums.
You find other lady.

Not like her. She was cruel.
She was ruthless. She was cunning.

What a gal.


This stuff never fails to do the trick.

Yeah, and now we have a year supply
of sap. Thanks to you two.

Yeah, well, even if
we did have to share the prizes.

- It's not so bad.
- I guess.

Besides, there's always next year.

Cubbi, give me that back.

Whoa, hey.

Well, it could be worse.


Jiffy Tree Day could come twice a year.